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TRIGUN Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 5:28:36 AM 3 months ago No. 543
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This thread is for the anime and manga trigun.
We had a thread on old 22 and i think we should have another one. I missed out on the old /mmc/ watch and review, Recently i was reminded of the anime so i'm personally going to check it out. I don't care about spoilers so talk freely on what you enjoy about the story, art and any trivia or fun facts you know.
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Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 1:13:46 PM 2 months ago No. 555
I've already shared my opinion that the earliest episodes of Trigun are some of the weakest and the show would objectively be better off if you cut the first two or so out, but I think that episode 3 is genuinely good and episode 4 is a direct 1:1 adaptation of something that happens in the manga. The problem is that episodes 3 and 4 don't really have a good place in the plot nor' do they have any significance to later characters so they're best suited for the beginning, but neither of those episodes nor' episode 5 are really good for getting the proper gist of the characters.

When the manga opened with the events of episode 5 I was somewhat confused because things were extremely hastily explained and it felt like the author was trying to rush things, which is my biggest problem with the manga in general: the paneling is awful and it makes the events feel too fast, and it makes it too hard to understand what's happening.

I just finished Maximum 33 of the manga series, and while I'm certainly enjoying the experience a lot, I simply cannot understand what is happening or what the author is trying to convey in half of the panels. I LOVE the art style, and the page spreads are absolutely breathtaking, but in average fashion I simply cannot grasp what things are supposed to be. Not only that, but the vagueness of dialogue boxes and who's speaking them (speech bubbles not having directions pointing to whomever is speaking, or extremely vague arrows), as well as the fact that the manga switches between the past, future, present, dream sequences and schizo moments extremely quickly and on a very regular basis.

(Spoilers for the manga on this section)
There was a whole sequence in which the Hornfreak uses his frequencies to blow up something that was in the sky during a big villain moment. Apparently this was a betrayal of one of the Gung-Ho Guns, but nowhere in any previous panels or chapters did I see one of the Guns using some kind of flying machine? Zazie the Beast was using bugs to spy on people previously, and it was implied and somewhat shown that he was controlling a Sandworm off in the background, but the Sandworm doesn't fly and it's very clearly something artificial that Hornfreak destroyed.
So... what was it? I don't know. I've reread the section and examined all of the panels and as far as I can tell he just blows up... "something" that affects Zazie, and counts as a serious betrayal.

Maybe I'm just going insane, but it's a really cool and badass moment that was wasted because I just cannot understand what is happening half of the time.

Characters like Wolfwood just kind of show up and the fact that he's suspicious and mysterious is literally shoved in your face the same fucking book you meet him in, which really dampens a lot of his cool scenes and moments later because the fact that he is suspicious isn't treated like something the reader should wonder about. There's no hints or foreshadowing, there's no clues to find or questions to answer-- it just sort of happens.
The same could be said for a LOT of the mysteries that the anime presents. It's more straightforward, but I like being able to wonder and ask questions about the media I'm consuming as I'm consuming it. The manga showing you all of its cards the second it gets them isn't good writing.

This means that moments lose impact, lines lose weight, scenes become somewhat empty. It becomes too easy to sort of glaze over the blur of movement lines and random incoherent shapes and objects during some sort of fight scene and lose track of what's actually happening. It's a flaw of the paneling and the sheer detail in extremely small panels, as well as the fact that it's in black-and-white and when everything becomes wooshy motion lines, it gets hard to follow stuff.

All of this paired with the already breakneck pace of the manga makes it so that there's no real intrigue or mystery or anything of the sort. Sure, I can't tell what's happening, but not in the good way. This is something that the anime fixes for the most part, as the fact that there are episodes that serve to worldbuild and expand on character traits, backstories, etc. means that it's a lot easier to follow the story when things start to get really thick.
Is the manga bad? Absolutely not, and I think it has a really healthy relationship with the show, as they both have reasons to watch/ read them separately, as well as part of the same "franchise" so-to-speak. The manga is certainly more in-depth and is hugely more mature, gory, and vicious, but it's hard to follow a lot of the time and I think there are a lot of things that the anime does better, narrative-wise.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 1:22:36 PM 2 months ago No. 556
To expand on my thoughts about the Nebraska fight, I believe it's hugely improved by having a good amount of buildup in my eyes.
Up until that point in the show, a viewer could excuse the fact that Vash doesn't kill out of a purposeful choice that is a core character trait of his; it is a "kids show" after all. It played on television aimed at younger boys in Japan and is catering to that audience.
The viewer could also be excused for assuming that Vash was just going to be silly and stupid for the entire show as well. He's only serious a few times in episodes 3 and 4 and otherwise acts like a complete retard-- admittedly it's something I dislike about those episodes but it's an intentional misdirection. Vash himself is a very serious character but he pretends not to be in order to protect the people around him. Episode 5 makes it very clear that while he might be "happy-go-lucky", he takes his responsibilities and capabilities deathly seriously.

