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Japanese Imageboard Spelunking Anonymous Tue 15/08/2023 4:59:40 AM 1 year ago No. 626
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Take a deep dive with me and find some hidden treasure. No context is necessary, and there are many ways to explore these boards: https://www.2chan.net/ https://2ch.sc/ https://5ch.net/ https://prev.strangeworld.icu/ You can post screenshots of threads/posts and repost whatever content you find. You can use google translate, deeply and I heard some browsers automatically translate text. There are probably more options out there.
Anonymous Thu 17/08/2023 6:48:17 AM 1 year ago No. 628
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Anonymous Thu 17/08/2023 7:09:15 AM 1 year ago No. 629
Futaba janitor (big breasts straight black hair woman) Incompetent hard worker
2ch janitor (Hiroyuki) Incompetent lazy
5ch janitor (jim?) Competent hard worker
Anonymous Thu 17/08/2023 1:54:03 PM 1 year ago No. 630
i forgot to post these in the OP, these are english portals to futaba.
Anonymous Thu 24/08/2023 6:38:52 AM 1 year ago No. 639
Extremely fascinating looking at their perspective of western media.

>They missed Moore's writing, its magnificence, focused on the story's spectacle and adult themes, and missed the literary pomp of Moore.
>They understood that Moore and Gibbons were throwing all their energy into violence and adulthood, and that was the beauty of comics.

>They concluded that realism in comics is violence and sex.
>The problem was in the 90s. The 90s were full of comics that took realism to mean violence and sex.
>Many of them came from young American creators who read Watchmen at a young age and couldn't understand what they were reading.
>Most did not have the talent to create works like >Moore, but the British creators who emerged after >Moore never did that.
>They understood, that violence was a tool, but that for a story to be real, it needed more than violence.

>Realism in comics came to mean violence, sex, swearing, and gray morality. I'll admit that sometimes it worked.

>What do you think matures about Watchmen? It's not violence, it's emotion. Night Owl feels unsatisfactory.
"A comedian who is a sadist. The figure of Silk Spectre seeking love and acceptance. The silent despair of Ozymandiaz in the face of Armageddon. >That's the reality. Emotion. It's something we can all understand.
Anonymous Thu 24/08/2023 3:13:40 PM 1 year ago No. 642
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I saved this a while back on a 4chan thread.
Anonymous Thu 21/09/2023 3:04:35 AM 1 year ago No. 703
video 4, Average day in Vietnam.
Anonymous Wed 12/06/2024 3:46:51 PM 4 months ago No. 1128
 く/・゜ ⌒ヽ
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 く、・。 (∩ ̄]
Anonymous Sat 22/06/2024 11:01:52 PM 3 months ago No. 1153
Ever since Jim Watkins pried 2channel from Hioryuki's hands (you can read about it here: https://anonymous-japan.org/fake2ch/)
There have been apparently threads called "Let’s talk with Jim-san" discussing the future of the website where Jim Watkins goes under the "Grape Ape ★" alias (honestly he should just have shortened it to nigger) responding to all comments in English:
I am unsure of how that nigger Hiroyuki interacted with the 2ch community prior to Jim Watkins but I do like how much Jim interacts with the community in these posts.
Anonymous Sun 23/06/2024 2:25:27 AM 3 months ago No. 1154
Interesting. This site alleges that 2chan allowed third parties to censor posts for a fee, and that one of the customers was the japanese ruling party LDP. Additionally, the author suggests the administration had been pushing right wing propaganda on 2chan.

Now I find this interesting because after Hioryuki lost access to 2chan, he bought 4chan in 2015. Wasn't that right around the time when 4chan started turning really right wing? People complain about shills on 4chan all the time, but I never considered the possibility of it being a major influence on the site
Anonymous Sun 23/06/2024 3:13:50 AM 3 months ago No. 1155
And what's happening with jim now? I didnt realise he posted on 2chan back in the day.
Anonymous Sun 23/06/2024 3:32:54 AM 3 months ago No. 1156
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2chan/Futaba☆Channel = 2chan.net
2ch, 2channel = 5ch.net, 2ch.net, 2ch.sc
chan = imageboard, (ex: 4chan.org = imageboard)
channel = textboard, (ex: 4-ch.net = textboard)
(Although on the Japanese internet when a person says "2chan" they probably mean 2channel also instead of saying 4chan to refer to 4chan they say 4ch.)
Because of the stuff stated in the article Hiroyuki is like the perfect guy to work with the feds like god knows what kind of system was implemented ever since he took ownership of the website like I bet every "Anonymous" user has his own folder where they track every single thing they do on the website which they hand over to feds or sell to advertisers coming from from the same ip-address like post-data, mouse movements, redirects, opened/downloaded files.
I also remember watching a livestream from null (the owner of kiwifarms) on the situation with Hiroyuki and Jim Watkins a few years ago: https://youtu.be/AJouK4e28hE [Play] and from what I remember, null being the normalnigger that he is (taking shit at face value without doing any actual research), bought everything Hiroyuki said about the situation portraying Hiroyuki as the sole victim having done absolutely nothing wrong in this case.
I should probably rewatch that livestream since my memory about it is kind of foggy although I remember there being a few mentions about how Jim kept losing many users to platforms like twitter and how when he tried to modernize 2channel users kept getting mad at him since they like their internet looking like it's out of the last century.
It would be really interesting to hear this from the perspective of any 2channel users who were around during Hiroyuki's reign to compare his treatment to Jim Watkin's of the website and if Jim Watkin's statement of how Hiroyuki abandoned the website is really true as just browsing the "Let’s talk with Jim-san" threads it feels almost as if Hiroyuki neglected the website for many years until Jim Watkin's stepped in and fixed problems plaguing the website for years. You can just hear many user's crying out with a loud voice "JIM-SAN HELP US!" and him being completely overwhelmed with the amount of stuff he's tasked to do.
Anonymous Sun 07/07/2024 7:01:41 AM 3 months ago No. 1163
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>>>/b/573/#3099 I'm surprised you still remember... Also yeah I probably rewatched Oruchuban Ebichu more than 6 times lol.
おーまーんこ まーんこ
おまんこー まんこ

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おーまんこー まーんこー
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おーまんこー まーんこー
おーまんこー おーまーんーこー
まんこー まんこー
おーまんこー まーんこー
Anonymous Sun 07/07/2024 3:14:29 PM 3 months ago No. 1164
i can't forget it, ever since i heard this i have been cursed. it plays endlessly in my mind, even when i am asleep. i visualise the cat and i remember the lyrics and the music. it was my mistake not to download this for surely this would have silenced the voices endlessly calling "manko"
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