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Net Characters for 22chan CAT Thu 16/03/2023 9:28:01 AM 1 year ago No. 665
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Post and discuss any 22chan characters you made or know here.

I'm reviving this thread in the hopes of getting a more detailed discussion going about the universe 22chan takes place in and all of its characters.
Let's talk about even the smallest details from characters backstories to their birthdates to their relationships with each other. We could maybe even make something like personality cards that list all of those details from each character.
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 10:10:26 AM 1 year ago No. 666
I also wanted to point people to something similar to this that Futaba☆Channel had which was called "Niji-Neta" in which basically all of the characters posted to 2chan which didn't even have to be original creations of that imageboard were taking part in the Futaba☆Channel universe where all of the characters were able to interact with each other through peoples OCs.
The non-OC characters that took part in this universe e.g Souseiseki from Rozen Maiden they mostly removed her back story from where she came from or changed them to reflect and fit into the Futaba☆Channel universe so it's not the same character that you know but kind of a completely different one: https://w.atwiki.jp/2jiwiki/pages/463.html
Here's also an article on waha: https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E3%82%8F%E3%81%AF%E3%83%BC
The main idea of this universe is that all of the characters live inside of this single apartment complex that has 100s of floors of where all of these characters are located at. It's also impossible to find information on most of the characters because you had to be there and experience what it was like.
I'm currently trying to find the article about the Apartment complex again but it seems that I have lost it and it's impossible to find just using search terms on search engines...
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 3:10:48 PM 1 year ago No. 667
>the universe 22chan takes place in
What is this, the fucking MCU?
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 4:27:58 PM 1 year ago No. 669
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One of the previously unanswered questions that was posted in the thread was the discussion about what the logo of 22chan is supposed to be here is that anon's post:

Here's a burning question i need answering, What the fuck is the 22chan logo anyway? I'm only asking because i've been here since at least 2019 and it's not like it's been talked about on the site before and if no one really knows, lets find a plant or something that makes the logo make sense. 4chan's logo is a four leaf clover, but 22chan's logo is four, disconnected leaves or petals. What type of plant is that? Spear mint? A succulent or perhaps an aloe or something?
The reason why i mentioned spearmint is because of the spacing and shape of the leaves, along with the bright green color. also spearmint might aid in inhibition of tumors aka cancer and 22chan is the cancer free board. But there could be other plants out there that might be even more fitting so if anyone has other ideas feel free to throw them out
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 4:36:48 PM 1 year ago No. 670
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I personally thought that the 22chan logo might represent stinging nettle which is also used for treatments in cancer. The stinging nettle has its own defense mechanism against humans you could say as I remember as a kid I had them growing in my backyard, and man, do I remember how much I got stung by this plant every time I went outside. I remember my grandparents trying to use it to cure my eczema that never went away and I guess it somewhat helped. For the 22chan logo I wonder if that's maybe too aggressive, what do you think?
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 7:57:06 PM 1 year ago No. 671
I always just assumed it's an offshoot of 4chan's logo.
Which itself is an offshoot of 2chan's logo.
Anonymous Mon 20/03/2023 1:32:00 AM 1 year ago No. 677
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I still have this guy i made for /i/ a couple years ago (didn't save any of the edits sadly). He's not exactly a fleshed out character but I wanted to post him again
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 6:01:58 AM 1 year ago No. 729
22chan IS the portal to the cat dimension
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 6:08:20 AM 1 year ago No. 730
What does the oracle look like? i've been thinking about that one for a while.
Anonymous Tue 04/04/2023 4:48:11 AM 1 year ago No. 739
oracle being a male or female depends on if we really care about the current ratio of male to female characters. the oracle of Delphi was a female though. (we also did call oracle a female) on appearance, perhaps she is blind? either with blinders, or perhaps some type of eye covering. the copy paste answers always reminds me of a magic 8 ball and i guess it would make sense if she was mute and could only communicate by shaking the magic 8 ball?
Anonymous Sat 08/04/2023 4:57:56 AM 1 year ago No. 749
See thread
>>539, All that >666 (Satan) is trying to say is to consider using your imagination. Think of what the 4channers did with 4chan house? What if the 22chan nonexistent net characters lived together and had wacky antics? Don't be a blow hard and have fun.
Anyhow, If we had to be the MCU, Ignore all the gay shit and focus on that one episode from the loki show and only have all scenes with gator loki and burn everything else.
