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/yu/ - Feelings
Situation you cannot win Anonymous Sun 19/02/2023 5:47:08 PM 2 years ago No. 114
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In this thread, we will talk about times or settings you couldn't win among your peers. Today after hearing about something that happened to an older peer. He had died in a motorcycle/car accident. While that was sad, I couldn't help but remember how poorly I was in a Boy Scout troop with this person. My experience with older scouts reminded me of how I was treated. I remember how they never gave me a chance and were mean to me whenever they were forced to interact with me. Although I was a young and immature teen back then, these older scouts pointed out my shortcomings openly. When I couldn't take down a tent when I was younger, the guy that died and his ginger friend just grumbled and made a twelve-year-old me feel horrible. Another shortcoming they made me feel bad about was when I had to cook. There ended up being more people than I was informed, and we were low on food. There was nothing but grief from that mishap. That wasn't the worst thing, but they gave me no opportunity to coursecorrect.
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Anonymous Mon 20/02/2023 5:07:27 PM 2 years ago No. 115
I think a car accident is one of the worst ways to die. It's so chaotic and undignified. Messy, too. The name of the thread is kind of funny because that's exactly a situation you cannot win. You see the other car barrelling towards you and two seconds later you're dead.

What do you mean exactly by a "situation you couldn't win"? You were twelve when these people treated you badly. How old were they? Your story sounds like this guy was a couple years older, making him just a teenager. Was he mature enough to act differently?
Anonymous Thu 09/03/2023 2:32:30 PM 2 years ago No. 157
He continued to do this until he stopped attending. One of these kids father was a leader and was unfair to me too.
Anonymous Thu 21/09/2023 2:09:10 PM 1 year ago No. 351
its been months already and i get maybe 5 hours of sleep per day
Anonymous Fri 22/09/2023 5:27:28 AM 1 year ago No. 352
Has anything been on your mind or is it external stuff?
Anonymous Wed 18/10/2023 6:59:51 AM 1 year ago No. 401
nta but sleep and stress is an interesting thing. i am the opposite, where i sleep more when im stressed. mostly to escape the stress when im awake.
idk if youll see this but hope your sleep improves anon.
Anonymous Wed 18/10/2023 10:08:55 PM 1 year ago No. 402
seen it and it hasn't improved lol
Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 5:05:32 AM 1 year ago No. 403
im a night owl too so i get it. maybe some people just function better at night. i know during the day it gets sunny and the light makes me tired faster.
Anonymous Sun 05/11/2023 1:21:18 AM 1 year ago No. 441
At night I feel like I am out of time because I want to wake up at a good time but I still want to do some of my hobbies. I neglect one of those things every time.
Anonymous Tue 21/11/2023 5:56:10 AM 1 year ago No. 447
Lately, I've been wondering what I should do to distract myself from my lack of progress in life. I could dive into video games, but the stress from my current problems is getting in my way. I could work harder and not smarter, and that would make me feel dull and bored. It is a conundrum that I think only time can solve, but when?
Anonymous Tue 21/11/2023 3:28:00 PM 1 year ago No. 448
I don't think it's very smart to put much effort into "distracting yourself" from your life. You should be putting that effort to improving it. Even if you don't think there's anything you can do, there likely is. You can run away from reality, but you cannot run away from the consequences of running away from reality.
Anonymous Tue 21/11/2023 3:43:26 PM 1 year ago No. 449
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Anonymous Sat 23/12/2023 12:53:23 AM 1 year ago No. 474
now, the problem has gotten worse. my memory is terrible to the point where i've placed sticky notes to remind myself of what to do and so on and i'm having as much trouble actually trying to fall asleep as much as actual sleep itself. my back muscles along with my spine is fucked and some of the treatments i've thougt of hasn't worked yet. even though i'm in my 20's and i should be in my prime it feels like i have dementia like an old man. its hard for me to type stuff out.
i didn't realise that something was wrong with me but then i remembered this movie about an old man with dementia then i realise i was all fucked up, and i'm assuming its from severe sleep deprivation. there was something about omega 3 fatty acids improving cognitive fucntion and brain health and i'm going to consume more but i really need to sleep and i'm thinking micronaps might help me but i dont know hpw that bullshit works so i clearly have research to so. either i need to seek therapy for my back or i need to buy something to ease tension in by back muscles, i don't know but i'm assuming that might help. i also need to research how to knock myself out at night so i can get real sleep.
a family member got fucked so i had to be the "man of the hour" so that added pressure is getting to me.
something that helps when i have to help someone think of something is playing the devils advocate even if i clearly disagree with what i'm saying, because i know for a fucking fact i disagree. if i did it the other way around i feel like i'd be like joe biden and not be able do anything.
i dont like this at all and it feels like something is coming for me, like if i dont work extra hard at fixing myself no mattef what i'm gonna have a stroke or something.
Anonymous Sat 23/12/2023 2:40:10 AM 1 year ago No. 477
It does sound like you should fix your back problem. Insufficient sleep really sucks and it hurts memory in my experience. Maybe a doctor could help?
Anonymous Thu 15/02/2024 4:29:07 AM 1 year ago No. 510
I am having caffeine withdrawals. It is something I have to deal with but I hope I can keep my head up high.
Anonymous Thu 15/02/2024 4:34:36 AM 1 year ago No. 511
have you considered drinking decaf to ween yourself off?
Anonymous Sat 17/02/2024 3:29:01 AM 1 year ago No. 512
I am out of caffeinated drinks in the fridge so I am going with sweet tea for now.
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 4:20:15 PM 1 year ago No. 517
Update on the caffeine situation. My appetite is still larger than it used to be, but I can recognize it's due to a lack of caffeine rather than real hunger. The situation is under control for now.
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