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"look me in the eyes" Wed 12/04/2023 9:38:12 AM 1 year ago No. 375
(1.17 MB 498x255 )
How am i supposed to do that? Do i look at the base of their nose inbetween their eyes? Do i look at one eye? I cant look at 2 things at once, do others can? What do people mean when they say this
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Anonymous Wed 12/04/2023 11:39:26 AM 1 year ago No. 376
Hello "look me in the eyes",

It seems you have mistaken the name field as the subject field. Maybe next time when someone tells you to look into their eyes you take a look at field names located inside of the thread creation form.

Thank you,
Anonymous Fri 14/04/2023 5:12:17 PM 1 year ago No. 379
No you see what you have to do is slightly cross your eyes so that the two eyes you're looking at get superimposed (like those 3d image illusions). At that point the person in front of you will look like a cyclope, but you'll gain the ability to instinctively understand what they're thinking and feeling. That's how most people communicate and get along easily, while those unfamiliar with the trick are stuck with reading ambiguous face expressions and trying to understand vague words such as small talk
Anonymous Fri 14/04/2023 6:41:31 PM 1 year ago No. 380
You see, normalfags want you to actually look at their eyes, as in use both of your eyes to focus on one at a time and change between them until conversation is over. If that's too tiring, you can just look in the general direction of their face (if they are as tall/taller than you be sure to look slightly upwards) and bam, they won't be bitching about the retarded eyes thing
Anonymous Tue 05/09/2023 2:13:10 PM 1 year ago No. 662
Do not blink, look between the eyes. Stand closer to the point where your eyeballs touches the eyes of the person you are looking at. Do not blink, or break eye contact.
Anonymous Mon 09/10/2023 9:13:03 PM 1 year ago No. 750
Do not look a Melon Addict in the eyes, It enrages them. You can spot a Melon Addict easily, They have enlarged pupils, and a viscous grin. At the worse stage of Melon addiction they tend to mutter gibberish which if you already heard, It means your too close and probably doomed.
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