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Wagecuck Musings Thread Anonymous Tue 03/10/2023 2:15:57 AM 1 year ago No. 374
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In this thread, we will discuss the woes of wagecucking. What I mean by a wagecuck job is a dead-end job where there is little potential for advancement in the job, accumulating wealth, or in one's life. I might get out of the crappy job I am in and you'll know that when the thread dies off. After that, it will be for any anon who can relate to the state I am in right now. What I have to say about wagecucking now is management is getting really entitled and it is getting on my nerves. My direct superior on certain days wants me to work an extra hour and I told him directly I couldn't do that. What I am trying to do with this thread is inspire myself and others to find a better job than what they currently have.
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Anonymous Thu 05/10/2023 5:53:08 PM 1 year ago No. 381
My wagecuck job has had a habit of canceling the shift the day of the shift. It isn't something I am angry about in the short term but over these next few months, it is going to be rough towards the end of the year.
Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 3:11:36 PM 1 year ago No. 386
Management at my current job is becoming demanding. It isn't like they are doing it to everyone, only certain people. It is mainly little bosses (team leaders), and whoever the team leader decides should pick up that slack. I've had to pick up the slack by doing extra steps to my job. It is illogical and pointless, but that is how being a wagie is. These people are not considerate either, and it is very rich when they complain about others doing the same.
Anonymous Mon 16/10/2023 4:55:48 AM 1 year ago No. 396
I feel like I should say what inspired me to make this thread in the first place. I was talking to my brother, who only works one day of work with the boss I am having issues with. He pointed out how my boss would casually slight me with all the normalfag plausible deniabilty. I didn't notice because I try to go along to get along. It is kind of a stupid thing for me to do, but I try my best to be at least competent. Sometimes, there are times people don't like you. My boss overstates and understates how hard I work. He has gone on the record to my brother and called me a slow worker, implying I don't try hard enough. I don't think that is fair because he is only watching me closely when he is checking to see my and my coworkers' progress. I say that because he tends to micromanage me whenever he is near me. My boss doesn't hold back in talking badly about people, but so far, he hasn't said anything about my coworkers and does it about me. I am also the only one he raises his voice at. It just feels like I am being singled out.
Anonymous Tue 17/10/2023 4:06:04 PM 1 year ago No. 399
I might get out of this retail job sometime soon, but it feels like there is a lot more for me to do my rants about. The lack of comradery is something I should have expected for someone like me who has a hard time getting close to the normalfags. It would be more realistic to expect tolerance from the normalfags, but the more they knew, the more they expected. Familiarity bred contempt for the people I work with. It is always put 100% or you are lazy to these people. That is unless they aren't looking to see how your doing.
Anonymous Tue 07/11/2023 4:56:49 PM 1 year ago No. 444
My job is getting worse by the day. The new rule is that you can't clock out until all the boxes are on the shelf where they will be stocked. It is counter-intuitive because the team that stocks the shelf has three more hours than I do. Maybe if the manager didn't require everything to be top stocked to move on, things would be different. Even that is wishful thinking because I know from working with the crew that they are slow workers. They are never punished for being slow at the job, but I am for doing my job in the allocated time. There are also people quitting, which will make things take longer.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 4:36:27 AM 1 year ago No. 452
Tonight was pretty bad because the manager has added on another time-consuming task. It isn't like we haven't been swamped before now. Again, I am trying to exit to a good job, but that is a very very slow process.
Anonymous Wed 29/11/2023 5:54:33 PM 1 year ago No. 454
My cat scratched me, and that made last night uncomfortable. When I bent down to get a heavy box I felt the scratch wound. It was just another thing stacked on from me generally not wanting to be there due to Normalfag being annoying. Last night was rough with the scratch, and I just genuinely did not want to be there.
Anonymous Wed 29/11/2023 7:14:40 PM 1 year ago No. 455
Why did your cat scratch you?
Anonymous Wed 29/11/2023 9:25:03 PM 1 year ago No. 457
Be sure to keep the wound clean and monitored. Cat scratch fever and the like is no joke. even if it's just an ornery housecat you can't be too safe.
Anonymous Fri 01/12/2023 3:05:27 AM 1 year ago No. 458
He was wild the day of and didn't want to interact with me at all besides getting food. I applied neosporin, and it appears I am fine now.
