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/vg/ - Video Games
Steam sales thread Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 7:37:12 PM 1 year ago No. 253
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Spring steam sale is on right now. I picked up PvZ GW2 and it seemed to be running good at first, but when I finished the small introduction and got to the main hub the fucking thing earraped me with a buggy screech for around 10 minutes and when I actually went to play the game it randomly shat itself performance-wise; and to top it all off there were some fucking russians or whatever who would never shut the fuck up in voice chat until I went and turned it off. What a disappointment.
Refunded and now I think I'll go get Hotline Miami 2 instead because I want to try the level editor.
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Anonymous Sat 18/03/2023 4:27:00 PM 1 year ago No. 254
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Because 8-Bit Adventure 2's graphics look good, I was considering buying it. I probably won't end up buying it since I am not too concerned about the sale.
Anonymous Sat 18/03/2023 9:04:02 PM 1 year ago No. 257
And it's a singleplayer game from the looks of it, so it's better to pirate it
Anonymous Fri 24/03/2023 2:42:34 PM 1 year ago No. 268
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I bought Gloomwood and Borderlands 3 during the sale. I haven't played Borderlands 3 yet but that game is fucking 100 Gigabytes which is ridiculous. These developers and their bloated game files are starting to get on my nerves.
On the other hand, Gloomwood took 3 seconds to download and is pretty good. It's still in early access but New Blood have a good history of finishing their games and what's here is really well done so I can't help but be excited for the next content updates.

I had a really cool emergent gameplay moment too. There's a stage where you have to take an elevator up a shaft, which means the generator has to be turned on. However, the generator being on means that extra lights are also activated and there's no way to turn off the generator once you take the elevator. What I did was build a ladder with boxes and barrels that you could pick up and carry in the basement, and then I turned off the generator without even using the elevator. I was expecting the game to bug out or have an invisible wall or something but no, I was able to complete the section with a deactivated generator by using my brain and being creative with my tools. Good shit
Anonymous Thu 22/06/2023 6:11:33 AM 1 year ago No. 405
The elder scrolls Daggerfall, and Arena is available for free on steam. As a bonus, and for those who hate steam and DRM, You can also get them for free on which is pretty neat.
Anonymous Thu 29/06/2023 8:06:25 AM 1 year ago No. 417
Steam summer sale starting in some hours. Hopefully there will actually be good deals
Anonymous Thu 29/06/2023 3:48:15 PM 1 year ago No. 418
Usually, the steam sales are mediocre. I've gotten all the games that are actually great deals. There is a point where you have all the games that have good discounts. You should double-check the game prices with
Anonymous Thu 29/06/2023 5:32:31 PM 1 year ago No. 419
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The only fucking thing I thought was never going to go on sale went on sale. Only oldfags will remember
Anonymous Thu 29/06/2023 6:33:25 PM 1 year ago No. 420
I am not really impressed with the sale so if anyone can point out some deals by all means.
Anonymous Thu 29/06/2023 9:54:56 PM 1 year ago No. 421
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Age of Empires 2 HD is 75% off
Anonymous Sat 01/07/2023 5:15:00 PM 1 year ago No. 424
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Skullgirls is 90% off, an actually great discount I think. But what the hell is up with the reviews? I heard they censored stuff or something, but I didn't know it was this bad
Anonymous Fri 07/07/2023 12:50:29 AM 1 year ago No. 433
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They censored and removed a bunch of imagery. Scenes of racial violence in Big Band's story mode, and they slightly edited some otherwise sexual scenes in various other stories.
The big one is the removal of ALL arm bands and Nazi imagery from the Black Egrets-- a totalitarian fascist Secret Police initially inspired by the Nazis. A character in the game is part of this faction and her arm band was removed as well.
They also removed any and ALL fan art within the games art gallery that contained the arm bands-- meaning most Parasoul art was removed completely. Alongside that, one of the alternative Announcer Packs; the "Soviet" announcer was removed as well.
People shit themselves hard over the Soviet Announcer being removed because it was originally a Kickstarter incentive. It's content people literally paid money to have, and now it's not in the game anymore.
Another alternative voice pack, this time for Big Band; the "Blaxploitation" pack, was heavily edited a lot of his opening lines to where they wouldn't play at all as well.

Everybody but the biggest players and the most mindbroken Twitter users thinks it's a shit "update" and are rightfully upset. It's causing a big shitstorm but nothing will change because-- well... you know.

