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[b]MOTHER FUCKIN PALWORLD FAGGOTS [/b] Anonymous Mon 15/01/2024 12:13:47 AM 1 year ago No. 822
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make sure you be there on the 19th niggers
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Anonymous Sat 27/01/2024 3:38:58 AM 1 year ago No. 836
Does anyone know what is going on with Palworld and Nintendo? I am hearing conflicting reports about Nintendo wanting to sue the developers because the game is too similar to Nintendo.
Anonymous Sat 27/01/2024 5:48:55 AM 1 year ago No. 837
How much did they rip off? Can you catch monsters in balls? (if so then thats not good for them lol) It depends on how much they ripped off i mean its not like pokemon sued digimon for copying them
Anonymous Sat 27/01/2024 9:18:26 AM 1 year ago No. 838
For those sales figures can you actually point out anything genuinely original it does that you can't find in any other games out there? I absolutely do not understand the appeal at all it looks like another one to one re-release of that overhyped boring base builder game Valheim. It's like if someone took ARK: Survival Evolved and instead of dinosaurs slapped a bunch of Pokemons everywhere and called it a day (Not to mention how many years behind in development this game is compared to that one, enjoy your early-never-to-be-finished-access.)
Anonymous Sat 27/01/2024 2:18:05 PM 1 year ago No. 839
Whenever I see a game become an overnight sensation like this I prefer to steer clear for a bit. There've been too many games like this that get some controversy around them to generate a playerbase regardless of how fun it actually is and then disappear completely.
I'm a long time Pokémon fan who despises Game Freak. It's a den of hacks and scammers. They've been needing a wake up call since 2004, but realistically I don't think Palworld is going to start a Pokémon renaissance. I think it's very possible that the folks at the head of Game Freak haven't even heard the name Palworld yet. I haven't seen anything in the way of an official response, more like a bunch of people are projecting ownage and butthurt onto the Big N. Sort of like those Steamboat Willy memes that got annoying way to quick earlier this month, do you really think the Big D gave a shit that someone made a youtube video where he goes to Epstein Island? I could be wrong, but even if these kinds of things tickle the legal departments they will likely have an infinitesimal effect on the creative process behind whatever steaming garbage GameFreak shits out over the coming years.
All that said, the concept of Pokémon as slave laborers and such is amusing. Love how you can capture other humans, too. That kind of unhinged psychopathy is just the ticket. From the gameplay I've seen the crafting system is very unfortunate, but that's the sort of thing that can get polished out before the full version is released. Worst case scenario there'll be mods for instant crafting.
It's hard to really judge a game that's still in the early stages like this. Another reason for me to wait and watch. I would love for this to retain its popularity and evolve into something really amazing.
Anonymous Sat 27/01/2024 2:25:13 PM 1 year ago No. 840
Didn't they abandon their other early-access project Craftopia and use all of the funds they got from that project to develop Palworld? What says they aren't just trend chasers at this point and once the hype around Palworld dies down maybe a year or two passes a few updates get shit out and no one has the ability to refund the game anymore they're going to leave this one in the dust to make another edgy early-access title.
Anonymous Tue 30/01/2024 7:14:37 PM 1 year ago No. 842
>Whenever I see a game become an overnight sensation like this I prefer to steer clear for a bit.
This ^ is exactly why I am not going to play it for at least till later in the year. I am hearing the normalfags at my wagie job, and hearing people talk about the game is a red flag. Pokemon hasn't been something I cared about for nearly a decade which is beside the point that I am not interested in Palworld.
Anonymous Mon 19/02/2024 7:55:20 PM 1 year ago No. 851
>Whenever I see a game become an overnight sensation like this I prefer to steer clear for a bit
Games like this or Lethal Company are rarely actually good. They're good bait and nothing else. For a while it was the "coop survival horror" stint that a bunch of lets players went on. For PalWorld, it's effectively bait for the entire gaming community because it's just "Pokemon but good" even though Palworld isn't good and Pokemon isn't good either.
They're just bait games. That's why they die so fast-- they have ZERO staying power because their only appeal is something separate from itself. The appeal of Palworld isn't that it's PALWORLD, the appeal is that it's Pokemon but "Good", and that just isn't enough to keep people around.
It's frustrating but it keeps the brainless normgroids distracted for better games to be appreciated by people who actually care
Anonymous Tue 20/02/2024 5:19:03 AM 1 year ago No. 852
all this is going to do is change the market because said brainless normroids are making gaming companies think that the market enjoys the bare minumum and so that's all they'll bother putting out.
people bitched about dlc and horse armor prices being up the roof expensive but they really didn't do nothing to nothibg but post shit memes instead of not buying the games and protesting. people made shit mlg memes about mountain dew and doritos and MLG and all that did is bolster corperate sponsored competitive gaming which saturated the market with shit multiplayer games no one gives a fuck about.
theres going to be more palworld clones and theres nothing anyone can do to stop it infact i'm sure the people that enjoy it think their sticking it to the man but in reality all they are doing is pushing the market to shit out whatever.
Anonymous Sun 31/03/2024 4:18:17 AM 11 months ago No. 876
Did this game just die or something? It seemed like a flavor of the month.
Anonymous Mon 01/04/2024 10:40:30 AM 11 months ago No. 877
Seems mostly to be the case, but I still hear about it now and then. Yesterday the devs announced a dating sim for april fools. Confirmed to have nsfw content. Reminds me of that KFC dating sim that every youtuber thought was hilarious a few years back, just a predatory cash in on a genre that has a struggling image as-is. Seems like a red flag that they're announcing this so soon, considering the past history with ditching projects. Maybe it's small enough in scale that it's cheap to produce and the effort/publicity ratio works, I don't know. I don't work in marketing. As a consumer, when a dev team that's supposedly stretched thin starts producing furry porn I take it as something of a red flag. [Play]
Anonymous Tue 02/04/2024 2:42:29 PM 11 months ago No. 879
I guess the game isn't going out of early access anytime soon. I figured with how popular the game was earlier this year the devs make it their main focus, but it seems like I might never play the game if the developers never finish it.
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