Anonymous Fri 08/12/2023 5:30:26 AM 1 year ago No. 464
I am feeling a bit exhausted by not knowing when my shift ends. I think my shift is going to end at a reasonable time but whenever there is a mishap my hopes fade. It makes me think about the future. At what point do I hop onto some other wagie job or do I just wait for a quality job? The only thing I can do is keep trying. There is no easy fix to the wagie situation.
Anonymous Sun 17/12/2023 4:25:00 PM 1 year ago No. 468
while wagecucking is not ideal. i preferred that over being e-celeb,influencer or whatever buzzwords they like to called thmeselves.
honestly do really want your whole life out there
even at your lowest point?
Anonymous Mon 18/12/2023 10:58:50 PM 1 year ago No. 469
>do really want your whole life out there
Anonymous Tue 19/12/2023 5:10:09 AM 1 year ago No. 470
Not him but what he is saying is, These internet niggers such as lolcows and e-celebs and the like broadcast their entire life, from what cereal they eat to personal shit.
He is saying he is happy with being a wagecuck over being an internet whore especially since it means he gets to be anonynous on the internets and he doesnt have to deal with the security risks and the suffering and whatever of the people who live that type of life.
Anonymous Tue 19/12/2023 8:03:42 PM 1 year ago No. 471
If I could make the kind of money some ecelebs make I would take it in a heartbeat. If I had the money these ecelebs make I'd save up to retire. I don't think it is debatable that ecelebs are retarded with their money and that is why this question doesn't compute with me as someone who doesn't make a lot of money.
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 1:42:00 AM 1 year ago No. 486
Yesterday's shift was horrible because my coworkers were being scumbags. Just because we got a new person on the team doesn't mean it is ok to be awful to me. The team lead was vague about where to put the forklift blades and acted like I didn't know how to move them efficiently. I was confused about where he wanted to move the blades because he was vague and I can't read minds. Thirty minutes later he said that my other coworker was the only reason we accomplished anything (the dude was late.) and that another coworker was making snide remarks about how I was weak for not wanting to carry 100 lbs of mirrors into a cart that was like 20 feet away or more. then at the end of the shift I wanted to move a pallet to where we were going to put down boxes and then he acted like I was being pushy and just made a rude remark to me in front of everyone. At this point, I know me and my coworkers will never like each other but the least they can do is just let me do the work for efficiency. Normalfags are cancer so we will just have to see what comes of it or we can hope I get a good job.
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 10:47:33 PM 1 year ago No. 487
There was no way for them to see your side of the story?
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 10:49:20 PM 1 year ago No. 488
What are you trying to understand from this situation?
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 10:54:09 PM 1 year ago No. 489
I was just wondering if it was possible to resolve the conflict between you and ypur co-workers or if it was just fruitless because they are niggers for no reason.
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 10:54:59 PM 1 year ago No. 490
Or to be exact, being rude for their own personal enjoyment.
Anonymous Sat 06/01/2024 5:20:31 PM 1 year ago No. 493
Basically that because the two tells each other everything.
Anonymous Mon 08/01/2024 3:45:30 AM 1 year ago No. 494
A longer answer is they try to make me feel stupid when they are "helping me." I know it is not me overreacting because I see how they treat other coworkers. Whenever they correct my coworkers they say it calmly but when they correct me they respond more coldly like I am just a nuisance to them.
Anonymous Thu 18/01/2024 2:54:54 AM 1 year ago No. 501
What you have to understand about normalfags is if you are not in their trusted circle they are faker than three dollar bills. The only purpose is to be the means to whatever end they are on at that moment. It shocks me how easy the internet has been on normalfags in the last few years because they are the worst. I can't find any good qualities in these psychos. They can justify things I can't. Whenever I bring up how they are to others, I always have to reflect, which is ironic since I had to think about the situation even to say anything about it. It is just ridiculous how awful normalfags are.
Anonymous Thu 01/02/2024 4:48:05 AM 1 year ago No. 506
In the last two shifts, I haven't had a bad shift, but the shifts exposed my higher-ups' hypocrisy. In the latest shift, the two forklift drivers did not show up, which inconvenienced the entire department since no one had been trained on the forklift. It wasn't from the lack of desire from any of us it was from the lack of preparation from before. I have no idea why, but during the shift before that, we finished late. From my perspective two of the four people who were there disappeared for thirty minutes while me and another coworker were the only ones working on the task. I can excuse one coworker attending to something else, but two people are overkill when there are more important tasks to finish. What stands out to me about these two shifts is that the two coworkers I am talking to are so willing to tell me my shortcomings but fail in similar ways. To me, this validates my feelings about my job.