I am so confused, to me it seems like the 22chan logo is drawn inconsistently and i have a hard time choosing between the two.
Anonymous Tue 11/04/2023 8:02:52 PM 1 year ago No. 765
>what the logo of 22chan is supposed to be
isnt it a clover? i swear we've always just called it a clover
Anonymous Mon 08/05/2023 2:45:59 AM 1 year ago No. 883
Frames from what is a pretty much a dead 3 year old project. No motivation and thought it didn't really fit in with Niniba's character or imageboard environment. It was supposed to be based on the Dj remix version of Fly me to the moon. Found them laying around on my drive by chance again so maybe it can be some kind of inspiration for other people.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 5:29:04 AM 1 year ago No. 1048
Although they haven't been posted here, spider and gator-tan are twins who have a strong sibling rivalry towards each other. spider-tan is younger than gator-tan and is actually quite mean and generally tends to strike first. they represent the gang warfare on sewers between the two factions for sewers supremacy. not exactly what the anons of sewers look like, and I'm not sure if they are mascots? i guess you can say its like an alternat view or whatever.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 6:01:57 AM 1 year ago No. 1049
22chan to me is not a city but a very small town or village. every house or building is a board and in that house is a table or room which is a thread, that to me is the "anon" universe which is Quazi Irl in nature. Threads and situations can be turned into fictionalized stories or can be taken literally.
An example, a thread like the story of flaxxen can be adapted into a a manga or something, and the carpgang wars, the twoot betrayal horus heresy can make for some neat storytelling like now we're in a dystopia fending off normalniggers and starving for activity like a poor Russian peasant in the 1920s

the /sewers/ is also a universe in its own right.

Then there is the Ninibaverse
i guess you can say that is where the net characters live, a realm of pure fiction and are somewhat separated from the Anons but you never know when shit can cross over. spider tan and gator tan live there and niniba.
Oracle, despite being not an anon and fictional can actually stay in both universes.
i have literally been waiting to make these posts for a year, hopefully i don't sound retarded.
Guess I'm reminded of the elder scrolls and Warhammer 40k. there was times where i wanted to adapt a situation going on in 22 into a dramatic text story thing but either I forgot or didn't because it was too sensitive of a topic or I didn't want to look like a jackass.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 6:05:04 AM 1 year ago No. 1050
And of course, forcing shit is gay.
Anonymous Sun 16/07/2023 3:43:39 AM 1 year ago No. 1151
On the pitite tube thread on old 22chan this same video of some Spanish real-estate seller kept popping up over and over to the point where we made a net character out of him where he'd invade threads and offer to buy your house. A real lovecraftian horror, he was. kinda like toddposting but more involved. I'm mad i forgot him to be honest.
Anonymous Sun 06/08/2023 2:11:56 AM 1 year ago No. 1248
I remember that. Do you have any images of him? The archive seems not to have saved them ( https://web.archive.org/web/20220518202402/https://www.22chan.org/b/res/5115 ) and the videos appear unavailable to me.
Anonymous Sun 06/08/2023 7:19:04 AM 1 year ago No. 1252
Tried googling "Patrick Lopez" with no real results. archives are difficult to navigate and i'm sure he was on several threads (he appeared on a language thread on /b/, his own thread on sewers and prob elswhere) but i haven't found too much so far.
Anonymous Sun 06/08/2023 7:28:12 AM 1 year ago No. 1253
i checked the language thread and found nothing
I'm Actually quite stupid. His name is Patrick Lorenz. https://www.pattersonschwartz.com/company/agent/2148/
That's his face and actual name so now its possible to find his vids on jewtube.
Anonymous Sun 06/08/2023 3:14:01 PM 1 year ago No. 1255
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This is what I want to be like in life.
Anonymous Tue 08/08/2023 6:04:11 PM 1 year ago No. 1266
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The badge of 22chan.
Anonymous Tue 08/08/2023 6:05:39 PM 1 year ago No. 1267
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nevar 4 git
Anonymous Tue 08/08/2023 6:06:47 PM 1 year ago No. 1268
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My superiority speaks for itself.
Anonymous Wed 09/08/2023 5:35:02 AM 1 year ago No. 1269
I was fully unaware this existed otherwise i would've avoided taking a shit screencap of youtube when i posted him but at the same time the shit quality gave the joke a life of its own so i have no regrets.
