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Metal Slug thread Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 5:17:29 PM 2 years ago No. 179
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Everything Metal Slug goes here. Currently I'm going for the Super Devil rank on the PS1 port of MS1. It's a shame not all of the console ports have combat schools, they add even more replayability to the game.
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Anonymous Sat 25/02/2023 11:59:56 AM 2 years ago No. 183
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Mission 3 is where it starts to get challenging. As usual, most of the saved time comes from 'nadedumping the boss, but stuff like jumping right into the shielded soldier at the beginning, damaging the first explosive barrel from below and cheesing Allen with more 'nades saved a good portion. I could've also used some platforming to kill the parachute soldiers at the beginning quicker, but I was fucking it up a lot so I wanted to go safer for the next ones.
PPA gives you infinite ammo so you can take advantage of that and do things you wouldn't be able to on the normal game like keeping enough shotgun ammo to be able to deal with the Girida-Os after the building explodes. I think Mission 4 is easier in general so hopefully it doesn't give me much trouble.
Anonymous Sat 25/02/2023 2:29:23 PM 2 years ago No. 185
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I thought I could do a sub 1min in M1 and I did lol
Anonymous Sat 25/02/2023 11:11:10 PM 2 years ago No. 189
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Mission 4 was as easy as I thought it'd be. I imagine the developers expected you to take your time fighting the antiaircraft cannons and small bunkers instead of just rushing through like I did, since I got the max 110 points just by getting 1:58 on one of my first tries. I think the hardest part of this mission is near the beginning when you fight the second Di-Cokka while some soldiers are throwing grenades at you from the trenches below and you have a couple of Bull Chans firing at you from above since after you clear this part everything else is pretty simple and easy to execute
Anonymous Sat 25/02/2023 11:13:38 PM 2 years ago No. 190
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Also, here's Sophia congratulating you if you break your old max point record with an even faster one
Anonymous Sun 26/02/2023 11:21:19 AM 2 years ago No. 193
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One thing I never realized about the Iron Nokana is that it has to go through all of its 3 phases before it dies. The Hairbuster Riberts (>>179) and Tani Oh (>>183) both have 2 phases, but they are really seamless. In Hairbuster's case, once it gets to low enough health it'll stop sending regular soldiers to throw missiles at you and instead Morden will come out and stay out firing missiles at you until the fight ends. In Tani Oh's case, it'll drop mines and occasionally fire its main cannon in its "first phase", but when both of its mine launchers are broken from damage it'll start spamming its main cannon until it dies.
The Iron Nokana, however, needs you to damage it enough so it pulls out the hidden flamethrower it has at its bottom, then you need to fire at the flamethrower specifically or it'll never break and then you can nadedump it to death. Pretty curious since its level is the second fastest to complete but its boss fight is the second slowest; and even that's debatable because if I find a way to cheese the Hi-Do then the Iron Nokana would be my pick for the slowest boss in MS1
Anonymous Sun 26/02/2023 2:54:09 PM 2 years ago No. 195
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It was tricky to figure this level out, but in the end I got it to 1m23s. The requirement for max points here is sub 1:30 since in one of my first tries I got a 1:35 and that only gave me 100 points out of the maximum 110. I think what saved me the most time here was realizing the first Slug is there to make you waste time since dodging the missiles from the planes is way easier by foot, not to mention that it's faster to nadedump the first wall by foot than it is to do it from the Slug for some reason, so by doing it like that you can guarantee the R-Shobu won't hit you.
The final mission will be a pain in the ass to figure out since there's a part near the beginning that is a total clusterfuck and it takes advantage of that by hiding some bazooka soldiers from plain view to get a cheap shot on you.
Anonymous Sun 26/02/2023 5:55:11 PM 2 years ago No. 196
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Goddamn, RNG is the worst. At the beginning of the final mission there's a rock above an Iron Iso MKII and that said rock has a borderline guaranteed chance that it'll drop a POW. This POW will determine how you'll play the next segment since he can either give you a Shotgun (which is ideal), a Flame shot (awful against machines but good against soldiers) or nothing. Getting nothing is basically a run killer if you aren't good enough, but at least that happens around 10 seconds into the level so there isn't a significant waste of time if you are unlucky enough since the chance is pretty low just like the chance of no POW dropping from the rock.
