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The Binding of Isaac thread Anonymous Mon 10/07/2023 11:27:46 PM 1 year ago No. 439
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A thread to talk about TBoI, be it flash or Rebirth and its DLC.
I've been having a streak of good runs in flash lately, the most impactful one was a Cain one on hard mode: The first treasure room had The inner eye, so I had x3 tears from the get go and then I got a Joker card still on Basement I, and the Devil room had Guppy's tail and Dead cat. Since I also had a couple of soul hearts I accepted the deal and went on to the next floor only to find an Eternal challenge room with Sacred heart, making me OP. I kept breezing through the rest of the game so well that I got the eternal transformation before going to The womb, and there I got a Devil deal with Guppy's paw, letting me transform into Guppy as well as getting a bunch of soul hearts. At this point I had also fought Krampus, getting A lump of coal, and since I had also taken a ton of range up tears and had spectral tears due to the eternal transformation my tears did an absurd amount of damage, almost Afterbirth+ tier. Then I steamrolled everything up to The cathedral where I beat Isaac without much problem. The only bad thing about the entire run was that it was the run where I unlocked the Polaroid so I couldn't go to The chest.

The run in the video is the last one I've played, first item was Book of Belial so I immediately ditched Maggy's Yum heart. Then immediately after I found an Eternal challenge room with Blood of the martyr, giving me a nice damage up, then I picked up Tough love, which really saved me early on since the teeth I ocassionaly fired were lifesavers and were only increased by the luck up pills I found later on. The game flowed normally from there until I got The small rock and some tears up pills in Necropolis, giving me the tear rate I needed. I also got The battery from a bum and in the same floor I got The nail from a Devil deal, so I was able to get a ton of soul hearts on top of my massive quantity of regular ones. I did my best to not get hit so I ended up with 13 red hearts and 15 soul ones by Utero II (I didn't even know hearts could have 3 rows lol), of which I only lost a couple on the Cathedral and then lost a ton of them in The chest, where I luckily got The inner eye as my last item so I easily stomped Blue baby. It was my first Maggy run in this file, too, how lucky.
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Anonymous Tue 11/07/2023 9:33:00 PM 1 year ago No. 440
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Ipecac on first room is always welcome, but it's one of those items that require actual skill, especially if you have high speed since the momentum of your movement can neutralize the Ipecac tear and you'll end up shooting yourself. This run was on the border of death most of the time since I only had Ipecac as an attack item and no damage or shot upgrades outside of a Cupid's arrow I got in The cathedral's library, which actually made everything somewhat harder since my tears didn't explode on contact anymore.
The D6 is definitely one hell of an item but it still requires a ton of luck, and I didn't remember that if you reroll an item too many times in flash it just fucking disappears. I lost around 5 health ups by trying to reroll them into useful items and ended up turning them into shitty actives and then making them disappear. I don't think I even made any deals here since I was always getting red heart damage and the only Devil room I got early on was absolute shit, not even Krampus, so Guppy was out of the question. I also ended up skipping on the Eternal challenge room since I rerolled a couple of times and it was either Guardian Angel or Dead sea scrolls, two items I don't like at all. I ditched the D6 for the Crystal ball some lucky fortune teller machine dropped in Utero II while I was trying to get soul hearts. I was doubtful I could even make it to Blue baby by the time I got to The chest but I got a Bad trip (which turns into a Full health if you only have one or half a red heart left) and an actual Full health along with The Relic's and Crystal Ball's soul hearts.
And in spite all of that, I easily beat Blue baby. Definitely the best way to get better at the game is completing The purist/challenge 10 because it makes you get used to having a scarce number of items so even getting bad or mediocre ones starts feeling like a godsend, not to mention it also forces you to look for any way to get items even if it takes time. Can't say the same for Rebirth and its DLCs since the main attraction there is discovering insane synergies.
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 5:11:20 PM 1 year ago No. 475
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Observe how a mentally ill RETARD manages to ruin an almost foolproof run with an amazing build just by playing like ass
Anonymous Sun 13/08/2023 3:22:19 AM 1 year ago No. 478
The hell were you doing at 2:49? Feels almost as if you are walking into the enemy's attack on purpose.
Anonymous Sun 13/08/2023 11:40:16 AM 1 year ago No. 479
I know it looks incredibly retarded, but if you stand dead center inside the ball of light you won't receive any damage when the rays of light actually hit. You can see I didn't die right away but only after I moved a bit do bottom right due to panic right when the attack was ending.
Anonymous Tue 15/08/2023 1:01:45 PM 1 year ago No. 482
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>Amazing The Lost run
>Zoom through rooms in necropolis to get to the super secret room ASAP
>Donation machine in the center of the next room I enter
>Don't react in time, The Lost died instantly
>Had Ankh, it's a Blue baby run now
At least I got a new completion mark. I'll probably give The Lost a break and finish an actually fun character like Lilith.

