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Fallout Anonymous Wed 27/03/2024 6:42:10 PM 11 months ago No. 873
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I'm not sure how far discussion should range on this thread. Do we cut out all fallout games besides Fallout, Fallout 2, And New Vegas? I guess it's for you guys to decide.
Either way, This thread is for the discussion of Fallout and anything related that fits in.
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Anonymous Wed 27/03/2024 8:54:20 PM 11 months ago No. 874
Not too much of a fan of the NCR, It's almost like the same people and bullshit nowadays, I wouldn't want to see that in control of the mojave. I like small isolated towns ran by good people not by corperations or governmental entities. Allowing the ncr control of the mojave for the "greater good" in my opinion is like letting the enclave call the shots because people are too weak and stupid to figure out their own thing.
About Caesar's Legion, I don't know too much about them. It seems like people appreciate then mowing down raiders but there's stuff about slavery and whatever ooga booga too spoopy. I mean if their enslaving good people then fuck them i guess but if its like rapists and murderers and the sort then who cares but at the same time, didn't the romans have all kinds of problems like faggotry and degeneracy? and yeah they did go to shit real fast so it seems retarded to even consider them as friends if all they'll do is give stability for the sake of hurting total innocents whichs goes back to my feelings of "why give these people power to control others if their just gonna be niggers like in the old days"
Don't know about Mr House, Now the boomers, Their great lol and nice people and if you help them out you get the ability to breath underwater. I hope they bomb the ignorant savages lol. I also like the brotherhood in this game and i like the guy running things, he took them out of the bunker and he's not a total pushover like in fallout 3. It's not like their raiding innocents or whatever, They pretty much keep to themselves.
Anonymous Wed 27/03/2024 10:56:17 PM 11 months ago No. 875
I agree with your thoughts on the NCR. They had a good start, but were ruined by late stage expansionism and greed. Lost their ideals. It's pretty clear from both Hanlon and Caesar's dialogue that they'd be better off looking to themselves before getting engaged with something like the Mojave. I will concede that the bull has them on a timer, Caesar taking the dam uncontested would be an existential threat. That's not really enough to justify their actions however, especially with such glaring internal issues like the senate being bought out by ranchers who abuse limited water supplies and chickenshits like Oliver taking the head. If they were smart they'd sabotage the dam and be done with it. The hypocracy of campaigns seems to be a central message of new vegas.
Legion's no good. I'm the kind of guy who firmly believes the success of a nation should be measured by the happiness and QoL of its citizens. Call me a white knight but I can't get past the savagery. Caesar's whole Hegel speech is inspiring, and he may have had a point if the game took earlier in the timeline when raiders were more of a problem. By this point civilization has returned to the point that legion savagery is a pretty clear step back. Stuff like the vipers are basically a non issue, and both the Fiends and White Legs are fueled/motivated by Legion niggotry and are not long for this world one way or another. I don't have a problem painting Legion as the undisputed bad guys of NV. Would be cool to see what Sawyer could have swung with legion territory if he had more dev time, maybe it could have changed my opinion.
It's hard to make a call about House, we really don't know much about how he'd run things. It is pretty clear he isn't cut out for the benevolent dictator role. He employed Benny and had no clue about Yes Man, and he's pretty short sighted ironically enough. Considering he is able to establish his spacefaring hypercapitalism in spite of his obvious leadership flaws, what then? I can't look past his clear obsession with materialism. Can't see him fathering a free and equal society and stepping down when someone more suitable than himself arises. Is he just trying to trap as many people in Samsara as possible? Not exactly "based." He's exactly the sort of nigger who needs to let go and begin again.
Independent Vegas is the best possible outcome. The Kings are one of the few groups that actually give a shit about people as an end of their own. Boomers have their heads screwed on right. Khans can get fucked. Going by Veronica's questline the BoS has no place in this world by the year of our lord 2281. If reform is off the table, best case is their unremarkable dissolution and Vegas pulling an Operation Paperclip to use their technical expertise for linking up and developing surrounding communities.
Anonymous Mon 01/04/2024 12:23:09 PM 11 months ago No. 878
I was thinking of the consequences of the DLCs (that i beat so far)
I nearly beat Old world blues (decided to explore the mojave a bit more then replay the dlc again) but i can guess how it ends. Either i destroy the think tank or let them live.
On one hand they have became monsters leaving chaos in their wake, On the other, if you really interact with them they seem to have some human feelings left. It's kind of like they are big children with no ability of sorts to really understand the meaning of their actions and inpact on other people.
Imagine being able to reform them and being able to heal the mojave. Healing the land and removing the radiation, Restoring stuff like vehicles and modes of transportation, Thd powergrid, They can also undo all the mistakes they made, The mutated critters, the plant monster things, whatever. But at the same time even with the courtier as guardian i feel like they could still go rouge or just be taken advantage of by niggers and it just seems super risky leaving them alive.