One good thing I can say is that a section after this you can rescue a POW bound to a pole in top of a Di-Cokka, which gives you a shotgun, but you have to run towards him because he'll just walk to the right and leave the screen if you don't catch him. You also have to watch out for the other POW which is in front of the Di-Cokka, this one gives you a Heavy machinegun which would be great at any other point of the game, so be sure to either grab that one before the shotgun or just avoid it while you clear that section. There's also a Girida-O MKII that comes from the left and is pretty tanky, but you can just jump up and remain above it while you kill some grenade throwing soldiers who can easily kill you if they corner you with their nade spam. Everything remains somewhat complicated when you fall on the boat, but it's significantly easier and more consistent than the entire first section.
I've spent a couple of hours or more practicing this shid and I only got it once while I was not recording, a 4:58; and still this is not good enough because I only got 100 points out of the total 110 so the max point requirement is probably sub 4:50. At least I know exactly where I lost time since I started pussying out and playing it safe which led to some sloppy and slow sections, including the Hi-Do battle where I lost the SV-001 Type-R and died once.
It's definitely doable, I had 1cc'd the game before but both of my deaths were here and I wasn't even running against the clock there lol. Survival will take even more time since it's completing a no death run of the entire game, but in that mode I can at least play it safe in difficult sections instead of that fucking my score in the ass.
Anonymous Mon 27/02/2023 8:49:59 PM 2 years ago No. 197
Man, this game looks pretty cool, I want to play it now. I've only played the phone tower defense game that's kinda lame
Anonymous Tue 28/02/2023 6:44:30 AM 2 years ago No. 198
Get on an emulator and play that shit, nigga. Nobody talks about them anymore but these games are legendary
Anonymous Tue 28/02/2023 4:50:21 PM 2 years ago No. 201
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If you are a casualfag looking to play the games once or twice, then your best bet is getting the arcade roms for the first 5 games (2 and X are basically the same game with a lot of different details) and play them on MAME:
To play Metal slug 6 you either have to get the JP only PS2 rom or a collection like >>200 or Metal slug Anthology (which has been ported to a ton of systems).
Next it's better if you skip MS7 since XX is the exact same game but better and it even includes an extra character. MS7 is exclusive to the DS while you can play XX nowadays either in the PC port or in the PSP, but to me the PSP version is better since the vectorized graphics used for the main menu in the PC port look like ass.

If you are looking to dedicate a lot of time to the games/don't want to credit feed your way through the games, I recommend you start with a port Metal Slug 1 that includes the Combat school (PS1 port, Neo geo CD port or Sega Saturn port). Also keep in mind that every single port features difficulty settings and it lets you choose up to 5 continues on arcade mode.
Metal Slug 2 does have a Neo geo CD port that features Combat school, but you can skip this one if you want since MS2 runs like shid and the game lags everywhere so it could become quite a chore to play for long periods of time. It'd be better if you play a port of MSX first (Either the Neo Geo CD one or the PS1 one). Both MS2 and MSX have slightly different combat schools since MS2's Super devil is more similar to its functionality in MS1.
For MS3 you should play it on any port/collection to be able to crank up the difficulty to max and avoid credit feeding your way through.
For MS4 do the same as MS3.
For MS5 do the same as MS3 and 4.
For MS6 play the PS2 port since it's the one that features Combat school. It's JP only for the PS2, although there's a patch that translates some of the arcade menu texts into english. This game is, at least to me, a huge downgrade in audiovisual quality from the previous entries so expect a lot of changes in SFX and background art style (the enemies themselves are pretty good, at least).
There's only one way to play MS7 and that's on the DS, but it's better if you skip that and go to XX instead.
I said the PSP XX port was the best one, but I forgot to mention that Leona is DLC there while in other ports like the PC one she's unlocked from the beginning, so you'll have to get a file on your emulator to unlock her. As far as I know every single version of XX features a combat school, so you can just ignore my advice on this one and play whatever version of XX you end up liking the most.

