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Sun 03/11/2024 5:10:01 AM
4 months ago
Over the Stars ホシヲコエテ
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Fri 07/06/2024 3:58:51 PM
9 months ago
Theme of the Rampaging Sunfish
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Fri 07/06/2024 3:56:13 PM
9 months ago
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Fri 07/06/2024 3:40:25 PM
9 months ago
Keyword Tag
Random Webm Thread Anonymous Fri 24/02/2023 11:27:25 AM 2 years ago No. 558
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Since we now have a webm feature implemented here is a thread for random webms which is basically just a copy of the Youtube Hidden Gems thread >>305 but for webms. Please provide additional context for the webms that you are posting.

I remember finding this translated video from a Japanese show posted on a blogspot website on which I happen to have this downloaded. As I'm not that interested in making a thread for Japanese shows for now I'm posting it in this thread since it has been just sitting on my drive for some time and god damn who knows how many times I've rewatched it now and I want to finally share it with someone.
This particular episode is called "Foreigners' Opinions Of Japanese People" from "Arita and Matsuko and Men and Women" featuring Matsuko Deluxe which is the fat guy crossdressing and Teppei Arita, the guy standing besides him, both comedians and acting emcees for this show. The show as far as I know has since been cancelled. I think my favorite parts of this entire thing is Martin, the watermelon addict, asking if he's a monster or something with that face, and the italian guy called Carlo with his perverted comments.
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Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 12:29:12 AM 1 month ago No. 4199
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Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 12:18:53 PM 1 month ago No. 4212
sugoi chinpo!
Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 5:26:39 AM 1 day ago No. 4335
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Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 2:13:27 PM 18 hours ago No. 4338
Big kitty.
Anonymous Sat 29/03/2025 2:59:33 AM 5 hours ago No. 4339
Even big cats want affection!

Pocket Monsters Anonymous Mon 17/03/2025 4:06:11 AM 12 days ago No. 1164
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To be honest i haven't played pokémon in fucking years, (maybe even decades) but after thinking about it, why the hell not?
Everything pokémon goes here, talk about the good stuff, the games, memories, and experiences you had or are currently having or various things you don't like.
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Anonymous Wed 26/03/2025 2:03:59 PM 2 days ago No. 1181
here is a translation of the pokemon novels he wrote (for the anime, that is.)
Anonymous Wed 26/03/2025 10:30:23 PM 2 days ago No. 1182
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image one : “They may appear out of darkness to rob people of their lives.”
image two: “Experiment 1: Let’s measure Pikachu’s voltage!”
Anonymous Thu 27/03/2025 3:10:17 PM 1 day ago No. 1183
In order to catch spiritomb you must:
Get an odd keystone by
1: Talk to an old man on route 208
2: Use surf at your hometown and search the treeline for one
3: Search the undergound via the gem digging game (rare)
Yay! i have an odd keystone! Now what?
Spirit Tower Well in Route 209, place keystone in? No pokemon? Well prepare yourself because if your like me you might have thought that shit was bugged and fucked off, no. Not the case at all.
You must now enter (and exit) the underground 32 TIMES IN A ROW after talking to a close friend or sibling who just so happens to have a copy of the game, or yourself if you have a second DS and copy. (You must be close by, like side by side) Why? Nintendo wifi down forever so interacting with people is over. THEN you track your ass back to Spirit Tower Well in Route 209, assuming you didn't fuck up, spiritomb should appear.
Lucky me, i have all three copies of the game (and another ds) and specifically diamond is to a point where i have shit ready so when i start playing platinum, i can catch it. God damn did they make him difficult, i don't know if there's a lore reason why, maybe your like stealing 32 of other peoples souls or something to awaken the beast which is metal if true but still, pain in the neck and no real way to actually no the instructions without a gameguide, or searching online lol.
Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 3:03:27 AM 1 day ago No. 1184
playing regular red. i was expecting brock to kick my ass since all i had was 3 level 11 pokemon, a charmander, nidorino and a spearo and yet i beat him to a bloody pulp, what the fuck
i just entered the battle just to see what level pokemon he had and bounce to go grind and find a team that would be effective against rock/ground pokemon and yet i smoked him.
he had a level 10 geodude and a level 14 onyx, i thought i was fucked when i saw the onyx but i got his defence down and beat him
He damn near killed few of my guys but it wasn't so bad, maybe the firered version will be more difficult.
Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 10:40:45 PM 10 hours ago No. 1185
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I was just grinding to get my guys to level 10 and i found a pikachu out of nowhere, holy shit. Name? Hitler. He's incredible and proof of the master race, damn near every attack he does is a crit and he is leveling up super fast.

