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Metal Gear! Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 3:27:19 AM 1 year ago No. 798
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This thread is for discussion of the series Metal Gear Solid

It's strange because this game was hyped up by my parents for my entire life, i already knew of the story and the characters since i was a kid. My dad played all the games and my mom used to watched him. It was a pain because i was never allowed to play them, and i constantly had to wait untill "i was older" and even then they sold damn near all of it, i had to buy copies of what i could find third hand.
I played most of the games besides 4, revengance, metal gear 2 for the msx and metal gear solid. For what it's worth, It's a SOLID amirite series overall with both great gameplay, and story.
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Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 2:16:10 PM 1 year ago No. 800
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I bought MGS4 knowing absolutely nothing about the series, thinking it was an action shooter.
I wanted to know why FPS games were so popular, so just going by the covers Resistance and CoD looked boring to me. MGS4 is just an old guy with an eye covered but it still caught my attention and definitely looked like a shooter.
I played it for an hour, tolerated the cutscenes because I had never seen graphics like that, was really amused at Snake worming his way on the ground. Then I went "huh, shooters are stranger than I thought" and shelved it.
Then I played it on a whim several years later, finished the game still not knowing what the hell I was watching(playing), but I liked the experience so I then bought the HD collection and then went through MGS2 then MGS3 then peacewalker then MGS then both MSX ones that were included in MGS3 and finally revengeance. I completed all of them. I think I'm just missing mgs5, portable ops and the gameboy ones.
Good series. I recommend all of the ones you are missing OP but at the very least mgs I feel is a must.
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 10:08:05 PM 1 year ago No. 814
I actually played the games in chronological order, It was an experience for sure. after playing metal gear 5 ground zeroes and phantom pain and actually getting into metal gear for the msx it hit extra hard that venom snake was the big boss you killed, also in mother base in phantom pain the diamond dogs comment how its extra important to get rest and they make comments you'll later hear in metal gear and there's much, much more. You'd think the extra retcons would fuck shit up but not really, It's not that bad and to me it gave the later stories weight.
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 10:20:23 PM 1 year ago No. 815
Although, zeroes was supposed to be the first mission in Phantom pain, and konami cut a fuck ton of content out of phantom pain and in a way, its like you as the player feel the phantom pain of what the game really should have been. I think a good chunk of lost content was leaked on youtube which includes a "mission 51". Also one of the lost missions is venom snake returning to where the whole ground zeroes inccident took place.
Anonymous Wed 21/02/2024 5:26:51 PM 1 year ago No. 853
Playing Metal gear 2: Solid Snake.
It's much more fun then the first game. I realised that i'm an idiot and there was lasers in a room and i didn't use the goggles i just found to make them visible...
There was a room on the first floor with two guards and if you hide under a desk and stay still for a while, a military theme will play and the guards will salute and a voice from the speakers will say "attention" which is pretty wild.
I like how you can crouch in this game and how guards can be distracted and how they can roam around to try and find you unlike the first game where they just stand there.
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 5:21:12 PM 1 year ago No. 854
I don't know if there's a lore reason for miller being useless in metal gear 2 unless he's actually a decoy or something.
So, i beat the first boss, which was pretty thrilling since it took me a long while to figure out how to kill him because of his habit to teleport. I like the amount of dialoge from the character unlike the previous game where there isn't much really.
I was happy to see that they re-used a throwaway character from the last game, it turns out the original name for the character was "blackcollar" which is an action sci-fi book with a similar character who's a space ninja and the name "black color" was a shitty translation from the english translators and they later changed the name to fucking "black ninja". i feel like that sequence of snake realising the governmet he's working for are a bunch of niggers is kind of related to mgs3 with big boss realising that the boss was a fall guy for the government, maybe thats just me though.
Anonymous Mon 18/11/2024 4:03:32 PM 3 months ago No. 1070
They finally updated the metal gear volume 1 collection to use 4K ultra HD. Really kept me waiting there.

I picked up metal gear 2 after a long while, i had just came back from staking the green hat guy through the jungle so i wouldn't get lost. I totally fucking forgot what i was supposed to do so after getting a stinger missle i backtracked to the sandy area and sure enougth, another boss battle but this time with a helicopter.
I'm a fan of the gimmick weapons and boss fights. I'm also a fan of the backtracking because atleast in this game i'm curious as of what's hiding behind locked doors.
Anonymous Wed 25/12/2024 1:46:20 AM 2 months ago No. 1108
I killed the end in metal gear solid three without having to do his boss fight, levels earlier during his secomd appearance near a warehouse the boss, her son and the end are discussing whatever bullshit amx i figured "fuck it, might as well kill that guy" so i did and the game fucking took it into account story-wise. I didn't realise afterwards he was supposed to have a massive boss fight because for me i had to face revolver ocelot's elite unit. I probably should next time, i heard it was legendary.
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