Alongside the fact that it's not made extremely clear until that moment that Vash refuses to kill on purpose, it's an extremely cool fight that shows just how deep and how ironclad his beliefs are.
Cool moments like that that put on display a character's true nature deserve some buildup, and I think that having an episode or two before that moment would have been perfectly serviceable. It gives the viewer time to really learn and understand the character dynamics in a deeper way than the manga offered. Even all the way to Maximum 34, where I'm at, the Insurance Girls don't feel AT ALL as developed here as they are in the manga. They're important yes, but they don't feel as personal nor' do they feel like they're part of the "main cast". Once again; it's a flaw of the pacing.

4 episodes before the Nebraska fight is too much in my opinion but I've already stated pretty clearly in my previous posts that only the first two are "questionable" in their quality. Episodes 3 and 4 are directly ripped from the manga and 99% of the second half of the show is also ripped from the manga as well. Different, random parts of it are changed but the primary concepts are kept intact.
Anonymous Thu 12/12/2024 6:14:42 AM 2 months ago No. 560
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I finished the manga last night. I'm sort of mixed on it. Expect a shitload of spoilers ahead so DON'T READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED BOTH THE SHOW AND THE MANGA.

I LOVE the art. I think the art rivals legendary mangas like Berserk on a regular basis. There's a shitload of Akira inspiration which means there's a lot of extremely high detail scenes of buildings getting destroyed and everything looks fucking amazing. I wish I took more screenshots because the sheer volume and quality of all of the two-page-spreads was fucking shocking and I want to show them off. The art alone is worth reading the manga, and it NEVER slows down or stops being good.
Unfortunately due to the extremely small panels this leads to a struggle to understand what's happening in certain scenes, and sometimes pages required a re-read from me because I just wasn't following the actions of the characters. Alongside that, the speech bubbles are oftentimes not pointed at any particular character which means that a lot of the time you have to use context clues to even have a chance to figure out who's speaking. Even then, sometimes I was just forced to guess because there was just dialog in bubbles and nothing else.
I feel like if the panels were bigger and the speech bubbles were handled better, the manga would be MUCH more readable. The lack of tails in particular made it a super bad chore to read at times.

The story is extremely good as well. I still feel like the anime handled the plot with much more grace and elegance, removing a lot of superfluous details and things that aren't exactly "necessary" to the experience while still maintaining the themes, messages, and core concepts of the plot. It ties everything together better, there's nothing stupid happening, nothing. It's nice, concise, and gets the job done.
However, the manga provides a much more "full" experience and includes a LOT of things and details that flesh out the characters and world much more. Despite that, I still consider them almost equal.

Wolfwood's arc is much more well done in the manga and I actually cried when he died, which is the first time ANY manga or comic has ever welled up any kind of emotion in me. I wasn't really a fan of Livio/ Razlo at first and I still think it's kind of... ehhhh in my eyes but I think that character was handled very well overall, and I liked how his story ended.

There's a lot of stuff in the manga that's kind of stupid. The whole "Wolfwood is actually several years younger than he appears to be" thing is kind of... meh? It's silly, unnecessary, and it doesn't fit his character in the slightest, but this plot point is used to such emotional effectiveness I can't help but feel like it deserves a pass.
Wolfwood and The Eyes of Michael all being basically superhuman teenagers that drink super-mega-ultra-giganigga-retard-powerful healing potions that make them so durable they can basically get shot as much as they want without dying is also fucking silly and retarded. It feels like some bullshit the author came up with to excuse Wolfwood getting the absolute shit rocked out of him in almost every fight and still surviving. I would have much preferred if the healing potions were something unique to Wolfwood, and that's what made him special in comparison to all of his peers.
I also think that the scene where Vash learns that Wolfwood is a Gung-Ho Gun was cut extremely short and it should have had more impact. It could have and should have been done in an extremely different order in order to bring more weight and context to Wolfwood's final scenes.
It's such a great idea for a perfectly good reveal that would be unfathomably amazing to read that felt like it was done as an "oh yeah there's this too" moment because the author literally forgot about it.

