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/vg/ - Video Games
Wasted Potential Anonymous Tue 23/01/2024 5:52:40 PM 1 year ago No. 829
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Have you ever heard of a game that was going to come out, But it wasn't what you expected? Did you ever see a game that was canceled that had an exelent story or idea that was shelved for no reason? Did you ever play a game, Only to discover the game wasn't completed? Maybe you saw cut content in a game that was unused but still would have been great if it was added? The goal of this thread is to discuss wasted potential in video games, And to explore what they could have been.
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Anonymous Wed 24/01/2024 8:31:29 AM 1 year ago No. 833
I used to play LittleBigPlanet 2 every day back when it was new. It was such a revolutionary iteration on the first game, I figured 3 would have limitless potential. I even remember a Game Informer article jokingly claiming that LBP3 would have players code their own games from scratch. As ridiculous as the idea was, it wasn't much of a stretch from what people were already doing in 2. Instead, the game we got was just a misguided rehash with none of the same energy about it. I hardly even played it after finishing the underwhelming story mode.
I never really looked into why this was the case, but I gather Media Molecule wasn't involved with LBP3 in the same way as with the first two. At least they moved on to make Dreams, which seems to be more in-line with what I had been expecting, although I've never played it myself. I've always appreciated games with robust level editors; I think they led to my interest in programming.
Anonymous Thu 25/01/2024 5:14:54 AM 1 year ago No. 835
Dark Deity is one game that, from a story standpoint, failed to live up to its potential. Gameplay-wise, it is similar to the Fire Emblem series, with well-executed gameplay similar to that of that series. The gameplay was what I loved the game for. The story itself is completely forgettable. I beat the game last month, and I've already forgotten the story. The conversation between the characters I unlocked was a chore to read through too. Have you ever played a game where the gameplay was good, but the story was bad?
Anonymous Sun 18/02/2024 9:40:41 PM 1 year ago No. 850
Morrowind makes me mad because todd howard was the director, The story of the game is so rich, And so much could have come to a sequal but instead came oblivion which for its time looked terrible and the story itself is watered down and even slightly non-canon and then all the other shit that came after.
Sometimes i can only imagine if morrowind was directed by someone else and what would have came from it.
Anonymous Sat 02/03/2024 7:14:08 AM 1 year ago No. 858
Another game by God Howard himself that comes to mind is Fallout: New Vegas.
Part of the problem is that they got the original fucking team that made the original fallout games, Gave them 15 fucking months to make it and the shitty fallout 3 engine as a means of making it.
The writing and a ton of the gaming aspects are fucking incredible but the shitty copy-pasted engine thats held togeather by sting and glue is pretty much toast and the graphics are for shit along with tons of bugs.
Anonymous Sat 02/03/2024 7:16:59 AM 1 year ago No. 860
i was reading a blog entry by chris avalone about the honest heart DLC and hpw they where inspired by old comicbooks and stuff and it was interesting and MAN does it suck to see such ideas wasted on a shit platform. hell the offical new vegas comic is pretty damn good. i almost feel like they could have told the entire damn story in comic book format but i guess i can understand the want for a game and the problems with working for shitty gaming companies.
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