Also, I didn't know there were red treasure rooms that you could unlock with the Red key. Eve's mascara was there and it gave me the damage I lacked throughout the entire run up to that point.
I managed to pull it off at 0:40
Anonymous Tue 15/08/2023 6:12:49 PM 1 year ago No. 484
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Ended up doing just that. On The beast fight I played like ass and only came out ok because I had a bunch of hearts and the last phase is piss easy, not to mention I had the Habit and ended up with 4 incubi by the end thanks to Box of friends.
In the Mother run my build was based on getting hit since I regularly dropped full hearts thanks to Fanny pack and Old bandage, so I could consistently activate Curse of the tower's effects without repercussion. I got The wafer on my first Angel room too so that helped me tank everything and if that wasn't enough, I also had a boosted The sun card to refill my red hearts and damage Mother a bit. I also got a second Incubus from Cambion conception and since I had The Ludovico technique I didn't have to bother with either dodging or shooting. I probably wouldn't have been able to lose even if I tried.
Anonymous Thu 14/09/2023 6:20:37 PM 1 year ago No. 564
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Ironically enough, I had forgotten how fun playing The Forgotten is. That's another tainted character for the roster and another Dogma/Beast clear.
This run was amazing and I really exploited everything I could, hence the timer going over 1 hour lol. I played like a retard against Dogma 2 because I got too cocky and because I thought he'd instantly die when getting hit by the Chaos card instead of just going to the next phase for some reason. At least the 4 harbingers were piss easy thanks to Sulfur and Jumper cables, I did massive close-range damage thanks to Proptosis as well. Getting in Succubus' range would've given me a 11 point bonus in damage, probably even more since I got the damage bonuses from Sulfur, not to mention Succubus' aura does quite a bit of damage on its own, further improved by BFF.
Only thing that would've made this run more insane was transforming into Guppy (I got suck on 2/3 with Guppy's head and Guppy's collar). Despite getting Satanic bible early, making all of the boss items Devil room items, I didn't even manage to transform into Leviathan, either. And scoring Sacred heart instead of Immaculate heart in the lucky Red chest teleportation to a deal room (I had gotten both "You feel blessed!" I could get when using the Sacrifice room) would've made everything even more braindead, not much different from my first Azazel attempt.
To put it simply: One damn nice and lucky run.
Anonymous Fri 15/09/2023 4:32:19 PM 1 year ago No. 566
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Found the Azazel run. It was my first Dogma/Beast clear, I believe. I don't remember every detail but having BFF, Ludovico technique (with Azazel's default brimstone), Sacred heart and being Guppy on top of everything made this an easy mode run. I didn't even get hit once in the entire fight, the video is 3 minutes just because I didn't skip the first Beast cutscene for some reason.
A classic example of why they call him Easyzel. The only one who can even get anywhere near his level of ease is t. Lilith, and that's just because she can't fly by default
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 11:50:26 AM 1 year ago No. 586
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I was completing Tainted Forgotten and I got a pretty nice run at the beginning, biggest highlight being getting Polyphemus on Caves I but I kept getting decent/good stuff until I beat Mega Satan and went to the void. I had Tarot cloth and had taken an I can see forever pill so I went straight to the secret room, spawned both beggars (who gave me two Breakfasts. Disgusting) and then scrambled through the entire map so my Rune bag could spawn Perthro and reroll the Breakfasts into Secret room pool items. I was expecting Rock bottom or something but I got fucking R key, which lets you restart teh run from the beginning with every item you currently have. If I can find a teleporting card I can kill Delirium, restart the run and then go for Satan and The Lamb to finish Tainted Forgotten in almost one run since I completed the mark for Hush, Boss rush, Isaac, ??? and Mega Satan in just this one run up to now
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 4:00:38 PM 1 year ago No. 588
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And back to Cellar I.
>Cursed eye
Should've gotten that thing out of the pools in the first run, but whatever. Satan and The Lamb are fucking dead
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 4:47:34 PM 1 year ago No. 589
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The beginning was kind of shit, the items weren't particularly good or anything, in fact My reflection completely ruined t. Forgotten since with him range means the distance between the character and the bone club attack, making the bone club so disjointed from him that I have to stand in the corner of the room to even hit anything. But then I got to Mines I and a Key bum inside the Super secret room gave me the Red key, and thus I was able to look for Ultra secret rooms now. And now on Depths II I found the Ultra secret room which contained Immaculate heart, a nice +10 or so damage but that's redundant at this point in the run, and after that I went to the regular secret room and lo and behold: Rock bottom. I think i can't fuck this up even if I tried, I'm so broken that you would think I'm playing Afterbirth+
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 8:36:17 PM 1 year ago No. 590
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The most beautiful Repentance run I've done yet.
Around the time I got Rock bottom I got lucky and got Epic fetus as well. It was pretty useless when I first got it but it became the protagonist by the end.
So, the run proceeded as usual until I got Sheol where my first use of the Red key got me to the Ultra secret room and I got Brimstone in there, which is always great to have but the loading time in my current build made it more of a novelty than anything. I then proceeded to kill Satan.

Then I got to the Dark chest. The initial Devil deals were absolute ASS (every single Devil deal in the run was bad, actually) but at least I had enough luck to make chests appear frequently all around the floor (any kind of chest but red has a guaranteed item inside if you are in The chest/Dark chest). There was a Key Beggar in the secret room and I couldn't reroll due to lack of Perthro, but the items ranged from decent to good so it wasn't all that bad. The insanity came when one of the regular chest drops dropped Soy milk. Normally I would've left it because the damage would've plummeted way beyond what I feel comfortable with, but since I had my beloved Rock bottom all my stats would remain at their highest historical value so I had over 100 points on the damage stat AND 8+ points on my tear rate so I obliterated everything I touched. A problem rose quickly, though, and this was Epic fetus which due to Soy milk would shoot missiles constantly around me whenever I fired, hurting myself. This is a run killer in normal conditions but since I had The wafer (You can only receive half a heart of damage each time) and some other item that I don't remember not only could I resist the missiles for long periods of time but I also got 4 or 5 seconds of immunity each time I got hurt; and to top everything off I had Gimpy and Fanny pack so I constantly spawned soul hearts, regenerating the damage I had taken. I advanced to The lamb and destroyed it appropriately, taking advantage of the Brimmy + Epic fetus synergy. Tainted Forgotten was complete, but Delirium's void appeared and I wanted to make that bastard suffer.

