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/v/ Review Thread Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 4:07:59 PM 2 years ago No. 3
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This is a thread for anons to post reviews on games they've played. This is a continuation of the previous 22chan's Review Thread.
>What have anons been playing recently?
>What do you think about it?
>What is your favorite/ least favorite game?

I do not have any archives of the previous Review-anon's posts and lengthy reviews. If somebody does, please share
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Anonymous Mon 17/02/2025 6:39:24 AM 19 days ago No. 1151
Did you really pay for a new copy or something?
Anonymous Mon 17/02/2025 6:43:02 AM 19 days ago No. 1152
Currently playing Manor Lords again ever since the Early Access release and I was already mad back then that the game lacked basic features such as another AI player on the map and honest to god with the most recent update I think it's the exact same release that I played a year ago. There's absolutely fucking nothing new and it all still SUCKS BALLS.
Anonymous Mon 17/02/2025 6:43:06 AM 19 days ago No. 1153
Another fucking frustrating thing is the handholding and literal 20 minute tutorial, and i wanted to activate survival mode but for whatever reason it's not popping up in the settings so i'm hoping to see if after the handholding is over i'll actually get access to the fucking settings.
Anonymous Mon 17/02/2025 6:44:26 AM 19 days ago No. 1154
5 bucks for a ps4 copy lol
Anonymous Sun 02/03/2025 2:11:05 PM 6 days ago No. 1157
The capcom fighting collection is actually pretty fucking good, part of my problem as usual is,just the typical "skill issues" but the games are really fun.
Cyberbots has a fun story, visuals and gameplay and not only are there sperate characters with diffrent storylines, but several diffrent mechs to choose from, and diffrent usages per mech, if i had issues against a boss, then changing out to a diffrent mech with a diffrent skillset and fighting style might give me the edge i need.
Red earth is outstanding too, has some cool features like "leveling up" and getting buffs against attacks kinda like a fusion of an RPG and a fighting game. You also get special endings based on stuff you did and i ended up getting the bad ending lol.
Played a bit of darkstalkers, i love the characters and OST.
Still pretty dogshit at streetfighters lol, even at the most easiest difficulty, the good thing is that there's a "training mode" so maybe if i work hard enough i can break through just panic buttonmashing to win.

Defeating the Backlog Together Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 5:06:49 AM 2 years ago No. 166
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Over the last few years, my video game backlog has become bigger and bigger to the point that I don't know if I'll ever run out of games to play. People of working age seem to experience more game backlogs for a variety of reasons. In this thread, we will document our progress in whatever game we are playing. In this thread, we will be encouraged to finish games that we have already started. Your updates don't have to be much just do them to encourage yourself. I'll start. Recently I've started the Square Enix RPG Live a Live. Initially, I chose to play as a ninja character. I like fighting everyone I can. Usually, I poison the character and allow the enemy to die from a distance. The campaign has more to offer, but so far it's been fun.
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Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 3:43:45 AM 1 month ago No. 1140
Think i'm going to try to beat morrowind again. It's been a year but i don't want to remake my save since it was a pain in the ass to get to the point where i left off. Good stats, gear, and the fact i turned myself into god. What i'll do is watch a few lore vids online and i'll re-read my journal and any in game texts to catch up on the lore. I just finished a few little quests, one of which was finding some poor dudes dead drop where he hid his stash so i stole from the poor son of a bitch and gave whatever to some merc, the other was catching up to the mages guild in balmora for which again i have to stab some poor fucker in the back so the questgiver can climb up the beurocratic ladder, Man i love the mage guild. Also it was funny because i slept to recharge my mana and when i woke up, i got attacked by some assassin so i dropped a tactical nuke on his ass and got free gear, walked over to a guard to figure out what the fuck happened so now i have to talk to some imperal guy to learn more about the dark brotherhood, i think this questline is supposed to be fun. I hate how every character talks like a wikipedia page for the most part but atleast there's some original dialoge then and there, and i'm fast as fuck, and i have a decent levitate spell so i think it makes the game a bit more bearable.
Anonymous Sat 08/02/2025 4:47:40 AM 28 days ago No. 1146
On Dragon Quest 11, I was stuck on the boss battle with evil Jade and Bongo. The ability that drains MP and brainwashes my team is destroying me. There must be an item that counteracts this boss. Regardless I am going to grind a bit more and look at a walkthrough to not remain stuck.
Anonymous Sun 09/02/2025 5:08:01 AM 27 days ago No. 1147
I ended up beating Bongo. It was such a frustrating boss. Hopefully the game gets easier like that anon said in the dragon quest game.
Anonymous Tue 11/02/2025 4:31:07 AM 25 days ago No. 1148
I fought the big fish and found out more about Erik today. Erik having a sister who was turned into gold is interesting. I figured Erik would never have had a fall from grace.
Anonymous Tue 25/02/2025 6:04:24 AM 11 days ago No. 1156
I got to the point where I reunited with the normal Blonde mage. The lore about her was cool because before she was more of a background if anything. I am glad to have her back in my party because she is the best healer.

