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Niniba and 22chan neko Anonymous Sun 24/11/2024 10:47:03 PM 2 months ago No. 76
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I drew this (○ ∀ ○)♩♬
Anonymous Sun 24/11/2024 10:49:32 PM 2 months ago No. 77
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laughed because the cat reminded me of pic related
Anonymous Sun 24/11/2024 10:54:40 PM 2 months ago No. 78
>>77 hehe I will draw 22chan Neko in this box next. I need a name for 22chan Neko though
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 7:04:33 AM 2 months ago No. 79
Maybe taking a closer look and thinking about things might help, i don't know though but i will try just to see if i help with anything.
The neko was based after moot from 4chan 4evar, and the kitty from the box on the home page right? We don't have a moot or a representation of the admins,or mods,
22chan has six seperate injokes about nekos.
There is a (white) kitty on the 404 page
The oracle is a calico
Cats are well loved on 22chan.
CAT was a concept to discribe oldfags of 22chan, people who knew of the secret initials of CAT where the oldfags.
There was an injoke of a cat riding a bike dragging melon addicts and annoying posters to /sewers/
and finally,

 ㇇ ㇇

This AA character is "my son" aka Bad CATtitude
The emotion conveyed can be seen as "frisky" or "edgy" like Oh yeah? like "what if i hit you then?" or like "what if we prank that guy?"
I am not sure if any of those is 22chan neko, maybe she is something new and original like
Lets say shes like mona from persona 5 where he can transform into a car because people think about the catbus from totoro
So what if she is the cognition formed from our love of cats? Just an idea though, And likely a poor one due to the lack of an actual name suggested by myself.
Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 10:12:39 PM 2 months ago No. 82
I just remembered a post on sewers where it was pointed out that "arigato" aka thank you, remove ari then you get "gato" or cat in spanish and i think of those sad people wearing mascot costumes waving signs in front of buildings to convince people to shop there, like "thank you for checking out 22chan"
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