A stressful life sometimes requires you to take a break. Over these last few weeks, I've expected my stress levels to wane significantly, but my stress levels haven't reduced as much as I've wanted. As far as my current stress goes, it mostly comes from work and personal drama I do not have much control over. In my current situation, I have learned that I shouldn't let my life grind me down, and I must find a way to relax no matter how busy I am. An incredibly hectic life certainly needs to be combated in some way. What can you do to rest your mind, 22chan?
I use different methods to manage my stress level, one of my favourites is to ride a bicycle (I don't own one- luckily there a multiple rental bike spots where I live). In the warmer months I try to leave the house a little bit earlier before work so I can take a short bike trip to the subway station. I just enjoy the feeling.
What else? Listening to music that creates a nostalgic feeling, reading books/articles, playing video games, talking to close friends..
There are other, more unhealthy ways but I can handle them most of the time.
I suppose I need to elaborate a little more. Whenever I am in the middle of a stressful school or work activity, I lose all motivation to use my coping mechanism. My mental strength seems to be lacking when telling myself I can relax.
I don't think a stressful life can be managed successfully. If stressful situations are a constant part of your life you will always return to it no matter how hard you detox.
You say you don't have control over the stressful situations in your life. You can always find different work or avoid toxic people. You have more control than you think.
music or a nice audiobook makes stressful work alot easier
>You say you don't have control over the stressful situations in your life
It is a fact of life that I cannot control the bad things that happen in my life, and I don't think you would disagree. Escapism can be a good way to forget momentarily and mentally recharge.
>You can always find different work or avoid toxic people.
There is a good chance that your boss will be terrible in many cases. I would like to get over that rather than run away.
My effectiveness of music can fade with time, but I need more variety so that I don't lose its effectiveness.
I don't disagree but everyone has bad days, you can't let it affect you so much.
>There is a good chance that your boss will be terrible in many cases.
Now you're just assuming the worst.
How much experience do you even have with dealing with bosses?
I guess as much as the normal person? I've had good bosses and bad bosses.
The thing is I've never had a boss stand up to me to management. Whenever there were times they were going to cut my hours or worse they didn't do anything to help.
Isn't the management THEIR boss? Companies work under hierarchy so I wouldn't expect them to go against their superiors. Maybe they had a valid reason to cut your hours? And what do you mean "or worse", what did they do?
If you feel like your superiors disrespect you then you should try to find another job. Staying in a job you hate is terrible.
not sure anon. ive been feeling a lot of regret lately and if anything i feel numb. i wish i had more stress in my life but the kind that lit a flame in me instead of bogging my mind with a fog.
I've been feeling trapped and feel like I will be regretful if I don't move forward in life. I am not in school anymore, and life at this point if I settle will only get much worse. I feel like if I settle, I will feel imposter syndrome if I manage to progress in life out of sheer luck. Mental blocks can be really pesky because I have had bad experiences, but I need to try if I am forced to exist in the world.
im in a similar situation. really want to progress in life but currently in a rut, im still a student though. i feel like my mental health has been pretty bad lately so trying to deal with all that on top of school feels paralyzing and also like im trapped. i hope youre able to progress soon anon
random bump
whale noises are somewhat relaxing to listen to op. maybe give it a try
more random update vent
i am more productive lately but much more exhausted later in the day. i feel like school is making me dull as a person. i wonder how to get rid of this dull feeling.
Productive in what way? In the way of your school work or your hobbies? If you are more productive in your school work try making an effort on the weekend for your hobbies.