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This thread is the type of nostalgia thread about gaming, gaming culture, and so on, and finally, a discussion on the final game you played when your childhood was over/ the last game you played when you decided to quit gaming. The last game I have vivid memories about is Punch Club. This game had elements of a beat 'em-up along with aspects of management. What drew me to the game was the setting. I remember fighting the teenage mutant ninja turtles. It was a hard fight, but I ended up pulling through. I'd recommend Punch Club, and the second game seems to be coming up this year.
Spyro the dragon is something else. I might be biased because i grew up with games that had shitty low poly graphics but even now it looks, plays and sounds good. I remember playing spyro when i was 5 at a friends house and the crash bandicoot racing game. But spyro still hits me like a ton of bricks when ever i remember it. I was playing spyro remastered recently and its great don't get me wrong, it doesn't beat the original.