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The Evil Within Anonymous Mon 09/01/2023 8:26:32 PM 1 year ago No. 61
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Anyone here played The Evil Within games? I think they're really good games. What do you think?

The art direction as a whole is very creative, especially the monster design. I felt like a lot of enemy encounters were unique both in style and approach, especially bosses. Some bosses needed a special approach but others were just "SHOOT IT UNTIL IT DIES". Which isn't bad!
The level design was really cool as well. I loved how unpredictable the levels were. Since the game essentially takes place inside someone's memories the devs could take a lot of liberty when creating the levels and it makes total sense in the context of the game. I think it was very well done.

Another thing both games nailed is the atmosphere. The lighting, sound design and grainy saturation tie together beautifully to scare the shit out of you. I did think the first game did this better than the second. Sneaking around and assassinating enemies was super fun and tense.

The difficulty was really punishing, which I thought was fun. It is a survival horror game, after all. It kept you on your toes throughout the entire game. I still needed to take a break sometimes lol. It felt really good to finally take down a huge boss enemy after pelting him with all your shotgun ammo, crossbow bolts and grenades.
Anonymous Tue 14/02/2023 10:36:55 PM 1 year ago No. 151
I've never played the games myself, but I'm sure if you wrote about it in the game review thread people would like reading what you have to say about them.
Anonymous Wed 15/02/2023 1:29:59 AM 1 year ago No. 152
I agree with this anon.
I think I remember playing the first Evil Within game but quit after a short while because I'm not good with horror video games that actually scare me. I couldn't even finish the first few days of Darkwood and had to result to watching other people play it instead.
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