Over the last few years, my video game backlog has become bigger and bigger to the point that I don't know if I'll ever run out of games to play. People of working age seem to experience more game backlogs for a variety of reasons. In this thread, we will document our progress in whatever game we are playing. In this thread, we will be encouraged to finish games that we have already started. Your updates don't have to be much just do them to encourage yourself. I'll start. Recently I've started the Square Enix RPG Live a Live. Initially, I chose to play as a ninja character. I like fighting everyone I can. Usually, I poison the character and allow the enemy to die from a distance. The campaign has more to offer, but so far it's been fun.
I picked up Madou monogatari and it's been fun. It's pretty short and I can probably finish it off soon enough, but i have this bad habit of getting far in a game and just dropping it. Hopefully I'll be completing it tomorrow
I try not to feel overwhelmed by my backlog... It just seems like there is so much to experience!
Anyway, I'm playing starcraft, and i've reached the terran campaign in the expansion. Unfortunately on the last protoss mission i turned turbo-autistic and instead of following the objective (defend the temple for 15 minutes) I eliminated all the zerg from the map and proceeded to wait for 15 minutes while doing nothing at all...
The game is really fun otherwise
I finally beat a chapter of the Banner of the Maid. Mistakenly I kept walking to the barracks, and enemies kept appearing. Despite not walking on the barrack spot on the map, the level was still difficult because weapons can only be used so much. I could have used weaker units, but the level did not allow me to lose more than two units. On a good note, I am close to being able to promote my units.
I recently beat virtual boy wario land after wanting to play it for some time. Every time i saw this game lauded above the rest of the wario franchise I was sure it was some form of egoism / contrarianism due to its obscurity, but it's actually a real quality game. I kind of want to go back and beat it 100% now. Each wario game is a little different from the others so they're fun to compare. My ranking would go 4 > VB > 2 > 1 > 3. Getting myself familiar with the rest of the virtual boy catalogue was fun as well, getting to know the rather impressive sound and visual capabilities of the system (other than wario land i'd also recommend bound high as the virtual boy's best game).
My backlog is still intensive, but it's nice to knock a couple of the shorter games off there every so often. This game took just over 2 hours in-game time to complete
Interesting ranking; having played all of them except VB myself, I'd be inclined to rank them 3 >= 4 > 2 > 1. What makes you put 3 at the bottom? I thought it had very clever game design and some of the best animation on the GBC.
The structure of the game just wasn't too appealing to me. Going back to find an alternate path through a level was only cool the first few times it happened, then it just felt like padding. Even with the aspect of gaining new abilities, I was never excited about it because they were so situational and barely expanded on anything, like they were simply a method of supporting the game's style of progression and not really adding to it. I was also disappointed how stripped back the treasure hunting aspect of the game was. Attempting such a gameplay style is admirable, but I just don't think it worked
Somethings wrong with me where i keep jumping from game to game, sometimes i get bored and stop, sometimes i cant get myself to play agame out of nowhere, sometimes i get the urge to play a game and switch over to another game? I don't know why i'm doing this.
I managed to beat chapter 14 of Banner of the Maid yesterday. The game is pretty challenging for someone who has mainly played Fire Emblem when it comes to tactical RPGs. I am not used to levels that take at least forty minutes because in Fire Emblem you could just one-shot an enemy when you had an advantage. In Banner of the Maid, you have a more subtle advantage. So chapter 14 was hard because you couldn't allow all the allies who didn't fight back to die. The amount of mud and thick grass that form physical barriers was ridiculous. The boss was hard too, because she wouldn't take any damage from certain units. I only beat the level out of sheer luck.
I am near the end of Final Fantasy IV. Right now I am in the giant of Babil and the enemies I encounter are hard. The Lunarian aka Fusoya dies easily and it isn't that great considering Rydia also dies easily. Sadly it seems I am going to grind a little more.
Eventually, I defeated the Elemental Lords, but the boss was still pretty stupid. All the online sites said to use the slow spell, but what ended up working was using those items that conjure spells when using them. The boss was hard for no reason, and it felt like I wasn't beating the boss with how much I ground and it just felt like I just played the boss's game. The same thing was with the CPU of the giant. I had to work around the boss's retarded quirks. If you defeat the defense one you can just fight the CPU open season. I am nearing the end.
I beat final fantasy 4, and it is a great game overall. Everyone into turned-based rpgs should play them someday.