Anonymous Mon 08/04/2024 8:49:25 PM 11 months ago No. 885
fallout 4 doesnt make sense because by the end of vegas, the post apocalypse is over. it was also mentioned in fallout 2 that some cars are still fucking working and that shit runs on atoms. the thing to worry about is the wheels but "airless" tires do exist irl and probably would be the way to go. air based transportation can be brought back to life with the boomers b-12 as inspiration and the NCR fuckin fixed monorails for private use so therefore its possible to revive that shit too.
it is stupid to presume that people would still walk and live in burnt up buildings instead of building new shit. also canned foods and drinks like nuka cola is either rotten or gone and for nuka cola perhaps people hand make that shit with juices and herbs. the apocalypse is over anx the new era is already started it and it's stupid to ignore it. another failure is fuckin siths, where did they get the technology to build that shit? and the resourses? not even the think tank decided to make fuckin robots that look like that.
im not too sure if FEV is still around to make super mutants and gouls or if their a dying breed which would make sense.
Anonymous Thu 11/04/2024 4:25:16 AM 11 months ago No. 886
Yeah i'd say your right about thd legion. Mostly i got pissed off when i met a child slave but after talking to the big man on campus he seems fucking oblivious to all the bullshit that went town in rome in the first place, Worship the state as god and everyone else can go fuck themselves, Any trace of culture or personal beliefs wiped out. I'm totally fucking sure that'll work out well. I mean honestly they couldn't even wipe the NCR off the map. They had the strength, But they don't have the manpower to really do anything which is pretty much the same bullshit the NCR is doing. They where better off ic anything just minding their own buisness doing whatever instead of dicking around with the mojave.
Anonymous Thu 11/04/2024 4:33:41 AM 11 months ago No. 887
I'm about to start Dead money. I wonder what gear i should bring if any? A part of me feels like i should bring my stealth suit but at the same time i might be bogged down by gear and bullshit and i'm better off scrounging for gear and winging it. Actually i did some googling and it turns out there's no point in bringing anything lol.
I got an implant for getting more AP/HP from food, And fast movement while crouching so i probably have an edge. Also being level 30 is probably a bonus since i have high enough stats to get speech checks and int and whatever for crafting so it'll probably work in my favor.
Anonymous Sun 14/04/2024 8:02:37 PM 10 months ago No. 888
Honestly companions in NV are pretty damn useful, And they all have fun personalities and backstories. I guess i forgot they where a thing since companions in 3 are retarded. ED-E was someone i just learned about in my second playthrough when i saw the eyebot on the table . nearby primm there's lonewolf radio and you'll get all the parts you'll need to repair him.
Anonymous Sun 30/06/2024 12:27:07 PM 8 months ago No. 949
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Started playing Tale of Two Wastelands, an expansive mod that links together fo3 and fnv into one game, with fnv mechanics. I've never played fo3 before so I'm appreciating the atmosphere and experience of playing a new (2me) fallout game. Not knowing what's around the corner, who I'm going to be going up against, what weapons I'm going to find. It's a really neat mod.
On the topic of mods, Tammer's nif-bashed weapons and armor are pretty great. A very lightweight and broadly compatible mod that lets you rampage in style. Mechanically the weapons fill many holes that vanilla doesn't cover, and design wise there are many treats for aficionados for the history and workings of firearms. Contrast with my experience with stuff like weapons of the new millenium where it loaded up a bunch of raiders with fucking Gyrojets. The fuckers probably wipe their ass with local wildlife if they have a date later, and every last one is kitted out with only the rarest and most coveted experimental firearms. Then they turn me into swiss cheese because, surprise surprise, something as cool as a Gyrojet can only be OP. Anyway, where the weapons go in the game is important and Tammer does a great job of discreetly slipping hundreds of armors and weapons into the world in a very organic way. It's become an autoinclude for me. [Play] [Play] [Play]
Anonymous Mon 01/07/2024 5:48:20 AM 8 months ago No. 950
I'm curious how both stories mesh together, So like now your the son of whatever the project purity guy's name is and after getting your ass nuked to save the world you recover from the radiation only to leave washington to become a courtier only to get your ass shot and forget everything? Sounds kinda hilarious.
Anonymous Mon 01/07/2024 6:18:33 PM 8 months ago No. 951
Really not sure, but eager to find out. I know there's supposed to be a timeskip of several years between fo3 and nv while your character travels across the country and presumably gets a courier gig and visits Lonesome Road, New Reno, and whatever else is suggested by nv dialogue. Fun to think about how the character would think about the legion, because that means they'll have to travel through their turf. Unless it's something like a teleporter or a coma or something.
I've got a healthy little modlist going now. Time to show off. [Play]
Anonymous Thu 11/07/2024 9:35:10 PM 8 months ago No. 959
a part of me wishes fallout 3 never existed and new vegas was the real fallout 3 but they did play off of characters and themes from 3 that fell flat in their own game.
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