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/yu/ - Feelings
Dream Thread Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 12:51:35 AM 2 years ago No. 15
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Let's retell our dreams and discuss them together. Maybe they mean things, maybe not.
I don't have any recent ones that I can recall, but a few years ago, I had a dream where I was looking around for Andy Capp's Hot Fries on my college campus. I could find vending machines all over the place, but none of them had the hot fries. I think I had that dream because the same thing had happened to me that day, but in the dream, there were many more vending machines, and the building I searched was large, labyrinthine, poorly lit, and deserted.
That one was a bit uneventful, so I'm not sure why it stuck with me. Sorry I don't have more to share; I just wanted to bring this thread over because the dream thread on the old board was quite active and interesting. Please, take it away if you've got any good ones.
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Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 6:01:12 AM 2 years ago No. 17
for some reason i lost the ability to dream and im unsure how to bring it back
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 7:20:07 AM 2 years ago No. 18
I think you need to try and think about being able to dream again the next time you go to sleep.
If you then happen to have a short dream when you wake up instantly try and write it down in a dream diary in which you will include every single small detail you happen to remember in that dream. Every time you do this the more you start dreaming and the more clear every single one of your dreams will be.
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 2:33:29 PM 2 years ago No. 21
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My last dream took me to a familiar but unexpected place. I was insulted by the normalfags at work that day before I went to bed. I was reminded of some people who were awful to me in the past because of that experience that day. When I entered the dream, I was kid Goku, and those normalfags were King Piccolo. Dragon Ball fans will be able to guess what happens next if they have seen or read the original. On the day I had my dream, I had been watching Cardcaptor Sakura (excellent show), and right after I had attacked King Piccolo and normalfags, Sakura appeared and said "RELEASE." My guess is Sakura took the place of Tien in this version. [Play]
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 3:19:06 PM 2 years ago No. 22
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I have lots of dreams about my workplace that almost always are negative or stressful. It's quite a strenuous job, both mentally and physically, but I like it and I'm good at it so I wonder why I have these nightmares.
And I keep dreaming about crocodiles and that I need to catch them and I want to keep them all in my house.
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 8:47:54 PM 2 years ago No. 23
Dreamed that my parents tried to give me some kind of diy brain surgery since it's cheaper. My sisters were holding me down while my dad tried to cut a smooth circle around the top of my dome to peel off the scalp. Thing is, my mom kept yelling at him for doing it wrong so he had to keep starting over. It was kind of weird since I was losing blood and getting woozy, oddly realistic for a dream. The sharp cutting became a dull ache, I could hear the scalpel tearing the skin. It sounded like thunder (it wasn't raining that night). We don't have an autoclave so the blade wasn't super sharp. More like an x-acto knife or even a boxcutter. I kept slipping in and out of consciousness, seeing weird halfway visions that were like staring into shadows underwater. Just dark shapes that filled my whole vision, only the faintest recognition that there was ever anything else.
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 9:32:05 PM 2 years ago No. 24
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A couple of months ago I finally achieved a lucid dream. It was a really bizarre experience.

The dream started with me "waking up" in my old bedroom in my family's old apartment. I was lying in my bed. I looked around the room. There was nothing in the room but my bed and shitloads of clutter. Normal household items were lying everywhere, there were also cardboard boxes full of junk lying randomly all over the floor.
My first thought was that I had somehow wandered back to the old apartment in my sleep? It felt so real. Then I realized I must be lucid dreaming. Everything felt so real I had to make sure. I looked at my open palm on my right hand. I closed my eyes and imagined I had seven fingers on my hand. This took like two seconds. When I opened my eyes again, my hand had seven fingers on it. I was fucking astonished. I closed my eyes again and imagined my palm had five fingers again but also an eye in the middle of the palm. I opened my eyes, now my hand was normal again except for an eye in the middle of my palm. For some reason it was runny like an egg and it started to leak out of my palm.
I was fucking astonished. "This is incredible!" I thought. I disregarded the eye, which vanished when I did, and stepped out of the bed. For some reason I couldn't walk straight. My upper body kept wobbling from side to side like I was drunk. I walked out of my old room.
I was alone in the apartment and it was pitch black outside the windows. There was more junk in the apartment, all over the floor. I had to snake around it. There were fireworks going off outside, coming from some unknown location. They were very colorful but completely silent.
I walked back into the bedroom. Everything felt so real, I still wasn't 100% convinced this was only a dream. I was legit worried I was sleepwalking around my old apartment. I could feel the wooden floor under my bare feet. I could feel air pass around me as I swayed from side to side. It was exactly like real life, but this was a dream! I stood still in the bedroom, closed my eyes and tried forcing myself awake. It worked immediately. I woke up in the real world in my home.

I've had a couple more lucid dreams since then but they might be too lewd for 22, haha.
Anonymous Thu 05/01/2023 1:04:59 AM 2 years ago No. 25
Whenever normalfags in the workplace, it reminds me of all the times other people have been cruel to me. It reminds me that those other times weren't unique, but they were also more impactful. Bad situations tend to remind me of my worst times in life.
Anonymous Thu 05/01/2023 6:49:17 AM 2 years ago No. 26
>capture crocs
melon addict. they belong in the sewers
>because it was cheaper
i fear this will happen to me irl
Anonymous Thu 05/01/2023 12:29:47 PM 2 years ago No. 28
Would you endorse lucid dreaming?
Anonymous Thu 05/01/2023 9:58:30 PM 2 years ago No. 30
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I would, it's an incredible experience. Feels just like reality except that this reality follows the rules of dreams, i.e. the only rules are the ones you make up.

If you're interested, this is close to the method I use. You can find more info in the lucid dreaming general thread on 4chan's /x/.

I meditate on the act of lucid dreaming while falling asleep. As I breathe in and out I repeat the phrase "lucid dream" to myself in my mind. It can be a bit hard as sometimes your thoughts trail off and then it doesn't work. It took a few months for me to get right. You have to keep the meditation focused while you "slip away" into sleep. It's tricky. Sometimes I get dreams where I was only halfway lucid, like I knew I was dreaming but couldn't control the dreamscape. You get better at it with practice.

I also want to mention that sometimes attempting to lucid dream results in extremely vivid nightmares. I think this happens if you focus on negative thoughts during the meditation process. Not 100% sure but I felt compelled to mention it.

If you're wondering why I described some of my lucid dreams as "lewd"... Let's just say that if you can conjure up an eye in your palm, you can also conjure up any type of woman you want. One who will do anything you desire.
And I mean ANYTHING.
Anonymous Fri 06/01/2023 6:11:31 PM 2 years ago No. 31
I've been lucid dreaming since I was 14. I have some experience, but I'm not a master. Here's some thoughts from my journey.
Ever heard that thing people say about working out, that every man should at some point in his life know what his body is capable of? I think of lucid dreaming in the same way. Everyone should see what their mind can do, how incredibly complex and awe inspiring and mysterious it all is. It's about self knowledge.
Many people think they aren't creative. Either they say they stopped being creative when they grew up, or that they just aren't a creative type, whatever it is it's a comforting lie. Just like people who don't go to the gym because they're too busy or too tired or because they find enough satisfaction in other things, not realizing that being in shape makes more time, gives more energy, makes virtually every part of life more satisfying.
When first attaining lucidity, the dreamer can realize that not only are they creative, they are a pure force of creation. The dreamer is capable of synthesizing fleshed out realities on the fly. Worlds filled with every sensation imaginable. Landscapes, animals, natural phenomena, even sentient beings and narratives that can be kept consistent between dreams. Everyone can do that.
Like working out, one shouldn't jump into lucid dreaming without a little bit of education. Best case, no progress will be made. Worst case, injury. Things will get very confusing without a process and consequences of that will be seen in waking life. It's important to draw a line between awake and asleep because the unconscious cannot tell the difference on its own. I'm not saying this to scare anyone, just be aware and intentional. All it generally takes to avoid unpleasant experiences is a dream journal and regular "lucidity checks," like the anon in >>24 did when he tried to change his hand around. Find a method of discipline that is consistent and achievable and it'll all be fine. A balanced life is an aspect that I don't think gets brought up enough. I've found that spending too much time online or wrapping my self worth up with work productivity gets me trapped in time loops and other mindfucks.
For those prone to psychotic episodes or delusions or whatever else, be especially careful. Those with problems of this nature could likely benefit more from the lucid dreaming experience than the average person, but there's more danger in it too.
I guess there's not much I can say to get someone started. Just pay attention and let it happen naturally, figure out how your brain works for you. To know more about the science of lucid dreaming there's some good books, like Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge. Have fun.
Anonymous Fri 06/01/2023 7:22:55 PM 2 years ago No. 32
I completely agree! I think it's something everyone should try, it's pretty amazing. What method do you use to lucid dream? My method of meditating on it doesn't always work.