Started playing oblivion a week ago after putting it off for a year after losing some items i liked. started anew with a new character and everything and i'm literally smoking through the game. knocked out a ton of quests, and the mages, thieves and assassins guilds at the same time in like 30 minutes. also the shivering isles DLC
I am kind of mad that they had to go with cyrodill having the typical medieval setting instead of going with the Mediterranean greece/rome they hinted at in morrowwind but whatever. I think the key to enjoying this game is really talking to every npc you meet before doing anything and really hard core roleplaying and reading the in game books. most quests actually intertwined with others instead of pulling a fallout 3 where after the quest is over the npc just stops being a living person and becomes a wooden plank repeating the same phrases,(although it still can happen) some of the quest reawards are pretty damn cool too or at least memorable.
It was cool when the characters they didn't have room for in the party healed the members they were most like. I thought I was going to have to use a Phoenix Dawn for it.
Lately, I've been playing Dark Deity, a neat tactical RPG. If you like old-school Fire Emblem, this game would be a nice love letter to Fire Emblem. One difference I have noticed is that the game is easier than Fire Emblem. There are quests where I just need to reach a certain turn to win, whereas, with Fire Emblem, you need to kill every enemy or boss. It is a fun experience and I am hooked so far.
What horror games are you playing/Plan on playing?
Me, I beat Dead Space finally. It was worth the re-play. I Plan on watching Alien then playing Alien: Isolation. To be honest i got my ass kicked even on fucking normal mode, Not going to stop me this time from fucking finally beating it. SIGNALIS is something i really want to play in the future and Silent Hill. Alien: Isolation is a great game atleast so far and i maybe made it a quarter in but i think i made a bad save to where if i even turn a quarter the alien kills me in an endless loop so i think i just have to restart at this point. Its been a few years and i forgot how to play it so i might as well.
I plan on getting into the Silent Hill series. The graphics and soundtrack are both appealing to me.
It was painful as fuck to close all the oblivion gates and i finally pulled it off. I beat the main game. I guess i have to figure out how the hell to do knights of the nine and i'd like to find the sheogorath shrine to get the jabberwhock. It was a good ride while it lasted. I played it on console and if i had a gaming PC and shit i think i would have downloaded a fuck ton of mods to balance out the game, improve the graphics (and the ugly NPCs) and restore any cut content. It was still an enjoyable game and it reminds me of old shitty rpg games i used to play like pirates of the carribean online. The most important quests to really play are the mages guild, Assassins guild, and the Theif guild, those really mattered. Without those quests i feel like the game would have been more lackluster in my eyes. Also there was a neat quest where you have to enter a painting to save some dude which was also neat.
Oh yeah i forgot to mention because of some weird bug i am constantly on fire with no way to make it stop. After the shivering isle dlc theres this thing where you have to stand in some magic fire and i guess the affect was supposed to be temporary but for me its not fucking stopping and it makes it hard as fuck to see in first person mode
Have you ever played Silent Hill?
I finally beat the game. I finished whatever little side missions i thought was interesting, then i focused on knights of the nine. It took me 20 minutes to basically find all the shrines or whatever they are called and 10 minutes to do the rest of the dlc, i have to say besides the chore of finding al the shrine thingies, it was actually entertaining. The story was great and the bossfight was epic. The level design was refreshing too. I didn't bother doing anything related to the dedra shrines, nor did i do the spree killing i had planned because i got bored and didn't want to go through all the effort. Oblivion has some flaws that can be easily overlooked , I enjoyed it while it lasted. Thinking about morrowind next, I have the disc on xbox and its backward compatible with the series x which i have, and the story and gameplay seem neat. (i played a bit of it and was doing chores for the mages guild and got sidetracked IRL, and with other games and now i'm thinking of just finishing the damn thing)
I was thinking of buying the latest version of skyrim but to be honest i don't trust todd and his lies, and i heard it fucks up the lore even more then oblivon, but at the same time i feel like even if it is stupid, It still could end up being "stupid fun" if you know what i mean.
Personally I've been playing morrowind. After all I had heard about the game my expectations were a bit too high and I found many aspects of the game disappointing (just how slow the movement is, 95% of npc's not having any unique lines, most quests being very mundane). But I am starting to appreciate it ever since my daring levitation escape from Balmora for that one Varro mission. And I like how every city has its own architecture.
I just started playing knights of the old republic, the lore is pretty fucking neat so far and the gameplay is ok.
Taris is basically the 22chan story wtf how did they know?