Video Game MADs Anonymous Mon 03/02/2025 8:50:15 PM 1 month ago No. 1141
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For posting and discussing MADs featuring video games which also includes Gunsync since >>>/cre8/21/ was repurposed for creating (it's a mix of both anyways).
Similarly to the Anime MAD thread >>>/a/389/#389 please don't post any YTPMV Cover-styled MADs(原曲不使用)although in this case I guess it doesn't really matter who made it as long as it's good.
There were a few Dead Space MADs already uploaded to some threads which gives you kind of an idea of what's possible to find underゲーム%20MAD it's pretty common for you to see MADs of Japanese video games but pretty rare for western ones unless there's some kind of meme about it.
This Detroit Become Human 音MAD by miyota as an example was started because of the scene in Detroit Become Human in the Japanese dub where apparently Connor screams "Open up! Detroit Police!" and the VA didn't know whether the scene was taking place inside or outside so this quiet scene turned funny with that context: [Play] but I think it's the only decent MAD that uses more than that material from the game and also trailers. Has to be probably one of my favorite ones now and shows the kind of potential there is with this stuff.
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Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 12:46:48 AM 1 month ago No. 1142 [Play] - [OP] CoD:Bo What I Can Do (Strike Witches) [Play] [COD:MW2]GO!GO!MacTavish![K-ON!]

There's honestly something very magical with that Strike witches video. It's working too well.
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 7:47:12 AM 1 month ago No. 1143 [Play] - 【CoD:MW2】 Judgment CoD 【音MAD】 [Play] - MW2 Buchika: Quadruple Magazines and American Soldiers [Play] - 【CoD: MW2】 Star-M4 Carby - Call of Deluxe 【Sky High】 [Play] - Night of Duty 4
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 7:50:07 AM 1 month ago No. 1144 [Play] - COD4 COD4イム [Play] - U.S. Marines Were The Strongest? Final Brutal Landmine Claymore x2 [Play] - Makarov's Perfect Espionage Classroom [Play] - 【音ゲーMAD】マイムマイム×CoD:MW3

I wish the last one had a video since the audio is nice.
Also I really find it funny whenever there is multiplayer gameplay shown you have to wonder how they even got the people together to make a MAD.
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 8:07:55 AM 1 month ago No. 1145 [Play] - 【音MAD】Postal 2 Aka-Neck Cannibal!! [Ojamajo Carnival!!] [Play] - 【音MAD】 Milk Milk Postal 2 【マイムマイム】 [Play] -【音MAD】Native Faith with Postal 2 [Play] -【音MAD】Postal Dude's Gourmet Race

I remember searching it up out of pure curiosity and honestly imagine my shock that there was one guy making these. He's even using footage from the Postal movie LOL.
His steam review on Postal 2:
>A grotesquely gory, buggy, fetch-quest crime dismemberment game.
Anonymous Sun 16/02/2025 6:36:03 AM 20 days ago No. 1149
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I like how fitting the song lyrics are.

Dead Space Thread Anonymous Thu 28/09/2023 5:25:34 AM 1 year ago No. 610
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This thread is for the videogame series dead space and dead space related media.
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Anonymous Sat 30/11/2024 2:16:28 PM 3 months ago No. 1091
Just so I don't forget next time how I did it here's a way to extract dead space 1/2 audio files.
1. git clone
2. cd Gibbed.Visceral
3. git submodule update --init --recursive
4. Download Visual Studio: If you don't have a Windows account, get it from here:
5. During installation, select .NET desktop development
6. Open Visual Studio and load the folder/project where Gibbed.Visceral.sln is located.
7. Select the recommended method to run the project with the latest .NET Framework.
8. Go to Build -> Build Solution. (If it says 0 failed, the build was successful.)
9. Near the Start button, select Gibbed.Visceral.BigViewer from the dropdown menu then hit the Start button to run.
10. Open -> select any .DAT file from your Dead Space game directory.
11. Look for a folder named audiostreams: Right-click it and select Save to extract the folder. (There could be audiostream folders in multiple .DAT files)
12. Download VGMStream to convert .snu files to .wav:
13. Use this Python script to convert .snu to .wav:
import os
import subprocess

root_dir = r"\audiostreams" # The folder containing .snu files
vgmstream_dir = r"\vgmstream-win64" # Path to VGMStream directory containing `vgmstream-cli.exe`
output_dir = os.path.join(vgmstream_dir, "output")

if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".snu"):
input_file = os.path.join(root, file)
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{os.path.splitext(file)[0]}.wav")

