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22chan Youtube Channel Anonymous Sun 27/10/2024 4:10:21 AM 5 months ago
(edited 2x)
  • Oct. 27, 2024, 4:17 a.m.
  • Oct. 27, 2024, 4:19 a.m.
  • No. 380
    (56.68 KB 500x500 )
    Some users have suggested that 22chan start its own YouTube channel to help attract new users by showcasing the OC created by our community. The idea is to upload videos that originated on 22chan and include a link to the original post in the description. However, this raises a few important questions:

    What qualifies as "content made for 22chan"?
    Should only content specifically created for 22chan be uploaded? For instance, in the case of content like the MAD video translations in >>>/a/389/, these videos are derivative works and may already exist elsewhere unlike >>>/sewers/1314/ which is clearly made for 22chan. Should they still be considered for upload? I personally think this would attract people from specific niches.
    Who decides what gets uploaded?
    Should the decision rest with the entire 22chan community, or should we leave it to the original creators of said content to submit videos they think is suitable for the channel?
    (I'll re-edit this post with the answered questions once we figure this out.)

    The channel will be located at
    To submit a new video for the channel, please quote the specific post where the content was originally shared on the site and include a title. Avoid uploading the actual OC directly to this thread unless it's a higher-quality version or has been updated in some way. Generally, the content should originate from other parts of the website and not be created specifically for this thread.
    If anyone would like to contribute by creating an avatar for the channel, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Also, if you think this idea might not be beneficial for 22chan or could have a negative impact, please let us know your reasoning! Honest discussion is what helps us make the best choices for the community.
    Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 2:17:34 PM 5 months ago No. 382
    Good idea, but how make this work? Think, we are need the youtube algoritm do a thing for us.
    Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 4:56:08 PM 5 months ago No. 384
    >Should only content specifically created for 22chan be uploaded?
    I think it would work to have other content too, although if they are from like nico video shouldn't the link to the original video be in the discription if that is the case?
    >Who decides what gets uploaded?
    I think of someone suggests something, and the original creator or someone doesn't like it up there then i think it would be wise to agree.
    >Also, if you think this idea might not be beneficial for 22chan or could have a negative impact, please let us know your reasoning!
    Something that came to mind recently is a problem of youtube affecting ways a person may post. It was discussed on /x/ with shitty channels like nexpo or say, midnight broadcast (internet historian, ect) who would host content from the board like threads and the like which would in turn influence new posters to make posts that would attact attention enough to be featured on the youtube channel. people would write clearly fake, hack stories instead of actually talking with other anons.
    I think this is where it would be stressed this isn't the OFFICAL 22CHAN™ YOUTUBE™ channel and to add suggested content here at random might help.
    I understand what you are saying but do you have a problem with the english language?
    What he's saying is: How can we make this youtube thing work out, and We can use the youtube algorithm to attract the most attention.
    Personally i don't know about this because it might mean making shitty clickbait vids to attract attention which is jewish. I guess if you can somehow add meta-tags to videos and adding revelant tags so when someone searches for "imageboard" or "m@d" whatever revelant videos would pop up but i personally don't exactly how the system works and if that's a thing we can do.
    Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 6:39:03 PM 5 months ago No. 385
    The >>382 here, sorry for the bad or weird language, i am not a native speaker. And i like your idea about videos tags, a good tags for the op use are "imageboard", "Anonymous post", "Anon IB".
    Anonymous Sat 09/11/2024 6:11:11 PM 4 months ago No. 403
    the 2nd video here.
    you could title it something like: NEET GENERATION ('A`) ニートのうた ('A`) [English Subbed V2]
    Anonymous Sun 17/11/2024 12:55:48 AM 4 months ago No. 404
    I don't see any indication that the video was created as OC for 22chan or am I blind...?
    I guess the highlight reels posted in the worms thread could fit on there as well, but I have no idea how we would title them? >>>/vg/38/#940
    >>>/vg/38/#870 >>>/vg/38/#816 >>>/vg/38/#660 >>>/vg/38/#497 >>>/vg/38/#457 >>>/vg/38/#413 >>>/vg/38/#378 >>>/vg/38/#355
    Also do we maybe disable the comments on the videos since it's anonymous and shit?
    Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 1:23:34 AM 4 months ago No. 406
    I just remembered this one. I feel like maybe i should browse /up/ for stuff because i SWEAR i remember seeing more oc vids somewhere but my mind is blank.
    Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 9:11:47 AM 4 months ago No. 407
    Well, I originally uploaded it to Youtube until for some reason it was taken down for spam so I'm pretty sure that's the only available copy of that video on the internet. This could also be an entire topic on its own for how easy it is today to get your channel taken down for basically nothing.
    Also you can probably upload this one too >>>/b/2296/#2296 and name it something like:【オワタP】 Owacon Douga feat. OwataP 【English Subs】
    and in the description maybe link the original video: [Play] [Play]
    Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 9:16:36 AM 4 months ago No. 408
    maybe also include Nico Nico Douga, Yowane Haku and Akita Neru's name somewhere as well since those are terms looked up frequently I imagine.
    Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 9:26:38 AM 4 months ago No. 409
    Any ideas for the video title?
    Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 7:00:42 PM 4 months ago No. 413
    The original title for the video was "CMTown22" The song used was called "Kal10" or "Music your cat can dance to"
    The clip used was from episode 121 of chibi maruko-chan, which is titled "Maruko's Solo Trip" Deepl translated it to "Maruko: A Solo Journey of Fureai" which sounds incorrect.

    My idea for a title? "Maruko's trip to 22town"
    Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 11:25:34 PM 4 months ago No. 414
    This one won't work since anything Chibi Maruko-chan related on Youtube pretty much gets copyright striked unless its an official channel.
    >>403 [Play]
    >>407 [Play]
    Anonymous Wed 20/11/2024 8:37:11 PM 4 months ago No. 416
    what if you photoshop a cats face on maruko
    Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 4:43:59 PM 3 months ago No. 423
    would there be any objections to 22chan caffine race being uploaded?
    Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 8:33:29 PM 3 months ago No. 424
    >>423 [Play]
    𝄞 𝄡 𝄢 𝄖 𝄗 ( ) $ ¥ £ ¢ ω Д ´ @ _ + × ÷ = π
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