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/vg/ - Video Games
Arcade Anonymous Wed 10/07/2024 2:44:42 PM 8 months ago No. 958
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This thread is for the arcade experience, Talk about the games you play, any tips, tricks and advice!
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Anonymous Thu 08/08/2024 5:18:24 AM 7 months ago No. 1004
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pic one, fuck this game lol. i thought it would be like dj hero but i was WAY wrong. hard as fuck, as i play these japanese rhythm games i'll probably get to the point where i can enjoy it. pic two has an appealing visual style and unique takes on music but god damn am i not used to it, perhaps the amount of buttons are throwing me the fuck off or the spacing but it didnt help. too bad, it was kinda fun. pic three, i fucking love this game to no end. i highly suggest it to anyone interested. its funny because its SUPER fast and hardish but somehow i mastered that shit. the visuals are incredible and it changes per song, i cant remember what song it was maybe it was evangelion but the visuals where trippy as fuck. the gameplay is great and easy to get used to unlike most games. pic four is another game i love to no end, you'd think it would be hard because of the massive round touch pad but actually not really, there's alot to love. the music was great and i was supprised of the option to play special video along with the game play. pic 5, shocked i got good at jubeat even though i was struggled with it the last time. i like the concept of the game and i think it helped me improve my reaction time. pic 6, this is a game i want to get better at. i love the gameplay and the style. i like the soundtrack too. i am planning on somehow getting a copy of the switch version somehow so i can train harder. for whatever reason i have such a hard time with some of the songs like night on fire. pic 7 still having a hard time playing this game, the added controls and actions you have to do isn't helping at all. its sad lol because i saw an 80 year old woman playing the fuck out of this game. pic 8, i mentioned this game on a previous thread and the suggestion that someone had of it being a gundam game was wrong. i had trouble with the controls but the gameplay is neat, you have several mechs with diffrent abilities and gameplay to them and you also have to balance your movement, keepyourself from overheating and trying to manage your ammo while in combat with an npc controling another mech or another player besides you.
Anonymous Thu 08/08/2024 5:38:16 AM 7 months ago No. 1005
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pic 9/10 is VERY similar to pic 4 which is all i can say for this machine. something i would like to note is that for the most part all of the music per machine is pretty much the same but some of them have special music specific to the machine. pic 11 is another game i enjoyed, perfect for beginners and the controls are simple enough but changes in complexity as you raise the difficulty. pic 12 is one of those games that has special music, specifically classical piano music which i enjoyed. the comfy vibes are nice and kind of off putting because the gameplay can kind of get intense meanwhile there are like sleeping cats and like a muted color palate and very calm menu music. pic 13, the flying fuck is this god damned game? can someone explain this shit? theres no instructions and its weird as fuck, you slap a fucking table or some shit and like this guy who's a shinto ghost or some bullshit at his funeral trying to scare away guests or something and like tense anime visuals and tableflipping. i tryed my best to understand it and i failed.
Anonymous Thu 08/08/2024 5:58:04 AM 7 months ago No. 1006
Kancolle was a game mentioned on another thread, and i'm sad to report for whatever fucking reason i was unabled to play thd game dispite the machine getting fixed. it's supposed to be free but there was no way for me to get access to the game. one guess i have is that perhaps i need a card (either animo or nesica or something) or fucking japanese yen, next time when someone is actually around i'm going to ask why it was unplayable unless they where a bunch of fucking idiots and forgot to toggle the game to a free to play mode. speaking of cards i was thinking of buying them, they sell them at my arcade lol for 10 bucks a pop and it might be useful but its something i have to look into. they also fixed the initial d racing game and i learned how to drift which was nice. they also had an english mode/translation which was nice but they added a newer one with better graphics that was 100% moon runes. speaking of moon runes i probably should study japanese since some of the games are pure gibberish and it also might be nice to understand the lyrics of some of the songs. some advice i have is to bring some earbuds so you can plug it into the machines that support it. it helped me drown out the background noise.
Anonymous Mon 12/08/2024 5:53:55 AM 6 months ago No. 1007
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Outrun 2 was already an amazing game for me on the ps2, but playing it in the arcade was something else entirely, my favorite arcade experience by far. How the seats move, and the way the wheel gives you realistic feedback when executing a drift is so immersive. I wish there were more games like this near me...
Anonymous Mon 12/08/2024 7:16:54 AM 6 months ago No. 1008
I've only played the first Outrun, but I agree that the moving seat is fun. The original doesn't have force feedback, though. I've never been past the third stage, since I always crash into something by then. I wonder if there are some tricks I don't know, or if I just need to take it slow to be safe.
Anonymous Thu 07/11/2024 9:30:07 PM 4 months ago No. 1052
house of the dead and time chrisis 4 is fun as fuck.
house of the dead was something that i've been itching to play since a young boy and it was sitting there at the mall whispering in my ear. parents said no because horror bad BUG GUESS WHAT BITCHES I AINT A BOY NO MORE
i did something retarded and used both guns lol, it worked though. i'm got resident evil vibes and the final boss battle reminds me of an anime.
time chrisis 4 is fucking metal gear revengance but as a rail shooter, highly fun to play wish i had a friend or atleast a stranger to play it with 10/10 had a laugh when it was reveiled that the "terrorists" was the US government.
Anonymous Fri 08/11/2024 3:59:22 AM 4 months ago No. 1053
I did slightly better at pop'n music, but only slightly.
however, i'm TERRIBLE at streetfighter 2, even if i try and fight normally i always panic button mash and i end up getting raped. any advise on how to actually play would be appreciated.
my local arcade has Bishi Bashi Channel although i haven't tried it (yet), seems like minigames and it looks fun.
Anonymous Fri 15/11/2024 4:17:13 PM 3 months ago No. 1062
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I found this odd quirk where the game can't decide on the nomenclature for its levels. I guess it's random but even so, I don't get it, PICK ONE. Game is Armed Police Batrider
Anonymous Fri 15/11/2024 5:00:26 PM 3 months ago No. 1063
i googled the story and it actually sounds really cool
how is the gameplay? is it the standard fare vertically scroller thing or does it have something going for it?
Anonymous Sat 16/11/2024 12:29:14 AM 3 months ago No. 1064
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I've only played a little bit so far, but Its big draw is there's 18 playable ships to choose from, and how each ship plays can be tweaked slightly depending on what button you pick it with. It's kind of daunting. I still don't know which I prefer. It's by the devs of battle garegga and plays basically the same as that otherwise.
Anonymous Sat 16/11/2024 3:37:35 PM 3 months ago No. 1065
My arcade has all he machines rigged/modded to be "free to play", meaning you can play over and over and in some cases in certian games you just press a little button and you'll revive without any problem. The price for entry is 15 bucks and you can play for the whole day meaning you can really get your moneys worth. In my opinion this is better then Dave & Busters because 20 bucks is like an hour of gameplay if that, some games have a high token cost and it might mean your game time is lower. The trade off is that certian games you play will earn you tickets for sometimes quality goods like switch games and stuff but the ticket cost is kinda high if you actually converted it to actual money.
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