I proceeded through The Void normally at first, using the Red key in points of interest. I discovered around FOUR red shops, from which I bough everything, of course. A shame I wasn't really able to take advantage of Diplopia because it was in the last shop I encountered but that's whatever. The true prize was in the Super secret room. I had gotten a Temperance card and I was going to do the usual "Get donation machine items -> Pray for Perthro -> Reroll into Secret room pool" so I went on my merry way cleaning the rest of the floor until I had a crucial encounter: One of the bosses dropped D Infinity (Every single dice of the game in one item) so I had access to renewable reroll thanks to the Infinite D6 now. The first thing I rerolled wasn't the Super secret room, however, but one of the shops which had an impressive amount of useless actives I wanted to reroll. The most notable here was Deep pockets which let me store up to 999 coins rather than capping at 99, although I was kind of let down because I wasn't able to score Restock and enter game-crashing territory. When I was finished with the shop I went back to the Super secret room and began scrambling around to reroll there. I had a couple of beggars and 6 Donation machines (two of which I wasted because I tried to record the trick but fired instead, destroying them on the spot). I got a lot of items but some of them were pretty bad like Ball and chain so I decided to just not take them by the time I was out of rerolls. I got some strays as well like a Glass eye in a random Golden chest or a lucky red Angel room, although it only had Breath of life. And even with all this, the biggest bonus here was easily a red Dice room with 5 pips, which has the same effect as Forget me now (resets the floor with all your items, kind of like R key but just for the current floor). Sadly, I wasn't done with my item gathering when I accidentally stepped on the Dice room and reset the floor.

I expected a similar level of brokenness but this time everything was pretty dull, both the drops, the items and the rerolls. Not to mention I actually exhausted the Secret room pool and I didn't have any Judgement/Temperance cards to try and see if I got something in the red Devil deal room I encountered. At least while exhausting the item pool I got Evil charm, which is nothing out of this world but I hadn't picked up yet and thus it was missing on my item list. When I got fed up with all that like an hour later I went to Delirium and destroyed it in a second in a quite anticlimactic "battle". I was expecting it to put more of a fight, last time I fought him he had a ton of health and even defense, not Hush tier but at least some.

Overall, Tainted Forgotten is complete. I'll probably do regular Keeper next, I could never get the hang of that faggot back in the AB/AB+ days so I'll probably give it a shot now, although I'll admit it's mostly just to unlock Tainted Keeper because he looks pretty fun lol.
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 8:42:13 PM 1 year ago No. 591
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Pics of the Ultra secret Brimmy, the 5 pip Dice room and an old screenshot I got in one of my t. Lilith runs respectively.
I didn't know of that particular room layout with a ton of coins in The chest so that's why I took a screenshot of it
Anonymous Sun 24/09/2023 5:31:41 AM 1 year ago No. 595
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I went back to finish my save because I had left the game on Delirium's run just to enter the chest and finish the run next time I opened the game, but I realized something: I can just keep going since I had a red Sacrifice room which can teleport me to the Dark chest and from there I can go back to The Void. I did just that and IT HAPPENED AGAIN. I have the Sharp plug now as well so I have infinite battery charges and thus, infinite uses for the Red key as well as infinite rerolls
Anonymous Sun 24/09/2023 7:02:35 AM 1 year ago No. 596
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Emptied the entire Planetarium pool on natural void then reset the floor with the Dice room. From the looks of it I can still kill myself if I really want to with sharp plug but it's not that easy with Soul hearts spawning everywhere. I even found a random red Treasure room and a Library around, not to mention the sheer quantity of trinkets I've been swallowing. I've already hit the 5 hour marker, I wonder how much longer I can go with this one
Anonymous Sun 24/09/2023 8:15:10 AM 1 year ago No. 597
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No sacrifice room on that floor so I just went to kill Delirium and actually end the run once and for all. I killed him as fast as I expected so I began attacking after he died to appreciate the final synergy and the game crashed lol. Now this is on par with AB+.
I reopened the game and apparently it had deleted my progress on that floor but the floor itself had the layout of the second void I completed, the one with the red Devil room, not only that but the entire map appeared as if it was completed when I was just starting it.
Despite this, I had only lost 30 minutes of progress judging by the timer and my item list seemed to list all the planetarium items so it's strange that it went back to a random void layout instead of using the first one I got or the last. By this point I was fed up with messing around and I already had gotten all the items I was missing at the moment, especially the Planetarium items because I definitely wasn't going to bother skipping treasure rooms to get them.

And only now do I realize that Tainted Forgotten is still missing the Greedier mark
Anonymous Mon 25/09/2023 1:02:00 PM 1 year ago No. 599
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Hail Satan
Anonymous Mon 25/09/2023 1:34:39 PM 1 year ago No. 600
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>45 tear rate
>10 damage
Things can only get better once you hit Rock bottom.
Soy milk was insane as well, especially because it was paired up with Epiphora. The Wiz was a massive addition to my close-range damage output but it made me look silly sometimes since I lost the ability of shooting straight and my Evil eyes couldn't reach Ultra Greed like that. Right by the end I managed to corner him and you can see how his HP plummets to zero in a matter of seconds.

Tainted Forgotten is actually complete now. I changed my mind and I'm going to torture myself by going for all of The Lost's marks because I really want Godhead. Thankfully I already beat Delirium with him years ago in AB+ so I won't have to deal with that homo.
Anonymous Mon 25/09/2023 4:07:49 PM 1 year ago No. 601
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This run was pretty good at first with me picking up Eye of the occult because my dumb ass confused it with Eye of Belial, but I didn't regret it one bit. Further in downpour I got The mark which made me deal up to 15 damage per shot, and since I managed to do a lucky reroll on the shop and got PHD 50% off I also had a nice tear rate thanks to all the Tears up pills I was finding. Honorable mention to Bomber Boy which saved me from one of the shit Mines bosses. I don't even know that faggot's name and I won't look it up due to disrespect.