Nico Nico Douga JP 歌ってみた (I tried to sing) Videos [Nostalgic] Anonymous Mon 04/12/2023 12:59:15 PM 1 year ago No. 1879
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This thread will feature videos from the 歌ってみた (I tried to sing) tag from Nico Nico Douga:歌ってみた歌ってみた
The tag is attached to videos where users on Nico Nico Douga record themselves singing and is one of the much more popular tags on there. The tag includes videos in various forms like singing over karaoke tracks, adding vocals to instrumental music, preparing your accompaniment, and creating completely original songs.

I want to start off this thread with one of Hyadain's I tried to sing videos. [Play] I found it initially while working for working on another project for the Medley thread. This is basically a remix of BATTLE2 from Romancing SaGa. This is actually his 44th work as mentioned in the description and it features a guest singer RIKO-san who sings the part of Sif.
I'll be honest I never played any of the Romancing SaGa games, but man... While translating this and listening to the song over and over again I actually began feeling something for the characters due to the seriously well composed lyrics. I think the part that got me the most was Sif's mention of throwing away her dreams as bridal life and throwing an axe instead of a banquet. Fucking amazing. I will follow up this thread later with another entry into Romancing SaGa that I found.

If you don't know about Hyadain (Kenichi Maeyamada) early on he used to mainly sing songs of old game BGMs where he would rearrange them and make up his own lyrics. He is known for an outstanding arrangement sense, the humor he incorporated into his works, being able to change of his voice (the female parts are usually all sung by him) and for a extraordinarily high pace of releasing new songs. He is probably the most popular I tried to sing singers on Nico Nico Douga who is also partly responsible for Nico Nico Douga's growth as a community.
He revelead back in 2010 on his blog that his real name was actually Kenichi Maeyamada who is responsible for composing J-POP and anime songs. His major debut... well... you probably know the anime Nichijou, right? He made the opening theme Hyadain no Kakakata☆Kataomoi-C: [Play] and [Play]
Isn't it fascinating to contemplate the hidden contributors behind the growth of the Nico Nico Douga community? Like I think it's quite amusing to imagine some prominent individuals like this secretly crafting anonymous accounts and creating MAD videos for tags like Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling... LOL
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Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 2:36:29 PM 5 months ago No. 3493
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Thumbnail [Play] Introducing singers who deserve more recognition but weren't invited to Nico Nico Chokaigi

I’m not sure if the video title is being serious, but it’s kinda extremely funny to think about how much talent Nico Nico actually started, with people who made what were often seen as joke videos going on to become professional singers, musicians, etc.

If you’re wondering what Nico Nico Chokaigi is:ニコニコ超会議 It's basically a real life event held by Nico Nico where the community comes together to recreate Nico Nico Douga in the real world: [Play].
That being said, you have to ask why the management decided to dump so many resources into these large-scale events like Nico Nico Chokaigi and Nico Nico Taikai, while the site itself was barely functioning, even for premium users...ニコニコ大惨事 (Nico Nico Disaster)
Going through the comments on this trainwreck is just brutal because it's obvious they were intentionally cutting costs to make Nico Nico barely profitable at the expense of a functional website. All while pushing these events (and even planning overseas expansions) without even securing a solid footing in Japan.
2011/02/28 (Mon) 20:14:27 ID: dRZYlmTgEd
The "Spirit of the Engineers" who power Nico Nico Douga at Dwango.
It sounds like they're looking for highly skilled engineers based on this article created on 2011/02/24, but after reading this article from 2011/02/18, I'm left speechless.

Takeshi Natsuno’s next strategy for Nico Nico Douga:
"But we are not resting on our laurels. We're aiming for the future. We have two directions: one is entertainment. We're moving beyond video towards live entertainment like concerts and musicals. We already have a world where 10,000 people will pay 2,000 yen just to watch an artist's live show on the internet."
"The second direction is overseas expansion. We’re not necessarily imagining physically expanding abroad since we can easily cross borders online in today’s world. We’re developing a business model that doesn't rely solely on Japan or cater only to Japanese users."

The "disaster" article mainly talks about what happened on February 5, 2011, during the the final event of the Nico Nico Taikai when a major issue hit Nico Nico Douga and both free and premium members couldn’t watch videos. It was probably one of the first big signs of Nico Nico starting to lose its userbase because of poor management decisions. I went through some of the 1500+ comments posted a few months after that, and honestly, it’s insane how much regular and premium users suffered because of their greed...
When Hiroyuki was still there, he famously said during the disaster:
"Did you know that, even though this is Nico Nico Douga, a video site, people can’t watch videos today due to a problem? I think it’s wrong to ignore our core business and do events like this."

