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/vg/ - Video Games
Anonymous Wed 29/05/2024 4:23:32 AM 6 months ago No. 934
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Post weird/cool/creepy boss designs.

bonus points if they're from STGs.
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Anonymous Wed 29/05/2024 5:37:10 AM 6 months ago No. 935
To start off I got a couple from this really weird arcade shooter called Black Heart. The whole game has an oddly disturbing bootleggy vibe but these bosses were what cemented it for me. They're from the 1st and 3rd stages
Anonymous Sat 15/06/2024 3:51:08 AM 5 months ago No. 943
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I love the bosses in the fantasy zone games. Their designs are simple but very memorable, with most being giant, slightly menacing faces. Bosses that are just a giant face are cool.
Anonymous Sat 15/06/2024 3:59:20 AM 5 months ago No. 944
what game is this guy from?
Anonymous Sun 16/06/2024 11:55:35 PM 5 months ago No. 945
He's from Sub Terrania on the genesis/mega drive. The cool part is that after you kill him his skin melts off and leaves his skeletal corpse just sitting there.
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 5:21:57 AM 2 months ago No. 1029
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the first boss from an obscure (though not obscure enough to be without an english translation patch) famicom rpg "adventures in the otaku galaxy".
Looks like a pretty typical nerd to me. I gave up on this game shortly after beating him when the game crashed on me randomly
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