I found a secret room with 2 items, a layout that must be pretty rare since I only remember seeing it in this run. Sadly it was a waste because one of the items was meh (Mom's ring) and the other was literally useless for The Lost since he can't get HP (Black Lotus). Even with this small disappointment, I kept going forward nuking everything because I also got Little Horn that along with Perfection allowed me to summon Big Horn's hands constantly. In that floor I also got a rare sight: A Devil deal that's identical one the original non WotL game would be able to give you, it was pretty nice.

All hell broke loose when I went to Depths and found Ipecac in the Treasure room. I was going to reroll like a retard but then I remembered I had The host and from then on I began nuking every room I entered, rarely if ever even activating Holy mantle. I really like how this synergy was looking, the Ipecac tears being shot way up and then descending slowly to destroy anything and everything they touched since Little horn affects every kind of tear type now.

Since I was so damn OP since earlier stages of the run I had made up my mind and wanted to kill Dogma with The Lost. I cleared the boss rush and got fucking Tech-X. It nerfed my damage to 1/3 of its original but it still was 12 damage, not only that but the tick damage every Tech-X ring deals is pretty fast, enough to compensate for the damage with the sheer amount of explosions a single ring could deal. My tear rate was restored as well so I could spam Tech-X rings for an obscene amount of damage.

I then went through the Ascent like I normally would and I was lucky enough to get 2 baby familiars by destroying craniums: Dry baby and Ghost baby. If I was able to get a Devil deal with any other kind of familiar I would've gotten the Conjoined transformation, allowing me to shoot 2 extra laser rings every time as if I had Inner eye. Sadly this never happened and the Devil deal teleport I did get only gave me Lemegeton. I tried to reroll and nothing, so now I was 2/3 on FOUR different transformations: Guppy, Leviathan, Bookworm and Conjoined. Thankfully I found a Key beggar further up and on THE FIRST CHEST that I got from THE FIRST KEY there was Dead cat. Guppy transformation achieved for insane blue fly damage and 9 extra lives on top of that. The Ascent went on and I managed to reroll a Compass a beggar gave me into Pyromaniac of all things lol. If I was able to have red hearts I would've been beyond invincible. I fought both Dogma and The Beast and while Dogma didn't even hit me once, I lost the Holy mantle on Death of all Harbingers. The Beast didn't stand a chance and died quickly.

It's a pain in the ass how the marks I'm missing require me to clear one run each. At least now I'm only missing Mega Satan and (your) Mother
Anonymous Mon 25/09/2023 6:35:43 PM 1 year ago No. 602
i always felt that the ending of the original version of the game was kinda vague, does the ending in newer game give closure?
Anonymous Mon 25/09/2023 8:07:26 PM 1 year ago No. 603
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Mother is done as well. This run had an incredible start with Diplopia and Member card on the first shop and Knockout drops on the first treasure run. I rolled the leftover Eternal D6 into King baby and I took it without a second thought because conjoined. The first Devil deal had Twisted pair and I managed to achieve Bookworm early by rerolling a library. Along the way I got Lucky foot and thus achieved max regular tears by taking pills. Got Eye of the occult again in the next deal along with some small damage ups here and there. I rerolled the next Devil deal and achieved Conjoined thanks to Sister Maggy and because by this point I already had Perfection, all of my tears were knockout tears. In the Boss rush I sacrificed a bit of my tear rate for Mutant spider, making me shoot a ton of tears. I also had gotten BFF by this point so the twins' damage was doubled on top of me having a good damage number. In the Corpse I got 3 pretty flies and rerolled one of the items inside a lucky Stone chest into Spoon bender. Homing was pretty useless for me since I had Eye of the occult to control my tears after I fired them but I guess it's ok since the Knife you use to reach Mother homed to her and made it look cooler. I went straight to the Chest when she died because I just wanted to get it over with even if the run was legendary lol.

And all of this was right after the last run, too. Now I'm only missing the Mega Satan mark and I'm done with The Lost. A "funny" anecdote about this: I had completed Mega Satan with The Lost in AB+ back when it was new but my save got corrupted somehow and it set me back exactly, right before I had completed the Mega Satan run. I was livid, at least the game is way easier for The Lost now thanks to Perfection, as ironic as it is.

Yes. It's actually one of the things I don't like at all about Repentance. The ending is extremely in your face and it's put in such a clear way that not even the dumbest tard would miss the point. AB's and AB+'s endings were more straight to the point but at least maintained the vagueness of the original while the new endings even have voice acting.
Most of the stuff these new endings present (Mother, The Beast, The Legend of Bumbo) had already been theorized since the original game, they are just there to say "Yea, that's true", they just give you a bit more context but the true ending has been the same since the original flash game.
Spoiler warning:
Mom and Dad got divorced due to Dad's gambling addiction and Mom's growing religious fanaticism that she used to cope with this fact, Mom threw away all of Isaac's stuff that he used to play with his Dad, it's implied Mom had outbursts due to Isaac still loving his dad and sometimes even locking him up in his closet. This entire situation somehow led Isaac to believe everything was his fault so he locked himself in his toy chest, dying from suffocation (new characters are based on Isaac's death process, continuing what was started by ???). His mother looked for him but couldn't find him. She even put Missing posters around but nothing came up. She found his body a lot of time later, and by that time only bones were left. Edmund has confirmed Isaac is dead via tw*tter.
These are all the set-in-stone facts. There's other stuff that's more vague like what happened with Isaac's soul after he died.