>I've only played the phone tower defense game that's kinda lame
Which one? Defense was pretty fun and Attack went from good to great to utter dogshit in the span of 6, almost 7 years. Hopefully none of the things there ever get acknowledged as canon even if I did like some of them like official names for the recolored units that appear in the older games.
Anonymous Fri 03/03/2023 3:03:06 PM 2 years ago No. 211
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I managed to do it, but there's something I think I only noticed just now.
In my 4:58 run I died twice in the last battle but managed to finish it under 5min, awarding me with 100 points; but on this one I just uploaded I got 5min 22secs which is almost 30 seconds slower than the last prominent run but I didn't die once, so maybe the first 100 points are from completing the level below a set amount of time and you get the 10 extra for not dying once, regardless of your points.
At the end of the webm you can see me get the last 10 points for 660 points, which is the max you can get from Pin Point Attack. Now I will be trying Survival, which I guess awards me with 440 points for a perfect run
Anonymous Fri 03/03/2023 3:33:00 PM 2 years ago No. 212
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I hadn't noticed until now, but now Sophia admires me a lot for my current rank. I think it changes again when I get to Super devil, so here's Sophia praising a new record when you have 660 points
Anonymous Sun 05/03/2023 11:34:52 PM 2 years ago No. 220
You're awesome man, thanks a lot. I'm probably more on the casual side.
>Which one?
Metal slug attack. It's not that it wasn't fun, it's just gacha. I had lots of fun in the campaign, only to discover that all it took is one slightly upgraded blue-haired anime girl with a katana to pass all of the stages with no difficulty at all. And in multiplayer it was all about having the rare upgraded powerful units. Although it had charm as far as f2p mobile games go
Anonymous Sun 05/03/2023 11:58:49 PM 2 years ago No. 221
The download links have 404d I'm afraid, but I've found the games online
Anonymous Mon 06/03/2023 4:33:34 PM 2 years ago No. 222
Reuploaded to mediafire in a single file for anyone else who may want them
Check this >>222
Anonymous Mon 06/03/2023 5:46:01 PM 2 years ago No. 223
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I was getting sick of looking at the loading times while trying to complete the survival run, so I went and checked out the latest official pc ports of 1, 2, 3 and X you can find in Steam and GOG. For some reason I hadn't tried these ones until now so I gave them all a go.
I do not like the menus at all. They look really cheap and the font isn't even the correct one. There's an option for scanlines but they look like ass, specially on low resolutions, so you are better of reshading the hell out of this one.
Like in all ports you can choose your number of credits, but these are way more lenient since the minimum amount of credits you can choose is 5 while in other ports, like the Wii VC or PC Collection ports, 5 is the maximum and 1 is the minimum.
One interesting thing that's exclusive to the 3 port is the gallery, where you can unlock concept art of the games. They can be unlocked by playing the game/getting cheevos (or just doing the cheevo requirements if you pirated them). I like this a lot.
NONE of these ports feature a combat school.
Very hard is available, which is good but the game never remembers your previous settings, not even last run's, so every time you want to restart a run you have to change the settings because by default it's on Medium with Free play.
One thing that I do like about this port in general is the controller support. I have the typical wired Xbox SeX controller and it works like it should. I only mention this because in the PC Collection the A button didn't work in the actual games for some reason. I could open the menu and map A to whatever function and it never worked.
The menus have loading times between them. They are only a second or two long but come the fuck on this is just the menu.
Another thing that pisses me off is that SNK never bothered to fix MS2's poor performance so it's always laggy as shit.
A neat thing about these ports is that they have a leaderboard so you can compete against other scorefags. Of course you'd have to actually pay for the game to use this as well as the multiplayer.
The multiplayer has a neat idea, which is finding/creating lobbies to play the game with randos. I can't really comment on the online performance of the game since the only gameplay of this I found had a ghost city of a lobby list and when the dude created his own, he waited for some minutes and then gave up on playing online.
Disappointing ports, honestly.