>t. Actually plays the game
Anonymous Tue 11/07/2023 9:35:19 PM 1 year ago No. 441
Has anyone discovered any good deals that weren't mentioned in this thread? It has been difficult for me to convince myself to buy something even though I would like to. Multiplayer games that appeal to me are hard to come by, and I am not looking at hidden gems right now with my backlog.
Anonymous Wed 12/07/2023 3:10:08 PM 1 year ago No. 443
I've seen good deals but they are for singleplayer stuff and I never commend buying singleplayer games
Anonymous Sun 19/11/2023 8:11:14 AM 1 year ago No. 698
They updated Half-Life on 25th anniversary and are giving it away for free.
Anonymous Mon 20/11/2023 1:18:22 AM 1 year ago No. 699
Seems like the only decent game deals for black friday are online only.
Anonymous Mon 20/11/2023 11:48:26 AM 1 year ago No. 700
Autumn Sale starts tomorrow.
Anonymous Mon 20/11/2023 5:15:51 PM 1 year ago No. 701
Does anyone have any interest in the sale?
Anonymous Mon 20/11/2023 7:34:28 PM 1 year ago No. 702
I'll probably pick up a couple of games I've had an eye on for a while, but probably nothing else. The sales generally are quite eh for any game that isn't old already
Anonymous Mon 20/11/2023 7:44:28 PM 1 year ago No. 703
That has generally been the case for me. My only plans are to buy a few games I want to play with frens and maybe a game or two I've wanted for years.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 9:23:23 AM 1 year ago No. 720
You guys got anything? I bought Noita and Sonic Mania.
Anonymous Tue 28/11/2023 5:22:51 PM 1 year ago No. 722
I got the Digimon RPG, and I plan on getting a few more games on some steam key site. If your going to buy the game steam key sites are usually cheaper.
Anonymous Wed 20/12/2023 4:42:21 AM 1 year ago No. 763
The Winter sale is soon? Is anybody going to get anything? I got my brother a game for chrims.
Anonymous Thu 21/12/2023 7:04:31 PM 1 year ago No. 766
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Man, I can't believe fucking AB and AB+ still haven't even gone down to 50% after all these years. It's actually surprising they put Repentance on sale at all. The overall 41% discount is greedy as fuck for such an old base game, ultra greedy even, but I want working online so fuck it
Anonymous Sun 24/12/2023 12:45:38 AM 1 year ago No. 773
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Yo what the fuck is this shit
Anonymous Sun 24/12/2023 4:53:28 AM 1 year ago No. 774
Gravity Circuit looks like a great game. I plan on getting it sometime this sale because I've been craving some megaman like game.
Anonymous Tue 26/12/2023 5:01:42 PM 1 year ago No. 779
I got gravity circuit last night! I'll post about it in the backlog thread to give people an idea about the game if any of you guys are curious.
Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 10:52:08 PM 1 year ago No. 801
I ended up getting the game too out of curiosity from the thread we have about it. The more I play it I hope I am able to join in on the thread.
Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 10:52:11 PM 1 year ago No. 802
I ended up getting the game too out of curiosity from the thread we have about it. The more I play it I hope I am able to join in on the thread.
Anonymous Mon 01/01/2024 9:51:48 AM 1 year ago No. 803
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Yes, here's what I bought (recreated the cart for the screenshot)
Anonymous Tue 02/01/2024 8:52:52 AM 1 year ago No. 805
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I bought Cult of the Lamb & DLCs and I love it! <3
Got Baldur's Gate III and The Talos Principle II too.
Anonymous Tue 09/07/2024 3:25:45 AM 8 months ago No. 956
Is anyone getting anything for this current steam sale? I am thinking of getting Punch Club 2 because I have fond memories of the first game. I also may buy a tactical rpg or two.
Anonymous Tue 09/07/2024 4:05:07 AM 8 months ago No. 957
I legally purchased Fallout 3 and New Vegas because Tale of Two Wastelands requires legal copies of each. I also got Sid Meier's Civ VI for peanuts. Also E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.
Anonymous Thu 29/08/2024 1:09:03 AM 6 months ago No. 1017
The Metro series is 90% off right now
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 12:16:57 PM 5 months ago No. 1030
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. bundle, all three games for $10USD
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 7:39:58 AM 5 months ago No. 1031
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Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 7:42:22 AM 5 months ago No. 1032
You clearly added so much to the conversation with this. Elaborate.
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 7:51:34 AM 5 months ago No. 1033
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I'll elaborate.

>using steam
>in the year of our lord 2015 + 9
>putting corporate malware onto your machine
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 8:14:34 AM 5 months ago No. 1034
Buying from steam still beats buying from GOG for me since I still have an account from 12+ years ago that uses Russian rubles so I can get games for extremely cheap despite living in the U.S.
Maybe I am misremembering but I do remember there being a neocities article that featured steam as being extreme spyware with a lot of details but when I tried searching for it again I couldn't find it. Anyways I don't think there is nearly enough discussion on whether Steam is selling your data or not especially with how many clients around the world are actually running it. Since this is a sales thread, maybe you could start a separate thread to try digging into this and find actual sources that were not pulled out of your watermelon addict's asshole(?)
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 2:33:01 PM 5 months ago No. 1035
>neocities article that featured steam as being extreme spyware
You probably mean this one
I'm not that anon but I've written a more in depth reply here: >>>/b/3492
Anonymous Fri 29/11/2024 3:19:36 PM 3 months ago No. 1082
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For this latest sale, I finally picked up a Steam deck and this obscure RPG called Beloved Rapture for cheap. However, Steam seems to be backed up in shipping, so I'll have to wait longer than advertised. Some poor soul probably has to ship it all alone or with help so maybe I should count my blessings.
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