The game has been confirmed as finished and Repentance has already received its last major patch so this is all there's to it.
I shall repeat myself and say that the OG's more vague ending was much better, specially since it's coupled with Tomes. Man, the original soundtrack truly remains unsurpassed.
Another thing, and this is more subjective, I think the new ending animations are pretty ugly. For example The Beast looks like it came right out of family guy in its cutscene since every single line has the same weight, the in-game sprite looks much better, I don't know what were they thinking.
Anonymous Tue 26/09/2023 1:58:36 PM 1 year ago No. 604
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It began as a decent run and then I got Doctor Fetus in Downpour II. Ended up sacrificing my Eternal D6 for a Forget me now in Depths II, and along the way I got some bomb upgrades like Bob's curse, Bobby-bomb and Hot bombs. I was just scrambling my way to Mega Satan and got lucky with a Magician card right before Isaac.
When I got to The Chest, however, shit got insane. Pyromaniac and C-Section in the initial chests, so i was able to shoot non-bombs tears again and on top of that I was immune to explosion damage now. And 2 rooms next to that I got Mutant spider so I could shoot 4 fetus-bombs every time. I could've gotten Soy milk really early in the run but I skipped since it'd be dumb to take it without having bomb immunity beforehand. I nuked everything to maximize my item chance, went to Mega Satan, nuked him and The Lost is complete. Now I'm missing Tainted Lost, who doesn't even have a mantle much like how The Lost didn't have the Holy mantle in Rebirth's early days, although it seems like he can't get health-ups and other useless items for him so it probably won't be too much of a pain in the ass. I really dread getting to Jacob&Esau, I only did one run with them to unlock Rock bottom and then I died
Anonymous Tue 26/09/2023 4:33:09 PM 1 year ago No. 605
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The only way to even remotely enjoy playing with this burden of a character is to get an insane run. Got C-Section in Downpour and now I got R key in Caves II. If I play this smart I can kill 2 birds with one stone.
If I get the knife pieces and get to Mother I can then go to The Void, kill Delirium and restart the run there and in the second I could go straight to The Beast. Going for Mega Satan would give me more completion marks but since you begin the Ascent just a floor after Depths II having a busted build from the beginning would be ideal. I think I'll go about it like that and go for Mega Satan some other time, then I'd only be missing Isaac, Satan, The Lamb and Blue Baby but I think those only count towards the "Get all Tainted [character] completion marks to unlock '[tarot card]?'"
Anonymous Sun 01/10/2023 4:46:45 PM 1 year ago No. 615
i think your right, some things are better left unsaid. another thing is i think it would be frustrating to have to replay the game over and over to learn more about the story or get the "right" ending.
Anonymous Thu 23/11/2023 8:20:31 PM 10 months ago No. 707
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Out of all the runs I could've gotten twisted pair early in, it had to be the one run where I'm not only doing a challenge but it's the one challenge where shooting more is bad.
FUCK Onan's streak
Anonymous Fri 24/11/2023 1:46:27 PM 10 months ago No. 708
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Insane fucking run, D6 start and constant secret room item spawns. Got Sacred heart on a reroll of the first angel room and got Ipecac that same floor as well, no reroll needed there.
I eventually got DInfinity which is a direct upgrade and got Eucharist, I did some rigging and got R key on my last charge. I will now do what I failed to do here >>605, all teh way to Delirium and then restart and go for Dogma
Anonymous Fri 24/11/2023 2:26:12 PM 10 months ago No. 709
>Mega Satan didn't spawn void and my run ended the instant I killed him
Rebirth is such a piece of shit fucking game holy shit
Anonymous Sun 26/11/2023 12:47:28 PM 10 months ago No. 713
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Somehow I had never seen this shop layout before. It had 2 Keepers as well as 2 lucky coins.
It's good that it has a donation machine because I found out a neat trick you can do if there's also a Sacrifice room in the first floor
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 2:49:18 AM 10 months ago No. 714
Some absolutely insane Keeper runs I had recently. The biggest highlight definitely is the Dogma/Beast run, I managed to get 3 different transformations (Conjoined, Beelzebub and Seraphim) thanks to a Donation machine and Sacrifice room in Basement I and a lot of luck later on, including multiple Angel teleports/Angel items in subsequent Sacrifice rooms, not to mention I discovered magnetizing tears work even better than regular homing, just watch the first video. The game can barely support the sheer amount of Trisagion tears on-screen.
Here's my Eden run as well as a comparison, that run was amazing but it's not even close to how good that Keeper run was.

I also managed to do Delirium with keeper, also with an insane run that featured Chaos early on, and while risky, it payed off extremely well with Succubus in Downpour's treasure room, Sulfur in Mausoleum II's treasure room and Haemolacrea in Ashpit II's shop. The main synergy of the run was Sulfur+Haemolacria+Cursed eye, their combination completely filled the boss room with Brimstone. The damage was so wild it got Delirium to half of its health in a single charged shot while it remained stationary, and Mother didn't even take more than 2 charged shots.
Another thing that really helped tie everything together was Cursed eye, which I think is an underrated and overhated item. Yes, you teleport if you get hit while charging but it's great for things like letting you shoot charged attacks below full charge and in this case a huge amount of extra tears as well (this "con" doesn't even matter with The Lost/t. Lost).
Sadly, I didn't record anything about that run, not even Mother which I also killed there, so at least here's the video of the synergy without sulfur because I couldn't get any more charges since I had completed every room.