Anonymous Fri 06/01/2023 10:01:50 PM 2 years ago No. 33
I use the meditation method. It's not a 100% thing, but it gets better when I'm more habitual about it. I found that a physical trigger is useful, for me it's a bandana tied around the forehead. Looks silly, but by always wearing it when trying to dream it sends some kind of message that I'm for real about this.
Anonymous Fri 06/01/2023 10:44:31 PM 2 years ago No. 34
The bandana thing is interesting. I've heard about these electronic "glasses" that some people wear while they sleep. The glasses are blacked out but they have these soft, red lights in them that blink. Apparently you can still see the lights while you're dreaming and it triggers you to become lucid. No idea if it works, it sounds very uncomfortable lol.
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 6:46:18 AM 2 years ago No. 35
17 here, had a dream (first one in decades) after weeks of emotional turmoil and slight inactivity from 22.
i went to sleep and was awoken by a disturbing sight, my room incased in the abyss, and a ghostly figure of a woman just standing there. i was distraugt because my MAG light was a few feet away from my on my bookcase and something in my head told me that the lught would actually protect me alan wake style. i quickly got up and attemped to grab my flashlight but was attacked by the wraith who terribly clawed up my right arm in the prosess.
i awoke grabbing my arm and realised there was no marks.
what does this even mean
should i be happy
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 2:15:58 PM 2 years ago No. 36
You did not read the board rules, did you?
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 2:17:35 PM 2 years ago No. 37
Not intended for post number 17, was going to quote the post above mine and I added one arrow too many lol.
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 8:07:15 PM 2 years ago No. 38
But that post wasn't implying that the poster is 17 years old. It was meant to refer to the poster being the same as >>17
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 8:14:43 PM 2 years ago No. 39
The way it was worded made it sound like the poster was stating he was 17 years old. My bad.
Anonymous Mon 09/01/2023 4:05:55 AM 2 years ago No. 40
sorry for the unrelated tangent but
where in american imageboards anons call themselves "anons" most japanese imageboard would use the post numbers as discriptors like so
"17-san here" "i agree with 39-kun"
Anonymous Mon 09/01/2023 8:29:18 PM 2 years ago No. 43
Ah! I never knew that.
Anonymous Fri 13/01/2023 5:56:40 AM 2 years ago No. 49
i had a dream where hitler never became a dictator and decided after getting kicked out of art school became bob ross 2.0 and drew art live on TV
he wore a nice sweater and drew a very scenic log cabin with a deer grazing nearby.
Anonymous Fri 13/01/2023 9:15:20 PM 2 years ago No. 51
That's pretty funny.
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 1:37:19 AM 2 years ago No. 55
I think you accidentally traveled to the original timeline instead of the noncanon joke OVA we've been experiencing for the last century or so
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 3:49:24 AM 2 years ago No. 56
I've had a lot of dreams in my time, most of them bordering on nightmares. Though, there are a few that have stuck with me and likely will stay with me until the end of days. I'm not going to sit here and greentext or write all of them down word-for-word, I don't really think that would be proper or appropriate, and I'm lazy. I will write a sort of tl:dr though. The dreams were often weeks or even months apart.
The primary thing that connects all of these dreams together is this girl. In the "overarching plot", we meet as early teenagers. I think she was supposed to be babysitting me, even though we were the same age. I was just happy to have somebody to interact with. She was a cute Asian girl, and she was always seen wearing the same clothes. A form-fitting light blue T-shirt and some black jeans.
In the first dream, there was a demon or entity that was in the shape of Death. Y'know, Grim Reaper type stuff. I tried to fight it but I was too nervous and lost. She appears in several other dreams and it became clear that we were in some sort of relationship, despite my failure in the first dream. I never saw us begin the relationship, but we're having sex or being physically intimate in multiple other instances so it feels obvious to me.
In one dream, we're at some event for a relative, and are almost caught fooling around on the couch in some big lobby. She had scars-- lots of them. I don't know what sort of scars but they weren't from being overweight and they weren't self-inflicted. I remember kissing the scars, and her laughing.
In another, she "dies". I'm stuck carrying her corpse and sprinting between places, both trying to find a comfortable place for her to finally rest and also trying to find a chemist who can save her. I found the chemist, but it was too late, and I laid her to rest underneath a beautiful tree as the sun set. That was the last time I ever saw her.

Sometimes I wonder if it was all real. If, in some other reality that life was my own, and in that life I dream of the one I lead here. Or maybe I was simply experiencing the life of some other person in time and space. Perhaps all the dreams were just metaphors and allegories for my normal life. I don't really know...
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 5:18:09 PM 2 years ago No. 57
I think there's more to dreams than them being mere illusions. I once had a dream that felt disgustingly real. I could feel the sun on my skin. I got into a hot car and could feel how hot it was compared to the air outside.
I use the term "disgustingly" because I woke up and was immediately depressed that it was only a dream.
Anonymous Wed 18/01/2023 9:02:04 AM 2 years ago No. 58
None of my dreams have been like that ever. They've always been a bit hazy, like I can only observe them through a strange filter. They're so vivid while I'm having them though. I suppose that's just how it goes with this sorta stuff.
Anonymous Wed 18/01/2023 3:25:01 PM 2 years ago No. 59
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The most memorable feeling I've had in my dreams is being stabbed. I was in a white padded cell with a chicken, and several members of my family were watching from a 1-way mirror. We were both on edge but I was trying to talk some sense into the chicken when suddenly it stabbed me in the stomach with a butcher knife and began screaming. It felt like an extremely large, disproportionate amount of pressure was being put on me, and I remember the tenuous sense of panic that filled me, giving me an adrenaline rush that would lead to me waking up. I wouldn't describe the stabbing as painful though which is why it sticks out to me.

I wonder if something I felt in reality while sleeping was translated into the stab that night, like I spasmed and hit myself in the stomach, or my cat stood on me. It's either that, or my subconscious mind saw that I had been stabbed and reacted to it, producing those feelings entirely on its own.
I wish dreams were glimpses into other dimensions or past lives, but through my experience they seem to be projections of your subconscious. I've had a lot of dreams where I'm just on a date with a girl i have a crush on, or getting good deals at a flea market, but those are just things I obsess over regularly.
Anonymous Wed 18/01/2023 7:18:27 PM 2 years ago No. 63
That's fucking crazy lol. That's one violent chicken.

After experiencing lucid dreams I think dreams are more than just projections. I think they're some kinda reality, a reality on another level, but honestly I have no idea what the hell they are.
Anonymous Thu 19/01/2023 9:15:35 PM 2 years ago No. 69
I had a dream where I was meeting some old friends in a very large hotel. We had a room booked on floor W, which was apparently quite high up, as the floors started at A. There were many staircases and elevators, as well as an expansive courtyard. The whole place looked futuristic. When we found our room, it was huge, and it even had stairs inside of it. The upper level had several pool tables, so we decided to play 9-ball, but the dream ended when we were still establishing the stakes. This was probably more interesting to experience than it is to read about.
Anonymous Sat 21/01/2023 6:08:54 AM 2 years ago No. 76
What the fuck was wrong with that chicken?
Is it an event in your future? It also seems like "W" "A" and "9" stand out for some reason.
Anonymous Sat 21/01/2023 7:21:58 PM 2 years ago No. 79
I wouldn't ascribe any significance to the letter A; I only phrased it that way to make it clear that the floors were indexed alphabetically. As for W and 9, make of them what you will. I've never played 9-ball in my life, and I'm not sure I even know the rules. I always play 8-ball instead.
Regardless, it's unlikely to represent my future. The hotel was like nothing I've seen before. I think it's a warped reflection of something similar that happened when I was in high school. It was less extravagant, but my friends and I all met in a tourist spot to hang out. We used to play pool sometimes on a table that one of them had on the upper floor of his house.
Anonymous Wed 25/01/2023 7:14:19 AM 2 years ago No. 82
I had a dream where I was buying 1kg of minced meat from a turkish seller and paid 50€ (that's 54$) in cash. He gave me three coins and handed me the meat which I put in my backpack (it was a death metal backpack which was somehow important). I walked back to my house through a futurisitc city with neon lights, big signs and bridges everywhere. Can't remember much more though.
Well yeah, Dreams about inflation.. :DD
Anonymous Wed 25/01/2023 4:53:53 PM 2 years ago No. 83
Were you trying to buy something the night before anon?
Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 6:14:00 PM 2 years ago No. 85
I had a dream that ended with me falling asleep, and then my alarm went off in real life and woke me up. For a moment, I thought that I had actually just fallen asleep and somehow skipped dreaming, like in a video game. It sucked.
Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 9:45:58 PM 2 years ago No. 86
I had a weird but comfy dream today. I was eating in a cafeteria with some dudes I knew in middle school and then my mom called me saying she wanted me to buy napkins. I went to a near supermarket to buy the napkins, but the napkins section was full of little girls and I also wanted to try out a different napkin brand. I took one and then went to the register, but one of the little girls followed me crying and telling me not to buy it. This puzzled me, and I assured her my intent was not to buy toilet paper and I hadn't confused toilet paper with napkins like I had done before, but she kept crying and telling me not to buy it because the brand wasn't optimal. I told her I'd buy it anyway, since anything was better than the last napkins I bought and I offered to walk her home since her parents didn't seem to be around. We walked on a quiet sidewalk in what seemed like some kind of mix between a rural town and a jungle, with most of the path covered by the shadow of the leaves from some big trees, the floor also had a ton of leaves liyng around. As we walked I was ranting about how the napkins I had bought last time were absolute shit and the moment they touched any liquid they would get destroyed without even absorbing the liquid. We went like that for a while until I woke up
Anonymous Fri 27/01/2023 8:07:03 AM 2 years ago No. 87
Not, but hunting for special offers is a nice minigame and I do that every week. Prices are skyrocketing where I live.
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 6:47:36 AM 2 years ago No. 88
That reminds me of how I am with certain CDs I want that is rare. Sometimes I see a copy of the cd, and it is expensive. I kick myself whenever that happens. Your dream amuses me the more I think about it.
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 7:45:00 AM 2 years ago No. 89
lol what would be the optional brand?
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 12:54:43 PM 2 years ago No. 90
I was very briefly lucid in my dreams last night. I was in the backyard of my childhood home. The sun was shining and I was crawling on the grass. I could feel the sun on my skin and how warm the grass was. I walked around the house and felt melancholic thinking about my childhood. Then I lost lucidity and don't remember anything after that.
Anonymous Mon 30/01/2023 11:43:00 PM 2 years ago No. 91
I had a dream that I missed a due date for an assignment. It is obvious I was worried about falling behind in school.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 5:39:29 AM 2 years ago No. 94
Most realistic dream of my life the other night, I just went to the pool at my local YMCA and swam a few laps, toweled off, got dressed, drove home. Every detail was indistinguishable from reality, down to the chlorine smell. Feeling the cool water flow over me was very comfortable for some reason. Made me want to swim again.
Luckily I didn't piss the bed.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 6:48:32 AM 2 years ago No. 96
Did anyone ever have a dream in a dream in a dream before?
Anonymous Mon 06/02/2023 5:40:40 AM 2 years ago No. 99
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I had a very pleasant dream today, it was the first time my new friends were involved (80-90% of my dreams involve people I know). We were all sitting in a car that was going very fast on a country road. The road got narrower and narrower and suddenly everything turned into a Mario Kart Double Dash Racetrack with bright colours and different shapes and landscapes and happy clouds. It looked very much like Dino Dino Jungle or DK Mountain. My friend was even able to shoot a red koopa shell and got rid of another car in front of us so we were the first ones to cross the finish line.
Anonymous Sat 11/02/2023 4:37:06 AM 2 years ago No. 106
I had a dream where I was in some place that looked like a hangar, and I was watching TV with a guy I've never met before. He was wearing a boonie hat, and somehow, I knew he was from Florida. We were eating oranges as though they were apples, and then a PSA on the TV said that drinking orange juice is much better for your health than eating oranges. The Florida guy disapproved of this and continued to eat oranges. Then, he became alert and warned that a demon was nearby. We went upstairs a bit and found a woman. She looked normal, but when we approached her, I had a brief vision of the demon. It was hairless, appeared to have no eyelids, and its mouth was partially fused shut. The vision subsided, and without hesitation, the Florida guy walked up to the woman and tore her face off with one hand. Underneath was the demon from the vision. He then threw her out of the window, where she landed on top of a van, crushing the roof and killing her. Little of note happened after that, but I think we drove around a bit and listened to music.
Anonymous Sun 12/02/2023 2:13:11 PM 2 years ago No. 110
I had a dream where I shrank and went about my daily life.
Anonymous Tue 14/02/2023 3:07:31 PM 2 years ago No. 111
A dream I had involved my tire being deflated and I was powerless to fix it. It was as if I was in a game and it lagged out.
Anonymous Thu 16/02/2023 3:02:36 PM 2 years ago No. 112
Dreamed I had gf. Valentines day is for the dogs.
Anonymous Fri 17/02/2023 5:04:45 AM 2 years ago No. 113
Did you enjoy the dream? It seems to me like your brain is trying to give you some hope.
Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 6:59:15 PM 1 year ago No. 127
I had a dream where I was in China, which was largely irrelevant because everyone spoke English and I soon walked into a McDonald's. I ordered a McChicken, and the woman at the counter kept asking me things about college, like whether I had met anyone important, done anything interesting, or intended to pursue graduate school. When I denied all of these, she said "So you're just one of those people who takes the 4-year program? There's nothing that sets you apart?"
At this point I was getting pissed, because I don't like small talk or school. The implication of her comment was something I had suspected for many years; namely, that college has become so obligatory as to be useless, so this sent me over the edge. I told her I just wanted a goddamn McChicken. She handed it over. It was more like the old Double Down from KFC, with chicken tenders instead of buns, probably because I've eaten one of those and have never ordered an actual McChicken in my life. Seems the shitposting got in my head. Anyway, it was pretty good, and nothing eventful happened after that. In retrospect, it was a pretty angsty dream. I think I have a lot of those.
Anonymous Fri 24/02/2023 1:38:15 AM 1 year ago No. 128
It was pretty good? Can you actually taste food while dreaming?
Anonymous Fri 24/02/2023 2:26:54 AM 1 year ago No. 129
Yeah, I occasionally have dreams where I eat stuff. Isn't that normal?
Anonymous Sat 25/02/2023 6:21:05 AM 1 year ago No. 130
my last dream was gross and weird. it was in some unfamiliar room in a high rise building but i knew it was my bedroom and on the floor were doujins of a black anime girl as a futa and i was masturbating to it then someone from my work walked into the room and i hid the images and pulled my pants up and then he walked across the room and was not paying any attention to me and stared at the ceiling saying something to himself (dont remember what he said). then suddenly i was walking on the left side of a sidewalk towards a busy intersection while crying to God for forgiveness and feeling guilty.
Anonymous Sun 26/02/2023 11:18:44 AM 1 year ago No. 132
Do you watch a lot of porn? That dream certainly sounds like you do.
Anonymous Tue 28/02/2023 12:07:31 AM 1 year ago No. 133
not so much these days but i used to
Anonymous Fri 03/03/2023 9:56:48 PM 1 year ago No. 144
i keep having dreams about masturbating. what does this mean?
Anonymous Sat 04/03/2023 9:30:09 AM 1 year ago No. 148
I had a dream that it was the 1st of april and 4chan had created a "hand gestures" board
Anonymous Sat 04/03/2023 11:53:15 AM 1 year ago No. 149
It seems like every other night I'm having a dream about violently killing my father except I'm too physically weak to actually harm him in any way so I'm just threatening him with sharp objects and then weakly rubbing the tip against him.
I don't wonder what it means
Anonymous Sat 04/03/2023 7:49:13 PM 1 year ago No. 151
I've dreamt of abusive people in the past. In my dreams I was trying to punch them but every time my fist got close to them it slowed down and I only touched them lightly with my fist. Your dream sounds similar. I think it represents feelings of anger and powerlessness.
Anonymous Mon 13/03/2023 1:01:17 PM 1 year ago No. 161
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I am unaware if I am dreaming or not, but last night I felt like I was being watched in my room.
Anonymous Tue 14/03/2023 11:11:12 AM 1 year ago No. 163
Could be sleep paralysis? Tell us more.
Anonymous Wed 15/03/2023 3:21:24 PM 1 year ago No. 165

I thought I was dreaming, but when I tried to get a closer look at the girl, I woke up.
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 4:14:59 PM 1 year ago No. 167
>2008 goths/emos
>Avril Lavigne
You are a complete fucking retard, aren't you? Fuck your retarded normie and normal fag dream experience you fucking faggot.
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 6:44:52 PM 1 year ago No. 168
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Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 6:56:35 PM 1 year ago No. 174
I think you need a brushing up on the rules or you clearly just don't understand the definitions so here's a explanation I have saved.

>Normal-fag: Someone who wants, or expects, that the same dynamics which apply offline should also apply online.
>Let's take the issue of racism as an example: A non-normalfag says he doesn't give a shit about that online, not because he doesn't give a shit offline, but because it has no impact on their online life.
>A normalfag has a very hard time understanding that concept because he would subconsciously connect the two and start forming theories and implications to explain why you would say such a thing, or try to explain why you wouldn't care offline (like being ignorant or "american")
>As another example consider all the people these days who use "incel" and "virgin" like actual insults all of a sudden.
>Back in the day almost everyone just pretended to be a virgin even if they weren't, and would have almost taken those insults as compliments because it's funny to do so.
>Again, it's another issue that actually has 0 impact on your online life and in all honesty it should be considered laughable or bizarre that anyone would think you'd actually give a fuck. Only normalfags think it actually matters in this digital world. It matters to THEM, and they EXPECT that it matters to me too.