Anyways I think it's almost impossible not to rant about the management in every post if you have to explain the things that make up nico nico so please enjoy that video lol.
Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 11:35:51 AM 5 months ago
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No. 3590
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Thumbnail [Play] 【Because I wanted to try it】 I sang 5-Way Mami-san 【Tried It】
There is sadly only one upload by this ID but god her voice for Kyubey is so good
Anonymous Wed 30/10/2024 7:22:06 AM 5 months ago No. 3608
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Thumbnail [Play] I tried singing Seven-Colored Tapioca Douga
The original left and right pan sounded a bit weird to my ears so I put it on one channel and added some recomp and reaeq to the guy singing. You can clearly tell this guy does not live in an apartment complex and mom and dad were out that day m9(^Д^)プギャー
Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 7:05:43 AM 1 day ago No. 4336 [Play] nice voice
Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 7:12:29 AM 1 day ago No. 4337
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isolated to only his voice

Shit art thread Anonymous Thu 09/11/2023 5:31:52 AM 1 year ago No. 28
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there are several diffrent ways of looking at this thread.
1: you can draw like shit on purpose (for humor or otherwise
2: you post shit art in general because you lack skill and such and post the art you made
3: /ic/ Artwork/Critique, learn from your mistakes and use this thread to improve
DO NOT POST ART OTHERS HAVE MADE, this thread is for original content only.
another goal is to let people hang loose in the sense that they don't need to fear that "im so bad at drawing lol i just shouldn't even post my drawings on 22chan i'll just be banned or made fun of" nonsense, i think unless your a nigger everything should be fine unless you go out of your way to like break the rules or something.
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Anonymous Thu 06/03/2025 5:50:06 AM 23 days ago No. 147
You're probably not going to get away with drawing any columbine fanart without getting called out for acting in poor taste
Anonymous Fri 07/03/2025 6:25:26 AM 22 days ago No. 148
>>147 [Play]
So your saying that this high class, masterpiece theatré written by a spree killer, (Cho Seung-Hui) and acted out by professional actors in a broadway like setting is in poor taste? I daresay that art is art.
Anonymous Sat 08/03/2025 2:07:36 PM 20 days ago No. 149
It's not my fault I'm not rich enough to afford someone like Zac Efron for that Ted Bundy film..
Anonymous Tue 25/03/2025 7:00:55 AM 4 days ago No. 150
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Wild Jason.
Had an idea for a mix between Cast Away and Jurassic Park..
Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 3:50:22 AM 1 day ago No. 151
Is Wild Jason a powerful hero or a side kick?

22chan's /tv/ thread Anonymous Wed 18/01/2023 7:44:46 PM 2 years ago No. 263
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A thread for the discussion of all things cinema.

Talk about stuff you've watched recently, favorites you love, ask for recommendations, post actors/actresses you're fond of. Films, short films, animation, TV series... As long as it's cinema-related, it belongs here!

If you want to talk about anime, go over to /a/.
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Anonymous Tue 17/12/2024 3:55:50 AM 3 months ago No. 3887
i posted this on old 22chan i think, anyhow this here is the movie metropolis by fritz lang [Play]
Anonymous Wed 18/12/2024 4:07:24 PM 3 months ago No. 3895
A goal of mine is to eventually watch true detective, It was mentioned on a previous version of this site, and how the show was influenced by cosmic horror and especially "The king in yellow" By Robert Chambers, which has peaked my interest, to say the least.
Anonymous Sat 08/03/2025 3:52:49 PM 20 days ago No. 4273
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Last night I watched Lawrence of Arabia starring Peter O'Toole. What a movie. Sweeping landscapes and score. The defeat of a hero, fall of a prophet. That sort of thing. I'd imagine a big inspiration to the recent Dune films. Aside from obvious parallels in imagery, there are many parallels to be drawn in narrative and characterization.
Anonymous Thu 27/03/2025 9:29:58 PM 1 day ago No. 4333
What is with movie where it's like "real humans enter the fictional world" (like the minecraft movie) or "fictional character enters the real world" like the 1987 he-man movie,(or the live action super mario movie) but then you have the "insert thing but real and we add a fuck ton of ironoc humor for no reason besides we can't take the IP seriously" (think detective pikachu)
Are they stupid, are they running out of ideas? Can they atleast NOT make the movie or atleast take the concept serious enough to make something halfway decent? Or is it that the people are too stupid enough to just send their kids to some stupid movie so they can do whatever while the brands pushing for the movies pretty much treat it as a massive commercial?
I though they did though, unless it wasn't the movie but instead the book lawrence wrote.
Anonymous Fri 28/03/2025 3:15:15 AM 1 day ago No. 4334
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Which godzilla do you like
I like the original lizard, he has a charm to him, but its like minus one is just as good, whenever they did close ups it made me happy because he reminds me of the original. I also like the swimming scenes, reminds me of a big iguana swimming.

