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/vg/ - Video Games
/vg/ webm thread Anonymous Tue 02/01/2024 5:32:37 PM 1 year ago No. 806
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This is a thread for anons to post videos they take of their gameplay, and to talk about them.
In this clip, I fight a boss in Risk of Rain Returns as Mercenary. I've recently been addicted to this game and the Mercenary is one of my favorite characters. Especially once you get good with him, you can do some cool vwishy vwooshy anime bullshit, which is the whole point considering the fact that he's a canon Japanophile and massive weeb.
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Anonymous Wed 07/08/2024 3:35:24 PM 7 months ago No. 1003
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I pirated Halo Infinite's campaign recently, and it's been pretty okay so far. Which is surprising to me, to say the least. I'm really excited to keep playing it since it's a lot of fun, and I'll probably do a review of it when I'm finished. It's been too long since I've played a new Halo game
Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 4:32:03 AM 6 months ago No. 1009
considering the shit story of halo 4 and 5, how does the narritive of the campaign for infinte hold up?
Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 8:55:08 PM 6 months ago No. 1013
Meh. It had some okay moments but it was otherwise unremarkable. It felt like the first half of a full story which was surprising, considering the fact that the game just ends with no climax or fanfare.
All of the campaign missions were actually very good. Structured and paced extremely well. I enjoyed playing the game a lot, even if it wasn't "perfectly" traditional Halo
Anonymous Fri 30/08/2024 5:56:56 AM 6 months ago No. 1018
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Migrating from >>>/vg/1/#637
I've been playing Darius Gaiden all month and finally finished a 1cc. Here's Neon Light Illusion, my favorite boss of the ones I've encountered. The bosses are all giant robotic sea creatures, which I think is cool. I'm emulating the PSX version, so there's a bit of slowdown.
This game's levels are arranged in a pyramid, so at the end of each zone, you choose between 2 zones to play next. I settled on ABEHLQV, which I found to be the path of least resistance. It's a fun system. There are many zones I haven't even seen, so it's good for replay value. I wonder if the ending changes depending on the route you take.
Not shown here, there is also a feature where you can capture midbosses and have them fight alongside you. It's very rewarding, since they have strong attacks and cool designs, plus they give you bonus points at the end.
I had to adjust to how the bombs work in this game, as they don't make you invulnerable until shortly after you press the button, meaning you have to plan ahead to use them effectively, rather than reacting to the immediate situation. They also immobilize enemies, tying into the aforementioned system by making captures easier.
There's a subtle rank system in this game, as in most shmups. Rank is increased by firing, wiping out enemy formations, and destroying optional parts of bosses, so careful shooting is required to keep the difficulty manageable. I arrived at the final boss with a higher rank than usual on this run, but my stockpiled lives and bombs carried me through. I think capturing midbosses also increases rank, but I couldn't resist going for most of them.
The graphics are pleasant, and the soundtrack is top-notch. If you like what you see, check this game out. I hear it's the peak of the series, but I haven't tried the rest.
Anonymous Thu 31/10/2024 4:14:05 PM 4 months ago No. 1049
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My sights have recently been put upon the Nu-Doom games. I replayed 2016 and Eternal, and find that I still quite hate both of those games. However, with the advent of modding, I've come to REALLY enjoy Doom Eternal MUCH MUCH more. I'm considering writing a review for these games soon too.
Anonymous Thu 31/10/2024 4:18:32 PM 4 months ago No. 1050
lol for whatever reason it really does look like those shitty looter shooters with the over the top UI
Anonymous Thu 31/10/2024 4:35:49 PM 4 months ago No. 1051
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>97.59 MB 872x480 00:01:21


Come on for such a short video you know you can do better than that
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