command = [
os.path.join(vgmstream_dir, "vgmstream-cli.exe"),
"-o", output_file,

print(f"Converting: {file} -> {output_file}"), shell=True)

print(f"All conversions completed. WAV files are in: {output_dir}")
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:39:02 AM 2 months ago No. 1112
You know, dispite all the extra bullshit i got from the dlc, and having my rig, stasis, and two weapons maxed out, it doesn't make the current (and i think) final chapter any less difficult. Maybe it's because i'm retarded because i always try finding chokepoints or finding killboxes instead of running around or something.
>Y-you compromised the compound, you... idiot! If any of them reach the Marker... Fall back! Fall back to the Marker chamber! We have to seal it off!
lol gg faggit, sounds like a fukkin skill issue
I thought it was kind of funny when issac moonwalked through the fucking bathroom and went to the lobby with the single powercell that powered off literally everything including the barricade and unleashed all the fucking necromorphs like who the actual fuck designed that? To be fair that's the government in a nutshell so i can't suspend my belief.
Anonymous Thu 30/01/2025 12:33:21 AM 1 month ago No. 1137
So that's it, i finally beat dead space 3. When chapter 14 starts you have to deal with the "ubermorph" and the only advice i can say is to chop off all his limbs, freeze the fucker and fucking RUN. (if you fully upgraded your stasis, that gives you 10 seconds, not ideal but still exploitable) I had my suit fully upgraded, and my two weapons and it was a pain in the ass until i realised nothing mattered anymore. Literally just skip all the enemies unless you have no choice but to shoot a nigger and just fucking book it. Also if you still have money left buy the shit you really need, ammo, health, and nodes are the most important.

My thoughts? A total reverse of dead space 1's ending, kind of nice. Too bad dead space 3 exists, i own it but i kinda don't want to play it. I kimda want to check out the severed DLC but at the same time i have other games to play and it took me too long to beat dead space 2 lol.
Anonymous Thu 30/01/2025 3:20:37 AM 1 month ago No. 1138
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So did you beat dead space 3 or dead space 2? Also severed DLC is only available on console and takes place in between the first few chapters of dead space 2 iirc.
I think dead space 3 was the first game from the series that I actually finished because it was nowhere scary as the first two games and I really can't handle actual scary games.

I finally watched that piece of shit called dead space aftermath and I think the part about Strauss has to be one of my most favorite dead space media. I love the representation of how he's slowly driven insane by the marker to kill his own wife and daughter that by the end of it he doesn't even know that he's done it. It's also like the only media apart from the dead space comics where the technicalities behind the marker is somewhat explained(?) [Play] [Play]
Anonymous Thu 30/01/2025 5:12:16 AM 1 month ago No. 1139
I meant to type "i finally beat dead space 2"

minecraft servers Anonymous Tue 21/01/2025 5:11:50 AM 1 month ago No. 1130
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join my minecraft server frends
1.21.4 vanilla no-hack anarchy, works on java and bedrock.
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Anonymous Tue 21/01/2025 5:39:26 PM 1 month ago No. 1132
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No hacked clients?
Anonymous Tue 21/01/2025 10:54:41 PM 1 month ago No. 1133
*cracked clients. Not my fault they rhyme.
Anonymous Thu 23/01/2025 9:44:38 AM 1 month ago No. 1136
I hope more people find your Minecraft server and enjoy playing on it.

Minecraft Anonymous Sat 18/03/2023 5:08:05 PM 1 year ago No. 255
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I was trying out Comes alive for 1.7.10 and I stumbled upon guards being awake and in bed at the same time while they move around at night. I don't know the exact reason for this since last time I tried this mod was years ago on 1.6.4 and it didn't do this, even with a ton of other mods installed at the same time.
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Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 4:58:18 AM 2 months ago No. 1114
No, I have not. What was his justification for a second game?
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 5:01:02 AM 2 months ago No. 1115
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 5:47:31 AM 2 months ago No. 1116
It seems like Notch would like to make a game in general, so it may not be Minecraft per se, but if he manages to make something like Minecraft in this day and, age I'd be amazed.
Anonymous Wed 22/01/2025 7:39:41 PM 1 month ago No. 1134
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1.7.10 has the best and most comfiest mods. Millenaire, Witchery, Minefantasy2, and the LOTR mod are all great, I don't need anything else. I thought about learning Java just to make more mods for 1.7.10 and fix up mods I already like.
Anonymous Thu 23/01/2025 2:25:52 AM 1 month ago No. 1135
I like the Create mod. Factories are such lovely things to build and there are some really powerful options for building like the hose pulley, Wand of Symmetry, and jetpacks (from an addon)
He better stop calling it Minecraft 2 if he wants the game to be good. I know he was working on a voxel-based fps set in space that eventually turned into Minecraft, maybe it'll be something to do with that idea