Anonymous Fri 09/02/2024 5:17:24 AM 12 months ago No. 508
Nothing noteworthy has happened except a new coworker's voice has been irritating me. The coworker isn't a bad worker or rude, but he has a smoker's voice, and it irritates me. It might be the lack of volume control because he is either whispering or loud. I hope I get a new job or get used to his voice.
Anonymous Sat 24/02/2024 5:24:35 AM 11 months ago No. 524
Update that coworker is gone because the job is harder than it looks. Retail work isn't a cakewalk.
Anonymous Wed 06/03/2024 5:50:49 AM 11 months ago No. 538
Today I had to unload a late truck and it sucked because management makes us rush. I am still sore because I had to push myself.
Anonymous Wed 06/03/2024 9:05:00 PM 11 months ago No. 540
Same nonsense here, I hear ya. My last run in was my weekly beating in the manager's office. I lamented my weekly beating back at the project and one of my coworkers went back to the boss to say I didn't appreciate the weekly beatings (they honestly thought this would help or something) which sparked meetings with three managers, a verbal warning and instruction to not to gossip on the job site... I honestly don't understand managers or people that 'get the religion', but I guess extracting value from humans is a tale as old as humans themselves.
Anonymous Wed 06/03/2024 9:10:42 PM 11 months ago No. 541
We have one of those. She is nice enough but 100% gravel voice from 40 years of smoking...
Anonymous Fri 08/03/2024 4:49:22 AM 11 months ago No. 543
I have no idea how old this dude was but he had some school job with a lot of benefits and assumed this job would easy money.
Anonymous Tue 12/03/2024 4:37:49 AM 11 months ago No. 554
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Some good news is that I have a job interview coming up. For whatever reason, I feel happy and hopeful about this one because the turnaround was pretty good, and it feels like the employer is being attentive. It might not mean anything, but I should be my ally here. It has been a rough year, and I need to not give up hope when eyes are on me. I have had previous interviews that felt like a complete uphill battle, but this one might be the one that goes all the way.
Anonymous Wed 13/03/2024 12:57:53 AM 11 months ago No. 555
Sorry about that bullshit anon, even though you posted this two months ago. My usual response to bullshit like that is to just let them think what they want and to ironically own up to it.

>coworker says "you're weak for not wanting to move the mirrors"
>then you should say "that's fine. Still not going to move them"
Anonymous Thu 14/03/2024 4:28:50 AM 10 months ago No. 556
That is what I usually do but sometime normalfags being fags catch me off guard and I don't make the best decisions.
Anonymous Sat 16/03/2024 4:34:29 AM 10 months ago No. 559
I try to keep to myself because I am an introvert and it is hard to socialize when you don't want to bother with normalfags.
Anonymous Mon 18/03/2024 3:58:17 PM 10 months ago No. 560
Seems like the behavior towards me isn't specific to me. Last shift, I was on the floor doing work that would give my team a head start and the normalfag was mad so he made fun of the coworkers who were there. He called one of my coworkers a manlet and ridiculed the other one for being a bit slow in making decisions. It seems like I was correct about how toxic things at my job can be.
Anonymous Wed 20/03/2024 11:38:25 PM 10 months ago No. 562
Last night's shift was rough because the truck was larger than it usually was. Another rough factor was that we were missing a coworker, and the normalfag coworker was late for the second shift in a row. It was rough because my team leader took his frustration with the situation. Me getting yelled at about a pallet being stacked poorly was just in poor taste because I wasn't the one who stacked it primarily, and people are just going with the flow. Fussing about a pallet falling over while rushing us is just ridiculous. Eventually, the normalfag coworker arrived, and he and the team lead just talked while not working as hard as us, and it just demotivated me.
Anonymous Fri 29/03/2024 4:19:29 AM 10 months ago No. 570
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A normalfag coworker messed up massively last shift. He made the process slower for the next crew by doing the completely wrong. To make matters worse, he tried to shift the blame onto me because I was working on the next section over. I cleared it up unknowingly, but today I still had to suffer the consequences. To be politically correct everyone is being punished. We have to work in pairs now, and if one of the two messes up both people are being punished. The policy is obviously because management is scared of losing people so, the lower wagies have to do the dirty work. I don't want to babysit another coworker. We are all adults here. The pay isn't good enough, and I shouldn't pay the consequences for people not trying hard for mediocre pay.