Anonymous Tue 12/09/2023 6:10:16 AM 1 year ago No. 1466
I had an idea to turn threads into short stories or comics, or use threads for ideas for stories and comics. This was around 2019. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me, Was i worried that nobody would like it? Did i procrastinate too much? Was i stupid? Either way here is the outline or whatever for two things i would have adapted from two diffrent threads. Keep in mind this is from memories and some of the information i have posted would have been slightly diffrent if the threads where here, alive, and active. Most of the qoute would have been directly ripped off from threads.

An anon from 4chan decides to raise some cain, Rubbing his hands, he comes up with a clever plan. "Those fools won't realise what happens until its too late, I'm going to bait them into fighting amongst themselves" He then approaches some 22Anons. "THE JAPS MADE ANIME WHICH ENDED UP BEING SHIT, JAPANESE CULTURE HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN DECAY. AMERICAN MEDIA IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN SUPERIOUR! THINK OF THE GREAT STORIES THAT PIXAR HAS MADE." Some of the anons take notice, But instead of bickering they have a healthy debate. "I see his point, but isn't western media in a state of decay too?" Niniba takes notice, and pulls out some crayons to memoralise this situation, She redraws the situation into a parody of The School of Athens, By Raphel with the captions "Another day on 22chan" Everyone laughs. Flabbergasted, the 4chan anon yells, "WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS FIGHTING" Niniba sticks her toungue out at him. "XP"

An anon decides to show everyone something he made. Its a weird thing on a plate. An anon questions him. "What is that?" "Oh, Its a chocolate egg. I threw an egg and a chocolate bar on a pan and made a scrambler" He didn't realise how badily he fucked up. All of a sudden a swarm of anons appear just to laugh at him. "NIGGER YOU WHAT" "LOLFAGGOT" "why did you not think this through?" Niniba, ever the voice of reason, appears. She questions the anons. "Aren't you guys being too hard on him?" "Isn't the thread being derailed?" Their responce? "No lol" "Shit thread"
Cut to the chocolate egg anon driving home from a terrible day at work. His boss just fired him and replaced him with some young person. He gets stuck in traffic, With nothing but people angry at him for "causing the jam in the first place" and shit music. He makes his way home. His wife is at the door. She asks for some gibmedats for her date with tyrone, He begrudgingly agrees and gives her what pocketchange he has left. He sits down to watch some TV on his moldy sofa. Nothing is on but politics. He turns the TV off. He broods on what happened earlier in the day, What the anons told him, Every sentence. It rolls around in his brain, like a thunderstorm. Anon grabs his shotgun. "THIS IS IT. THEY WON'T FUCKING LAUGH AT ME ANYMORE. FUCK ALL OF YOU" After all these years, the chocolate egg was the final straw. He points the gun at himself and pulls the trigger.
Niniba gathers everyone at the anons funeral. She asks "Any last words?" An anon replies "He was a he-" He gets cut off. "LOLFAGGIT"
An alternate ending would be the anon rising from the grave with a "NO U" for a responce.
Anonymous Tue 12/09/2023 6:20:46 AM 1 year ago No. 1467
I have no clue on ninibas personality or how she feels or reacts to things. I partally blame this on her being created out of nowhere with no reason or purpose. If i had to think hard about it, Maybe she's representative of the feeling you get when browsing 22chan. The sense of wonder, Creativity, also maybe she's also reserved? Maybe she is the personification of the board?
22 years old, even though 22chan is like 4 year old its more of a "mental age" then anything for wisdom, and probably the common age of the userbase or something like that.
Anonymous Tue 12/09/2023 9:24:52 AM 1 year ago No. 1468
I think 22chan used to be the place for newfags that felt like they missed out on old 4chan. We used to have more threads discussing old internet culture and we also tried to replicate old 4chan stuff like raids, the rules of the internet and also having a mascot, niniba. And so at the time, in some comics Niniba is shown like yotsuba's little sister iirc. Just like yotsuba, I think she is meant to represent the spirit of the site and the people here, so I would say she is polite and thoughtful, but not shy because she isn't afraid to tell you to fuck off if you act like a degenerate. She can come off as strict, but she's always willing to hear you out if you're willing to express yourself properly; in fact I'd say she can be very patient with people if they show good intentions. She is introverted, mostly keeps to herself and doesn't have many friends. She can be gloomy at times, maybe even cynical/disillusioned with the world but she never looses her determination to do her best. So in a way, she has not given up yet. She definitively likes cats. She is curious and easily amused; also she tends to get really into specific niches with genuine interest. She's the type of person who likes getting to the bottom of things.
