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Test your posts here
Thread Derailment Anonymous Tue 05/11/2024 6:10:59 PM 3 months ago No. 387
(486.49 KB 500x340 00:00:01)
Your post(s) has/have been moved here if it/they were posted in the wrong thread, went off-topic, or if the derailment had run its course. You are, of course, free to continue the discussion from here.
This thread is intended as a catch-all or repository for posts that might otherwise be deleted because they are off-topic or misplaced. It’s a way to preserve contributions without cluttering the main discussions.
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Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 3:05:22 AM 20 days ago No. 441
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test 3

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Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 3:05:28 AM 20 days ago No. 442
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test 2

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Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 3:05:32 AM 20 days ago No. 443
sorry, I doesn't mean to spam, I'm new and I just want to test and see what the N and S options do

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Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 3:05:37 AM 20 days ago No. 444
Next time, there's a link underneath the post guide labelled, "Test your posts here".

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Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 3:06:10 AM 20 days ago No. 445
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test 1

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22/02 Anonymous Wed 15/02/2023 1:40:43 AM 2 years ago No. 72
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A bit of a late thread to post and discuss creative ideas on what the users and staff could do to celebrate every year on 22/02/??
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Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 4:43:33 AM 1 year ago No. 118
Back in the old days of 4chan much like a holiday of sorts, during a set time and date moot would have a massive gathering of anons, and the staff of 4chan to have a semi formal meta tier group discussions spoken candidly. people got to know the staff and moot better and they also had regular somewhat random normal discussion in-between, this was all focused in a single thread on the meta board. and after the townhall was done the thread was locked.
Anonymous Tue 16/01/2024 12:46:08 PM 1 year ago No. 280
What are you planning on doing this 2/22 to celebrate Niniba's birthday?
Since the townhall meeting was rather recent I wonder if the next one should take place on that date or if should be held off for another time.
Anonymous Wed 17/01/2024 2:28:28 AM 1 year ago No. 281
>What are you planning on doing this 2/22 to celebrate Niniba's birthday?
I am going to try to post once an hour for however long I am up that day. Let's say if two other people do that, and we each post one post for twelve hours that will get up close to 40 posts just with three people.
>should take place on that date or should be held off for another time.
I suppose more people are likely to be on for our special day.
Anonymous Sun 18/02/2024 1:26:47 AM 1 year ago No. 283
There's less than a week left until 2/22

00 HRS
00 MIN
00 SEC
Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 8:21:13 AM 20 days ago No. 446
22 days left until 2/22
00 HRS
00 MIN
00 SEC

Feature Requests for 22chan Anonymous Sat 26/10/2024 11:58:13 PM 3 months ago No. 378
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Post any new feature ideas you think would be great for 22chan.
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Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 11:22:13 PM 2 months ago No. 418
I have a few outlandish requests that I think would be pretty fun but fall outside the typical scope of what is typically expected of an imageboard.

1. Polls
2. A wiki that 22chan anons can edit

Of course, it is perfectly fine to reject this, it's just an idea.

Also, to make the piano feature more fun, you could allow people to record a short melody with the keyboard that gets attached to the post.
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 11:27:28 PM 2 months ago No. 419
Oh, and I forgot! I think a music player built in the site that plays MPEG threads as albums could be quite neat as well
Anonymous Mon 27/01/2025 4:46:23 PM 25 days ago No. 435
it'd sure be nice to have a catalog feature here so one can easily search through boards to find a single thread
Anonymous Mon 27/01/2025 5:14:04 PM 25 days ago No. 436
theres a catalog and a search feature though?
Anonymous Mon 27/01/2025 5:14:55 PM 25 days ago No. 437
CATalog = catalog

22chan 3.0 Anonymous Mon 24/04/2023 8:20:28 PM 1 year ago No. 142
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It has come to our attention that the site may appear somewhat neglected as of late, and we wish to assure you that there is a valid reason for this.
Our staff has been occupied with the development of a new imageboard software based on the Django framework.
We are excited to present an early preview of our work, which you can access at
We cordially invite you to participate in our alpha test and appreciate any feedback you might have regarding the site.
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Anonymous Mon 23/12/2024 1:38:09 PM 2 months ago No. 425
I am thinking of removing the graph showing unique visitors to the website as I am extremely sure these are just bots as the website is indexed by google. Even if it could be a wrong implementation where each visitor is counted daily instead of once (which isn't the case as I tested it several times with a single ip-address and it always stays unique instead of creating multiple entries in the database.) I am having trouble believing there are even 400-800 real visitors daily. I think this might be giving off the wrong tone to people about the website that might think the staff are cheating the results on purpose or something. I could only think of one solution maybe with javascript that only registers you as a new unique visitor if you spent more than 3-5 minutes on a page. Maybe even then it's a issue of people being constantly on a new VPN or something daily.
Anonymous Mon 23/12/2024 4:06:18 PM 2 months ago No. 426
personally i dont care if its removed and i can see how it can be confusing. i was kind of hoping to see a posts per day counter but i think thats kind of demoralising and a point of contention where assholes would say "look 22chan dead ghost town board"
Anonymous Thu 26/12/2024 1:21:48 PM 1 month ago No. 430
Will there ever be a bump limit implemented on 22chan? I personally don't really mind it that much but it would be nice to see new OPs for like the caturday thread I'm also not really sure if I am fond of going back pages to find certain replies.
Anonymous Thu 02/01/2025 6:13:10 PM 1 month ago No. 431
I agree, i wonder whats the current bump limit is, and what the new one should be.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 7:09:50 AM 1 month ago No. 432
Implemented a default bump limit of 250 for all threads. You can put "age" into the options field when replying now to override said bump limit. When making a new thread you can set a bump limit (BL) between 150 - 600 with the default value of 250.
I guess get to making those threads.