After finding the undercity, (22chan 1.0) who has been oppressed by the rest of the internet, have now dwindled in numbers, an infection of rakghoul disease (melon addiction) hasn't helped either, it turns them into (melon addicts) brainless degenerate monsters spouting gibberish and are fucking hard to kill and generally annoying pests. I the chosen one who is the savior of the gators must unironically dwell the deepest of sewers to find a cure to the disease and to find the so called "promised land" (22chan 3.0) which is free of melon addicts and is the comfy hideaway and the best place to go. Staying where they are at (livechan) would have meant they would have all rotted away. So finding the Promised Land is a must but some are skeptical because they have forgotten of its existance or feel they are better where they or at or fled to elsewhere, or died off.
Jokes aside, Knights of the old republic was in my backlog for so long and it was worth checking out. For whatever reason after buying it on discount i never bothered to play it after two years and i was stupid for not bothering.
I beat the first game, and now i am playing the second game in the series. the gameplay is buggy but the dialoge is fucking incredible.
I don't have the time to play games as much and i do have a very large backlog but it was worth it. I broke gameplay apart for like 30 minutes per day, It was actually nice, and due to how the game and story is told i never got frustrated by having to quit because life getting in the way and lose progress because i couldn't save.
I am progressing quite well in Dark Deity, and I have reached a point where all the class upgrades have been achieved. My favorite class at the moment is the Champion class due to the aesthetics. Irving, the main character has become a powerful unit that can hold his own. I was a bit disappointed with him till then now, he is a great unit.
I am nearing the end of the main story. I don't know how long the DLC is, but the team is very overpowered unless the unit is useless against the enemy. I am ready to see the end of the game. It has been fun so far.
Beat Dark Deity and it was an enjoyable experience overall.
I beat the first main level of Gravity Circuit today. I was surprised by how much thought was put into the game. There were four challenges I had to overcome before I got to the boss. All four challenges were very punishing. The one I remember the most was the one I had to predict where I would teleport. It was punishing because if you guessed wrong, you'd lose 1/8 of your health. The boss was challenging, but it was very satisfying beating it. I am looking forward to playing it more.
>All four challenges were very punishing
I'd like to know more about this. How hard was it really? I've been considering playing Gravity Circuit recently but I don't want to pick up a game like that if it's not comically difficult.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate it? How difficult was it compared to other games you've played?
It isn't the hardest game in the world, but the game makes you think. If you don't think you will die. I have not finished the game, but it is what I wanted. The game is like a Megaman, and it is. I'd give it an 8/10 if that means anything to you.
How's live a live going for you OP? I'm currently switching from metroid dread and DragonBall legends for games.
I've put it on the back burner because the dungeon I am on is confusing. Honestly, I need encouragement to continue. Has this ever happened to you?
Gravity Circuit is getting easier but not less enjoyable. It is fulfilling to see I am getting better at the game. Today, I beat the level called Powerplant, and what made the level interesting was that the floors were electric based on enemies or the power being left on. Once I figured out what was happening it became a fun challenge to avoid the electric floors. The boss was surprisingly easy because I saved my super moves when he was unleashing his hardest move to avoid.
I failed at the snow stage on Gravity Circuit. I tried for an hour, and I don't think I made it halfway through the level. The level was chock-full of monsters that would do a freeze attack. There were these enemies all around me, and they were relentless. The final straw was when I was frozen on a platform that plunged to my death. I'll have to try again later.
I tried again with the snow stage. I wasn't successful this time for similar reasons as last time. The challenges are so frustrating pic related.
Your posts intrigued me to give the game a try .The game is not for me so I'm not gonna play through it.
But I wanted to mention that to me it became way easier when I set the running controls to "inverse" in the option menu so you are always running unless you press the button. Also the autofire for punching could be useful too. So try that if you haven't and are still having trouble.
>The game is not for me so I'm not gonna play through it.
So you gave up on the game? What turned you off the game if so? I am not having trouble fighting the hardest part is the stage itself.
I beat the City Center level on Gravity Circuit. It reminded me of the Sonic Adventure and Azure Striker Gunvolt. The game design reminded me of Sonic Adventure, and the gameplay reminded me of Azure Striker Gunvolt. The atmosphere made me think of Azure because it was dark and was in the midst of the city. This level was one of the more difficult stages because you had to be paying attention. The level took place in a city as a train moved through it. Sometimes, you would hit the skyscraper, and it would be a devastating hit. It was a hard but satisfying level.
>So you gave up on the game? What turned you off the game if so?
The movement and level design just made me wish I was playing megaman zero instead, this game just feels a lot less polished.
>I am not having trouble fighting the hardest part is the stage itself.