>Back in the day when people got called virgins on forums and whatnot, I perceived it as a humoristic jab low-key poking fun at general "outdoor" society for making an unnecessarily huge deal out of it, for example adults constantly nagging teens if they "got a girl already or what". Said jabs most of the time were intended to be enjoyed by both sides, it's like how some jokingly respond with hacker accusations to any showing of a code or a screenshot of a command prompt.
>The way I see it, the majority of the internet nowadays seems to consist of the same simpleminded imbeciles we used to poke fun at with said jokes and which we usually could take a break from by browsing the internet.
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 7:54:49 PM 1 year ago No. 178
What's wrong with liking Avril? You are a "star fucker" talking about mainstream celebrities which applies under normie(mainstream culture*) term. You talk about having a IRL relationship with a celebrity and a lot of other normal faggot shit in your post so if someone points that out even if it's in a toxic manner it's your own fault. Then when someone points to you to a definition of those terms you keep replying baiting for a reply as if you still don't understand what's wrong with your post. I'm not going to derail this thread any further because of your lack of understanding.
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 8:08:10 PM 1 year ago No. 180
>Oh no, the niche, reclused community of antisocial and asocial people has antisocial and asocial tendencies
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 8:11:48 PM 1 year ago No. 181
The time I had that dream I had bought a fuck ton of napkins for the purpose of not buying more in a lot of time. The brand that worked perfectly (and the one I bought) was a generic one from the supermarket I bought it from, while the shitty ones that made me seethe even in my dreams was bought by my mother on a different place and I don't recall the name of that brand at all. Still haven't ran out of napkins btw
Anonymous Sat 25/03/2023 10:03:26 AM 1 year ago No. 187
had a dream i was walking up a familiar hill close to my house with an old friend from primary school. he asked me "why are you so afraid of death" and i replied "because i dont want to die before my relationship with God is in a good place" and he said "dont worry i will be praying for you" there was more before that but thats the only bit i really remember
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 5:55:52 AM 1 year ago No. 197
>why are you afraid of death
if some kid appeared out of nowhere and told me that I'd drop kick him to the moon.
Anonymous Wed 05/04/2023 7:45:06 AM 1 year ago No. 199
I had a pretty ridiculous dream last night. It had the characters from a film about a gang I've watched a while back but itself resembled some sort of action movie: the gang leader had betrayed me, he had tried to take my gun away and then wanted to shoot me. While running away I climbed on a roof; however on the other side of the building there were soldiers that started shooting at me as well for some reason. Then I woke up
Anonymous Wed 12/04/2023 12:54:13 PM 1 year ago No. 207
i had a dream where small monkeys replaced gasoline. This led to the point where at every gas pump there was a larger monkey worker who could speak. The next thing I remember, I was in a boardroom, a spectator in a meeting between the two species. Certain humans had monkeys incased in glass domes on their heads,. The monkeys' negotiator was put in a clear tube where his sounds would be funneled out and translated. He asked for the whereabouts of some individuals, but was told that information was confidential. The monkey got frustrated when his questions were refused by the humans, saying "I'm just going to call for another fucking meeting then", and repeatedly pushed the "call for meeting" button
Anonymous Thu 20/04/2023 9:12:33 AM 1 year ago No. 213
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I had a dream that ended in a fucking jumpscare. Apparently I was in some kind of reality that was sort of like Super Mario 64 but instead of going inside paintings I went inside jewtube videos. There were no people at first, but when they started appearing they were people from the highschool I went to, and aparently we were all highschool age. I went inside a german plaza video and ran around a bit until for some reason I thought it'd be good to host Youtube locally in my computer, so I went and downloaded some program to do so. It was supposed to be one of those "easy installation for retards" guide, but when I played a random video it showed me a message that read "Couldn't find specified video. Check [Installation folder] to make sure you downloaded the desired video" or something like that. I was going to check what was up with that when a high pitched voice screamed "JEWTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" at max volume and then there was this fucking sound that was a combination of an explosion and a generic monster roar, but it was so fukcing loud that it woke me up, made me flinch and made my head hurt for a moment. I got pissed and thought that it was a troll video made to fuck with faggots who hosted Youtube locally but at that point I realized none of that shid actually happened or even existed.
Anonymous Mon 08/05/2023 1:08:50 PM 1 year ago No. 221
There was some fun I had with my dad in my dream.
In my dream, I went bowling with my dad for whatever reason, and I was puzzled by how enjoyable it was. It was a really enjoyable dream though. That is all that I remember from the dream.
Anonymous Tue 16/05/2023 2:26:35 PM 1 year ago No. 224
As an adult, I was back in high school in Sweden for no apparent reason. The only reason I could think of was that I was missing one attendance or I was observing the class. The two students I had classes with at university were with me for whatever reason. We left the class in the snow after just a short time. My dream then panned to a house my family was staying in, and I had a gun. My mission was to stop a band from killing themselves. I guess I was supposed to use my gun to stop them. I never really did anything because I guess the other two students I was with solved it. My gun broke in half, and then my dream ended.
Anonymous Tue 30/05/2023 2:54:34 PM 1 year ago No. 242
My dream last night was another one of my weird dreams. For some reason, I and my family were out at a gas station, and I guess my brother had used the bathroom. My usual waiting position in real life is in the car, but in this dream, I stood next to the cashier. I discovered that crack was sold at this gas station while waiting for my sibling in the bathroom. There is only me and my brother at the gas station, so I do not know if selling drugs there is a smart idea. The dream ends with someone stealing the crack cocaine and then the cashier screaming "Go to your car."
Anonymous Tue 20/06/2023 4:27:14 AM 1 year ago No. 256
My dream simple yet terrifying. I woke up naked in the woods in the middle of the night. I had no clue why I was there and just booked it and i don't know where to go. When I actually woke up I had a panic attack lol
Anonymous Sat 01/07/2023 5:26:44 AM 1 year ago No. 278
How can you stop people committing suicide? By shooting them. Makes sense. Dream logic can be fun.
Anonymous Sat 01/07/2023 5:30:10 AM 1 year ago No. 279
I heard that eating and drinking foods and liquids before bed can trigger lucid dreaming. apples and apple juice apparently can cause this.
Anonymous Sat 01/07/2023 3:11:54 PM 1 year ago No. 280
I'd probably have to beat them up to the point of knocking them out aka more violence lol.
Anonymous Sat 15/07/2023 4:56:51 AM 1 year ago No. 291
i dreamt of beating the shit out of a stray dog. kept kicking the poor fucker literally nonstop. i dont know why lol.
Anonymous Fri 21/07/2023 10:36:10 PM 1 year ago No. 302
In a dream, I had some friends over and thought I should prepare them food. The pizza was forgotten, and I placed pepperoni and parmesan cheese in random places thinking they would see it. The dish was placed in various locations on the floor, table, seat, and seat cushion. I don't know where I come up with this stuff.
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 6:44:41 AM 1 year ago No. 313
I had a dream that a (non-anthropomorphic) cat wearing a tux played dark, dramatic jazz music on the piano.
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 3:22:11 PM 1 year ago No. 314
Did he play a jazzy version of Led Zeppelin?
Anonymous Sun 13/08/2023 4:01:42 AM 1 year ago No. 316
Naw, it wasn't related to anything in a band.
Anonymous Sun 13/08/2023 5:53:56 AM 1 year ago No. 317
Not even a one-man band? Who is playing if it isn't a band or an ensemble? Was it a ghost playing?
Anonymous Sun 13/08/2023 5:23:59 PM 1 year ago No. 318
A single cat was manning the piano, and music was coming from somewhere. The cat was in a dark room with a single spotlight coming from above focusing on the cat.
Anonymous Fri 18/08/2023 2:20:40 AM 1 year ago No. 321
It's crazy how you can dream anything anytime you go to sleep. I can have a perfectly mundane day then have a dream that surpasses all past experience and defies language. Then I wake up, take a piss, get breakfast, and go on my boring way.
Anonymous Fri 18/08/2023 5:10:25 AM 1 year ago No. 322
Most of my dreams are retarded which says a lot about how my brain is all over the place.
Anonymous Tue 22/08/2023 2:46:53 PM 1 year ago No. 325
Last night, I dreamed I was in jail, and there was some sort of gang war going on. As opposed to being behind metal bars, I and all the other prisoners were on some kind of playground. Instead of bars, the barricade was just plastic attempts, and I guess the jailers just thought we'd get lost in this big building. The gang warfare was just a bloodbath, and the last thing I remember is my "buddy" going on a rampage and killing everyone there. I guess I was the next target, but I woke up.
