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Wrestling Series (レスリングシリーズ) Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 8:42:15 AM 2 months ago No. 3254
This thread is exclusively for discussing the Wrestling Series (レスリングシリーズ). I want to emphasize that the focus will be strictly on the Japanese instance, and any discussion of its overseas counterparts is absolutely prohibited. This includes posting videos or content created by overseas creators. Also, please keep the celebrity and character completely separate from each other.

Beginning in June 2007, users on 2channel's YouTube board began to suspect that the MyList rankings on Nico Nico Douga were being manipulated. This led to the creation of an official term called 工作 (Manipulation) after a July 1st thread pointed out the artificial inflation of views, comments, and MyLists. By July 27, 2007, a thread titled ニコニコマイリストのランキング工作動画について (Regarding Mylist Ranking Manipulation Videos on Nico Nico Douga) was created, marking a significant moment as it was dedicated to resisting ranking manipulation on Nico Nico Douga. The discussion in the thread mainly centered around the activities of a group known as 80垢 (80 Accounts), derived from the practice of adding 400 Mylist votes to several videos in the early hours, with 400/5 = 80 accounts (since each account could create up to 5 Mylists at that time). Their activities were particularly noticeable during the early morning hours, where they would push videos like the infamous "The Idolmaster KOTOKO Princess Bride!" (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm280671 [Play], IM@S was a pioneer in ranking manipulation believe it or not) and "Tsurupettan" to the top of the Nico Nico Douga Mylist rankings, suggesting a coordinated effort. As this method was exposed, discussions in the thread intensified and attracted not only those who aimed to raise awareness about the issue but also individuals who wanted to exploit it, including 信者 (Believers/Fans), アンチ (Antis/Foes), and ただの愉快犯 (Just Pranksters) who looked at 80 Account as a deity. This led to either 順工作 (Forward Manipulation, where users manipulate trends, excluding genuinely popular videos) or 逆工作 (Reverse Manipulation, where users vandalize videos suspected of manipulation). The creators of the videos who were caught in the crossfire often deleted their videos because of this. Other users in the thread adopted a more radical approach, deciding to engage in manipulation themselves as a way to raise awareness about the problem. This led to the thread’s original purpose being sidetracked, eventually resulting in the split of users and the creation of the ニコニコ動画工作支持スレ【80垢神】 (Nico Nico Douga Manipulation Support Thread) General, on the same day, where users began organizing their own manipulations, partly as a form of protest against the 80 Accounts.

Members of the Manipulation Support thread began to manipulate a video called アメリカン ゲイ レスリング2 (American Gay Wrestling 2, https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm200572 [Play]) that was uploaded on April 26, 2007, which depicted two men wrestling with the saturation on max and low video quality. After, a few more videos were uploaded to the アメゲイ (Amegay) series until August 10, 2007, when the first video titled 本格的 ガチムチパンツレスリング (Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling) from the Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling series was uploaded and manipulated into the rankings. However, it was shortly deleted due to the original creator deactivating his account, but then reuploaded on September 30, 2007: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1175788 [Play]

Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling (GPW) is a wrestling style with a special rule: if your pants get taken off, you lose.

So why did this video become one of the key driving forces behind Nico Nico Douga's Golden years, and why does it remain one of the most viewed videos on the platform, with 9.8 million views to this day? This wasn’t just some passing joke; it became deeply ingrained in Japanese otaku culture, being referenced in anime, video games, news, and even on game talk shows, cementing its place in the Japanese internet otaku sphere.
The reason is the same as why a lot of other foreign media on the platform gained popularity during that era: 空耳 (mishearings). The two men wrestling in the video, Billy Herrington (a.k.a Aniki) and Danny Lee (a.k.a Kiyoshi Kazuya), had thick New England/Canadian accents combined with intense grunting, which led Japanese viewers to mishear nearly every line as something completely different in their own language.
For example, when Aniki shouts to Kazuya, "Huh? How do you like that, huh?" it was misheard as Thick and Saucy Fried Rice and now Aniki's favorite food is Ankake Chahan:
(Aniki) "Huh? How do you like that, huh?" ->「あぁん?あんかけチャーハン?」-> "Aan? Ankake chyaahan?" -> "Huh? Thick and Saucy Fried Rice?"
A lot of the character names too are based on mishearings such as for example Creamstew Ikeda from Shinnippori Fire Station (Firefighters): https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5348773 [Play]
(Aniki): I'm finished with you, get up -> くりぃむしちゅー池田 -> Kuriimushichuu Ikeda -> Creamstew Ikeda
But a lot of them are actually derived from how close a character looks to some kind of celebrity like Hatakeyama Bacon who resembles both the Japanese lightweight boxer Takanori Hatakeyama and American actor and musician Kevin Bacon.

