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/yu/ - Feelings
Anxiety when trying to play a videogame? Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 3:29:11 AM 3 months ago No. 802
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I used to be a much more avid gamer than I am nowadays. I would spend hours practicing to get better in fighting games, and I would be involved with the community and have so much fun.
Nowadays though, I struggle to enjoy myself while playing games without constantly feeling like a cuck. I think about how I want to get better at videogames rather than get better at "real life". I think about all sorts of people that matter to me a lot in life, and if I can protect them, or help them, or do what I need to do for them. I think about all of the things I COULD be doing to become the "man I want to be", rather than focusing on simply enjoying myself.
I'm extremely depressed and going through one of the worst periods of my life right now, but efforts have been being made to work myself out of it and return to where I once was. Despite that fact, I still feel somewhat guilty. Any time I do feel cucked when trying to play videogames, I usually stop and do a quick 20 minute workout to shake the feeling off, and this used to work, but now the feeling doesn't go away. It just feels like I shouldn't be playing videogames now, even though I don't have a good reason not to. Even replaying games I love, I'll just end up with an empty save file only a couple of levels in, if that.
Pic related, I've gotten into Soul Calibur VI recently but after a few days I just cannot bring myself to play it anymore. When I sit in the training room practicing combos, or sitting in lobbies waiting to get into fights, I just cannot fight away that bug that tells me I should be pushing myself further in the real world, rather than ignoring my problems in digital ones.
When I have a few opportunities to play videogames with friends I have lots of fun, and these thoughts never enter my mind. Not once do I think I'm wasting my time or think I should be doing something else when I'm spending time with my friends, no matter what it is that I'm doing. Maybe it's because I just can't bring myself to play videogames alone anymore?
It's not that I simply don't enjoy the games I'm playing, and I've especially gotten several new ones that I enjoy a lot, but I still just can't seem to have fun with them anymore.
Does anybody else here feel the same way, especially with competitive games? What strategies have you used to overcome this? Are there any games you've played/ things you've done that have helped you deal with this kind of feeling?

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Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 4:25:09 AM 3 months ago No. 803
mine is kind of retarded, i feel anxiety because i wish a stranger could just play with me at the arcade or like maybe i could just make a new friend to play wish instead of me playing alone, its not so bad, what does feel worse in a sense is that i'm actually pretty bad, like i'm shit with street fighter and a few rhythim games and i feel anxiety about not performing too well.
Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 5:04:48 AM 3 months ago No. 805
I understand that. In general, if you're looking to make friends online I've met a lot of good people through fighting games, but also a lot of bad, and you have to be a good judge of character to find anybody worthwhile. Ultimately, the people that you find that are worth your time are only in a slump in their lives, and aren't going to be sticking around for long.
Really, being bad is a good reason TO reach out to people that you meet through fighting games, because you have the excuse of "learning from them by fighting them more", even if your intention is just to become friends. Everybody I met through fighting games kicked my ass into the dirt when we met. There comes a point where you have to realize that being embarrassed about being bad is actually MORE embarrassing than simply being bad and embracing it while trying to become more skilled. People appreciate honesty and sincerity.
What kind of fighting games do you play? I remember a long time ago there were attempts to make a 22chan Steam group that never got off the ground, mostly centered around TF2
Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 7:07:45 AM 3 months ago No. 806
a big part of the problem is feeling that playing games are an obligation, that because you've sunk even a few hours in any given game that you have to continually go back to it.
If you're stuck in an unfulfilling routine and your nagging subconscious is telling you not to play games and do something else, the best thing you can do is listen to it. It's hard to break from the comfort of routine though, and I won't say it's easy for me either, but it is fulfilling to get to other things you may have been putting off. Eventually, with an effective balancing of your priorities, you can return to playing games without guilt.
Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 4:59:41 PM 3 months ago No. 807
when it comes to online games... the problem is having to subscribe to a service to make that nonsense work unlike how it was back in the day where you plug a little cable or connect to wifi and get free multiplayer, i personally can't be bothered to pay for a service nowadays. i kinda miss playing multiplayer like smashbrothers or maybe some halo, i'd play for the sake of getting stronger and learn some tricks from other people. for a game like destiny pvp i learned real quick to have a weapon like a shotgun and a quick trigger finger. back in the day i kind of wanted to reach out to other people even if it meant talking about the game itself but i wasn't exactly allowed since i was a kid. there was a gap of like 4 years where i haven't exactly bothered playing vidya and only now i've been scanning pawn shops and other places for new games i haven't played before since i only kind of played mediocure games, being retarded i even sold games iight have enjoyed like marvel vs capcom for thd xbox
>what fighting games do you play
back in the day it was smash brothers, mortal combat vs dc and marvel vs capcom but i dropped it like a retard because i was bored and thought i could make some money off of them, (had to track down smash brothers because i realised how stupid i was) more recently i bought the injustice games which was actually pretty fucking fun, there was a marvel game but it was arcade only at dave and busters which is a shame.
at my new local arcade i've been playing streetfighter 2, old school marvel vs capcom, and tekken both of which i'm quite awful at, i actually bought the switch version of the streetfighter games and i get the same result.
whenever i play a fighting game its pretty much me button mashing like an idiot instead of like developing strategies or something like a regular human being would. i have been trying to slow down and actually play the game (street fighter 2) but it always ends up to me getting stunlocked by fucking Dhalsim every god damned time.
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