Anonymous Sun 27/08/2023 5:46:19 PM 1 year ago No. 332
Another dream I had was I went to the worst concert ever. The venue was my wagecuck job's bathroom. My brain died in my dream because I thought the urinal was the chair. One of the band members came in and smiled awkwardly, and left soon after. They brought in a TV with a DVD player and just played a video of one of their old concert videos. I paid money for this. >>
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 5:32:43 AM 1 year ago No. 353
I've had 22chan related dreams before. In one case, A few days before the announcement of the site shitting down had a dream where i visited the front page and there was a new announcement by the previous admin that:
In order to better reflect the values of the old internet, We have unbanned homosexuality and furry related content, Better yet we altered all of the rules to go with the flow! We changed the CSS to have a more "retro" feel and we embeded some music so you can jam out! Mozeltov! ~ The 22Chan staff
I basically had a fucking stroke and i woke up. I had a strong sense of Déjà vu, Fell out of bed and clambered to my computer. I turned it on and clicked impatiently on the mouse, Opened up my browser and went to 22chan and refreshed the page like 500 times. When the site loaded and everything was fine i basically posted a few cats on the caturday thread and basically went on with the day like if nothing happened. It felt painful as fuck to be honest. I've had internet related dreams but none of them mattered more then the 22chan ones, Some of them actually inspired me to make some threads and posts directly ripped off from the dreams i had.
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 5:38:31 AM 1 year ago No. 354
So basically, you got thrown in the jail for retards and manchildren? I think you got lucky to even wake up in the first place because that sounds terrifying to run around a playground and trying to hide from some autist screeching like a chimpanzee, who's trying to shank you to death. Terrifying.
Can you remember who was the band playing in the concert?
Anonymous Sat 23/09/2023 3:26:12 PM 1 year ago No. 355
Although I don't know how they got the weapons, I think the jailers were understaffed because they're still wagies. The Jonas Brothers of all bands were the ones playing. I don't know any of their songs lol.
Anonymous Fri 29/09/2023 11:52:14 PM 1 year ago No. 360
i can't remember any full dreams i've had lately, they've all been pretty disjointed. i remember i had one where my tooth was chipped at the front and i could feel it's sandpaper-y like texture under my finger. i also had a dream where i kept trying to shave my head with a blade but couldnt because there was more and more hair. i kept accidentally cutting myself, it was a weird dream.
Anonymous Mon 02/10/2023 5:32:09 PM 1 year ago No. 372
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I had a video game-related dream today, and it was entertaining, to say the least. It was probably too vivid, but at the same time not anything good story-wise. Randomly, I was introduced to a group like I was in an RPG. It was three other people in my group like I was in a final fantasy or dragon quest. All of the party members reminded me of some other character I'll go over in my description of the party as it is in the beginning.
>Rebekka Daniel
Rebekka is the female of the group and is sort of the little sister figure of the group. Rebekka is probably in the party to pander to the crowd of people who like cutesy characters in the group. She is also a rich blonde whose family is rarely around.
>Alexander Hansen
Alexander is the stereotypical hero of the group. Although he is perfect in appearance, he is kind of boring in terms of personality. Alex is a paragon of virtue except around retards.
>Jeremias Weber
The dream was played from the viewpoint of Jeremias. Jeremias is an autistic retard that manages to have hero abilities and powers. There is no reason he should have these powers because he is a retard. He runs into trouble a lot.
>Fred Noach
There isn't much to say about him other than he is a fed.
We met on top of a random building for whatever reason acrobatics while bouncing on close lines occurred for no reason. This felt like it was going to be turned-based gaming playing in my dream, but for whatever reason, it turned into something like Pokemon Rumble. The party abandons me, and I am at Rebekka's house. It was a huge mansion that had a lot of rooms. I lost my clothes except my underwear because I am a retarded. Out of embarrassment, I locked some of the doors so that people could not see me. I got to the end of what turned out to be a dead end and one of the ends of the house. Nine combatants, including the fed Fred, wanted to fight me. It was a nine against one, so for the first few minutes, they almost beat me. They got together to do some speech on why subhumans like me should not live, and you have to die. Main character powers kicked in, and I defeated one of eight, and then the dream ended. I hope to dream about this more. I guess either I could jump out the window into a pool or continue to fight.
Anonymous Mon 02/10/2023 7:11:25 PM 1 year ago No. 373
Dreamed the my little sister made friends with a stingray and it swam off into the ocean and then came back with a bunch of old accordions and violins that it found in an underwater grotto or shipwreck.
Anonymous Tue 03/10/2023 7:12:04 AM 1 year ago No. 375
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How often do anons have consistent, storied dreams? It's happened to me only once before, and this is the second time. I'm going to write about both of the related dreams, while secretly hoping for a third soon.
In the first dream, it was wintery and always snowy. It was set in a city, but it always seemed sort of empty when I was outside, presumably due to the cold. The architecture was boreal, dark, and mostly wood. Old school late-1800's perhaps, I don't know. I lived on the second floor of a combination restaurant/ bar that I worked for. I remember my clothes looking vaguely like Spider-Man Noir's costume without the mask or hat. The owner and main bartender was this stern black haired woman who gave me my jobs, and in exchange for my work I got to live in the bar and they took care of bed and board. I don't remember what I did, and this was a long time ago so most of the dream is very hazy or just things I've made up since. Near my room, there was this girl whom I was somewhat close to. She was my only "friend" in a sense, and I vividly recall doing my work and saving up my money specifically for the both of us, or just for her. I remember accessing the bar through various unusual means to "turn in" my jobs, particularly climbing through windows. It was hard, unrewarding work, but it was worth it. That's all I remember of the first one. I regret how little I recall because there were a lot of interesting small details I've since forgotten. The sequel is a bit more clear to me.
This was the same place, though for some reason its layout had changed completely. Instead of it snowing, it was raining, though there was still snow on the ground. I remember being a bit older, and being much closer with the girl I mentioned previously. I still did work for the same bar, usually the same stuff, whatever it was. The earliest thing I remember was tentatively talking with the girl on the way back to the bar, and when we reached the door, I did something odd. It wasn't so much a "door" as it was a blocked off past entryway that had a broken window far above it. I'm talking, 10 feet up this big window was open and completely broken off. Instead of continuing with the girl to the actual front door, I leapt up and sort of Spider-Man'd my way up into the window. There was a guy below me, and I said "Hey." to him, to let him know I was coming down. Then, I rolled into the bar and met the girl and the owner at the actual counter. For some reason when this happened I recalled at some point recently doing the same thing, except the guy wasn't there. I had a short argument with the owner about the available supplies for some sort of event. In this particular instance there was some sort of party that we had considered throwing-- or just a small notable thing in general. I can't recall what it was specifically but something tells me it was for something between me and the girl. She argued that there wasn't enough, and we'd start the party but run out of beer and food, which would make people upset. I argued that we did have the supplies necessary, it was just far away. I told her that we're going to do the event and I was going to collect the necessities from our separated stash somewhere off in a different place. It was then that I went back, climbed through the same window I entered in and then left.
For some reason I recall the stash being some sort of generic Zelda BotW tree house thing but I didn't actually see it in the dream itself so I consider that to be non-canon. The dreams themselves give me Spider-Man Noir vibes even though I'm technically just a pitiful errand boy for a larger, but still extremely poor and barely functioning group with a coworker whom I presumably have a romantic angle with, which is strange. I don't usually have much media connection to my dreams
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 6:31:28 PM 1 year ago No. 406
I probably watch too many retard movies and sport movies which is why i had such a weird dream.
I was a fucking "sports manager" for this one chick "shimiji sakura" this japanese woman who moved to america because "america is the home of sports" She literally walked to america playing every sport ever untill i'm guessing she was hired by me?
She's like a fucking one man team and the sport i was her manager for was a fucking weird all in one sport game that takes place in a pool. her legs are so fucking powerful that she can break the largest watermelon in like 4 seconds. She is muscle bound but not in a way to make her look masculine. Her voice reminded me of sakaki from azumanga. I had to legally change her name since it was too "foreign" and the marketing team didnt like it. and she said it translated to "bitch on wheels" so that was her legal name for now on. One problem that happened is her coach who has downs syndrome got fired because he had accidently backed into her and told her that he got a "hard on" and it led to him being fired. Besides that he was useful because the guy can tell when other niggers are cheating and he knew all the rules of whatever the fuck sports game was going on and he wouldn't let other people cheat or whatever. To make matters worse the new coach was some italian guy and she started dating him. The "boss" called me and was freaking out because he found some bullshit online on the coaches profile about the bad news. In anger i shouted "FUCK" and karate chopped a glass plate in half. He noted that we'd lose money and the only person in the world to become sports jesus and being a mother means she'd never return and i got angry again and shouted "SHIT" and roundhouse kicked a cola bottle which sprayed soda everywhere and when it hit the wall, the entire can flattened. "YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING" my boss told me. "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THIS ISN'T MY JOB" i said. "YOUR THE FUCKING MANAGER, START MANAGING"
I told him to re-hire the retard and fire the italian and have him arrested for being a "serial rapist" which was a false claim but the sports boss had some juice so it happened. I had to talk to the retard and give him a speech to do better which went something like this: "Your a retard, Which is fine and your one of the best. A professional if you will. But just because your a retard doesn't mean you have to act retarded. Women don't like to hear that stuff from men and it was wrong for you to say, next time dont say that stuff at all. You should go apologize to bitch on wheels" Which worked. Bitch on wheels came into my sports office and was sad that the italian left and i had to convince her that she was retarded and she needed to focus on sports and not life.