The biggest problem I have with the manga however is the ending; which was kind of a stinker all things considered. I don't like the "rest of humanity" showing up last second, because it feels like the stakes were just sort of fucked with for no reason, and the story wouldn't ACTUALLY be changed if that entire plot beat was removed entirely.
Not only that, but the asspull reveal that the rest of humanity has ALREADY SETTLED on other planets and that No Man's Land is just a backwater shithole that nobody really cares about made the whole experience just lame as shit. Not only that, but apparently Plants turning into basically normal people with magic powers is something that has already been extensively researched and figured out is ???????

Both of those things in combination with the setup of the ending being sort of stupid overall lead to a kind of weak baby fart experience that was only upheld by the sheer excitement and weight of Vash's personal ending. The stakes were fucking pummeled into the ground beyond comprehension when both of those things came to light and it almost retroactively ruined the entire manga for me-- fortunately it's extremely easy to ignore.

All of that being said, I still very much enjoyed the manga and it's going into my "recommend-to-everybody-I-meet" list but I think that the show is a much easier and more 'clean' viewing experience. Shit started to drag on at the end because the final battle is literally like two whole goddamn books which is kind of silly too.
Anonymous Thu 06/02/2025 5:21:00 AM 1 month ago No. 591
Started reading the manga because its faster to read something, and it's a pain in the ass to watch anime at an inconvenient time. Liked the opening of the manga a bit better, kinda more funny. Also some of the diffrence in art style tripped me up a tiny bit bit but it's all good.
Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 4:06:53 AM 15 days ago No. 593
I just finished trigun, I think i agree with the whole "hard to make sense of what's going on" in some of the action sequences, i like how everything got darker, and more bizarre as the series continued, i mean there's major changes made between trigun and maximum and it was pretty good. I wish i took more screenshots because most of the panels are actual art. There are so many cool sequences.

Meka Sun 25/02/2024 6:21:23 PM 1 year ago No. 380
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This thread is for the discussion of Mechs, Exoskeletons, and Giant Robots featured in Anime and Manga, This thread is more focused on the robots and not exactly the story about them so seperate threads is needed if you want to talk about that. Nothing wrong with discussing say, That cool moment when char kicked amuro's rx-78-2 in outer space or whatever. Even if the thing is a one off that appears in one panel don't be afraid to talk about it. Pic related is the Armored Shrike from Blue Gender, I think it's neat how the pilot is kind of positioned on the outside of the machine instead of sitting in an enclosure on the inside although to be honest if i had to kill giant bugs i'd rather be sitting on the inside where i'd not be exposed.
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Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 12:35:38 PM 5 months ago No. 483
It's a great idea. You just walk forward
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 9:08:14 PM 5 months ago No. 484
>>482 >>>/sewers/6 chicken in the year 2079
Anonymous Wed 02/10/2024 3:50:48 AM 5 months ago No. 485
I'd take it. It would be fun to roam the city in one of those but it seems unpractical in battle.
Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 6:07:33 PM 5 months ago No. 496
i like the way mobile suits are piloted in g fighter gundam, i feel likd its more practical and realistic vs the regular series with a sitting pilot.
the fighting and moves for a mech in the regular gundam series would have to be pre generated like a video game, even then i 'm sure it would be prone to error due to how complicated the human body and movement is. doan atleast exploited the controls so he can do unarmed combat which is quite noteworthy. with g fighter, it has haptic feedback so one can actually move and feel when the mech get damaged, the limits are on how the mech is made and the combat ability and training of the pilot.
Anonymous Thu 06/02/2025 5:23:36 AM 1 month ago No. 592
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The ms-09 dom is cool.

22Chan's Recommended Anime and Manga Anonymous Sun 09/04/2023 8:32:48 PM 1 year ago No. 84
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On old 22chan there was a thread for various anime and manga recommendations, and I decided to "revive" it
You may think of it as a book club
Wether old or new does not matter
Simply post what you read/watch or did so in the past

My contribution is a manga I found through the aforementioned previous thread.
If by chance the one who posted this there reads this; thank you very much, it really stuck with me.

