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/vg/ - Video Games
Video Game MADs Anonymous Mon 03/02/2025 8:50:15 PM 1 month ago No. 1141
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For posting and discussing MADs featuring video games which also includes Gunsync since >>>/cre8/21/ was repurposed for creating (it's a mix of both anyways).
Similarly to the Anime MAD thread >>>/a/389/#389 please don't post any YTPMV Cover-styled MADs(原曲不使用)although in this case I guess it doesn't really matter who made it as long as it's good.
There were a few Dead Space MADs already uploaded to some threads which gives you kind of an idea of what's possible to find underゲーム%20MAD it's pretty common for you to see MADs of Japanese video games but pretty rare for western ones unless there's some kind of meme about it.
This Detroit Become Human 音MAD by miyota as an example was started because of the scene in Detroit Become Human in the Japanese dub where apparently Connor screams "Open up! Detroit Police!" and the VA didn't know whether the scene was taking place inside or outside so this quiet scene turned funny with that context: [Play] but I think it's the only decent MAD that uses more than that material from the game and also trailers. Has to be probably one of my favorite ones now and shows the kind of potential there is with this stuff.
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 12:46:48 AM 1 month ago No. 1142 [Play] - [OP] CoD:Bo What I Can Do (Strike Witches) [Play] [COD:MW2]GO!GO!MacTavish![K-ON!]

There's honestly something very magical with that Strike witches video. It's working too well.
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 7:47:12 AM 1 month ago No. 1143 [Play] - 【CoD:MW2】 Judgment CoD 【音MAD】 [Play] - MW2 Buchika: Quadruple Magazines and American Soldiers [Play] - 【CoD: MW2】 Star-M4 Carby - Call of Deluxe 【Sky High】 [Play] - Night of Duty 4
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 7:50:07 AM 1 month ago No. 1144 [Play] - COD4 COD4イム [Play] - U.S. Marines Were The Strongest? Final Brutal Landmine Claymore x2 [Play] - Makarov's Perfect Espionage Classroom [Play] - 【音ゲーMAD】マイムマイム×CoD:MW3

I wish the last one had a video since the audio is nice.
Also I really find it funny whenever there is multiplayer gameplay shown you have to wonder how they even got the people together to make a MAD.
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 8:07:55 AM 1 month ago No. 1145 [Play] - 【音MAD】Postal 2 Aka-Neck Cannibal!! [Ojamajo Carnival!!] [Play] - 【音MAD】 Milk Milk Postal 2 【マイムマイム】 [Play] -【音MAD】Native Faith with Postal 2 [Play] -【音MAD】Postal Dude's Gourmet Race

I remember searching it up out of pure curiosity and honestly imagine my shock that there was one guy making these. He's even using footage from the Postal movie LOL.
His steam review on Postal 2:
>A grotesquely gory, buggy, fetch-quest crime dismemberment game.
Anonymous Sun 16/02/2025 6:36:03 AM 21 days ago No. 1149
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I like how fitting the song lyrics are.
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