"You had told me your goal in life was to be the sports master. What happened to you was a test, like satan tempting jesus. God chose you to be a a master of sports, Every other person will be forgotten and only you will be the master. Nuns dont have kids and they live alone, You need to do the same or your dream will never happen. She got the 1000 yard stare, but in a good way and told me "You are right, I shall become the sports messiah. All other sports player will grovel at my feet and i will stand in their blood." She then grabbed a soccer ball and smashed it against her face and left.
Thats where the dream ended.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 6:39:05 PM 1 year ago No. 407
I had another dream beforehand but it was just me finding a bunch of kids books in a rotting house on a secret bookshelf in a hidden room.
Anonymous Mon 23/10/2023 1:41:51 PM 1 year ago No. 408
>I had to legally change her name since it was too "foreign" and the marketing team didnt like it. and she said it translated to "bitch on wheels" so that was her legal name for now on.
That's pretty funny
Anonymous Tue 24/10/2023 4:29:26 PM 1 year ago No. 410
I had the lamest dream today during a two-hour sleep session. This time, I was at a concert I would never go to in real life. Two bands went on to play before the band I would remember from the dream. The band was some Liberal band that was scared of COVID. The singer went on and on about how they were not going to play because of COVID-19, but they love their fans so much that they have to play for us. They love us so much they want us to get out of our seats and stand just below the stage. The theater seats were too comfy, and this band sucked. I was called a misogynist by a random girl I went to school with.
Anonymous Fri 24/11/2023 4:52:42 PM 1 year ago No. 450
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I spent almost a month going through the entire day in meditation and contemplation, with minimal screentime measured in minutes instead of hours. Finally a few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night, thought I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again but I went into meditation and had a series of lucid dreams(which are not common for me), each more stable than the last. In the last one I finally felt stable enough and I remembered my purpose to seek higher wisdom. A car appeared to me and I trusted that it would take me somewhere worth it. I got into the car, traveled in it for a while until I saw this billboard and then I woke up.
At least it's kinda on topic ...
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 9:58:40 PM 1 year ago No. 453
i had a dream i was swimming in my pool (i dont have a pool) and i encountered a octopuss. he literally just appeared and i freaked the hell out. eventually i got some waterproof paper and a pen and he would communicate with me. eventually he told me that it was time for him to leave the pool and he'd like to live in my house. i told him that its impossible for him to breath air and he told me that it is fine and he can breath air, all he needs is a glass of water every now and then but even then he can go without for a few days without any problems. i brought him inside and he was pretty happy. i left for work and the carpet was torn up, he changed color to a vibrant pink with white spots, he was hiding under the torn up carpet, his body was dehydrated, calcified and stiff as a board. he was dead. rip octopuss friend.
Anonymous Tue 05/12/2023 5:47:11 PM 1 year ago No. 459
Do lucid dreams make you feel good or are you too focused to know what you are feeling?
Anonymous Wed 06/12/2023 5:03:11 PM 1 year ago No. 460
They feel great. Why?
Anonymous Thu 07/12/2023 5:38:25 AM 1 year ago No. 461
I've never been able to experience lucid dreams. I wish I could but I can't.
Anonymous Thu 07/12/2023 4:36:47 PM 1 year ago No. 462
Well I've struggled a lot to get just a glimpse. I can spend 9 hours in meditation and 15 minutes browsing something stupid on the web and guess which one I'll tend to dream about... I don't know why it's easier for some people.
Also when I say they feel great I mean the dreams that are both clear minded and lucid. Some dreams are "lucid" in that you realize you are dreaming but you go along with whatever was going on, those don't feel particularly good.
Anonymous Fri 08/12/2023 5:14:00 AM 1 year ago No. 463
How often are the good lucid dreams, and how often are the bad ones? My dreams tend to be about stupid things for reasons. I can image clear ones are great with how peaceful everything is.
Anonymous Fri 08/12/2023 5:02:36 PM 1 year ago No. 465
I only take note of the good ones and until now they are relatively rare (something around monthly) but really worth it. If they interest you I recommend trying to be more aware of how your mind gets involved in different distractions during the day, I think that's mainly what has helped me.
Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 4:56:08 PM 1 year ago No. 484
Last night I dreamed I was bathing in a fountain. It was very relaxing, but then this Italian guy ran up and silently started taking pictures of my feet. I told him to fuck off or give me $100 bucks per pic and he just got grumpy and started handing me benjamins. I was on a road trip to spend the cash I missed an exit so I just stopped the car and started hiking along some old railroad tracks in the woods. I saw something in a tall old oak tree and tried to climb it, but the branch I grabbed pulled off in my hands. Inside the trunk I found where someone had put two bottles so the tree would grow around them: one of bootlegged liquor, one of hot sauce. The label on the hot sauce was a banner for the Cincinnati Zoo and the ingredients list was empty. The liquid in the bottle was highly viscous. The liquor bottle was almost empty, but the liquid was clear. Drinking it woke me up.
Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 5:33:45 PM 1 year ago No. 485
Did it taste of anything?
Anonymous Tue 27/02/2024 3:00:29 PM 12 months ago No. 526
i found a 50 cent coin in my room from 1997 and a man came in through the window. he mentioned its a rare coin worth 500 dollars. he seemed glum and he pulled out what appears to be a pinch of himalayan salt. he said he would give me his salt that was worth 600 dollars. he was sad at this offering but it was like he had to, like this was the most important offer of his life and he couldn't just use money, as if the offering of salt was somehow important.
i refused and he left, strange dream.
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 4:26:44 AM 12 months ago No. 527
The 50-cent coin is so big and sort of unpractical to hold. I understand turning down 600 dollars since it is a lot of money.
Anonymous Wed 06/03/2024 6:12:41 PM 11 months ago No. 539
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I had a short dream but a bizarre dream. In this dream world, the head is very fragile, and even being slapped is like getting stabbed, so the world-constructed helmets are like a second skin for your head. Your helmet looks exactly like you, so it is normal-looking. I took off my helmet and my helmet had bumps under the scalp, and all I can remember is getting yelled at by people to put my helmet back on.
Anonymous Mon 25/03/2024 11:56:13 AM 11 months ago No. 565
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In 2016-2017 I dreamed that I was in a building I didn't recognized. My elbow bumped a water bottle, spilling it all over the floor. I never forgot this dream. Yesterday I was sitting in a doctors office and there was a water bottle on the little table next to me. I noticed it and, remembering my dream, kept my elbows by my side. The water bottle did not spill. My visions... they aid me in ways you mortals could not fucking fathom.
Anonymous Mon 25/03/2024 2:35:55 PM 11 months ago No. 566
it was said that dreams are ways that the primitive man used for survival, i wonder if this is one of those cases.
Anonymous Tue 16/04/2024 2:53:33 PM 10 months ago No. 573
Last night I dreamed that someone who I know in real life got the job I have been looking for a better part of the year. It stung in the dream because the dude did a completely different degree. The dream obviously was telling me I feel like I am falling behind.
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 4:07:48 AM 9 months ago No. 585
The previous day I wasn't feeling too good about my hair. I went to bed, and I woke up in a dream with long hair that I couldn't adjust to my liking. I think my dream was telling me to appreciate what I have because some guys don't have any hair involuntarily.
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 4:13:52 AM 9 months ago No. 587
An old dream i had is that a cat learned to speak, And all he could say is "Mmm, Niggers."
The cat was killed out of fear that of all other animals learned to speak, And to be racist then humanity would be at war. To be honest all dream did is make me upset that a cat was killed.
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 4:19:55 AM 9 months ago No. 588
It wasn't a dream.
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 4:45:55 AM 9 months ago No. 589
Another cat dream i had thd other night: Arthouse japanese film of cats, Doing typical cat things but the audio and subtitles say otherwise. A cat was recorded for around three hours. The audio was written around what the cat was doing and it was a period piece set in the Endo period of japan. The cat made the terrible of sleeping with the wife of one of the daimyos. The director, Mr Screwball said that even though our feline friends seem like idiots basking in the sun and sleeping, They are actually living serious and dramatic lives and the movie was made to showcase this. Much like the rioters during the gundam movie, There was an actual fucking war going on because they felt that the movie awoke a type of nationalism that was lost to time. Part of the problem is that some people felt that the movie is better if you remove the cats and replace the visuals with something else. People that made fan films got fucking brutally murdered and in large groups by people that really didnt want the movie to be fucked with. [Play]
Anonymous Tue 07/05/2024 4:12:31 AM 9 months ago No. 590
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I had a dream of someone running towards my house door with a pistol. One door was locked, but the other was unlocked, and he got in. I managed to get outside without him shooting me, but he ended up chasing me around my yard. Every time he shot at me, it would land next to my ear but never hit me. In the mud, I got stuck, slowing me down.
