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There is no doubt that 2023 will be an interesting year. One thing is for sure, 22chan is back after an unintended hiatus. But in this thread, I decided to make one of my posts from the Q&A thread a thread. For me, 2023 will be better because I will be more self-aware. Having an understanding of my life has helped. How do you think 2023 will be for you in general?
I am on track to graduate from college this year, so I expect to see a lot of change in my life. I'll be glad to leave this school behind, but I find it hard to picture what I'll do afterwards. I don't really have a job lined up, although I don't anticipate much difficulty in finding one. When I live on my own, I hope I can find a decent place. I don't mind small living quarters, but it bothers me when things like heat or running water are unreliable.
>I'll be glad to leave this school behind, but I find it hard to picture what I'll do afterwards.
Me too. I don't know what I'll do after school. School has just been overwhelming that I don't know what to do. Do you have any thoughts on continuing to live with your parents I assume?
I want 2023 to be different. For the first time in a long time I'm feeling somewhat hopeful about the future.
This year I'll keep getting more isolated, struggling with university and consuming shitty entertainment (youtube/4chan)
I will probably end up doing that for at least a little while, but I'd like to be on my own, even if it seems like a lot to manage.
Time flies, years go by. I will do my best to learn from the past few years, have more fun, be there for my partner and others, improve my skills, keep fit, learn new things.
I'm mad at how ugly and gross the internet is nowadays and i'd like to hope that it chills down but i guess that is more like pissing in an ocean of piss then anything. i guess that only leaves me with 22chan by itself has a good year.
It is tiring seeing the same bad habits on every website. I know we are outnumbered, but it still feels like things can be different.
So how's your 2023 going so far anons? I can't believe it's june. For me it's been okay, I'm healthy + fit and I tried to get to know new people after I cut some old, unhealthy ties.. Had to learn it takes a lot of time to make new friends. I have plans for summer holidays, hope it will be warmer soon.
This year has gone by way too fast because I've been working. Working takes up so much time and it feels like time in general moves comically fast because of work.
2023 has been a strange year because it feels like it has been both eventful and uneventful. It has been eventful in the sense I've worked hard with uni and my job. But life has been slow especially socially for me. Not that I want to be something I am not, but I wish nonnormalfags were easier to find and befriend. It is a clique topic, but my job constantly reminds me about how alone I am because I am around people. I notice people who run into this problem usually become a jester for the normalfags, but at this point, I find that pointless, so there really isn't a clear answer to this conundrum.
>there really isn't a clear answer to this conundrum.
Best you can do is either go out of your way to meet people in places related to your interests which has an extremely low chance of it actually working due to them being normalfags almost 100% of the time or you could get some online friends so you don't feel as alone.
All Interests club is so generalized. I would be surrounded by people who only know mainstream anime titles if I joined the anime club. What is stopping me from currently going to these clubs is being ignored in clubs I went to during university. It is not like I didn't try, but at the end of the day, normalfags won't care if you aren't exactly like them. What is stopping me from trying again is having to deal with normalfags at my current job.
Online friends can be just as bad as the normalfags in real life, even if they are non-normalfags due to poor communication skills. Some of the worst communication skills I've seen come from people I've met online. It is a flip of a coin if they respond sometimes, and ignoring people would not go well in real life. To say it concisely online people can be worst than real-life people in ways.
god maybe this is unrelated but i wend to a comic-con and foolishly thought going to the vampire panel was a good idea. everything was fine and the lady hosting the panel was talking about old school vampire shit and then she started talking about vampire fetishism and sex shit and played softcore on the monitor, and yes there was kids in the room the con was honestly so bad aand it was the first one i ever went to. i just wanted to make friends and talk to like minded people about the stuff i enjoy but it was just sad. it was poorly managed and everyone stayed in their own little friend groups and when i tried talking to someone i basically got brushed off. i told one guy he had a cool nightwing costume, mentioned about nightwings solo run by chuck dixon was neat and pointed out if he used EVA foam and hotglue and he told me to fuck off and that he "was busy" even though he was just chilling by himself. stuff like that happened a lot but i did stay for the full 'con since it was free.
>I didn't try, but at the end of the day, normalfags won't care if you aren't exactly like them
Yeah, that's why I said "best you can do". You can't reveal your power level to a normalfag because the relationship would be ruined so it wouldn't really be an actual friendship. And like >>276 said, online friends don't guarantee anything either because you're dealing with the opposite side of the spectrum of difficulties, you simply have better odds in that due to the easiness of just writing text from anywhere instead of meeting people face to face.
The last thing you will have in this struggle is an easy time, you surely know that already, but finding something good is possible, you just have to keep pulling on the life gacha until you are lucky enough to get it. That's what it all boils down to: Being in the correct place at the correct time with the correct strangers.
Yes, online/imageboard friendships are very difficult to maintain. I had to learn it the hard way. There are some "normie" I hate that word, as well as power level, f that people who are my best and most loyal friends who like me and treat me well, and vice versa. That is the most important thing.
the concept of "imageboard friendships" is honestly antithetical to anonymous imageboards in general.