And now I went for the Greedier mark, the only Keeper completion mark I'm missing, and since I had gotten Eden's blessing in my last run (the Keeper Dogma run) I started out with an item, and it was fucking Money=Power.
I'm glad to finally be able to complete the one character that filtered me all the way back in Afterbirth and made me drop the game until Afterbirth+. Another thing that I didn't know is that he actually had gotten a significant overhaul (aka they made it easier for shitters) featuring an extra hit point which is HUGE, the Hush unlock being starting with said extra hit point instead of it being a coin pickup and Devil deals now costing money instead of coin containers (I actually avoided Devil deals through all these runs because I had no interest in losing hit points lol).
In this couple of days alone Keeper went from "Worse than The Lost" to "One of the best" for me. Once you figure him out it's really fun to fuck around with him and are able to really appreciate his strengths and work around his weaknesses.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 2:53:55 AM 10 months ago No. 715
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I've been trying to upload this for a good while. Seems like the site shits itself whenever I want to upload more than 2 videos, so I'll upload the files 2 at a time
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 2:56:37 AM 10 months ago No. 716
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>Can't even upload more than one now
Alright, whatever. I'll do one at a time
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 3:00:08 AM 10 months ago No. 718
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Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 3:00:51 AM 10 months ago No. 719
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Anonymous Fri 01/12/2023 12:15:58 PM 10 months ago No. 726
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I pulled an all-nighter the other day to get this fag to this point. I can't wait to never play him again.

Also, I'll probably end up buying the full game in the winter sale because the online will remain on beta for a good while and I don't know anyone with the full game to get the update files from there, I'm full of hope that the game will be able to work online in pirated copies with only the base game but I'll have to wait to actually try that out with someone else.
But I think it's good that I missed out on this very first wave, it seems like the beta has been deleting Dead God save files en masse, saves lost left and right if you didn't have a backup of everything
Anonymous Sun 03/12/2023 5:46:31 PM 10 months ago No. 729
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First t. Keeper run, by the way. Holy fucking shit, this one has been insane. I'm glad I'll get Mother and D*lirium out of the way fast
Anonymous Sun 03/12/2023 5:53:23 PM 10 months ago No. 730
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>Find slot machine
>Play twice
>Get Dollar
A bit redundant because I have the store coupon and I'm at 99 coins already (RIP Deep Pockets) but damn, I can't remember the last time I picked a dollar up. Pretty appropriate for t. Keeper
Anonymous Sun 03/12/2023 5:58:42 PM 10 months ago No. 731
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>Fucking Sacred orb in Corpse II
Joke's on you, I'm going for Delirium, fucker. I'll be getting some sweet quality 3 and 4 boss drops and who knows, maybe even another insane secret room item
Anonymous Sun 03/12/2023 9:21:19 PM 10 months ago No. 732
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I saw a Void rush with Freebird as BGM the other day, it wasn't really good but it inspired me to try doing my own with this run. Funnily enough, hosts fucked me over just like in that video I watched, fuck those niggers.
I can't believe I managed to fit this just below the file size limit, although I'll probably upload the HD somewhere else
Anonymous Wed 06/12/2023 7:13:50 PM 10 months ago No. 733
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Just finished a wonderfully appropriate t. Keeper run on Greedier. C-Section, Head of the Keeper, a ton of range-ups, Jacob's ladder, Tech 0 and even the comically redundant Spoon bender. In the DMG aspect I only had a handful or random DMG ups around the shops and the treasure rooms until an Angel room gave me Crown of light, which didn't really see its full potential at first until I got Holy mantle. To seal the deal I got a couple of lucky coins at first so my luck was at 0 instead of the base -2 so Head of the Keeper didn't had a totally awful rate of success. Another thing that basically made my run tard-proof was having swallowed penny, so even if I somehow got hit I would always drop a penny to heal myself up.
My only problem was that by the end and due to sprinkler I was so OP that everything in the room died too fast and I couldn't pick up many coins around there. I also got Deep pockets in the Shop (the floor, not the room) so it didn't see its full potential at all, although it was good to have for the donation machine (which is useless as well because I already blew it up twice back when AB+ was new).
Honestly, I'm absolutely LOVING both keepers. He's definitely one of the characters where I like playing both ther regular and tainted forms a lot, other ones being Lilith, Bethany and The Forgotten
Anonymous Wed 06/12/2023 7:48:48 PM 10 months ago No. 734
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Was doing a rerun for the lols and I just found R Key in the shop. Insane discount if you have Steam sale, it probably would be a guaranteed win with t. Lost in a legit run
Anonymous Thu 07/12/2023 2:30:21 PM 10 months ago No. 735
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Finished the rererun. AB+ tier broken, balance went out the window the moment I got chaos and then Rock Bottom, a shame it doesn't count
Anonymous Thu 07/12/2023 3:20:19 PM 10 months ago No. 736
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>25 cents on sale for 7 cents
Anonymous Thu 07/12/2023 7:30:24 PM 10 months ago No. 737
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>Only completion marks left are Blue baby and Isaac
>Get this on Forget me now Utero I after doing the "keep your active" trick
Yeah, I think I've already won
Anonymous Thu 07/12/2023 11:25:39 PM 10 months ago No. 738
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>Swallowed Bloody crown
>Got Eve's mascara in Utero 2
As if I needed even more brokenness. I was already overkill for Blue baby by that point. All smooth sailing and both Keepers are done. I've done significant t. Lost progress but I'll prolly do Jacob&Esau next. Birthright and Damocles would be great for t. Lost and the red stew would be incredible in a run with Rock bottom
Anonymous Fri 08/12/2023 5:47:44 PM 10 months ago No. 739
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Delirium wasn't a massive fucking faggot this time for a change, i think I didn't even get hit. Now this is progress: Hush, Isaac, Blue baby and Delirium in one run, and I didn't even have anything that broken, just an hyperbrimmy on Jacob (Brimstone, Polyphemus, Cricket's head and various other DMG ups on top of The Devil card).
Now that both Hush and Delirium are done I can safely focus on Dogma balls and Mother, it's just Greedier, The Lamb and Mega Satan after that
Anonymous Sat 09/12/2023 7:17:26 PM 10 months ago No. 740
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Damn, I've been getting some kick-ass runs lately. I wanted to do an easy character to rest from doing J&E, t. Keeper and t. Lost so much and I fucking bulldozed through lol, 4 won runs back to back with t. Azazel and the last one was Greedier. A big contrast to the -10 win streak I got to back when I was completing t. Keeper, and I probably went to an even bigger number of losses with t. Lost
Anonymous Tue 26/12/2023 4:50:57 PM 9 months ago No. 777
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I was doing The Purist challenge and after doing some minmaxing in Basement II I ended up choosing to go for devil deals in this run, I even got Goat head from a Devil deal, fixing my chance of getting devil deals to 100%. However, when I got to Depths II and there was a sacrifice room. I decided to do the get damaged 7 times just for the chance of getting Redemption or something but I got teleported to the Angel room and got offered Eucharist, which is just Goat head for Angel rooms. Quite the useless item since I believe it doesn't actually let you go to the Angel room after doing a Devil deal
Anonymous Tue 26/12/2023 4:59:38 PM 9 months ago No. 778
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Wait, it actually does work. Huh
Anonymous Tue 26/12/2023 6:18:34 PM 9 months ago No. 781
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>2 cents for 5 cents
Anonymous Tue 26/12/2023 6:41:16 PM 9 months ago No. 782
This run has been impressive and I'm not even out of Basement I.
The "Have a heart" challenge is entirely based on you getting no red hearts normally, along with not being able to pick up soul hearts, and instead your only way to heal is through passive items, specific trinkets or the item you start the challenge with: Charm of the vampire. This item heals you for half a red heart every time you kill 13 enemies, and you can exploit this for lots of health. For my first boss I got The Duke of flies, and he spawns infinite flies until he dies, so my tactic was to just stall him so he could spawn a fuck ton of flies so I could get to full health ASAP and so I did. I originally was using the Strength card seen here >>781 but I had to use the "Exit game and continue" exploit to revive the Duke because I accidentally killed him twice. I can't believe these shitty challenges used to be impossible for me a couple of years ago.
Also, an incredible coincidence: I spawned right in front of the treasure room and it had Unicorn stump, and then a couple of rooms after that an enemy opened up a crawl space and that had the actual My little unicorn. A direct upgrade, I don't know if anything like this has ever happened to me before.
Anonymous Tue 26/12/2023 8:10:15 PM 9 months ago No. 783
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And of course, I forgot the image. Either way, the run got absolutely insane shortly after. I checked the Devil deal to see if I could get some hearts removed and it had fucking twisted pair along with a couple other meh items which I took anyway just because I wanted to keep my red hearts down. I got Book of Revelations on the very next floor thanks to a Sacrifice room and then a bit later I found a library that had fucking Satanic bible, not to mention I had gotten Duality on a previous Sacrifice room. I ended up getting Death's touch on Necropolis I and made the mistake of going for the Angel room, which awarded me Wisp jar, an active item that is completely useless for me in this situation. Another thing I had going on was the uncanny amount of money I've been getting in this run, further expanded by a single lucky Soul of Keeper paired with Counterfeit penny, Deep pockets in the shop of the same floor and even a lucky 2 of diamonds a bit later. By the time I got to Womb I was busted enough but I also managed to get Conjoined thanks to Satanic bible's boss deal and found a Dead cat in a curse room. Now I'm at an arcade in, while having over 800 coins on hand. Of course, this is a challenge and it doesn't matter if I get Skatole or whatever, I just want to spend my money.
Anonymous Wed 27/12/2023 2:33:04 PM 9 months ago No. 784
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>Trying to do Baptism by fire for the first time
>Find adoption papers in Depths I
>Find fucking Twisted pair in the very next shop I visit
There's no way I can throw this run now
Anonymous Wed 27/12/2023 3:04:59 PM 9 months ago No. 785
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The results were as expected, but even better. I got a Chaos card in Womb I which meant that I could skip the entirety of the Isaac fight if I played Womb II well enough for me to not have to use it on Mom's heart, and I did. Not a single enemy touched me on Womb II and I went the wrong way twice on the Cathedral but I only got hit once and thankfully was able to heal myself again immediately. Then I just went into Isaac, ran to him and threw the Chaos card and it was over before it even started. Now I'm just missing the Tainted Jacob challenge because I haven't unlocked them yet and the certified AB+ classic "Ultra hard", which is the next one I'm planning to do.