Anonymous Fri 31/05/2024 4:03:43 AM 8 months ago No. 622
I dreamed that I was invited to some event from some normalfags from college. We were doing some charity type of thing. I remember trying to speak to them, but they never spoke to me.
Anonymous Fri 31/05/2024 4:15:04 AM 8 months ago No. 623
fuckin hirojew sold 4chan to lowes and they renamed the site to "" and it took a while but eventually what little userbase they had left used it as a crypto-imageboard. using tiles and wood flooring to simulate images.
Anonymous Fri 31/05/2024 4:13:59 PM 8 months ago No. 624
I wood-n't even be mad
Anonymous Sat 01/06/2024 4:41:18 AM 8 months ago No. 625
That would be an excellent April Fool joke.
Anonymous Mon 03/06/2024 10:37:24 PM 8 months ago No. 628
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I dreamed that I was a young teenager again at the church my family attended at the time. There for some kind of luncheon, not a service. All of a sudden who shows up but TOM WAITS. I'm a huge fan so I'm geeking the F out but it's weird for everyone else. He has a guitar and the luncheon turns into an impromptu concert of him howling and doing his thing and I'm pleased as punch but nervous about what other people think. I get to shake his hand but I'm all sweaty. He's really cool about it though.
Anonymous Tue 04/06/2024 2:27:12 AM 8 months ago No. 630
now that is an EXPERIENCE, where you able to hear the music in your dream or was it some type of vague abstraction?
Anonymous Tue 04/06/2024 2:56:03 AM 8 months ago No. 631
I could hear it. He did How's It Gonna End and Earth Died Screaming, but they were distinctly him performing them live with just just his guitar and stomping on the ground. Not like a recording I've heard before being replayed. I remember really feeling the beat and slapping the table n shit. I hope I wasn't making noise irl lmao
Anonymous Tue 04/06/2024 7:47:34 PM 8 months ago No. 632
i dreamed that i was watching biden vs trump debate.
joe biden was wearing a rice farmer hat and he went on for like an hour about why he was wearing it. then the moderator went "u are out of time" and then biden just said "ahh shucks"
Anonymous Wed 05/06/2024 4:31:01 AM 8 months ago No. 633
Trump must have been disappointed. The way you describe your dreams reminds me of the idiotic Socratic seminars I had to do in High School where one kid dominated the discussion for the entire session.
Anonymous Thu 06/06/2024 3:41:47 PM 8 months ago No. 634
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Last night I dreamed I went to Turkey on business. I flew in to a small airport in the morning and met my guide, a round faced gentleman with a fetching mustache. Sort of like the dad from the "mehmet my son" memes but when he was younger and cleaner and wearing normal clothes. He greeted me with a kiss on both cheeks. Whenever he met another turk he'd trade a piece of candy with them. And not just him, whenever two turks met they just pull some candy out of their pocket and hand it over. Never saw anyone actually eating candy. Anyway he had an old 90s era sedan, something like a Crown Victoria. Peeling paint, peeling upholstery, no power steering, no windows. I drove but he used the stick shift. I cannot describe how annoying that was but whenever I asked if I could handle it he just ignored me.
We took the car onto a ferry to cross a lake. On the other side the guide swapped candy with the ferryman and I drove the car along a thin and flimsy dock onto dry land. The air was warm and dry. We navigated through snaky tree-entangled backroads before making it to the congested main artery of the town. Most of the cars were like our own sedan, but there was stuff from all over. There were shitty soviet cars from the 70s and 80s. Volkswagens from the good old days sporting windmills of peace. Japanese motorcycles. The indomitable Toyota pickup, conspicuously missing any 19th century artillery pieces. There weren't any Model Ts, but a few got close. I'm not enough of a car guy to describe half of what I saw. None of it was new. An ocean of taped up windows, chipping paint, sun damage, cracked rubber, spare tires, burning oil, squealing transmissions, and not nearly enough mufflers to go around. A real freak show.
Despite the quantity of cars, traffic moved smoothly. It wasn't long before I made it to my room. It was being rented out by an eccentric older woman. The interior was brightly lit and all made of tile, stone, glass, concrete, all kinds of hard and smooth things but not a single cushion or shred of carpet in sight. She had a cage full of canaries. Fairly open floor plan with a vaulted ceiling. As you can imagine the birds echoed a lot. My room was off of the entry and had a very different character. Aside from my cot, there was a musty old standup piano. Must've been an antique. A large window was blacked out with a quilt. The landlady brought me some watery lemonade as I unpacked.
I was having a good time. In the afternoon I accompanied my guide to a hardware store. Parked outside was a decrepit 1930s Mercedes with an open trailer full of junk. The guide saw a clearly busted string instrument in the heap and got really excited. He made me buy it from the cranky old owner and his bitch wife for 200 american dollars.
I've never been to Turkey so this was a very educational experience for me.
Anonymous Sat 08/06/2024 4:07:38 AM 8 months ago No. 637
I've never been outside my home country for an extended period. It is not like I am dying to visit, but I'd like to see some unique things like you described in your dream. Getting ripped off in your dream must have made you conscious you shake your head in disappointment.
Anonymous Mon 24/06/2024 5:05:28 PM 8 months ago No. 650
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Real interesting experience this morning. I was having a lucid dream and doing my thing running around and having fun. I walked past a mirror but didn't look in it because historically that's something that wakes me up. The garbage truck started to go around in the real world and I could hear it so I knew I was going to wake up soon anyways, so I went back to look into the mirror because it's usually kind of fun at least.
When I did this, my eyes opened in the real world but I was still asleep. I was lying on my left side, looking towards some clothes on hangers. My left eye was covered by the pillow and the sheets: only the right eye could see. What ended up happening was the stuff seen by the right eye was reflected across the left side of its vision to fill in what would be seen by the left eye. It was incredibly trippy, especially because my head was situated sideways. This is the view that I saw in the mirror. Now, my brain expected to see my face. Usually in dreams it creates something wholesale to put in the mirror, which usually just looks like if eltorro64rus got a hold of my character model (picrel). That's why it wakes me up, just too weird to stay asleep. However, since my brain had the image from my eyes to work with, it tried in rapid succession to put a few faint faces on there but quickly gave up on processing and identifying anything. As a result I got this slightly kaleidoscopic mirrored image that looked like one of those stroke simulation pictures (picrel).
So, to sum up.
>Brain in dreamscape, transitioning to wakefulness
>State of full consciousness
>Intentionally direct myself towards a visual experience
>Eyes open, only one able to get picture
>Brain reflects picture from obstructed eye to fill in for the obstructed one
>No attempt made by brain to correct for angle of head, image delivered as though upright
>See a few feeble attempts to impose a face
>Brain gives up and delivers the "raw feed"
>Can't recognize anything until full wakefulness is achieved, in an instant all systems come back online
It was a real neat firsthand glimpse into how my own brain processes sensory information. Really baffled by the reflection phenomenon, I'm not aware of any time when visual processing would be required to do something like that. I guess it's a testament to how the brain can adapt and freestyle
Anonymous Mon 24/06/2024 5:27:20 PM 8 months ago No. 651
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Here's a rough representation, in case my explanation is hard to follow.
Anonymous Fri 28/06/2024 12:08:11 AM 7 months ago No. 652
i swear to god this dream of yours has to manifest itself into reality tonight i need to see him wear that hat
Anonymous Fri 28/06/2024 4:41:06 AM 7 months ago No. 653
It seems like that didn't happen based on the few glances at the tv I had tonight. For shame.
Anonymous Fri 28/06/2024 4:51:21 AM 7 months ago No. 654
is this the first time you had control over your dreams?
no "ni hao i'm joe beijing, welcome to the rice fields"
why even live. i hate reality.
Anonymous Fri 28/06/2024 8:05:53 PM 7 months ago No. 655
so we may not have gotten chinese rice farmer biden
but i think what we got last night was just as funny
Anonymous Mon 01/07/2024 2:36:05 AM 7 months ago No. 656
Watching it just shows how goofy reality is and Biden still has a good chance of winning because most people are braindead but lets not get into politics on my 22chan.