Anonymous Sat 30/03/2024 4:17:21 AM 10 months ago No. 571
The shift has been affecting me mentally more than I thought it would. My mind is going what if I am stuck at this job for the rest of the year? The feeling of being forced into doing something I, rather not makes me feel trapped and afraid for the future. I think there is something I am doing wrong, but I am afraid of being stuck in a situation that is worse than what I have now. The weird crossroads that I have in mind is something that needs to change sooner rather than later.
Anonymous Fri 03/05/2024 5:28:07 PM 9 months ago No. 581
My former normalfag manager I had to deal with came back to our stupid store earlier this week. It turned out he was a drug addict. I had my suspicions, but I was more preoccupied with finishing university. But all the memories of me and my team sitting in the break room for thirty minutes or the times he'd drive the forklift into the truck with people inside the truck. It also explains the times he would just sit in the training room for hours. It is just amazing how dumb normalfags are because this guy was my team leader for 1.5 years.
Anonymous Fri 03/05/2024 7:10:09 PM 9 months ago No. 582
does wagecucking affect you to the point of acting out on customers?
i have never wagecucked but i have been in multiple situations in the past where i had did no wrong and yet i had ended up in altercation because an employee was acting out.
example 1
when i was a kid i was checking out cards at a card wall at target and an employee literally ran across the store, and accused me of stealing. he was pissed like if i was a repeat offender and security was called. i damn near pissed myself but lol it turns out they somehow confused me (a nine year old caucasian) for a 30 year old black man. they didn't even apologize for the massive fucking scene they made.
example 2
i was at a lowes checking out a headset and an employee yelled at me, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING WITH THAT ITEM, ARE YOU THINKING OF STEALING IT?" which was what he said word for word. it was so fucking strange, i told him i was literally looking at the fucking price without touching the damn thing. keep in mind he was super pissed and was like, trying to confront me. he then laughed and said "oh sorry, i thought you where my cousin and i was trying to prank him" at this point i figured "fuck this guy" and i found a manager and reported on him, it was super fucking strange because the manager was covering for him like "well he isnt the type of person do do that type of thing" but as it turns out THAT THE MOTHERFUCKER DIDNT HAVE A COUSIN. in the same store some black employee bitched at me and again the excuse was that "she was tired" i can understand if she looked exausted and she seemed genuine but she wasn't at all. i was at a walmart shopping for vidya and there was this box fulled with backstock right next to the shelf with vidya. i had experience with this and i knew i was allowed to rifle through since it was explained to me from a manager that it was just extra shit that needed to be sold anyway so its less work for them people bought shit from it anyway and "if its on the floor in the front and not in the back behind closed doors, its safe to go through" so anyway as i picked up a game a black employee ran and started screaming at me "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, PUT THAT SHIT DOWN RIGHT FUCKING NOW. DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL SECURITY? WE DONT ALLOW CUSTOMERS TO GO THROUGH BACKLOG BOXES, THATS FUCKING STEALING" and what's funny is i came back to the store in a diffrent day, during the night shift and i was allowed to go through the box with no trouble. i'm not trying to push the blame on wagecucks but i never expected people to behave in such an extreme way. like if i was in a situation i would have been nicer or more subtle or contacted the manager or SOMETHING.
Anonymous Sat 04/05/2024 8:27:11 PM 9 months ago No. 583
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Do update anon, I wanna know if you are fine
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 3:59:30 AM 9 months ago No. 584
For the time being I am pretty much stuck. There is some hope, but there isn't a 100% confirmation but I know for sure I will be stuck for at least the rest of this month.
Anonymous Thu 09/05/2024 2:25:14 AM 9 months ago No. 591
I did some retail wageslaving for a brief period of time. That was never my experience, however. We were never allowed to even approach people regarding suspicious behavior. We were not allowed to run after thieves, and if we did, we could get fired. There were several incidents where people brazenly took off running with baskets full of stolen goods, and the customers just stared at us like we were stupid, but we couldn't do anything at risk of losing our job. One customer said, "Aren't you going to do anything?" I had to say something along the lines of, "I'm sorry ma'am, but it's company policy." I'm shocked you had that experience, and that's completely unacceptable.
