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Autism stories CAT Fri 17/05/2024 3:33:34 AM 9 months ago No. 596
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ITT : Recount and discuss autistic stuff you, Or other people did recently or in the past.
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Anonymous Fri 14/06/2024 1:01:20 PM 8 months ago No. 639
It was trash day and i had made the foolish mistake to not pull the trash bins up, So i went outside at 10pm, With a shitty hoodie and an extra trash bag to take out. It was like 40° celsius and when i went back to head inside i discovered to my horror the door was locked. My parents locked me outside without realising it, assuming i was asleep. I tried yelling, banging on the windows and finding alternate openings to no avail. It would have taken too long like 4 hours to actually walk over to a store that was actually open and i don't live in a good neighborhood so knocking on doors is a mistake. I tried calling three times on the cell phone and it did nothing so i accepted my fate and curled up in a ball watching anime on my phone at top volume assuming that the heat my phone would generate would keep me warm and the loud volume might wake them up but it didnt work lol and i passed out after watching 5 episodes of lucky star.
Anonymous Wed 14/08/2024 5:21:57 PM 6 months ago No. 707
One time, a Yankee candle wax obscured the wick of the candle. I wanted to light the candle, but I felt like I needed to scratch the wax to get to the wick. I succeeded, and my hands smelled like candles. I didn't realize it at the moment, but later that day at a social gathering, someone commented that someone smelled good, and I smelled myself and realized I smelled like candles.
Anonymous Sun 19/01/2025 12:18:25 AM 1 month ago No. 889
I had to resist the urge to laugh wen i spotted a black woman with one of those carts for taking kids shopping, the ones with the little seats with the steering wheel and seatbelts. I'm sure this sounds fine and dandy, but the thing was, there was no children and instead, a very large watermelon on the seat. (sitting up) Keep in mind there was plenty of carts she could have picked. I had to quickly flee down a nearby isle and i had to bite my fist to keep myself from laughing. The watermelon was buckled in too.
Anonymous Sun 19/01/2025 12:25:41 AM 1 month ago No. 890
More autistic sites while shoping:
Cat pushing a shopping cart for a blind lady (hope he got payed for hard work)
Pelican in store, presumably shopping.
Actual chimp wearing a diaper in lowes, with owner, carrying a hammer.
Actual tropical parrot who can talk saying very rude yet funny words.
Allah akbar car with crazy writings in both english and arabic about killing whitey and raping white women, i regret not taking a pic of that one.
Homeless guy in walmart who suspiciously looked like slave knight gael literally fell down most likely due to being sick, while the fire department came to wheel him off, a walmart employee muttered "your dark soul, give it to me" actually laughed at that one, hope save knight gael was fine.
Anonymous Sun 19/01/2025 5:21:44 AM 1 month ago No. 891
I wonder what the origins of the kill White women thing was. Maybe the car driver was rejected by a white girl.
Anonymous Mon 20/01/2025 4:05:53 PM 1 month ago No. 892
In Kindergarten or first grade, I was given glue to do projects. After I did a couple of, projects I found out I enjoyed peeling dried glue off of surfaces. I ended up pouring glue into my container on my desk, and I got in trouble with my teacher. To convince me that I did something wrong they called my sister, and I didn't care. My teacher ended up calling my mom, and I stopped after that.
Anonymous Mon 20/01/2025 4:09:07 PM 1 month ago No. 893
but then you can peel off the glue without ruining the container or the desk? sounds like your teacher is retarded.
Anonymous Wed 22/01/2025 4:49:55 AM 1 month ago No. 894
My teacher must of felt the need to clean up the mess and stop me from using up the glue.
Anonymous Fri 24/01/2025 5:35:26 AM 1 month ago No. 898
I just remembered something that happened recently, was christmas shopping when a bunch of people my age was screwing around in the store. This sounds fine but they where recording tik toks of themselves and actually doing retarded shit. One of the guys ripped off a display baby carrage off of the shelf and threw the fucker hard against a wall and it left a dent. (one of them asked the other why they did it, and the reponse was "there could have been a baby in it" One of the workers called security, and they kept going at it, one of those people falcon punched a tv screen, another ripped up books, it was actual chaos.
Besides the lady who phoned the cops there was a guy who was also a worker who tried to put a stop to things but he was bitch slapped and he just walked away after that.
I think it was good that lady got results instead of some singular faggot security officer who'd like, wave his hands and say no and do nothing. The guy who punched the TV got tased (because he was about to do something and he was super agressive) and was cuffed and the others just got escorted out of the store. It wasn't the last time shit went down because i went to another store and these kids who where probably dropped off by negligent parents and the kids where ripping toys out of the boxes and they got escorted out pretty fast. A few days later i was at a diffrent target and a few edgelords shouted nigger pretty loud and just kinda talked about stupid shit loudly got escorted out by security. I guess hectic shit happends during the holiday but i never expected to see it IRL, instead of on stupid internet videos.
Anonymous Wed 19/02/2025 5:13:11 AM 15 days ago No. 936
I remember being the one caught for something others were guilty of. So I was on a camping trip where we would repel down the mountain. There was a rule where you could not throw rocks down the mountain. The other kids were chucking rocks on the top of the mountain, and one kid even pee'd off the cliff. I didn't throw a rock at this point. When we got to the bottom of the mountain, I started tossing rocks down the hill because by logic no one was in the wood, unlike how people were throwing rocks in the walking trail. I eventually got caught, and the adult leader never forgave me for it. What I learned was if you are going to do something risky like throwing rocks, don't get caught.
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