Anonymous Mon 06/03/2023 6:00:39 PM 2 years ago No. 224
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One thing I forgot to mention: The character select screen looks really bad. The selected character doesn't even change its expression. Here's the original for comparison
Anonymous Tue 07/03/2023 12:01:13 AM 2 years ago No. 225
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>It's not that it wasn't fun, it's just gacha. I had lots of fun in the campaign, only to discover that all it took is one slightly upgraded blue-haired anime girl with a katana to pass all of the stages with no difficulty at all
The classic lol. When did you play the game? The thing about MSA is that its powercreep ramped up exponentially only in the last few years. In its beginning and middle life, while it still was pestered by metafaggotry, you could easily make a f2p alternative for any deck since older SR units moved to the Medal crank, older premium R units were being added to the shop and medal crank regularly and some event units really kicked ass in their respective prime.
The thing that made me appreciate MSA and stick with it for so long is that, in a way, its gachashittery and elitist meta was a filter for shitters; and the "experience" of playing the game also relied heavily on things that went beyond the gameplay. The events, guilds, Snatch wars, long-time economy management, new and original vehicle designs with great artwork on par with the original games, future speculation and collaboration with fellow players is what made me actually enjoy that gacha slop.

I'll tell you about a bit about the "advanced" gameplay: Getting rushed was always infuriating, but you could easily make room in your deck for an early antirush unit and make up a strat to counter that. Most retards would just look bring the newest box/step/fever crank unit in silver frame and make up a deck just from random well performing units only to get stomped by someone that actually understood how the game works and brought a well balanced deck where every single unit had a purpose. Being aware of the current meta and playstyles gave you the opportunity of countering that with whatever you had at your disposal as long as you were being original. This only stopped being true in the last months of the game when they dropped so many ridiculously broken fucking units that it killed the game on the spot.
When it came to deck creation the standard fluctuated a lot, but the most "typical" template was one starter, a couple of frontliners, around 3 ranged units and the rest were the heavy hitters. The heavy hitters used to be bosses at the start but then were largely overshadowed by waifushittery but then bosses came back with a vengeance when they introduced buffs.
The bad thing about this, and it's a catastrophical design flaw, is that you wouldn't know any of this if you hadn't played the game before but you also need to apply yourself from day 1 to git gud as quickly as possible. Pretty paradoxical that to actually learn the game you must've already played it for dozens of hours, but you wouldn't be able to actually get to those dozens of hours if you were too bad at it, with the only way to get better being learning the game by spending the aforementioned dozens of hours. The way I figured all of this out was because I played in the golden age of the game for around 3 years and then came back to it in the last 2 with a new account because my first one was shadowbanned.
The game itself is also pretty fast paced, too. When compared to other similar games like Metal Slug Defense or The Battle Cats, MSA always felt really fluid and the late game got pretty catastrophic, and this grew the more time passed.

All events were pretty different from each other, and thankfully most of the shitty ones simply got quietly abbandoned while other good ones were tragically left to rot in the memory of oldfags and originalfags. The biggest, best and most beloved event was the first Guild ops: Snatch wars. The thing that made this event so good is that it put guilds in the spotlight and being a nolifer and a tryhard was required to get anywhere here. The moderation was in its early days, too, so the only way to get shadowbanned was being retarded (like I was). If your guild had a whale then it was good, but it wasn't enough. You had to strategize the best defenses, agree with your members and stablish hours of everyone's respective day to guard the map. The night shift was usually left to the kids, teens and men who worked in the night shift. If you did spot an incoming attack then you had to alert everyone about it because there was no way in hell a single man can defend agains a raid from a guild with 50 accounts, let alone when other guilds truced and you'd be getting fucked on both sides by around 70 people in total. And that's just defending the map. The initial offensive had to be quick and potent since demoralizing medium sized guilds was important so they don't try anything funny for the rest of the day. And then there was the damage chaining: There was a leaderboard that ranked the amount of damage a guild had done through the event and by the end the top 10 guilds would receive an icon of the boss unit with their respective spot in that SW. Racking up damage was another entire team effort since everyone had to be in on it because the chain would fade after 30 minutes, so if everyone forgot to keep the chain going that day then that juicy +137% attack bonus they had accumulated to get a high rank would vanish and it would be a net loss for everyone involved. And after the event ended you had to let the shill squad loose so your guild could replace the jobbers with good players. The hackers in this mode were obviously really high, but everything ended when a guild of Mexican hackers messed with the Japanese playerbase and ruined the fun for everyone because they ended up aborting that event, giving away the boss unit in platinum frame for free and then abbandoned the Guild vs. Guild model altogether; effectively leaving the best mobile game event of all time dead in the water with no chance for a comeback (and even with this they didn't get stricter moderation until a year or two after this mess).