Anonymous Thu 09/05/2024 3:22:58 AM 9 months ago No. 592
i was about to walk out of a wal-mart and this guy was carrying this large 4k tv on his shoulders and fastwalking out of the store. the employee sitting next to the door asked to see his recipt and the guy said "I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT" and fucking stole it. a few blocks down near a taco bell is where the fucker parked his car and he threw the tv in and high tailed it out of there.
Anonymous Thu 09/05/2024 3:27:30 AM 9 months ago No. 593
the employee started stuttering and he called security and from what i understand the guy fast walked in to the store to the electronics area, he was so bold to just walk in and steal the largest thing possible in seconds. he was literally hunched over i think two people where supposted to carry it at a time while transporting and this guy was an old-ish man, maybe 65 years old.
Anonymous Thu 09/05/2024 3:27:31 AM 9 months ago No. 594
the employee started stuttering and he called security and from what i understand the guy fast walked in to the store to the electronics area, he was so bold to just walk in and steal the largest thing possible in seconds. he was literally hunched over i think two people where supposted to carry it at a time while transporting and this guy was an old-ish man, maybe 65 years old.
Anonymous Thu 09/05/2024 4:34:26 AM 9 months ago No. 595
I guess they didn't get the license plate because of how far away he was unless the walmart had security cameras. Robbery seems to be a big problem lately.
Anonymous Fri 17/05/2024 6:10:07 AM 8 months ago No. 602
I know this is probably not new for this thread but my normalfag coworker has been very annoying with his complaints about me. He tried to say it in a normal tone but it is obvious he is only do it to sound normal to me and his intent is to talk about me behind my back. It has been real annoying lately because he has done it the last three shifts. Normalfags are really something
Anonymous Sat 18/05/2024 4:43:53 AM 8 months ago No. 603
What have his complaints been?
Anonymous Sun 19/05/2024 1:52:38 AM 8 months ago No. 604
The complaints were unrelated to what I alone did, but I was paying the price for what others did. One pallet was stacked poorly. It was a struggle for the item not to fall over. The normalfag was being sneaky and wanted to embarrass me saying it was going to fall over just before I got there. He followed me around, watching for the stack to fall. The pallet ended up falling, and he told me he was right like he wasn't being petty.
Anonymous Mon 27/05/2024 1:59:23 AM 8 months ago No. 621
I finally handed off my two weeks notice today! It's about time as well. In the future, my posts will be about office settings.
Anonymous Fri 12/07/2024 4:36:20 AM 6 months ago No. 663
Spending time indoor and glued to my office has made me feel strange ways. Spending all day in one place feels strange and I am going to need to get used to it. At times it is ok and sometimes I feel trapped.
Anonymous Fri 19/07/2024 4:01:28 AM 6 months ago No. 678
One source of frustration from my current job is that they are not taking the time to train me. One task I was recently on I was not trained to do the task but my superiors thought they taught me the steps. The only thing I can do is keep trying.
Anonymous Thu 25/07/2024 4:26:22 AM 6 months ago No. 685
I'm starting to be fearful with the lack of communication is to do with me not paying close enough attention. It may be because I am conditioned by retail to think I need to be working 24/7 or I am a bad worker. I don't need to beat myself up but retail left a scar.
Anonymous Fri 02/08/2024 3:25:18 AM 6 months ago No. 686
I did some work today and I am feeling good because I feel less like a fraud. Let's not be mistaken it is nice to not have to work but I want job security.
Anonymous Wed 14/08/2024 4:07:39 AM 5 months ago No. 706
I've been dog sitting for a couple days now and the dog has either escaped the fence or ran when I opened the fence. I appreciate the workout but it stresses me when there are cars on the road. Today the dog jumped on my lap briefly and it was cute.
Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 4:28:46 AM 5 months ago No. 716
did you ever get in trouble for the dog getting out, or did they never know about that?
Anonymous Tue 10/09/2024 3:56:21 AM 4 months ago No. 744
We ended up telling the owners so they were warned. It turned out they didn't install the electric fence correctly. The dog was luckily safe and we were paid as planned.
Anonymous Thu 19/09/2024 1:43:10 AM 4 months ago No. 750
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>just failed the only course i need to graduate from college for the third time (math course)
>parents are letting me have a break for a couple of months before i work
>22 year old khhv autistic NEET
>no marketable skills
>no drivers license
>never worked a day in my life

i'm pretty much fucked if i enter the workforce, i wanna see how long it takes before my parents essentially force me to get a job. ill be shocked if they let me be a NEET for the entire time until school starts for me again because theyre the ones who love praising hard work and the sorts.