This was a blessed run in all honesty, especially for a first try. This is just evidence that Adoption papers is severely underrated as a trinket and that Bethany kicks ass.
Anonymous Wed 27/12/2023 3:11:30 PM 9 months ago No. 786
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Oh, and I forgot to mention that I got some insanely lucky drops on Depths II like the arcade giving me Skatole after a few tries and A Dollar on the first try. Sadly I had literally no use for the money past that point since I didn't want to
risk getting hit just to find an arcade.
Then on Scarred womb II I was bombing some rocks to get some pills and one of them dropped Blood clot, which is pretty rare.
A super Wrath dropped Mr. Mega so using bombs against enemies was even more viable after that point and it helped me defeat Mom's heart even faster.
Anonymous Fri 29/12/2023 7:01:35 PM 9 months ago No. 791
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Spent the entire fucking day, probably over 2 hours of them pressing R to get a decent Treasure room start but I finally did Ultra hard. Tech+Proptosis is cracked.

Also, you get THIS of all things for doing Ultra hard? I want Edmund's head on a fucking stick
Anonymous Sun 21/01/2024 12:17:32 PM 8 months ago No. 826
this was quite the decent run for a noob like me getting the perfect items for a run where my buddies pretty much do everything for me while I stand idly by. I got really good combo items like Paschal Candle, Gnawed Leaf, Mom's Knife, Holy Mantle, etc. and beat the heart with ease.
Anonymous Thu 16/05/2024 12:33:39 AM 5 months ago No. 926
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I've been playing Afterbirth these last few days. I got Dead God like a month ago and I was experimenting with mods to try and recreate WotL (Rebirth of the Lamb, Eternal edition, Reflashed, only standard size rooms, etc.) but sadly all of the mods were either incomplete, obsolete or had a incompatibilities with each other; I was tired of dealing with that so i decided to go get my old-ass Afterbirth save from 2016 or so and get Platinum God in it and the experience was shocking.

