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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Anonymous Sun 01/12/2024 3:56:50 PM 3 months ago No. 1094
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If you have played persona 3, this thread is for you. Let's discuss the story of these games, and any developer secrets or trivia you might know.
Media wise, i heard from a cat that the manga was shit and the anime trilogy was decent and there was a sequel set 10 years later called "Persona: Trinity Souls" that was supposed to be good.

I would like to be frank as OP by saying i would have liked to play the original game but i am stuck with Reload, If i get a physical copy of the original, or FES then i will be talking about it immediately.
It seems logical to say that the original seems to be the one to focus discussions around, although some might not be able or willing to emulate it, Persona 3 portable is controversial due to it having to cut corners to even exist but it probably was the first way people experienced persona 3, and the added female protagonist seems to be something people enjoy. Persona 3, Reload is a diffrent beast. It's also newer but with changes made that let hardcore ps3 fans down and some changes that they enjoyed but overall to them, it appears to be at best mediocre from their perspective.
I haven't done any research or read or watched any reviews that spoiled the story for me so everything i mention is from my point of view and i'll be blind or oblivious from any perspective people have of reload, or alterations from the original game that only exist in reload.
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Anonymous Mon 02/12/2024 4:36:03 AM 3 months ago No. 1095
it was revealed that i was getting monitored by shuji, and he dismissed yukaris complaints about it, and afterwards damn near let yukari get killed so that my persona power would activate. when she basically admitted what was going on i personally felt like she's one of the only trusteorthy person on SEES. not a fan of shuji, and i'm getting a feeling that SEES is nothing but a glownigger operation and that even if i can trust the others, everyone is getting used somehow for some stupid fucking goal i don't know about yet like it seems too simple for shit to be like "join the government and save the world"
i don't understand why i was made leader, if its another glowop or if it's bad writing, i feel that yukari should have been although to be honest she couldn't even use the evoker so it seems like maybe it had to be this way?
junpei seems too green to even join SEES, a part of me is wondering if he's gonna fuck up somehow, but at the same time he also made an interesting point, why make the evoker a gun? he pointed out it was nutty for someone to like, point a gun at their face and pull the trigger, why not a remote or button? maybe the fear reaction or the
desensitization to death?
Anonymous Tue 03/12/2024 6:27:42 AM 3 months ago No. 1097
Does anyone else struggle with finding SP restoring items? Are you really forced to scrounge through only vending machines or will the medicine shop sell that stuff eventually?
It seems to be my biggest bane. At least in 5 you can get shit from the cafe but it seems in 3 i am out of luck (so far).
Anonymous Tue 03/12/2024 3:26:22 PM 3 months ago No. 1098
Yeah i checked and its already april 23 in game and i pretty much knocked out tartarus on april 20. I mean fully wiped tartarus, all 22 floors, all chests, all shadows even the bosses without skipping anything. by the time it was over my team had no SP left besides junpei, and we all had our health knocked down to a quarter, with no healing items left that we got from the start. From 5000 starting shekels to buy shit got doubled to roughly 20000. This was on normal difficulty so maybe i should have started on something harder lol.
Anonymous Mon 16/12/2024 6:14:21 AM 2 months ago No. 1105
The full moon event was bitchin'
Nice visual flair and some drama with a really cool boss. I liked the timed battle aspect that got turned up every time the boss fast forwarded time, i was lucky as hell to be well prepared and at a decent level, otherwise i would've probably gotten fucked. I don't know why junpei was acting out though. Afterwards it was comfy actually being able to hang out with junpei (have a soft spot for comic books and i really like arcades and junpei having a great voice actor is a plus) and i'm looking forwards to fucking finally getting to know the other teammates.
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