The running setting I mention is for the stage,from what I played I really think the stages are designed for you to always be running, so not having to hold the button frees up your hand.
I managed to beat the last two stages before the final boss. Both of them were challenging stages in the sense that they both had many obstacles that you could easily lose, but now that I am done with those stages, I am ready for the final boss. This is also working well on schedule for me because my goal for myself is to beat at least one game a month this year.
I've started Sea of Stars recently, and it has some good potential. I love the art style of the game, and the gameplay is what I am looking for in an RPG. I have only done the tutorial section so far.
I beat the final boss of Gravity Circuit. It was useful to have the heal special ability considering the boss had three energy bars and the fake boss had two. I am shocked that I beat the game, considering it took me hours to beat the final boss. I thoroughly enjoyed the game and would recommend the game to people who enjoy platformers like Megaman.
My experience with the beginner dungeon in Sea of Stars was a bit disappointing. I understand that the first dungeon is there to teach people the basics, but I thought gaming was past the first dungeon being basic. The boss, on the other hand, was interesting because you had to defeat the sword to avoid a very powerful combo. Fighting the boss was a good learning experience for what was to come.
I haven't progressed hugely in Sea of Stars but I have made it to the first city. It is cool because the city is inhabited by some rat or mole thing. I look forward to what is next.
I beat the first actual dungeon in Sea of Stars, and I enjoyed it. The story behind it was funny to me. This sperg mole was clogging the mountain with the wind. The dungeon itself was a challenge but not too difficult.
I finally finished knights of the old republic part 2, The ending was lackluster and there wasn't exactly any real closure for the side characters. I guess the ride itself was fun and i was itching to finally beat the game because i was to busy to finish it off before.
In Dragon Quest 11 last night, I beat the Octopus boss. So far, the challenges have been manageable, but this boss took three tries to win. The combo of the two tentacles wrecked my party. I managed to beat the boss by changing the tactics of my party and attacking the boss rather than the tentacles.
After finishing the previous dungeon, I did a transitional stage that was a waterfall. It was simply breathtaking visually, but what bummed me out it was relatively short.
I finished the story that was related to the octopus today. The story connects a mermaid with the grandson of a lover. I ended up getting an item that will probably be important.
I beat the part related to that possessed little girl. Honestly I don't understand where the story is going because I thought I was gathering orbs not fighting some random possessed little girl.
i had some minor time on my hand to play new vegas.
honest hearts had potential but it fizzled out real quick. the layout of the world is also boring so there wasn't much use in exploring. old world blues has better potential, so far its decent but damn is the difficulty gap is fucking steep.
it said it would be wise for players level 15+ to play but its more like level fucking 25.
Today I opened all the chest that were previously locked for some reason. It was like chrims but in Dragon Quest.
I didn't make much progress in either game I've been playing. In Sea of Stars, I found out Garl was sick for reasons, and I had to do this dungeon. I went through the forest mistakenly not the dungeon like the new character Serai said. I had to backtrack, and I will pick up tomorrow. Dragon Quest 11, I found out the next orb was frozen. I got lost in the area before the castle.
I recently finished the initial dungeon in Live a Live and it was an excellent experience. It was challenging but not too challenging for it to be unfun. It made you think while you were having fun. There were also some things they put in to throw you off like the enemies in the attack which was an unwinnable battle meant to be avoided. The boss battle was fun because you had to fight the boss multiple times and his tactics were different each time. Now I have to the next path I am going to take. This isn't my primary game but I am going to make an effort to play it at least once every two weeks.
i"m literally damn near level 30 and those fucking nightcrawlers or whatever they are called are raping me
the only useful weapon was the silenced 22 SMG but i'm outta the 456 '22 ammo i had stocked up and i aint going to waste what i have left or dump caps for more ammo
dispite those fuckers it's pretty great to make progress on a game i haven't played in years.
not trying to be that guy to go and make excuses for stuff but, it was slow on purpose insofar if you didn't properly fuck with your stats early on of course you'd be slow but again i understand and there's several ways to overcome that. you can soultrap attributes to yourself by aiming for the floor at a high rate for one second to increase your speed, and whatever. train by jumping like a cat on crack for a while, or go and get an item like "the boots of blinding speed" and remove the blinding debuff.
for soultrap bullshittery, it goes as such:
buy a fuck ton of spells. soultrap, fortify attributes, and health i guess
fortify (insert attribute here) on self , 100 magnitude for 1 sec.
then apply soultrap for target for 1 sec.