And that's all I guess. Just a couple of ideas that aren't canon unless you want them to be.
Anonymous Tue 12/09/2023 2:22:40 PM 1 year ago No. 1469
That's a great breakdown of what her character should be, I think. It encompasses all of 22chan as a single individual really well, especially the part about being strict and stern but still polite and thoughtful.
Anonymous Tue 12/09/2023 6:35:42 PM 1 year ago No. 1470
She's just like me
Anonymous Tue 19/09/2023 3:19:48 AM 1 year ago No. 1506
Around december of 2020, s4s made a thread on /sewers/ and said hi. Some of them where nice but others decided they didnt like 22chan because old 22 was hosted in germany and they didn't like our rules, some of the gators themselves got confused by s4s's intrusion and kinda flailed about.

I always pictured that situation as s4s-tan and gator-tan engaging in a slapfight, lol. fuck if i know what spider-tan was doing, probably knitting.
Anonymous Fri 22/09/2023 8:57:48 PM 1 year ago No. 1525
So your an unwanted child of an unstable creator?
Anonymous Sat 07/10/2023 4:53:19 AM 1 year ago No. 1590
06/12/19 Is the birthdate of spidergang.
03/21/19 Is the bithdate of gatorgang.
Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 7:36:26 AM 1 year ago No. 1603
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Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 4:19:03 PM 1 year ago No. 1606
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Ohaio, mai namru is otter-tan, i am a student of niggasaki high school, pls no bully.
Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 6:29:53 PM 1 year ago No. 1607
fucking outstanding, ive been waiting for someone to draw the oracle.
stunning and brave.
Anonymous Wed 11/10/2023 2:16:01 AM 1 year ago No. 1608
My idea with Oracle's character in drawing him I envisioned him as a cat, comfortably nestled inside a matchbox who communicates through his magical Garapon. He was bought by Niniba during a routine store visit where this matchbox with "ORACLE" written on it really stood out for some reason but of course at first she wasn't aware of what was actually inside of it.
Anonymous Fri 13/10/2023 3:07:36 PM 1 year ago No. 1612
Its great because i'm reminded of Maneki-neko.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 11:52:36 AM 10 months ago No. 1848
I am a bit curious about the dynamics between the -tan characters. It's known that Gator-tan and Spider-tan are twin sisters, suggesting a close bond, but are there varying views on their relationship? There's no instance, for example, of Niniba and Gator-tan interacting (?) but I'd think their relationship would be somewhat tense, considering Niniba's dislike of gators, yet I also wonder what the relationship between Niniba and Spider-tan is and with the recent addition of Otter-tan. Do people have any ideas? Or should their relationships be further pursued through more OCs.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 3:44:49 PM 10 months ago No. 1852
Not-him-but imho if gator-tan and spider-tan are siblings, they're the type that keeps bickering and fighting, but when someone from outside (like otter-tan) starts interfering they team up and are very united
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 4:24:10 PM 10 months ago No. 1853
sibling rivalry can be super fucking intense, doesn't mean they can't be nice with eachother but sometimes a sibling can behave like a nigger or be selfish and so on.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 9:41:54 PM 10 months ago No. 1854
actually there was an image from the original artist of spider-tan saying "fuk u" to gator-tan i believe.
Anonymous Wed 29/11/2023 7:19:59 PM 10 months ago No. 1859
so basically "fuck you, i'm the better sister"
Anonymous Mon 11/12/2023 4:38:54 AM 10 months ago No. 1909
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I hav>>665
e some old 2020 pics of niniba
Anonymous Mon 11/12/2023 4:43:22 AM 10 months ago No. 1910
this was from the same era as steve which was a bot that made posts every now and again. I have the link to the old library he made
Anonymous Thu 11/01/2024 4:28:15 AM 9 months ago No. 2104
do you think niniba has a job? what does niniba do in her spare time?
Anonymous Sun 18/02/2024 8:23:06 PM 8 months ago No. 2309
mayor of 22chan
Anonymous Mon 19/02/2024 3:18:37 AM 8 months ago No. 2317
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Made this from a sewer post that made me laugh >>sewers/906
Anonymous Mon 19/02/2024 4:14:29 AM 8 months ago No. 2318
What privileges does the mayor of 22chan have?