After that whole ordeal the game instantly entered a dark age full of more OP than normal crank units and the most useless bosses and ftp units you can imagine, only to top it all off with a soulless mockery of an event to replace Snatch Wars. All of this was so bad I gave up on the game and since I got my account shadowbanned from using entrylevel hacks in the last SWs my account was effectively useless and I couldn't gift it to a remaining member so it just got lost to time.

The sortie and medal management was crucial and if you played just like me in my first account and just golden framed random bosses who you thought looked cool then you'd get rightfully fucked in the ass because you don't know what you are doing. You had to know specifically how each boss worked and if it resonated with your style or was simply good in general to know if you had to invest in it. And this inversion wasn't cheap, either. The cheapest "classic" event you could 100% required 20k+ sorties, which was 2 weeks or more worth of sorties, and that's not even counting the battle/guild medals or golden ingots you had to use to get the proper platinum items to get those units to their full potential.

The spritework was stellar. Say what you will about generic "am I kawaii uguu" bitches soloing war machines, everything looked really good. At worst you can find a lot of recolored units or units made from recycled assets, but at best you can find badass original machines on par with stuff from the mainline games, sometimes even almost on par with the original trilogy.

I think there was just so much to this game it's insane and I can't believe such a top tier tower defense base game had to meet such a tragic and pathetic end. I've spent like an hour remembering details and writing this and I still haven't expressed half of what I want to discuss about it. You had to be there with a ton of free time to get it.

Here's a Gdrive link with a ton of assets from the game, with the unit illustrations and event banners being the most interesting ones. And I forgot to mention the events had cutscenes in the early games of the day, it was really cool.
I think there was another project centered about ripping the game's sprites, but I don't know if the dude who mantains this Gdrive knows about that one
Anonymous Tue 07/03/2023 10:55:49 AM 2 years ago No. 226
Sick get
I played it a two or three years ago, but quit it after a few months because I didn't want to spend too much time on it.
I was a pretty trash player, I'd get my ass handed to me by someone with one of the latest new meta unit, then I'd try to get it myself. I remember specifically getting made a big difference. I do remember having some balanced fights too though which was nice.
I participated in a couple of events, and didn't do much with the guilds. I guess I was just getting my toes wet when I quit.
The sprites were indeed solid, you're right about that. I was actually recommended metal slug as an example of great pixel art, and msa was just the first game I stumbled into.
Anyway, your story sounds mmo-tier, it must be very fun and intense to participate in something like that.
My smaller brother liked msa too, but now he's been playing battlecats. He was quite sad to find out msa ended even if he hadn't played it in a while. He really just played it to (successfully) 1up me lol
Anonymous Tue 07/03/2023 3:34:32 PM 2 years ago No. 227
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>I remember specifically getting
I didn't come back yet when she was in her prime, but when I did come back she was already obsolete. I think she never got a buff, either.
>I participated in a couple of events, and didn't do much with the guilds. I guess I was just getting my toes wet when I quit.
Sadly there's nothing you could've done about that. Snatch wars ran for less than a year (first one started on April 21 2017 and the last one ended in February 13 2018) so you came when that event was dead and buried. There were other GOs, like Try Line and Search&Destroy but both of them were shit, specially the latter.
Aiming to have the best guild didn't matter at all anymore outside of an inconsequential ranking based on points which a guild could only get by making its members use sorties; so the top guilds there were either p2w guilds, old as dirt guilds with an ID of 3 digits or less or both.
