You just might be completely missing the point of that statement. How would you like it if you browsed an imageboard, which let's say you primarily browse for all other topics like anime, video games, and just fun things in general to escape from reality, and the moment you open the website and go to /all/, you see a flood of negative posts from /yu/ talking about how fucking shit their day was? A minority of the threads on the website completely dominate the front page most of the time, and you're not even allowed to hide their posts because hiding posts here is something that the staff don't like as it creates future problems. There are so many places like this on the internet, specifically imageboards, which are primarily dedicated to the discussion of /yu/. You can't even differentiate one from another, where people revel in their depression with each other, which are almost never happy feelings. The reason /yu/ does attract the worst normal-nigger crowd is that the topic at hand allows everyone from around the worldwide web to participate in it, even non-imageboard users like that evangelical street preacher who came out of nowhere and just couldn't stop spreading to everyone the name of God to deal with their problems.
I don’t know whether I’d ever agree with actually removing the /yu/ board because I do understand that there might be some value to it not found in any other place, and for some, these /yu/ conversations are the only reason they come here in the first place so maybe removing them would lower the activity here even more or maybe even cause an opposite effect who knows... However, I will say that a lot of anons here dedicate a great deal of time and effort to creating very interesting fun threads that could foster meaningful discussions. Now imagine being one of them, seeing all this creativity and energy get drowned out by a constant barrage of negativity to the /yu/ threads while their thread flies off of the bump order. Think about it, if even a chunk of that time spent moaning about daily bullshit was shifted to participating in these more constructive threads, we could actually make something worthwhile happen around here.