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Neocities website Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 5:18:26 PM 11 months ago No. 38
(318.89 KB 1825x903 )
A while ago I made a neocities website for 22chan with the idea of having the account credentials shared openly so that everybody could join in on adding stuff to it. It worked nicely at first, but unfortunately (and unsurprisingly) somebody shitted it up. So now I'm the only one with access to it.
Despite that, I'd like to keep the original spirit of collaboration intact. So this thread is for suggesting edits, additions and anything you'd like to see on the site.
Maybe you could even download the site, make some local changes, upload the new version to catbox as a zip file and I can take a look at it and update the website.
Here's the site: https://22chan.neocities.org
Sorry for not making this sooner
Anonymous Mon 23/10/2023 1:43:45 AM 11 months ago No. 39
I think it would be cool to add a column of the roman numerals II from top to bottom on the right side
Anonymous Mon 23/10/2023 2:50:19 PM 11 months ago No. 40
Done (hope it's not too different from what you intended)
Anonymous Tue 24/10/2023 5:06:51 AM 11 months ago No. 41
I was thinking of having a "niniba shrine" with all image of niniba, but i was also thinking of attempting to preserve 22 net character images but i dunno. I guess its something to debate. I guess the OC thing is good enough as is?
Anonymous Tue 24/10/2023 5:43:40 PM 11 months ago No. 42
That's not a bad idea imo. I think more in general it would be nice to have pages on popular 22chan topics, saving some of the most popular memes and OC, unless anons prefer to keep those things ethereal of course. But in a way that's what it already is, in a chaotic way. The problem here is that that would require a bunch of work, so there have to be people willing to do it.
For now I just feel like the main page is getting a bit long/hard to navigate, that's why I made a separate OC page; some structure seems beneficial. But as you noticed it kind of sucks, I'm not a great web designer. I'd appreciate help.
But anyway, if you want to make a niniba page, please repost here the images (or links to them) to include and write the text you want to see on the site.
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