I included a translation I made of the original Professional Pants Wrestling video posted to Nico Nico Douga (Video 1). In the next few posts, I'll try to continue explaining a bit more about the Manipulation Incident history and things such as the popular Sanshin of Fairy Philosophy by Pants Wrestling Aniki.


Quotes = Orange
Translations = Blue
Names & Titles = Pink
Anonymous Sun 18/08/2024 12:54:50 AM 1 month ago No. 3258
A user named 雑魚○垢, a veteran in the Nico Nico Douga Manipulation Support Thread, was key in discovering the video 本格的 ガチムチパンツレスリング (Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling). He identified this and other similar videos, which became central to the Wrestling Series on Nico Nico Douga.
雑魚○垢 also is the on responsible for bringing everyone together to manipulate the video アメリカン ゲイ レスリング2 (American Gay Wrestling 2) to boost its ranking. He's seen as one of the biggest contributors to Nico Nico Douga's Wrestling Series boom during its golden age.
(Users added ○垢 to the end of their names to show how many manipulation accounts they had.)

August 2007, Crypton Future Media released Hatsune Miku in the same month the manipulations for Wrestling Series were happening. Few might realize that VOCALOID and the Wrestling Series were directly competing on the MyList rankings. The Wrestling Series was rooted in an underground culture that thrived on manipulation, while Hatsune Miku represented the mainstream, fan-driven content. One of the manipulation tactics used for Wrestling Series was サムネホイホイチャーハン (Clickbait Fried Rice, サムネ -> Thumbnail and ホイホイ -> Hoi Hoi being a play on words.) where they would for example show a very erotic picture of Hatsune Miku to lure users to watch the video, and If viewers caught on to the trick, they’d reference Aniki’s famous mishearing 「やっぱりな♂」-> "I knew it♂."
This approach led to the creation of the most viewed Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling MAD involving VOCALOID: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1162695 [Play] (2,353,106 Views). I will discuss this another time as well but many famous VOCALOID creators you might know during this era were actually actively involved in creating Wrestling Series MADs such as samfree (check out the lyrics in his Luka Luka Night Fever video).