22chan Quotes Thread Anonymous Fri 07/04/2023 5:24:24 PM 1 year ago No. 128
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A thread to submit quotes from 22chan to display on the home page. Come up with something good and if a post is quote worthy post the post number.
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Anonymous Fri 12/05/2023 3:38:49 AM 1 year ago No. 177
Does anyone like or dislike my suggestions?
Anonymous Fri 12/05/2023 3:46:53 AM 1 year ago No. 178
Some of them can be used but some are just a collection of long text which wouldn't really fit into the quote feature. You also mention posts like 352 which quotes comes from a completely different website. It's just one long and confusing post which you should instead shorten to a small list of your favorite ones that can fit into the home page's quote feature.
Anonymous Wed 25/12/2024 2:41:02 AM 1 month ago No. 427
Anonymous Wed 25/12/2024 3:27:52 AM 1 month ago No. 428
I think it would be a good idea to remove all of the quotes that were added back then through suggestions on livechan and have it so that each quote on the home page links to an actual post on the website. It would make it a lot more authentic.
Anonymous Wed 25/12/2024 3:50:10 AM 1 month ago No. 429
what happens in the future when the qouted post is bumped off of the board

22chan Youtube Channel Anonymous Sun 27/10/2024 4:10:21 AM 3 months ago
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No. 380
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Some users have suggested that 22chan start its own YouTube channel to help attract new users by showcasing the OC created by our community. The idea is to upload videos that originated on 22chan and include a link to the original post in the description. However, this raises a few important questions:

What qualifies as "content made for 22chan"?
Should only content specifically created for 22chan be uploaded? For instance, in the case of content like the MAD video translations in >>>/a/389/, these videos are derivative works and may already exist elsewhere unlike >>>/sewers/1314/ which is clearly made for 22chan. Should they still be considered for upload? I personally think this would attract people from specific niches.
Who decides what gets uploaded?
Should the decision rest with the entire 22chan community, or should we leave it to the original creators of said content to submit videos they think is suitable for the channel?
(I'll re-edit this post with the answered questions once we figure this out.)

The channel will be located at
To submit a new video for the channel, please quote the specific post where the content was originally shared on the site and include a title. Avoid uploading the actual OC directly to this thread unless it's a higher-quality version or has been updated in some way. Generally, the content should originate from other parts of the website and not be created specifically for this thread.
If anyone would like to contribute by creating an avatar for the channel, it would be greatly appreciated!

Also, if you think this idea might not be beneficial for 22chan or could have a negative impact, please let us know your reasoning! Honest discussion is what helps us make the best choices for the community.
14 replies omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 7:00:42 PM 3 months ago No. 413
The original title for the video was "CMTown22" The song used was called "Kal10" or "Music your cat can dance to"
The clip used was from episode 121 of chibi maruko-chan, which is titled "Maruko's Solo Trip" Deepl translated it to "Maruko: A Solo Journey of Fureai" which sounds incorrect.

My idea for a title? "Maruko's trip to 22town"
Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 11:25:34 PM 3 months ago No. 414
This one won't work since anything Chibi Maruko-chan related on Youtube pretty much gets copyright striked unless its an official channel.
>>403 [Play]
>>407 [Play]
Anonymous Wed 20/11/2024 8:37:11 PM 3 months ago No. 416
what if you photoshop a cats face on maruko
Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 4:43:59 PM 2 months ago No. 423
would there be any objections to 22chan caffine race being uploaded?
Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 8:33:29 PM 2 months ago No. 424
>>423 [Play]