toys Anonymous Tue 03/01/2023 6:59:49 AM 2 years ago No. 112
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Do you own any toys? Maybe want to share pics of them?
Do you think it's weird for adult male to buy toys and keep them on display or play with them? I started doing this last year and I really enjoy it so far.
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Anonymous Tue 21/01/2025 6:08:10 PM 2 months ago No. 4084
Damn i got a figure of godzilla from the 2014 movie, what i really want is one of OG godzilla or mothra if they even sell those.
Anonymous Tue 21/01/2025 6:17:56 PM 2 months ago No. 4085
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There are quite a lot of those, though they seem to have hiked in price since I last remember. I think the Bandai vinyl ones are pretty easy on the budget and I think they've started making newer ones, but they aren't as high quality but still nice. Revoltech has a cool looking Mothra figure but it's pretty expensive now.
Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 9:53:03 PM 1 month ago No. 4131
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I got some new vinyl figures today. Forgive the awful camera quality. Pretty happy with these ones, Moguera and Megaguirus respectively. These are newer Bandai Movie Monster Series releases so they seem to have a more colorful coat of paint than older ones. I kind of like the paintjobs on older Bandai figures (see image 3). I feel they were a bit more stylish and detailed, even if not faithful to the colors of the monster in the movie.
Anonymous Sun 23/02/2025 3:09:36 PM 1 month ago No. 4228
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I need this.
Anonymous Thu 27/03/2025 6:37:03 PM 1 day ago No. 4332
>lego (fukin netflix) one piece
>lego pokémon
Lego always made decent pirate ships, Lego pirates, and pirates of the caribbean was wonderful IPs, dispite lego cucking it's own "violence is bad" rule, and shilling itself out to corperations instead of coming up with wonderful new IPS. Will lego one piece be cool? actually, maybe. Using bright, expressive bricks and cool action functions to fire little cannon balls actually makes me want a going merry for myself but honestly still, what the actual fuck? It's the same feel i had for lego prince of persia, like what are they doing?
Also considering the price of the lego sets nowadays jesus its going to cost so fucking much so i probably won't bother.
Lego pokemon, what the actual flying fuck? How in the god damn will this work? giant brick built sets for 200$? or hopfully recreations of in game locations like the pokemart? (that showcases in game map designs, as in the same exact layout of stuff from like pokemon red)
Other brands like megablocks actually made somewhat decent looking sets for like 20 bucks, i know lego is fucked especially from people from within working there, like the guy who made the actually kind of kickass lego dune set being forced to add shit to the set he didn't agree with, terrible practices, shitty bricks and wokeshit, it seems like a mixed bag. i literally am so confused to be honest, Lego pokemon doesn't make sense to me.

guys Anonymous Thu 27/03/2025 1:11:24 AM 2 days ago No. 1559
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im scared, all the twenty two years ive posted here on the imageboard twenty two chan, board "sewers", i didnt know we where exclusively on the dark web
what do?
Anonymous Thu 27/03/2025 3:55:13 AM 2 days ago No. 1560
You take an elevator to the highest floor of the building and open 22chan. After that you scream your device to demystify the website

22Chan Thoughts Thread Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 5:53:28 AM 2 months ago No. 4016
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Old thread hit bump limit, so long gay bowser! [Play]
This is a thread for when you want to make a post but it doesn't deserve its own thread!
Share your thoughts, ideas, or opinions that don't fit anywhere else on the site here
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Anonymous Tue 25/03/2025 3:26:50 AM 4 days ago No. 4325
>>4324 [Play]
Anonymous Tue 25/03/2025 4:02:07 AM 4 days ago No. 4326
The sewers is a place for only the most edgy and enlightened people go on. The way he reads it makes sewers kino. Sewers is wise and sewers speaks no lies.
Anonymous Tue 25/03/2025 9:08:15 PM 3 days ago No. 4329
if you think about it, it's a good format for a funpost, find a retarded 22chan thread, read it in a serious manner, loudly flip pages = instant comedy
Anonymous Wed 26/03/2025 2:23:09 AM 3 days ago No. 4330
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without a doubt the best on 4chan
if it would yield more material to abuse sure
Anonymous Wed 26/03/2025 3:59:37 AM 3 days ago No. 4331
Best song