The manipulation thread's activity slowed down after Nico Nico Douga implemented MyList manipulation countermeasures on September 14, 2007. With the crackdown, many manipulators dispersed, and Aniki's presence on the platform began to fade. In response, a user proposed, "Why don't we launch a terror attack on New Year's Eve? Gather people and register all the Aniki videos on MyList, filling the rankings with Aniki." The idea was to take advantage of the fact that, since everyone has the day off on New Year's Eve, a lot more people would be browsing Nico Nico Douga than usual. With the high volume of quality videos uploaded on that day, it would make it even harder to maintain a top spot, creating the perfect opportunity for their plan.
Although the idea didn’t gain much traction in the thread, it received strong support from Nico Nico users, with reactions like: "On the last day of the year, the MyList ranking top spot is a gay video? lol, this is hilarious ww I'll support it ww."
This was the first Kuso Misoka (A play on words that combines elements of 「くそみそ」->(Kusomiso Technique) and 「大晦日」-> (New Year's Eve)) event called "Yaranaika! Gachimuchi New Year's Eve! 2007 Billy Herrington" with 雑魚○垢 being one of the main organizers.
Example of a video used in the event: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1917343 [Play]
The event achieved a remarkable success by maintaining a fifth-place ranking (it was ninth in the 5 AM update).
Anonymous Sun 18/08/2024 2:31:57 AM 1 month ago No. 3259
(35.80 KB 501x318 )
Here is a link to the original manipulation threads:
1. ニコニコマイリストのランキング工作動画について (Regarding Mylist Ranking Manipulation Videos on Nico Nico Douga) https://web.archive.org/web/20071122190104/https://news4vip.livedoor.biz/archives/51013298.html
2. ニコニコ動画工作支持スレ【80垢神】 (Nico Nico Douga Manipulation Support Thread) https://web.archive.org/web/20210723161843/https://pc11.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1185495313/
3. ニコニコ動画工作支持スレ2【100垢神】 (Nico Nico Douga Manipulation Support Thread 2) https://web.archive.org/web/20210619145904/https://pc11.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1186186538/
4. ニコニコ動画工作支持スレ3【100垢神】 (Nico Nico Douga Manipulation Support Thread 3) https://web.archive.org/web/20210622211806/https://pc11.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1187088248/
You can find 雑魚○垢 by doing a search without the last part so just 「雑魚」, and also you can search the users in the third manipulation support thread discussing the wrestling series by searching for 「ガチムチ」 for 200+ results

1st Manipulation Thread:

630: 20垢雑魚: 2007/07/31 (Tue) 12:12:02 ID:???0
I'm a manual operator, so I couldn't get up before 5:00 AM, and I had to start adding mylists little by little after 5:30.
And today, it looks like almost no one except for 87垢神 and me did anything LOL.
You guys, please help by deleting your mylists at 5:00 AM and then re-registering them.

663: 20垢雑魚: 2007/07/31 (Tue) 23:10:45 ID:???0

Reply to post 633:
If you don't do it after 5:00 AM, it won't count towards the first update.
I usually have 5 to 10 videos I'm trying to boost (adjusting between 20 and 100 mylists), so it takes a decent amount of time.

Also, I just noticed something—my mylist is empty. Did they implement some countermeasures?
For some videos, the mylist count stayed the same, but for others, the count went down to zero.
Maybe I shouldn't have used my main account (premium) for this.

989: 雑魚21: 2007/08/04 (Sat) 07:48:01 ID:???0
Are you deleting all the duplicate accounts? I added 30 mylists to the "Monthly Nico Nico Ranking," so I’m looking forward to the 8:00 AM update.

992: 雑魚21: 2007/08/04 (Sat) 08:18:44 ID:???0
I’m the one who added mylists to "まっがーれ↓スペクタクル" and got it to 96th place, but it’s not decreasing.
Were only the extreme manipulations deleted, or did 80垢神 delete their own?

3rd Manipulation Thread:

15 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/14(火) 21:22:31 ID

Today, I'm adding Gay Wrestling to my MyList again, lol.

91 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/14(火) 22:34:11 ID

Someone added more Gay Wrestling again, lol.

110 :雑魚 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/14(火) 22:48:23 ID

Can someone please add the Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling videos to their MyList?

140 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/14(火) 23:05:33 ID

Gachimuchi is rising in the rankings, lol. What rank is it now?
Anonymous Sun 18/08/2024 5:18:28 AM 1 month ago No. 3260
This event left a significant impact on new users who were unaware of the large-scale manipulations happening on 2channel, and it played a key role in establishing the presence of the Wrestling Series. The reason it’s called "Kuso Misoka" is because, on the day of the event, the Yaranaika group held an event using this video: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm975673 [Play] The tag attached to this video, "Kuso Misoka," was so fitting that the Wrestling Series group decided to adopt it as well, leading to the event being referred to as "Kuso Misoka."