Anonymous Mon 17/06/2024 3:46:19 AM 8 months ago No. 324
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This /meta/ thread is dedicated to the discussion of the creation of new threads, which would potentially serve as a kind of replacement to the previous "ideas" thread >>>/b/2003.
Many posts outline good thread ideas in detail, but due to laziness or other factors, they never lead to the actual creation of those said threads by the users. So this thread aims to potentially turn those ideas into collaborative efforts instead.
Share any of your potential thread ideas here, whether you plan to create them yourself, seek input from others, or believe someone else could execute them better. Others are encouraged to refine and improve each idea, including suggestions for thread starter images, correcting spelling errors, thread structure, and more.
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Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 12:18:45 PM 4 months ago No. 373
ah, i see. i didn't know 22chan had more themes. its pretty comfy while still being spooky themed.
Anonymous Thu 31/10/2024 3:03:47 PM 3 months ago
(edited 0x)
No. 386
If anyone’s up for making this thread or I'm gonna save it for later, I was thinking it’d be interesting to have a dedicated thread to talk about creating our own ASCII art characters, and I’m not just talking about a place to throw out random AA creations (that could be its own thread), but more of a space to go deep into the process of building and developing these characters. On some AA boards on 2channel, they’d spend months or even years refining an AA character until it had a consistent look and well-defined personality. We could also talk about the software out there for creating AA and specific rules to follow. The preview feature here can be tricky since you’re constantly adjusting to get things lined up, but I know there’s Japanese software that makes it a lot easier and some even let you use a transparent image as a background to trace AA from.
Here are some external resources that could help with making this thread (these websites lead to other websites essentially.):
Anonymous Tue 05/11/2024 7:35:53 PM 3 months ago No. 388
i wanted to make a thread. it's about two things, Imageboards, and Anonymous. the goal isn't to sound masturbatory or nostalgafag, it's to examine the deep roots of the subjects at hand if that makes sense, the culture therein, history and literature that had influenced anonymous (not the faggy hackers) the psychology of anonymous imageboard users, even fucking music if it can somehow be related. some pagan folklore comes to mind and i was thinking about catcher in the rye and how holden's "phonies" relate to "normalfags"
i'm thinking of the origins of the imageboard with the japanese underbelly and how later it was normalised in a sense so people could talk shit about their bosses without getting their asses fired, discuss hobbies, bicker about koreans and also come together during natual disasters and such.
part of my problem is HOW THE FUCK do i even start creating the thread in the first place.
Anonymous Mon 02/12/2024 9:45:29 PM 2 months ago No. 420
A thread where people can link to posts on 22chan that they would recommend for newcomers or just users in general to read or consume. There are a lot of really interesting posts randomly scattered around everywhere it would be nice to compile them in some place so they are not lost to the bump order.
Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 10:30:27 PM 2 months ago No. 422
I was thinking of making a thread on /a/ in which if you spot a cat in an anime or manga, you post a screenshot. people can guess the genre and story of the anime based on how the caf is drawn. a more cartoony cat might mean comedy, a realistic cat might mean serious stuff, and so on.
i re-read threads on the regular even if i don't post on them so i can see how this can work in general like that dark souls 3 thread with the story that guy wrote.

Newcomers & Regulars: Impression of 22chan Anonymous Thu 07/11/2024 5:48:33 AM 3 months ago No. 399
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While we’ve had discussions on how to increase activity, I want to take a step back and simply ask what you think of 22chan, whether you’ve just arrived or have been part of the community for a while.

How did you find out about 22chan?
What were your first thoughts as you explored the site?
What do you enjoy or hate most about 22chan so far?
Are there features, threads, aspects of site culture, or parts of the site that stand out?
(For instance, is there anything that’s made you feel hesitant to participate, or anything you find especially welcoming?)
For those who’ve been here longer, what keeps you coming back?
Anonymous Fri 08/11/2024 3:28:09 AM 3 months ago No. 401
>How did you find out about 22chan?
Sometime a while ago, in a different altchan that doesn't exist anymore.
>What were your first thoughts as you explored the site?
I appreciated the quality. It seemed like a small, good, pure place. I found it boring at the time, however.
>What do you enjoy or hate most about 22chan so far?
I don't have much to hate about 22chan other than how dead it is. My favorite part is the fact that it's a small, insular community that cares about itself a lot.
>Are there features, threads, aspects of site culture, or parts of the site that stand out?
The sheer amount of fun, interesting, and quality of life changes made to the traditional *chan format is astounding. The inclusion of the IME Pad and Tegaki are some of my favorites.
However I admit that making posts here can be daunting at times, because it's a site and community that deserves real communication. For people who want to randomly shitpost, they should go to 4chan.
>For those who’ve been here longer, what keeps you coming back?
If I had to be honest, part of it is the lack of any other quality altchans around. If any serious competition comes around, even if the posts aren't as high quality, I'd worry about the health of the community. Something about the people who post here is very... suffocating, and this space has a very "professional" and 'well dressed' feeling to it that isn't as conducive to a huge number of posts. It simply cannot be both a highly active yet high quality chan.
Anonymous Fri 08/11/2024 3:26:13 PM 3 months ago No. 402
Anonymous Wed 04/12/2024 9:55:59 PM 2 months ago No. 421
I don't understand this because there are plenty of threads to prove otherwise, >>>cre8/76/ is this suffocating? or this? >>>/b/31/

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