Childhoods End/Nostagia Anonymous Fri 26/05/2023 12:53:30 PM 1 year ago No. 366
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This thread is the type of nostalgia thread about gaming, gaming culture, and so on, and finally, a discussion on the final game you played when your childhood was over/ the last game you played when you decided to quit gaming. The last game I have vivid memories about is Punch Club. This game had elements of a beat 'em-up along with aspects of management. What drew me to the game was the setting. I remember fighting the teenage mutant ninja turtles. It was a hard fight, but I ended up pulling through. I'd recommend Punch Club, and the second game seems to be coming up this year.
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Anonymous Sat 02/09/2023 7:23:13 AM 1 year ago No. 506
Spyro the dragon is something else. I might be biased because i grew up with games that had shitty low poly graphics but even now it looks, plays and sounds good. I remember playing spyro when i was 5 at a friends house and the crash bandicoot racing game. But spyro still hits me like a ton of bricks when ever i remember it. I was playing spyro remastered recently and its great don't get me wrong, it doesn't beat the original.
Anonymous Tue 14/01/2025 3:42:15 PM 1 month ago No. 1126
Playing games on the bionicle website was fun, two of the games gave you FREE music like from paramore, and a dutch band called cryoshell, the ones i'm most nostalgic for was the mata nui online games, the music for one thing was incredible, the visuals was nice because you can finally see what it looked like in the books, and i love the gameplay, classic point and click with fun minigames. I remember one that was basically soccer and it was fun as heck.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 4:19:40 AM 1 month ago No. 1127
One sad thing to see was they stopped selling Bionicles. I remember my family looking for bionicles and finding out they were discontinued at Legoworld.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 6:04:35 AM 1 month ago No. 1129
It was a sad day indeed. Especially since they rapidly ended the story and the figures got downgraded, and lacked articulation. Terrible sendoff if you asked me.

Dragon Quest Anonymous Wed 04/12/2024 5:45:46 AM 3 months ago No. 1099
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The reason why this thread isn't titled after the game i'm currently playing, is because i would like to know if there are other titles in the series that are good. Lets discuss dragon quest, what you like, the stories, and more!
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Anonymous Thu 02/01/2025 10:48:05 PM 2 months ago No. 1110
I am currently in the second act of Dragon Quest 11, and going back and forth throughout the world map to relocate party members has been a pain in the neck. Since the bad guy of the game has shown himself, some areas are blocked off, and I simply have to find ways around these barriers. This seems to be the more difficult part of the game. The game is fun still, but I am in the current part of the game where it is more tedious.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:49:51 AM 2 months ago No. 1111
something i don't understand about dragon quest 9 is the price of goods, like holy shit why is everything overpriced? there's no way in hell i can catch up unless i grind for an hour to generate the cash to buy my crew the latest gear.
how is the story of dragon quest 11? 9 so far is actually working out well, all of the little stories pack an emotional punch for me, recently there was one about a living doll amd a giant spider and it was pretty tragic of a story.
Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 6:25:05 AM 1 month ago No. 1122
I don't understand why i'm so stupid. So there's this place called swinedimples and i got my ass kicked by the boss and i was wondering why the game is so fucking hard, because i thougt it was an easier boss in my memory, so i looked at a guide and he's supposed to be like level 36 meanwhile i'm level 25 and to make matters worse i missed the area i was supposed to find before swinedimples with an easier boss, Batsureg. I don't even know how to reach that place? I feel like zoro from one piece i'm so fucking lost lol.
Anonymous Mon 13/01/2025 6:02:18 AM 1 month ago No. 1124
After going through the proper order the swinedimple boss was actually a cakewalk, even though i didn'g level up too much in the prosess. Batsureg also worked out because the ranger class is a glass cannon so you you are stuck with basic bitch gear till late game, and that place also had real ranger gear. Early on the only place that had gear you can use was at port laffian and by that time your level 10 so basically your stuck with level 10 gear untill you reach level 30. The vanish ability is nice during a boss battle because i basically can snipe, and i have the bonus of all the cool ranger spells and buffs to use in battle, and it made time fly faster then the previous time i played dragon quest as a martial artist.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 6:01:11 AM 1 month ago No. 1128
The cockney slang in dragon quest nine is starting to piss me off. I think it's the localization, but it's just grating to read because sometimes it becomes gibberish like some parts of dark souls, like when you meet the talking cat.
Also it's weird that at first a boss battle is fucking hard but after the second try it ends up being a cakewalk? The hog guy whos name i forgot wiped out my team one by one on the first try and after painfully griding for an hour to reach level 32 i go back and the battle was fine? I think i used the same strategy of vanishing then buffing the shit out of my team mates, so i don't understand what changed at all.
Also i like the fake out where you get power ranger armor and you think your gonna do a cool boss battle and watch a killer animation sequence only to get arrested seconds later.

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