Anonymous Mon 19/02/2024 5:16:43 AM 8 months ago No. 2319
professional cat inspector
juice unspiller
Anonymous Mon 19/02/2024 5:55:27 AM 8 months ago No. 2320
A lot of the times I think with these questions it's kind of crucial to go back to basics and define the physical environment where 22chan takes place. I get the impression that Niniba is wandering through an empty, white void because people overlook the importance of world-building. Perhaps some don't see it as necessary. One-liner answers like these >>2309 >>2319 contribute nothing to the conversation. What does "mayor of 22chan" even imply? Is 22chan a city, a town, a village? What exactly is it? I thought this was supposed to be a more detailed discussion.
Anonymous Tue 20/02/2024 12:33:00 AM 7 months ago No. 2323
Well excuse me princess, I didn't realize we were in the business of assembling a canon for a new religion. There's nothing wrong with keeping things light. I'm not trying to shut you down here tho. Let's have that discussion.
I don't know about the mayor angle. Niniba has always been a Yotsuba equivalent, and I wouldn't say Yotsuba is a mayor of 4ch. She's a mascot, not a governor. Niniba is like her big sister in that way. A beloved figure that can be shorthand for the 22chan community and their values at large or just something to rally around and appreciate. That's the sort of thing we need, anyway. Niniba is not identical to Yotsuba, of course. To understand what she currently is, let's talk about the older sister.
Yotsuba is the mascot of 4chan, particularly /b/. When I say this I'm referring to the "glory days" of /b/, an idealized view that accentuates what was great about it. She is not the mascot of porn spammed by bots and political shitflinging. She's a child, which might seem strange when the 4chan ideal is infamously vulgar, sacrilegious, even malicious. But look past the surface, past the effects: it's a bunch of goobers having fun. Very simple fun, childish fun. That's Yotsuba, someone who just wants to have fun.
Niniba is the younger sister. She saw the "glory days," maybe she was there in some capacity, or not. Doesn't matter. She is born of this era, not that one. Burned out and tired, her hair's a bit of a mess. Yotsuba's cheery grin would look absurd on her. Niniba doesn't hate fun or anything, but constant brigading and bullshittery just isn't very appealing to her. It isn't novel anymore, she wants something more geniune. Her hair isn't green to signify youth; it's green because she's jaded. Don't fall for the deceptive streak though, because she's still quite excitable on the inside. Nobody forgets that more often than Niniba herself. When a kindred spirit drops by, it all drops away and she'll chat about all the things that have been rolling around her mind. Sometimes, at great length. In this way she embodies the nature of 22chan, something that moves along dependably (if not a bit gloomily) until the right spark hits and things come to life for a bit.
That's what Niniba is currently, at least to me. That doesn't mean I think the role is the greatest match, but I at least like the personality. The nitty gritty of it is that, just as Niniba being a mayor would imply a town, her being a mascot would imply some kind of brand or franchise. I don't really see 22chan that way, so I'd like to posit something radical: Niniba will become the protagonist of 22chan.
Think about it, this place has always been about the story. There's undeniable ambition, either to be a cozy backwater or the next big thing depending on when or who you ask. Either way, 22chan wants to be known and important to some group. People who have posted here have been intentionally trying to create legacy and culture at least since the first months of 2019, probably even earlier. There's an ongoing narrative to 22chan. Humble beginnings into a number of seasons, passing summers and winters. Triumphs and crashes. Storms and flowers and serene pools of mirrored water. Maybe the domain will blink out one day. Maybe 22chan will fade into the final bout of inactivity. Maybe in the end there will be 2 anons diligently keeping the lights on because they're to afraid or too proud to look one another in the face and it's so lovely to pretend that somewhere around here there's a 3rd. Maybe we'll find happily ever after. This is getting away from me though, no sense in jumping to the end. If 22 is a story, there must be a hero, and that hero is Niniba.
So, protagonist. Implications? For one, I like the attitude it inspires towards 22chan. If I were to keep to the idea that Niniba is the main character, then I'd post here on the assumption that I'm building her story without being solely responsible for telling it. I can help bring circumstances to the story that let Niniba grow up and shine. If everyone takes that attitude, you've got a community that not only feels responsibility but comes together to put chapters in the story.