As long as you were in a remotely competent guild you could just do your thing and let the top dogs do most of the work in the even. In my own guild we were only around 10 people carrying most of the GOs both in sortie usage and logistics since TL and S&D didn't require you to live in a state of paranoia to play them correctly. Of course, this also made guilds stop being as tight as they used to be, but this didn't matter since TL and S&D were highly individualistic events based on a different event (United Front) so it barely was a "Guild Operation" anymore.
>The sprites were indeed solid, you're right about that. I was actually recommended metal slug as an example of great pixel art, and msa was just the first game I stumbled into.
What a bad first impression lol. At least it wasn't some unholy abomination like Metal slug Infinity or Metal Slug Commander.
>Anyway, your story sounds mmo-tier, it must be very fun and intense to participate in something like that.
The actual prime of the game was pretty short but pretty intense. It was filled with bullshit and insufferable modern gayming business models but the good moments made it worth it to me.
>My smaller brother liked msa too, but now he's been playing battlecats.
I tried to get into TBC but it didn't scratch the itch MSA did. Too slow for my liking, honestly. At least TBC and SNK have mantained good relations through the years since their first collab was in MSD (TBC got Metal slug units and MSD got OC cat units) and their latest collab was with MSA (MSA didn't get anything but TBC got the Ultimate units from MSA).

Here's a video of me shitting on a faggot who wanted to rush my ftp Rebel deck but failed miserably. MSA's social media pages teased a sequel of the game, so I'll continue to be a Rebel sympathizer there when that comes out
Anonymous Sat 18/03/2023 5:22:56 PM 1 year ago No. 256
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>I forgot to mention that Leona is DLC there while in other ports like the PC one she's unlocked from the beginning
And apparently I also forgot to share the file to unlock Leona
Download this file, unzip it, look for a folder called "ULUS10495" and then put it inside PPSSPP's "GAME" folder (ppsspp_folder/memstick/PSP/GAME). Next just boot up the game and Leona will be available when you select a character
Anonymous Sat 25/03/2023 4:16:18 PM 1 year ago No. 269
(21.23 MB 720x480 00:02:12)
I finally did it. Survival was a major pain in the ass, but at least it lets you carry over the weapon and grenades you had so by level 4 I already had 99 'nades. The Iron Nokana was specially tricky since the RNG was fucking me in the ass by opening exclusively with that one attack where it shoots while it advances as soon as it enters the screen, ending up with me cornered and dead, but that problem was quickly solved when I remembered it stops in its tracks and stops attacking for a moment when it goes to phase 2. I thought carrying over a ton of grenades and an H would help me a lot in the last level, but the difference was minimal. I did manage to carry the shotgun you get from the Di-Cokka POW to the end of the level and that is a godsend with Survival mode's infinite ammo.
Since I've officially 100%'d this combat school I have access to the Super Devil and I think it's a great and fun reward, but the problem with it is that it's limited to 2 game modes (PPA and Survival) and only one of them gets the characteristic cannon pistol (Survival). If that wasn't enough, now you completely lose this fun effect the moment you pick up a weapon so if you want to fuck around with SD you have to avoid weapons like the plague and if you accidentally get one, then you'll be stuck with it because you only have one life, making tactical suicide impossible; and like I mentioned before the ammo never runs out so you can't just fire at a wall to get the pistol back.
Anonymous Sat 25/03/2023 4:28:26 PM 1 year ago No. 270
Super Devil in Pinpoint attack. It's just a visual effect, but something I hadn't noticed until now is that Some parts of the H also change to green, I think it looks pretty good
Anonymous Thu 20/04/2023 10:42:12 AM 1 year ago No. 308
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I wanted to check out the Neo Geo CD versions of MS1 and 2 and I found out something pretty cool. In retroarch the loading times are basically non existent since they load in a split second. I went to try them with Raine to check if the rom was alright and it was; the loading times were normal.