IT IS PERMENANT AND YOU CANNOT LOSE IT UNLESS YOU DAMAGE YOUR ATTRIBUTES WITH MAGIC (i think atleast i dunno) I didn't fuck with my stats to make myself a god lol i still wanna play the game i just made myself a bit fast and gave myself some extra magic for kicks and added some willpower so my magic hits.
i cannot overstate how dangerous this is like you wont be able to plsy the game normally for the story if you fuck with this so i would only raise whatever stats to a very small amount or not use it at all, on a personal note i saved the game and raised my speed to 20,000 and ran through the world lol
I tried to play Shiren the Wanderer, but I died. I hope someone rescues me from my online request.
I keep dying in Shiren the Wanderer because it is like a Pokemon Mystery dungeon game but hard. I hope I get better soon.
I had heard that it's easy to exploit the mechanics to become a god, but I guess I just wanted to discover these things on my own and so didn't look up how it's done. I couldn't figure it out though. As for movement, I'd found a jump enhancement spell that makes me quite faster but I only used it in balmora where I can sleep to regen the mana.
I'm done with morrowind though. I'd like to experience the story but I can just feel the endless hours of boredom that it would take me. Maybe I'll come back to it in the future to mess with the systems and focus on the main storyline, I don't know
Started playing the original Fallout yesterday. My only exposure to the series has been NV, my knowledge of the lore is pretty restricted to that game. I've tried to stay fairly spoiler free in preparation for the day I prepare to do this. So far I'm really enjoying it. The atmosphere is spot on. The controls are something I'm getting used to to, but I'm well on my way to kick ass and sniff out water chips.
One thing that's expanded my enjoyment of New Vegas was getting away from "meta" stuff and going more towards roleplay centered character creation. In other words, asking myself "why in God's name would my character rush Broc Flower cave straight out of Goodsprings?" It's a philosophy I'm applying to my first run of this game. For the next run, once I have a better grasp of the mechanics, I'll try to put together a more OP character that can solve every problem in the world before Vault 13 runs dry.
Got softlocked when I walked into a corner and my companions blocked me in. This game sucks.
Being a total failure at rhythm games at the arcade i decided my hand eye coordination needed fixing so i decided to whip out my copy of rhythm heaven, only to discover that i didnt fuckin have it dispite clearly remembering having a copy on hand. Looking around i found a copy of elite beat agents, which to say the least is fucking incredible.
I have no regrets playing this game although i honestly wish they released a sequal or even a remaster. I like the gameplay and i like how they really thought out the music selection and the tone and mood of the game, like the christmas episode being toned down, and some having a more comedic tone and so on. It said that it was like a 6 hour game but in reality it took 2 hours for me to beat. I failed a few times but i think it took me a while to find "the zone" where i can just play without thinking.
Today I completed a puzzle finding a map for this part of the story. The cities before this event showed there was something brewing. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
I finally beat a tough level in Banner of the Maid. What stopped me from winning the level was that the mobs would kill my weakest unit and I would lose three units and lose the level. I won the level by using my strongest units primarily. The part of the story I am in now is the reign of terror part of the French Revolution. The story will likely get a lot more interesting.
I completed chapter 19 of Banner of the Maid yesterday. Chapter 19 wasn't as frustrating as Chapter 18, where you could not avoid a mob ganging up on your weak units, but if you have zero strategy it is still over if you give the enemies a chance. My interest in completing the game is rising, but I hope there aren't any retardly hard levels that frustrate me in putting the game on hold.
>reign of terror
any mentions of the jacobins in the game?
i have mixed feelings about live a live because in the caveman sequence you can tell that it was edited to be more PC, and i did some reading and at the end of that part of the game instead of caterwauling he was supposed to say "love" which was supposed to be symbolic like "the first spoken word was made from love" not fucking "AIEEEEE" as was used in the english translation. as for thd part im currently playing the china chapter its fine and there's no way to tell to be honest if they edited jack shit or left it be. i'm enjoying it i guess so maybe thats what counts.
Yeah they are a faction I gain good or bad reputation with.
I made it to act two of Dragon Quest 11. It has gotten very interesting and I intend to progress soon.
I hate the character Sylvando. What I hate most about the character is how much Dragon Quest uses this character despite how annoying he is. His flamboyant behavior is either something you love or you hate, and I hate it. What I hate more about is that he is one of the more important side characters. His personality only makes me annoyed and makes it harder to play the game. Currently, I am at the part of the game he is finding all the party and I am having to motivate myself greatly to complete this part of the game.
