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Emulation thread Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 1:29:29 AM 2 years ago No. 1
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Thread to discuss and share emulators and the games that you can and are playing in them. Now for a sitedump
Some sites to download various games and even emus:

Other sites to get games that are not necessarily game sites:

Emulator collection for retards and not as retards that want shaders/filters:

MSX emulator:

PC-98 emulator:

PS3 emulator:
Xbox 360 emulator:

3DS emulator:

Switch emulators:
A site for Switch games (If you get a warning, use a VPN):
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Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 12:20:11 PM 2 years ago No. 2
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Awesome seeing the emulation thread up again! I'm the anon who made it on the old 22, lol.
I'd like to add two great emulators for Playstation:


Anonymous Tue 27/12/2022 5:14:42 PM 2 years ago No. 7
Emulation wiki
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 3:27:26 PM 2 years ago No. 28
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vimm's is cool and all but I feel like a lot of other sites get the job done much better. and faster.

sure it's good for archival but when it comes to ui and download speed holt moly, the site looks like a page from 2008 with a red filter on it. trying to download any game bigger than a gb off of vimm's is unlikely to finish before the heat death of the universe. I swear I just wanted to play pokepark 2 and I had to download a mouse jiggler so my computer didn't shut off during the three yuga I had to wait for the rom to finish downloading...
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 6:23:35 PM 2 years ago No. 29
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>vimm's is cool and all but I feel like a lot of other sites get the job done much better. and faster.
Share some, then. I shared Vimm because it's one of the first sites that came to my mind when making the OP. And talking about Vimm, The idolm@ster 2 for the xbox 360 is finally available there
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 12:33:08 AM 2 years ago No. 30
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After 1500 years I finally finished downloading im@s 2 from vimm and the audio is really fucked. It's not even lag, because the game itself runs smoothly. I could just mute the game, but playing an im@s game with no sound defeats the purpose.
Listen to it by yourselves [Play]
(It was supposed to be a video, but catbox went full retard and only lets you listen to the audio).

I was planning to fuck around with the settings so I could figure out some kind of special config to fix the audio, assuming it's not a problem with the iso itself, but then I realized it's a problem with xenia. [Play]
I found this video from 3 years ago claiming "huge performance increase" in the game when running it on xenia, but it still sounds like a MIDI concert from hell. Disappointing, really, but at least I finally have the iso
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 1:30:10 AM 2 years ago No. 31
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You should try IM@S 2 with RPCS3 since the last time I tried it on my machine it worked flawlessly without any bugs whatsoever apart from the audio glitching every now and then.
IM@S 1 (the superior game) using the Xenia emulator if I remember correctly also has a lot of issues where the game tends to randomly crash once you get to the next day and it is impossible to have a save slot because save files do not register for some reason.
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 2:14:12 AM 2 years ago No. 32
Could you please hook me up with a link to the iso/folder? It'd be of great help
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 2:21:48 AM 2 years ago No. 33
Try this
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 5:54:33 PM 2 years ago No. 34
Working perfectly. And what a great site, somehow I didn't know it until now. Thanks dude [Play]
Anonymous Sun 15/01/2023 8:05:02 PM 2 years ago No. 82
Do you use shaders? After some research I think I'm going to use stock guest-advanced (for snes games)
Anonymous Mon 16/01/2023 9:25:05 AM 2 years ago No. 83
Do you use retroarch or what?
Anonymous Mon 16/01/2023 10:34:44 AM 2 years ago No. 84
Anonymous Mon 16/01/2023 4:29:27 PM 2 years ago No. 86
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In my case, I use crt-consumer. I think it's pretty neat: The colors pop out correctly and aren't washed out like in other shaders, no obnoxious scanlines or bloom effects that sore the eye and everything looks like it should.
Take a look at this PSX Metal Slug screenshot I made comparing no shaders, crt-consumer and crt-guest-advanced.
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 2:44:20 PM 2 years ago No. 87
Very nice. The reason why I picked crt-guest-advanced was because it doesn't alter the image heavily; as you can see in your comparison it doesn't darken the image much while still making the pixels stand out less. As someone who's been playing without shaders till now it seems less extreme. However crt-consumer clearly looks much better in your pic. Maybe I should give it a go. I'd remove the curvature though
Anonymous Thu 19/01/2023 4:24:11 PM 2 years ago No. 88
>I'd remove the curvature though
The curvature puts a lot of people off, but I like it. Here are some that work well and don't have curvature. You can also try the NTSC ones if none of these really does it for you [Show]
Anonymous Fri 20/01/2023 10:22:46 AM 2 years ago No. 89
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If you didn't know, FE Engage is already out on NXBrew. Here's the 1.1.0 update + DLC
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 6:48:48 PM 2 years ago No. 115
Curvature can be turned off in the shader parameters, so it's not an issue. Thanks for making the comparisons. I think I'll stick to the advanced for now, later when I have more of a feel for it I might consider looking through the various options
Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 11:11:50 PM 2 years ago No. 173
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What are some good Reshade presets for emulating old games? I've been messing around with the filters for a bit but I haven't been able to get a look I'm comfortable with
Anonymous Fri 07/07/2023 2:37:41 AM 1 year ago No. 434
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I got Flycast so I could play Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I understand the Dreamcast version is accurate to the arcade, although the decision to make so much of the cast unlockable seems unfortunate for a port.
I like the original characters, so I'm playing two of them and Ryu even though they're not that good. Amingo is a cool design too, but I couldn't fight with him at all. I think I have a good understanding of the system mechanics; I just haven't gotten the hang of a lot of them in practice yet.
The webm is the furthest stage I've managed to clear in arcade mode. The bots are prone to falling for supers when they really shouldn't, so I got away with a few that were ill-advised.
Overall, I like this game's style and it seems fun to learn.
Anonymous Mon 24/07/2023 7:48:18 PM 1 year ago No. 458
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Since we're talking about MvC now, here's a video of me playing against a few matches in arcade. Personally I'm not a fan of MvC2, I don't like being forced to play more than 1 character and I prefer more traditional 6-button input layouts like in MvC1. I'm not very good at the games yet and learning 3 whole characters feels overwhelming for me.
Maybe at some point I'll do an MvC2 video, or maybe some Skullgirls matches if people are interested.
Anonymous Tue 25/07/2023 4:51:08 AM 1 year ago No. 460
Wolverine is absolutely tearing you up, lol. I got that you beat two other guys but wolvie really did hold on for dear life.
Anonymous Tue 25/07/2023 8:08:22 AM 1 year ago No. 461
Nice. I haven't learned MvC1, but that's the one they have at the arcade near me. Unfortunately, it only seems to work on the player 2 side.
There is a lot to remember when playing 3 characters, but it helps that some of the inputs are standardized. You generally get an launching attack on one of the crouching heavies regardless of character, and the supers are mostly quarter circle inputs with a light and heavy button together. The normal cancels are consistent enough to pick up easily, too. I'd be interested to see whatever else you like to play.
Yeah, by the end I wasn't even sure I had enough life to win. I haven't played much lately. Maybe I should get back into it.
Anonymous Tue 25/07/2023 11:48:16 AM 1 year ago No. 462
Here's a few more of my matches from that same arcade mode playthrough, plus an MvC2 match. To be completely honest I only started playing MvC1 yesterday, but I'm getting into it way easier than I did MvC2. Maybe MvC1 is easier, I dunno. In general with older FG's I find a lot of the inputs to be sort of sticky which makes moving smoothly and doing exactly what I want at any given moment way harder.
As evidenced by your WebM, a lot of matches in MvC2 seem to end in time outs. Almost every single win I get is due to that, which I find strange since in most fighting games the timer is such a non-concern that it barely affects the outcome of matches. I feel like MvC2 rewards turtling too much, and you can already see the seeds being planted of the franchise being a cancerous zoner spamfest which I think is awful.
The only other FG I take interest in is Skullgirls, and I would post some of those matches but that isn't on topic for this thread.