I don't know why does that happen, but I wish the PSX emulators had that. I also forgot that the Neo Geo CD version doesn't have loading times in the middle of each level unlike the PSX port. If the bios is set to US you can even read the text appropriately, too. The only thing missing here is Sophia's voice acting but other than that it's the most fluid way to play MS1's combat school
Anonymous Thu 20/04/2023 1:25:11 PM 1 year ago No. 309
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Made a video comparison. The difference is pretty big, but one thing I didn't notice before making this webm is that the NeoCD port slows down much more, almost as bad as MS2 sometimes. I guess that's what they were trying to avoid with the mid-level loading screens, but in the end they made it work out without loading screens in the PSX MSX port
Anonymous Thu 20/04/2023 3:48:59 PM 1 year ago No. 310
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I was checking the core options to see if it let me overclock for better performance like on MAME and I saw this lol. Probably should've checked this out earlier. It's nothing short of a godsend
Anonymous Fri 21/04/2023 9:32:59 AM 1 year ago No. 311
There's this patch that minimizes lag for the Neo Geo CD port of MS2. And I say minimize because you can still feel it a bit, but it is leagues better than vanilla.
You'll need a correct dump of the game to patch it correctly. You can get it from here
Or you can get the rom already patched by me from here
Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 1:22:15 PM 1 year ago No. 338
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SNK made this 20th anniversary illustration gallery a while back (I think Metal Slug Attack was still alive at that point) and supposedly it was a "limited time" thing, but it's been that long and it's still up. They are faggots so they won't let you just right click and download, so you'll have to inspect element to download an image you like.
Anonymous Mon 05/06/2023 2:48:40 PM 1 year ago No. 380
There was a card game based on Metal Slug Attack that started around the time its EoS was announced. I tried around the time it came out and didn't really like it, so i gave it some time to develop. I tried it again today and I still don't like it.
The game is basically Magic the Gathering but MSA themed. You have a deck of 46 cards, you draw a card once and get mana at the beginning of every turn; nothing too complex about that.
I loved the fact that the starter deck you get is a rebel one since I'm a huge rebelfag, but I did not like that the Regular army and the extraterrestrial armies don't have a single commander. Thehe Independent armies didn't even have one representative until some days ago when Aileen came around, so if you are an Alienfag or a Corruptfag you're shit out of luck getting units you like. And about the commanders in general, while I do understand that they want to base it mainly around MSA rather than just the classic games they could've at least put the main commanders of the armies that do have cards, I find it shocking that they included the Rebels and the Ptolemaics but didn't include Morden nor Ptolemaios.
Another bad thing is that the game is pretty dead, I tried to get some matches for hours both in ranked and casual and I got nothing, so i had to conform with playing against the AI.
Something that bothered me in particular like the mana being called mana here instead of something like AP or sorties which would make much more sense given it's based on MSA.
The deal breaker for me was the card pack system not working properly. I won some matches and got a ton of coins since I made the account in late 2022 and I got the rewards from those old ass missions and wanted to spend them in Rebel card packs, but after I opened some and got a bunch of cool cards they were nowhere to be found in my collection, either that or only one of them appeared there. I decided to try opening a cheap pack to see if it was like that every time but no, that time every card showed up, it seems to be a problem that only affects the middle and high tier card packs. If I can't even be sure if I'll get the cards I gambled for then I see no point in actually spending time with this.
Anonymous Wed 20/09/2023 5:23:19 AM 1 year ago No. 575
Lol i got metal gear advanced for the gameboy and metal gear anthology for the wii.
Anonymous Sun 27/10/2024 9:39:39 PM 4 months ago No. 1046
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any tips for this guy? I'm trying to practice but his shots seem random on top of being huge and rapid. I always die on the first part, never on the second
Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 5:02:49 PM 4 months ago No. 1047
What metal slug game is this from? To be clear my local arcade has the original metal slug game but i haven't made too much progress lol.
This might sound like bad advice but have you checked youtube for the boss battle? or even searched something like "(insert game here) full walkthrough no Commentary"? Someone might have a strategy in their playthough that might be of use.
Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 7:37:42 PM 4 months ago No. 1048
I believe it's from Metal Slug 3, this is the boss for the zombie level. I think it's level 3.
I'm not sure what OP's problem with the boss is honestly, because if I recall correctly, the orbs just fire at your current position, and the speed at which they fire increases the fewer aliens there are. It's a pretty simple attack even if it is difficult to dodge
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