I like the metaphysics of it. Practically speaking, however, what would Niniba look like as protagonist of 22chan? In OC, how would that work? I see a few possibilities. The only solid one I've got right now is for Niniba to respond and exist with trends on the site (especially /b/). She doesn't post on 22chan, rather 22chan is her world and landscape. I don't want this interpreted that she's a youtuber reacting to everyone else's content. That'd be bullshit. More like, she traverses the fabric of this fine site and gets up to whatever hijinks her current artist sees fit. It's a pretty free format, she doesn't have to have a permanent residence or occupation or anything like that.
Now, practical angle of 22chan as a setting with Ninibas as protagonist. It'd be a manifestation of the story, so probably either a road she travels towards an unstated destination or a boundless wilderness. The latter has the advantage of allowing recurring locations more easily. I guess a white void is a wilderness, but there's at least a few features. Sprawling sewers mirror the world above, a churning cauldron that spits out bizarre thought forms from seemingly nowhere. I'm smitten with the 404 picture, maybe Niniba ventures down there sometimes as a mechanic but ultimately it's unfamiliar territory. Somewhere far away from 22chan is the old country, birthplace of Yotsuba. Nothing there reaches here anymore, but memories never die. Cats prowl. They proclaim themselves supreme rulers, and none bother to deny it. Everywhere are the spirits of anons. They whisper, mutter, and shout to shape the fabric of this place, with all of their wisdom and hubrice and carelessness. Niniba doesn't have to hear each and every one of them, but each is numbered to the last. However small, they build this world, as pebbles holding up a mountainside. Sometimes they rise up as characters in themselves, usually with disdain from other anons and annoyance from Niniba. More often, they present puppets, avatars, and yokai— friends, acquaintances, and adversaries for Niniba to encounter. The anons all look to Niniba both as a creation/child and as something to be inspired by, something to protect. Something to be responsible for.
End of the day, Niniba is a community character. It's hard to get forceful about who and what she is. Depictions that fall flat will be forgotten, fitting depictions will stick and be reflected in future ones. It's something to embrace. I'd like to think I have my finger on the pulse with at least some of this, but not a guarantee. It's fun to see what resonates.
Anonymous Wed 21/02/2024 7:01:43 PM 7 months ago No. 2331
for boards i see them as buildings in a town, besides sewers ofc which is exactly what it sounds like, and /server/ which is more of like a tv screen or some bullshit like that. as for threads, and the nature of them thereof, as i mentioned entering a board is entering a building and inside are tables and chairs (threads) for which one can sit down and have conversations with other anons like a cafe or whatever, with a sign stating the topic of the thread. i would like to think its like dark souls where you see the ghosts of previous people re-inacting whatever post is visible, someone might see you responding to the ghost of themselves and show up to continue the conversation.
Anonymous Wed 21/02/2024 9:27:47 PM 7 months ago No. 2332
Honestly, I think the concept of time needs to be reimagined within such fictional spaces, especially on slower imageboards like 22chan. As time progresses in the real world, it shouldn't necessarily follow that the same occurs in that fictional space. Just imagine the loneliness felt by an anon stumbling upon a thread where the last response was a week/month/year ago, where he starts conversing with some ghosts that are reciting a past post to each other with like a timestamp over them (it hardly fosters a sense of community). Wouldn't it be more engaging to imagine that each time you enter a thread, you're stepping into a live discussion, basically experiencing the exchange as though it's happening right before your eyes? Which, in essence, isn't it the same experience as opening up a thread on 22chan and starting to read from top to bottom?
There's also the thing about imagining a thread as tables and chairs as I personally imagine them to be rooms where people can have a quiet discussion without having overlapping discussion from another thread. Just imagine how absurd it would be to have an entire room dedicated for /mu/ where everyone blasts the discussed music loudly, making it hard to communicate or appreciate the music without interference from others.
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 1:21:46 PM 7 months ago No. 2336
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 3:59:43 PM 7 months ago No. 2339
clearly, she is looking at a cat.
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 4:02:36 PM 7 months ago No. 2340
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Cats run the world in secret and niniba has to take the blame for every mistake.
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 4:58:41 PM 7 months ago No. 2341
yeah seperate rooms make sense, people hardly cross-link threads and they just kind of stay in their own lane in a self contained way.
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