Manipulation Thread 6 actually contains all the posts leading up to this and the reactions afterward: https://web.archive.org/web/20080105033613/https://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1195945646/

Post #181 (ID: enwx4SDz0) - 2007/12/30 17:52:41
Even now, manipulation is happening, and this event is being held to make people aware of the fact that manipulation is taking place with Hatsune Miku and Idolmaster content.
Event Title:
"Yaranaika! Gachimuchi New Year's Eve! 2007 Billy Herrington"
NicoNico Douga Manipulation Support Thread #6:
Link to Thread
[Participation Instructions]
On New Year's Eve, register Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling 1-3 in your MyList.
For those who have extra time, feel free to check out the videos in this MyList as well.
[Active Time]
Around 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

Post #185 (ID: ybDUH2x20) - 2007/12/31 03:57:33
Just a thought, but do we have enough proxies?

Post #186 (ID: ybDUH2x20) - 2007/12/31 06:00:58
The number of registrations is around 350. Is getting first place impossible?

Post #187 (ID: 57D5LjgT0) - 2007/12/31 06:23:35
We got first place! wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Post #188 (ID: ybDUH2x20) - 2007/12/31 06:25:36
I could only contribute 40 votes, but the rankings are filled with Aniki!
This is so nostalgic! wwwwwwwwwwwwww

Post #189 (ID: hbYwWrNZ0) - 2007/12/31 07:00:55
I thought the thread would be in a festive mood, but there aren't many posts here. ww

Post #195 (ID: RCpKmMYY0) - 2007/12/31 08:34:48
I burst out laughing when I saw the rankings. www
I added it to MyList, Aniki.

Post #196 (ID: xBhtZuBv0) - 2007/12/31 08:35:30
Someone's already raging about it on the official BBS.wwwwwwww

Post #204 (ID: +KR/TBYtO) - 2007/12/31 09:43:01
At this point, it's more of an Aniki unity festival than manipulation.

Post #206 (ID: 14aQgF7oO) - 2007/12/31 10:32:07
I thought it was strange that old Gachimuchi Wrestling not only reappeared but even topped the rankings.
Guess it was due to manipulation.

Post #210 (ID: IbrsybTN0) - 2007/12/31 12:45:56
I went all out and registered with around 300 accounts,
but looking at the comments on both videos, it made me sad. I'm going to stop here.
I still have around 500 accounts left.
It's not fun anymore, especially since there are other videos being manipulated today, and both sides have annoying fans jumping on the bandwagon.

Post #215 (ID: zBEiFzV70) - 2007/12/31 13:16:19
I'd rather see Aniki at the top than some meaningless MAD (a type of parody video).
At least I had a good laugh.

**Post #236 (ID: m5hTaNd90) - 2007/12/31 18:34:35**
The reason people moved to Pants Wrestling is because everyone was put off by the manipulation of "American Gay 2" earlier.

Post #242 (ID: XcmQWqJG0) - 2008/01/01 07:53:49
I laughed when the "Kuso-Misoka" tag got changed to the "Gay Spring" tag.

Post #252 (ID: 2X5RAsyl0) - 2008/01/02 20:12:44
Next time, we need to prepare some new material.
It was impressive how far we got with an overused Aniki.

Post #253 (ID: ECBetQR60) - 2008/01/02 20:50:07
What do you mean "overused"?
People who started using NicoNico from RC2 don't know Aniki, so it's only natural that he grows.
On a different note, am I the only one who doesn't find manipulated bait Aniki MADs that funny?
I feel like the thumbnail needs to be Gachimuchi for it to have any impact.
The quality of the video is great though. wwwww

Post #255 (ID: QgWlZ0Im0) - 2008/01/03 01:04:42
I like baiting too.
The reactions of those who get baited are hilarious.

Post #260 (ID: yTE8u0l0) - 2008/01/04 02:30:42
I made a doujinshi about the early morning rankings and sold it at Comiket, but only sold 10 copies!

Post #261 (ID: yXQgAdPP0) - 2008/01/04 11:35:28
The fact that someone even made such a doujinshi is shocking enough, but the fact that people bought it too!
I feel like I could enjoy a good drink with those 10 people.

Post #262 (ID: +gWN27270) - 2008/01/04 13:14:27
What's this magazine about?
Back in September, there was a time when Aniki dominated the top 7 spots. That sounds interesting.