Sorry about the MvC2 scanlines, I wasn't expecting them to be so bad in the recording.
Anonymous Fri 22/09/2023 5:01:34 AM 1 year ago No. 577
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I just finished a 1cc of Thunder Force II. Since I was emulating on BizHawk, I took a replay, so the webm is my favorite boss fight.
I haven't played many shmups other than Touhou, but I'm glad I branched out. This game has a different appeal, probably more typical of the genre, with simple bullet patterns that emphasize speed rather than density. Also, the levels have terrain instead of just enemies, so there are multiple routes at times. The level design does a good job at bringing out the strengths of the various weapons, which can be selected on the fly, creating some fun strategy.
The levels alternate between freely scrolling top-view segments and more standard side-view segments like the one shown. The top-view levels are generally easier, but they have lucrative time bonuses. This game is generous in giving out extra lives for scoring, so it's rewarding to optimize for speed. I understand the first game was comprised entirely of top-view levels, and they were axed in the third. At any rate, I appreciated the variety.
In summation, this is a quintessential Genesis game with fun gameplay and a cool soundtrack. I've downloaded the ROMs for the sequels, too, so I'll probably play them next. Does anyone know about them?
Anonymous Fri 22/09/2023 4:07:07 PM 1 year ago No. 580
You really can doge the shit they throw at you.
>does anyone know about them
I had a playstation 2 version when i was a kid. It was still a sidescroller bullet hell game, but in 3d.
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 5:29:40 AM 1 year ago No. 583
thunder force 4 has 0 flaws. For me it's my favorite shmup, the perfect game. Playing them backwards, 3 was underwhelming in comparison, but I somehow enjoyed 2 more. I remember being stuck on the level preceding that boss, and how proud I felt when I beat it. I've only got to the final topdown level a few times, but haven't beat it.
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 5:53:53 AM 1 year ago No. 585
I feel like thats funny because usually as a series grows, sometimes the later games usually are shit.
Anonymous Thu 12/10/2023 1:01:21 AM 1 year ago No. 637
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I finished Thunder Force III. It's a lot easier than the previous game. In fact, this may be the easiest shmup I've ever played. I had to record a whole level for the webm because the bosses all go down in seconds.
Still, I think this game is generally superior to Thunder Force II. Taking away the top-view levels keeps things focused and coherent, and the level design feels more intentional. Again, it leans into the variety of weapons as the main strategic element.
The graphics are greatly improved, not only with better sprites, but also some cool parallax effects and foreground elements, among other things. Likewise, the soundtrack has more nuance and longer loops.
As well-made as it is, this game is easy to recommend, especially for beginners. It might warrant a replay on a higher difficulty eventually, but first I'll move on to Thunder Force IV.
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