Anonymous Fri 12/07/2024 6:09:42 PM 7 months ago No. 668
i woke up parched
i tried turning on the tap water for a drink and nothing came out. i grabbed a bottle of water and i turned on the news. it was good morning america and george papadopolis or whatever the fuck his name was is talking about an accident. all of the water on earth is gone and i mean fucking "poof" gone, sea animals are choking on air as the news is reporting. something about a device on a government cargo freighter being hijacked by "terrorists" and some device going off being related? so i start freaking out and i change out of pjs and strap on my trusty fucking six shooter cowboy gun to my holster (i dont own a gun irl) and i go out side and its fucking chaos like people are screaming and running around all desperate like and some people are kicking down doors. i drive over to walmart and its gutted so i decide to drive back home and i realised there was an empty house and for some reason i get a retarded idea that "well there must be water there" so i break in and a fat obese shirtless man is screaming like if his kid died in his arm and charges me. i struggle to get my gun out for whatever reason and i get tackled to the ground and he pounds me (he is still screaming at me but his eyes are expanded like a cat with the center all big and his voice is all raw) and i grab a glass shard and stab him in the eyes and then i finally pull my gun and shoot him. i get up and theres a gallon of water just sitting there. needless to say i return home and take a nap wondering if everything is over and i wake up irl feeling sleepy and with a dry mouth. strange stuff.
Anonymous Mon 15/07/2024 3:57:46 AM 7 months ago No. 674
I dreamed my wireless headphone charger got drenched in water. The water, for some reason, came out of the charging connecter. Luckily, I had the headphones in my ears throughout this ridiculous scenario.
Anonymous Thu 18/07/2024 3:57:17 AM 7 months ago No. 676
My dream essentially happened because it rained out of nowhere. Hopefully my charger isn't ruined.
Anonymous Wed 07/08/2024 1:33:06 PM 6 months ago No. 691
i had a dream that i woke up and ate a cherry poptart for breakfast, i don't currently have cherry poptarts on me. i wonder what the esoteric significance of this dream is.
Anonymous Thu 08/08/2024 4:19:29 AM 6 months ago No. 692
Maybe it is time to eat something new for breakfast.
Anonymous Thu 08/08/2024 5:42:17 AM 6 months ago No. 693
i havent eaten a cherry poptart since i was 8 years old.
Anonymous Thu 15/08/2024 11:15:05 PM 6 months ago No. 712
there is nothing stopping you from eating a cherry poptart. think about it sometime anon.
Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 4:27:43 AM 6 months ago No. 715
what if i die after eating a cherry poptart?
Anonymous Sun 18/08/2024 1:10:54 AM 6 months ago No. 718
i guess you just die
Anonymous Sun 18/08/2024 4:35:47 AM 6 months ago No. 719
You die with a smile.
Anonymous Thu 05/09/2024 2:52:01 PM 5 months ago No. 740
i was doing a tad bit of research on jewish messianic movements and it rolled into a dream i had last night where it was like "rappin 4 jesus" but with a stereotypical jew.
that is all i can remember but i'm sure it was longer.
Anonymous Fri 06/09/2024 4:25:01 AM 5 months ago No. 741
Was the rap good?
Anonymous Fri 06/09/2024 4:43:21 AM 5 months ago No. 742
terrible, visual effects from shitty 80's music videos and the camera panning everywhere
Anonymous Tue 10/09/2024 3:54:30 AM 5 months ago No. 743
That reminds me of how faulty Sonic Adventures' cameras were.
Anonymous Wed 18/09/2024 6:20:19 PM 5 months ago No. 749
i had a dream i woke up in a dark alleyway
i walked for a bit and heard a squeaking sound. a figure in the distance slowly grew closer to the point where i discovered it was a calico cat pushing a cart with various wares, very old school thing. i asked what was for sale and the cat responded with "i sell various things but the sweet potatos are going fast, buy quick while they are still in stock" i asked for a sweet potato and i was given one and he walked off. i forgot to pay and when i realised that i woke up.
Anonymous Thu 19/09/2024 3:51:34 AM 5 months ago No. 753
It's a shame you didn't get to eat the potato.
Anonymous Tue 24/09/2024 12:23:17 PM 5 months ago No. 758
i had a dream that 22chan added a /k/ board out of nowhere and all of the threads was unrelated to the boards subject matter which was very annoying. one person made a thread about why apples have a metallic taste and another thread was about where in town you can drive to buy better chopsticks...
Anonymous Mon 30/09/2024 3:26:48 AM 4 months ago No. 761
I had a dream some female grabbed on to me and I could not get her off.
Anonymous Mon 30/09/2024 3:28:23 AM 4 months ago No. 762
why did she grab you?
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 12:46:42 AM 4 months ago No. 763
i'm sad i wasn't able to pay her for the sweet potato, being a feline street cart sweet potato seller in this economy is hard.
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 7:38:42 AM 4 months ago No. 765
I once fucked a literal goat headed demon in my dream.
Feels good man.
Anonymous Sun 06/10/2024 12:13:08 PM 4 months ago No. 766
Nice one mate
Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 4:22:04 AM 4 months ago No. 768
What happened to the demon after?
Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 6:13:25 PM 4 months ago No. 769
maybe they got married! \(〞▽〝)/
Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 4:38:30 AM 4 months ago No. 774
But will the couple be married till death do us part?
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 4:12:00 PM 2 months ago No. 818
I had a dream that they made a desert punk game. The level design design reminded me of metal gear 3, and the visuals where really cool, like a direct adaption of the manga, all black and white with no colors with the illusion of being flat and stuff.
Anonymous Tue 26/11/2024 4:20:44 AM 2 months ago No. 819
I also had a dream/hallucination that the Desert Punk anime went further than it did. My mind that night was unimaginative, so the extra content I imagine just ended up thinking about filler.
Anonymous Mon 13/01/2025 5:44:32 AM 1 month ago No. 887
You know stuff like hunger games? well my dream had to do with a guy that woke up at the worse possible time and the only thing that was left was a plastic fork, and the guy had an emotional breakdown and flipped out for what i'm assuming was half an hour. Had a laugh at that one, glad i'm not him.
Anonymous Fri 24/01/2025 5:59:20 AM 29 days ago No. 899
It's weird because now i don't remember anything from my dreams. Also does anyone know how to lucid dream? I heard apple juice does the trick but it actually did nothing when i tried it the other day. (drank 2 large cups of juice and ate two apples)
Anonymous Sat 25/01/2025 5:52:06 AM 28 days ago No. 902
The guy survived up until now, but at what cost? I assume that dude walked off a cliff or something so congrats anon on, winning.
Anonymous Thu 13/02/2025 4:57:48 PM 8 days ago No. 925
I don't understand what i'm dreaming about, at first it was getting a free husky at one of those pet shelters but then it was about owning a new pet rabbit and for whatever reason i was trying to convince the rabbit to fuck the local wild rabbits. Then something happened where i was at an office space out of nowhere but i don't know what happened there.
Anonymous Fri 14/02/2025 12:55:26 AM 8 days ago No. 926
I think you wanted to play pokemon IRL and you are currently looking for an office job.
Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 3:05:49 PM 17 hours ago No. 938
Dream 1
I was a kid again, it was the middle of the night. I pull out my laptop dispite not having allowed non supervised access, This is gay since all i really wanted to do was play a game or watch some harmless video, but i forgot i was being recorded. There's a camera next to me and it has nightvision but the way it records isn't a direct stream, it's kind of like a deer hunting camera. So i fiddle with it to access the memory and delete the recording of me getting the laptop, but as i was doing so i get a bad feeling, coming through my window. It turns out there's a guy decked out in a totally black outfit, wearing a balaclava on his face, and holding a camera in his hands. He was recording or taking pictures of me, My instant thoughs at that time was "pedophile?" and i called my parents to investigate or call the police and they took their sweet time even doing anything.
Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep.
Dream 2
I was sick as fuck and i had to take medicine, I think my parents wanted to talk to a few people about something important, but they had to stop at costco first. The usual bullshit goes down but i have to go back to the car to get medicine since i took jack shit, As i made it to the car an older asian lady asked what model the car was, and the features and such was on it, she wanted to buy a car like it. I took a pill of the medicine and stuffed the rest in my pocket. I showed her the features like the usual stuff, like "this stuff folds downwards" and she oooed and awwed like a young child would after seeing something new.
My parents returned by that time and we left to the meeting place. Can't remember the subject matter but apparantly it was serious shit, like climate change and population control, a costco worker was there and the asian lady who was asking me about the features. The meeting place was like a waffle house, but knockoff. All of a sudden, security officers, police officers, and a few doctors and nurses arrived, not to eat or something, they asked what was going on and have us a drug test pill and shit, they asked if we where planning terrorist actions and if we where causing a disturbance. Pissed me the hell off, the nurse amd cops where laughing, although my parents and other people in the room besides the authorities where oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. I talked to a nurse as to why she was laughing and she got flustered and then pretty much told me that, this was on purpose and i'm supposed to be arrested because clearly on drugs, that i have drugs on me and the drug testing pill is making me sleepy and agressive because of it working and it even colored my tongue blue as a side affect, and besides the drug usage everyones going to get arrested for terrorist actions amd disturbing the peace. I was pissed off so i ratted to some guy who was chilling, eating a burger and he basically said AW HELL NAW and talked to a few other people who then confronted the police about me getting set up.
I then woke up right now, kind of angry for some reason.
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