On a side note in that 2channel you can see 雑魚○垢 posting the actual video links to the Mexican porn websites for people to censor the Wrestling Series videos and upload to Nico Nico Douga.
Anonymous Sun 18/08/2024 5:27:51 AM 1 month ago No. 3261
Here are the reactions from the official nico nico douga BBS:

Post #877 (ID: WO/rnvLb) - 2007/12/31 06:34:41
Hey! wwwwwwwww
Gachimuchi is totally rigged! wwwwwwwwww
Someone needs to do something about the deleted accounts by the admins! wwwwwwww

Post #878 (ID: S7gYHBCe) - 2007/12/31 06:44:31
1st Place: Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling
359 (MyList Count)
2nd Place: [MAD] Fate Tsukihime Melty Blood - Discordant Melody, Eternal Deceit
100 (MyList Count)
3rd Place: Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling 3rd Match
63 (MyList Count)
4th Place: Hatsune Miku's "Electric Angel" - Hand-drawn Animation (Revised)
63 (MyList Count)
5th Place: [Hand-drawn] Rurouni Kenshin turned into a Gourmet Anime + Kishimen
60 (MyList Count)
6th Place: Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling (2nd Match)
58 (MyList Count)
You bastard! Whoever did this, show yourself!wwwww

Post #879 (ID: Rt1HxlV8) - 2007/12/31 06:46:14
I'm dying of laughter wwwwwww

Post #880 (ID: MC/DVq/A) - 2007/12/31 06:54:09
Now it's clear that Miku and Idolmaster were also manipulated.
Aniki, you're amazing! wwwwwwwwwwwwww

Post #882 (ID: cEHvoKnv) - 2007/12/31 07:47:20
6 AM Update: All videos are out of the ranking (less than 78 views)
Ranking - Title ---------------------------------------------------- MyList Count
12th Place - [Kodomo no Jikan] Muchi Muchi☆Sensation [〇Chimuchi] --- 38
16th Place - Miku and the Butt and That Person [Hatsune Miku] ------- 35
18th Place - Pants Wrestling's Aniki Fashion Edition --------------- 33
21st Place - American Gay Wrestling 2 ----------------------------- 29
25th Place - VOCALOID2 'Gachimuchi Polka' ------------------------- 25
Is there really no countermeasure for changing IP addresses to manipulate?
Is this going to continue forever? We're finished.

Post #883 (ID: LgN6uPWL) - 2007/12/31 08:31:39
I can't believe I get to see Aniki again. wwww
He's become a part of the NicoNico All-Stars.wwww
I just gave my support with one vote.

Post #884 (ID: 2ng3IQC4) - 2007/12/31 08:36:40
I can't believe there's someone besides Vippers who would do something this stupid...

Post #885 (ID: D3qi+R9M) - 2007/12/31 08:37:33
Aniki is the conscience of NicoNico.

Post #890 (ID: cTht5Ldq) - 2007/12/31 10:29:08
Someone, do something... I don't want to start the New Year at a Gachimuchi party. wwww
This is way too much. wwww

Post #892 (ID: mJS8yj4M) - 2007/12/31 10:29:42
The Gachimuchi Festival is a warning against the manipulation of Miku, Idolmaster, and today’s Type-Moon fans.

Post #895 (ID: qS4OYKUO) - 2007/12/31 10:58:02
Honestly, it just looks like paranoid delusions.
And the fact that they talk about Miku and Idolmaster but completely ignore Futae (another content),
kind of shows the age group and background of the people saying these things.
I don't hate Gachimuchi videos; in fact, I like them because they're silly.
But if you're going to make something like a MAD video, you should put more effort into making it funny.
For example, you could break down the voice, rework the pitch, and create a terrible parody song.
There are a lot of people who can do that among the Miku and Idolmaster creators,
and I hope the Gachimuchi creators study and show their creativity in that area.

Post #897 (ID: cZDCpQZ9) - 2007/12/31 11:23:46
I agree. Equating organized votes with manipulation (which is now impossible with IP-based counting)
really shows where you’re coming from. Either you're new here, or you're just an idiot.

