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CAT Sat 07/01/2023 10:48:27 AM 1 year ago No. 51
(588.49 KB 1266x720 )
I wanna be a CAT STAR★
What's with these gators you've always been crazy about?
Unending laughter CAT STAR★ I'll spread my arms wide and
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ (Whoosh!) Just for you

The joy of finding a good post, and the loneliness of seeing a shitty post
Together hands united as we enter and the watermelon addict starts running
I can fly in the sky ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ (Whoosh!) Even though I'm on a board full of NEETs
If only I can make CATTER smile, I will give it a try!

The moment I first posted on the thread
SPIDER★ quickly imposed a restriction that only applied to me

the hidden quality gem beneath the dump
If a thread's important to you, then maintain it

I wanna be a CAT STAR★ Why are you always crazy for these gators?
Extremely grossed out CAT STAR★ I'll spread my arms wide and
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ (Whoosh!) Just for you

I wanna be a CAT STAR★ I will hug you tightly until you finish crying lololol
Can't stop laughing CAT STAR★ Let me grasp... haha Uha... lolol OK... hahaha
I'll post it just for you!
GATOR Sat 07/01/2023 6:26:42 PM 1 year ago No. 52
The fuck you just said to me, you little shit? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the gator special operations academy and have over 200 confirmed otter kills. One time I've even rescued the president from a hostage situation as well as prevented the launch of nukes. Dealing with a small feline like yourself is not even warm up for me, so you better be hiding behind seven proxies or you might just get swallowed like a dunce.
Now leave this place, as you clearly lack sewer smarts.
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 6:57:16 AM 1 year ago No. 53
( ^ω^)
i feel CAT STAR in my head
my guiding moonlight
CAT STAR everlasting
Anonymous Mon 09/01/2023 4:07:28 AM 1 year ago No. 56
is a frame of mind
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
OCTOCAT Sat 14/01/2023 8:38:01 AM 1 year ago No. 62
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
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Anonymous Sun 22/01/2023 2:46:44 AM 1 year ago No. 129
(  )
⊂二二二(  )二⊃
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Anonymous Sun 22/01/2023 6:29:10 AM 1 year ago No. 131
       ^ ^
     (^ω^ ) ni ~yuu!
⊂二二二(    )二⊃
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⊂二二二(    )二⊃
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⊂二二二(    )二⊃
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Anonymous Mon 23/01/2023 2:07:14 AM 1 year ago No. 135
Don't just put spaces there is a special character
CAT Thu 26/01/2023 10:41:55 AM 1 year ago No. 164
I have this song in my head when I read this post.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bWcASV2sey0 [Play]
Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 12:01:06 PM 1 year ago No. 165
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzfteHcskYo [Play]
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm877573 [Play]
It's actually based on a song called POP STAR by Ken Hirai which was one of his "career's biggest hits" a parody of it spawned called "I wanna be a VIP STAR" after someone posted a parody lyrics of the song which was sung by a guy who sounds almost exactly like Ken on 2channel in the news bulletin board (also referred to as VIP) browsed by VIPPERS kind of the same thing we got going with CAT here.
The basic idea of the song was for VIPPERS to aim to be VIP STARS that aim to hold up the quality of the board but unless you know Japanese and were around at the time to experience the VIP QUALITY culture there's basically no way you will understand what any of the lyrics means even by looking up every term in japanese search engines it will yield almost zero results and there's not really any archives.
if you are interested you can always look up the related tags on this page https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/vip to get an idea of the quality projects that were made on that board.
CAT Thu 26/01/2023 2:06:26 PM 1 year ago No. 166
(14.25 KB 166x166 )
Wow, such a high quality post in here! Well thank you for the presentation I'll have a look at this.
Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 12:35:32 PM 1 year ago No. 692
Nor is it to be thought that Anonymous is either the oldest or the last of 22Chan's masters, or that the common bulk of life and substance walks alone. The CAT STAR★s were, the CAT STAR★s are, and the CAT STAR★s shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, they walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen.
𝄞 𝄡 𝄢 𝄖 𝄗 ( ) $ ¥ £ ¢ ω Д ´ @ _ + × ÷ = π
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