I didn't remember everything being so easy, it's probably because the enemy bullets travel faster in Repentance and the item pool is bloated to shit in Repentance (719 items in total) compared to afterbirth's relatively modest item pool (436 items in total). I immediately tried out Greed mode and completely demolished it with all the characters I had unlocked at that point, my Greed machine counter was at like 108 before being abandoned and I got it to 1k in 2 days (picrel). I used to waste so much fucking time in this mode and it felt impossible back then, I even skipped on studying for some exams because a run looked promising and now I'm just going through it like it's nothing. Did it with The Lost as well as soon as I got the mantle (I didn't even have to use it against Ultra Greed lol) and then with Keeper as soon as I unlocked him, although that one took quite a few tries because I kept getting shit tier items, so I really don't have to touch Greed mode in this save again, thankfully.
Another shocking thing that I didn't remember at all is how Chaos used to work and how dogshit it was. In Repentance Chaos turns every single item pool into one and then everything draws the items from that giant pool so with 719 items breakfast only happens on a busted run. In Afterbirth, however, it seems that instead of doing that, Chaos draws from a random item pool instead and since all item pools are way smaller you're gonna get breakfasted really quickly, specially in Greed mode where it only takes one or two floors.
The D4 got a similar rework, in Repentance it rerolls every item individually and only among the same item pool you got it from (general one with chaos) and items you got and rerolled are marked as "unseen" so you can find them again if you rerolled them (and you can reroll into them again if you continue rerolling) but in Afterbirth it rerolls every item into every pool, not only that but it marks the items you get as "seen" so not only can you not get them again but you can't reroll into them either and with every reroll you get one step closer to getting breakfasted.

Another thing that had completely left my mind, probably to cope with the horror, is the special item system that used to be the standard until Repentance changed it to the infinitely superior Quality system. I didn't remember what the game considered "Special items" until I checked the wiki and was disgusted as soon as I saw the icons. Imagine getting cucked out of Sacred heart, Brimstone, Godhead or even Mom's knife because you saw (not even took, SAW) the fucking Ludovico technique or D100, it'd be funny if it wasn't the standard until 2021. Also it's worth noting how Soy milk, Lil' brimstone and the Stop watch were put on the same tier as the run-winning items mentioned previously.
Another much needed rework was the way the Angel/Devil rooms worked. It wouldn't have been a problem if Mega Satan didn't exist, but having to rely on winning a coinflip or getting Dad's key to fight him is infuriating. You can't guarantee an Angel deal next time by skipping the first Devil room, either, only way to truly guarantee is through the Sacrifice room, and The Lost has no access to that so you're stuck with Dad's key or the coinflip with him, so good luck if you got an insane run and only got a half of the key because that entire run was for nothing. It doesn't help that Angel deals are pretty shitty pre-Repentance and only worth visiting if you're risking it all for Sacred heart (or Godhead if you've completed The Lost).
And talking about The Lost, it's insane how much they buffed him in Afterbirth compared to the base game. In the base game he lacks spectral tears and don't get any starting item, not even the shitty D4, so you actually have to go through the entire thing without getting hit once with no advantages outside of flight. Even Tainted Lost in Repentance is easier because he makes it so HP items and the like never spawn but with base The Lost you have to deal with all the base Rebirth bullshit completely raw, including the complete randomness of getting to Mega Satan. The Holy mantle makes him easier than even WotL Blue baby, and since Repentance also changed his D4 (you'll never roll that shit because it removes your mantle) into an Eternal D6 (D6 that works like the one in WotL, has a chance to make the target items just disappear instead) and paired with the mantle you basically have a discount Isaac with infinite health. Any person who got Godhead as base Lost is an actual master and the game and this reputation stuck with him for years to come because I remember people treating him as the ultimate challenge of the game when he's a pretty exploitable character compared to Keeper who is the designated challenge character of the DLC and was pretty hard until they reworked him in Repentance. I guess people trying to beat Delirium in AB+ and getting telefragged in a second kept the flame of his rep alive, even if it's just because Delirium is some of the worst that has ever touched the franchise only next to Ridiculon's music.

I used MissingHud to track my stats, it's actually the first time I've ever modded Afterbirth because I used to play completely vanilla back in the day. I downloaded the charge bars mod as well which was implemented into the game by Afterbirth+ if I'm not mistaken, I wonder what other QoL stuff that I take for granted now can I put in the game.

One thing I actually dread going back to is Ultra hard. I could barely even complete it in Repentance with a Q4 starting item >>791 so I'll actually have to restart over and over to get something decent yet again. At least the annoying Repentance room layouts didn't exist here yet so it may not be that bad, all things considered. The other challenges are piss easy now and didn't even take more than the first run in some cases. I even speedran Slow roll because you are OP from the start and I got the Shovel in my first Devil deal so I shoveled my way to Depths 2, nuked Mom and beat the challenge in 6 minutes (I forgot to save the screenshot I took like a retard).

Playing with the roster of Isaac clones felt surprisingly fresh, probably because I just came from the gimmick-infested hell that is Repentance. Sometimes I just want an Isaac with different stats and play through classic room layouts, but I already have Wrath of the Lamb for that, I guess (not base Rebirth because it sucks dick).

These are my current thoughts on Afterbirth after revisiting it 7/8 years later, but only my initial thoughts since I've covered most of the basic stuff.
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