Post #900 (ID: cTht5Ldq) - 2007/12/31 12:12:06
Speaking of Miku and Idolmaster, they have dedicated threads on YouTube boards
where fans share new uploads with each other.
Naturally, the fans of those genres register the videos on MyList,
and that’s how they reach the top of the rankings.
Do you call that manipulation? Normally, you wouldn’t.
This perfectly embodies the earlier debate of
“It’s to unearth buried manipulated videos!”
← “Do it on an external review site.”
There's no manipulation here, it's just how it works.

Post #911 (ID: Zy/c1Ssf) - 2007/12/31 22:40:23
8th place MyList: 1,950
This is so obvious.
Just because it has 3 million views doesn’t mean it should have that many MyLists.

Post #912 (ID: gznkGqrP) - 2008/01/01 00:48:07
What's so obvious?wwww
Numbers-wise, it seems to be in line with other videos.
Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku - Bounnou Kaihou - Let’s Go! Onmyoji
Today’s Views: 32,000
Today’s Comments: 44,044
Today’s MyLists: 2,207
[Hand-drawn] Rurouni Kenshin turned into a Gourmet Anime + Kishimen
Today’s Views: 79,650
Today’s Comments: 53,037
Today’s MyLists: 4,837
Legendary TV Shopping
Today’s Views: 75,345
Today’s Comments: 53,037
Today’s MyLists: 4,575
Instead of saying "It shouldn't have that many MyLists,"
compare the comment count and view count ratios.

Post #913 (ID: kn9X7aBE) - 2008/01/01 01:54:10
If that's the case, then Miku is also manipulated, right?
At 1 AM, the numbers were:
[MAD] Fate Tsukihime Melty Blood - Discordant Melody, Eternal Deceit
Today’s Views: 57,333
Today’s Comments: 3,339
Today’s MyLists: 4,269
[Hatsune Miku] Original Song - "Connected Hands"
Today’s Views: 34,583
Today’s Comments: 2,927
Today’s MyLists: 3,583
Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling
Today’s Views: 33,594
Today’s Comments: 7,819
Today’s MyLists: 2,321

Post #948 (ID: j3ho0tyQ) - 2008/01/10 18:09:50
Who said MyList manipulation is no longer possible? You can still do it!

Post #951 (ID: D3721qLK) - 2008/01/10 19:35:24
Idiots are saying that manipulation is no longer possible after this, but every genre’s top spots have been manipulated to some degree. Miku and Idolmaster get mentioned often just because they’re widely disliked.

Post #952 (ID: PU3QIfV5) - 2008/01/10 21:05:40
Miku generally gets more MyLists on days when her view count rises, and fewer when views drop.
However, in the case of Kumikyoku (Nico Nico Douga Medley), the MyList count suddenly increases on certain days, regardless of view fluctuations.
For example:
08/21 (Tue): 450 MyLists, 12,783 views
08/22 (Wed): 408 MyLists, 9,024 views
08/23 (Thu): 403 MyLists, 17,767 views
08/24 (Fri): 477 MyLists, 12,435 views
If manipulation stops, Kumikyoku would probably drop significantly.

Post #959 (ID: 8lGzWEVo) - 2008/01/10 21:53:26
Someone may have started a false rumor, but the forums were flooded with comments like "Miku fans manipulated it."
Even if that's not true, why did they ignore the massive increase in Miku’s MyList registrations?
Yesterday, the MyList count was over 90,000, but now it’s dropped below that.
If they can address today's manipulation, why didn’t they do the same before?

Post #964 (ID: +NQe74vN) - 2008/01/10 22:56:22
Yeah. In the end, these "antis" who yell at "fans" to "die" are just frustrated because their favorite stuff isn’t ranking as high. They’re fans themselves, but of different things.
Regardless, I’m looking forward to the complete MyList re-calculation.
It might cause some chaos, but at least it’ll clean up the rankings and get rid of those "manipulation accusation" trolls.
I noticed on 2ch that older manipulation techniques are still possible, though. I wish we could fix those too.
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