Anonymous Thu 19/09/2024 3:34:31 AM 4 months ago No. 751
i mean its not like you'll be homeless right? i'm assuming that whatever job you'll get won't be too bad like stocking shelves and i'm sure it won't be too hard to fuck that up right? although same lmao because it"s essentially the same thing that'll happen to me if i can't be taken to the job oppertunity i am applying for by the end of the year and thd worst case is i'll be working at fuckin publix.
Anonymous Thu 19/09/2024 3:49:18 AM 4 months ago No. 752
Wagecucking can be draining, but we will be here for you if you need someone to vent to. These normalfags will try to grind you down. Don't let them. Try to spend quality time with your coping mechanisms.
In my experience, it is the people that make retail work difficult.
Anonymous Sun 22/09/2024 4:35:11 AM 4 months ago No. 755
Waging lately has drained my energy lately. I wish I could enjoy my hobby after work but I've just been so tired.
Anonymous Tue 24/09/2024 2:40:18 PM 4 months ago No. 759
Look into my eyes, my nigga. You'll be OK. You're gonna use these months to get a resume together. Then, you'll get a job, transition into the workforce, but still keep looking for better jobs. Look for benefits like dental when you're on the hunt. Don't give up entirely on school, either. Never too late to go back and get your degree.
This does not mean you need to give up on yourself or your dreams. It isn't over, it's only just begun.
Anonymous Thu 17/10/2024 3:44:34 PM 3 months ago No. 772
Something too personal and something that I don't want to track is happening in my life, which is making it harder to be productive in my work. I am making this post to motivate myself to push through this period, at least leading up to the performance reviews soon. Hopefully, things will turn out ok.
Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 4:36:51 AM 3 months ago No. 773
I've made it through this week relatively alright. Hopefully the management is happy with my work.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 5:06:41 AM 3 months ago No. 775
Working has become such a routine that today this Saturday I thought that I overslept and was late to work. This is a sign that I was thoroughly conditioned to be a wagecuck.
Anonymous Wed 06/11/2024 3:55:47 AM 3 months ago No. 794
The way my schedule is set up, the sun goes up around the time my job starts, and the sun goes down around the time I get off work. It feels like it is affecting my mood in a negative sense. Are vitamin D supplements the only way to counteract the lack of sunlight during the daylight?
Anonymous Wed 04/12/2024 5:35:44 AM 2 months ago No. 824
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I don't want to complain about work today, but the drive home was pretty stressful. I was running low on gas, and when I saw that the road was backed up I thought "Shid." The personal gas crisis was averted, but the next challenge was to get back on track home. The dark didn't help subdue my "shid" state of mind, but thankfully I found the interstate with relative ease. Now that I was back on track I assumed the endless traffic to have ended, but it didn't. Now I was defeated thinking it was just a matter of time before I got home, but things were not that easy. The usual path had some construction, so pretty rough.
Anonymous Wed 04/12/2024 11:14:13 PM 2 months ago No. 825
you should look into it but there are lightbulbs and lamps that can mimic sunlight
Anonymous Sat 07/12/2024 4:20:09 AM 2 months ago No. 828
I've been taking vitamin supplements, but I am not noticing a huge difference.
Anonymous Sun 08/12/2024 5:43:23 AM 2 months ago No. 829
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I found a reason why my former retail manager had a chip on his shoulder when I worked my retail job. The store manager talked to me, and I said something to the effect my direct manager was working me harder than others. This got my manager in trouble, and instead of treating me equally, he decided to pick on me whenever a perceived error was made. Normalfags truly lack morals and will blame you for any shortcomings they have. This isn't impactful to my current life, but it just confirms some normalfags will go out of their way to pick on you for one bad thing you did once.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 5:30:05 AM 1 month ago No. 830
was he overworking you though, or did it just feel like it?
Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 5:10:25 AM 1 month ago No. 837
He was working me harder than other people without a doubt. I saw with my own eyes coworkers just sit down at times. Whenever I hesitated to get up quick enough for my managers liking I would be guilt trip about how we need to get everything done. I also never got a 15 minute breaks I was legally deserved.
Anonymous Wed 29/01/2025 4:33:21 AM 8 days ago No. 911
One positive development with my job is I am getting more knowledgeable about my position, and I am proving my worth. I am also proud of how I was able to complete a backlog of work that my former coworker left me. Last week, I didn't know if I would be able to finish it, but now I am glad to have the situation under control.
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