So i'm at chapter 6, and i made it to the place where i never reached in my other playthroughs, the daycare. i have 21 cutter rounds 37 pulse rifle rounds, i'm guessing i'm fucked lol. my checkpoint is outside so i was thinking of spending a good chunk of my 67,000 credits on pulse rifle ammo. i made it inside the daycare a tiny bit and got swarmed by exploding necrorphs, and after being introduced to a mini childlike necromorph. i am guessing based on those two introduced critters i'm going to have a hell of a time surviving. (couldn't make myself walk in to the large ass theatre especially on the size and how fucking low on ammo i am) needless to say my knees are weak and my palms are sweaty.
It was actually not TOO bad, i stayed on the theater area which was higher ground and i used the machine gun and it worked out. Now i'm at chapter 9 and the difficulty is up the fucking roof.
the boss battle at the end of chapter 9 was shit and it felt like the type of thing in a stereotypical action game. you got to explode some bullshit and you have to kill a tripod at the same time, you have to cripple the tripod because if you kill it you'll waste ammo because it'll respawn over and over. you have to run to both sides of the room and shoot off an explosive at the thing (and not at the tripod) over and over.... waste of time really, kind of unfortunate because thd other boss battles in the game was actually really cool besides this bullshit. i'm getting ever closer to finishing the game for fucking once which is great because i have been stuck on an earlier chapter since forever.
I finished the Sylvando quest and it was an absolute slog. Now I am on the Jade quest which will be much more enjoyable. I guess I am going to play as all the party members before they find each other.
I finished the next two chapters of Banner of the Maid. If I thought the battles would be easy, I was sadly mistaken. In chapter 20, you could not lose any units which made the chapter infuriating. In chapter 21, you could not lose the main two units, which was easier said than done because the chapter had every unit weakness. Overall, it was fun, and I am ready to progress.
I am nearing the end of the game. The ending I am seeming to receive is the Jacobin ending. The second to last level the main character took out Marie Antionette. I have some side quests left to do and the final chapter. I will finally get the main character Brother Napoleon for the final battle. The gameplay has been good with nice variety with not impossible difficulty.
I beat the game. I am glad I played the game. It is a pretty under the radar game and the gameplay was quite nice. I'd recommend the game if you are fan of jrpgs.
I played the punsher game in the marvel vs capcom collection for the switch, short like most arcade games are, but fun as heck and stylish. I like the puns the punisher makes, and i like the moments where you have to use guns, it reminds me of https://youtube.com/watch?v=Lw8U3CZKJdU [Play]
I got to the point where the main character reunited with Sylvando, and I was a bit disgusted with the main character. The Luminary adapted to Sylvando's fruity parade thing, and I am dying of embarrassment. Thankfully I am closer to reuniting the party.
Think i'm going to try to beat morrowind again. It's been a year but i don't want to remake my save since it was a pain in the ass to get to the point where i left off. Good stats, gear, and the fact i turned myself into god. What i'll do is watch a few lore vids online and i'll re-read my journal and any in game texts to catch up on the lore. I just finished a few little quests, one of which was finding some poor dudes dead drop where he hid his stash so i stole from the poor son of a bitch and gave whatever to some merc, the other was catching up to the mages guild in balmora for which again i have to stab some poor fucker in the back so the questgiver can climb up the beurocratic ladder, Man i love the mage guild. Also it was funny because i slept to recharge my mana and when i woke up, i got attacked by some assassin so i dropped a tactical nuke on his ass and got free gear, walked over to a guard to figure out what the fuck happened so now i have to talk to some imperal guy to learn more about the dark brotherhood, i think this questline is supposed to be fun. I hate how every character talks like a wikipedia page for the most part but atleast there's some original dialoge then and there, and i'm fast as fuck, and i have a decent levitate spell so i think it makes the game a bit more bearable.
On Dragon Quest 11, I was stuck on the boss battle with evil Jade and Bongo. The ability that drains MP and brainwashes my team is destroying me. There must be an item that counteracts this boss. Regardless I am going to grind a bit more and look at a walkthrough to not remain stuck.
I ended up beating Bongo. It was such a frustrating boss. Hopefully the game gets easier like that anon said in the dragon quest game.
I fought the big fish and found out more about Erik today. Erik having a sister who was turned into gold is interesting. I figured Erik would never have had a fall from grace.
I got to the point where I reunited with the normal Blonde mage. The lore about her was cool because before she was more of a background if anything. I am glad to have her back in my party because she is the best healer.