I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I did
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Anonymous Wed 29/01/2025 12:20:40 PM 1 month ago No. 583
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From Hanaukyou Maid-tai: La Verite by studio Daume (same studio as Ichigo Mashimaro) from Episode 5 which caught me rather off-guard. Seeing another Nurse Witch Kogumi-chan reference makes me really happy.
I'm a bit confused by La Verite since its a remake of the original taking a different tone that doesn't really fit this show.
Anonymous Thu 30/01/2025 3:37:48 PM 1 month ago No. 585
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I have been reading Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. It's about a robot girl who runs a coffee shop as human civilization comes to an end. It sounds depressing but the manga paints humanity's decline as peaceful and even comfy, like the twilight after a long summers day. It feels very 22.
The second pic looks like a design from Houseki no Kuni
Anonymous Fri 31/01/2025 5:26:23 AM 1 month ago No. 586
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It's like dark souls but on crack it's hilarious and awesome.
Anonymous Wed 05/02/2025 6:13:26 AM 1 month ago No. 589
Checked out and am currently reading the Yokohama manga, It's really an experience, there's no real words to discribe it.
I wonder if the artist is also a photographer because some of the scenes have that feeling to it.
Anonymous Thu 06/02/2025 1:40:17 AM 1 month ago No. 590
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Did a recent read through of Genshiken. Need to pick up Second Season.

Japanese Anime Sound/MADs CAT Sun 03/03/2024 3:07:09 PM 1 year ago No. 389
A thread about posting and discussing Anime Sound/MADs.
Feel free to share what you like about a particular Anime MAD or the Anime it's about, also, if you have any referenced parts that might seem mysterious to you use the provided tags/comments on a video to find more about it, or feel free to ask here.
Q. How do I search for Anime MADs on Nico Nico Douga?
A. Refer to the video posted in this thread: >>>/b/1833
Also particularly regarding Anime MADs, many studios have the ability to take down any video containing even a small clip of their anime on Nico Nico Douga, but many of them choose not to do so because they recognize that Anime MADs, from an analytical standpoint, have actually helped them achieve many more sales than they could have otherwise which was especially relevant back then. Of course, there are a few instances like the Anime Rurouni Kenshin (KYM) where Fuji TV will seize any opportunity to remove any type of video featuring their anime, even if it's just a small clip. So, the workaround for that was to collaborate and completely re-animate parts of the series that were frequently used in MAD videos, so Fuji TV couldn't claim it as their property.

Please try to refrain from posting anything created by overseas individuals and any YTPMV Cover-styled MADs; you can usually identify those using tags like 「原曲不使用」 (Original Song Not Used: that recreate the entire BGM with a bunch of fake instrumentally sounding samples).
You do not need to translate a MAD in order to post it here, although I bet it would be greatly appreciated by anyone browsing the thread, and often you can find the lyrics online. If you do decide to do it, here are a few tools you could probably use:
Subtitle Software: or
Translation:, Rikai-kun(Chrome Extension)/Rikai-tan(Firefox Extension) and ChatGPT.
OCR Software: (pip install and then run with powershell or cmd using a command like "./manga_ocr" in conjunction with the capture function found in something like ShareX:

I spent some time picking out these for the thread:
Fashion Foreman [Pocky & Pepero Day] [Play] (Video 1) Kaiji & Akagi x ORANGE RANGE Oshare Banchou
Today I'm going to say it forcefully E [Play] (Video 2) Minami-ke Okaeri (first few episodes) x Otome yo Taishi o Idake!! のワの
An Unusually High-Tension 'Lucky☆Star' [Play] (Video 3) Lucky☆Star x Hanasaka Tenshi Tenten-kun OP
【MAD】ARCHIVE LOVERS【lain】 [Play] (Video 4) serial experiment lain x Ayane ARCHIVE LOVERS
[Nichijou × Kaiji] The Foreman Trying to Make the Kaiji Group Laugh [Play] (Video 5) Kaiji S2 x Nichijou 31 Episode 8 at 3:00

About that Anime that the Lucky Star video is parodying it is completely unknown to foreigners. It's basically about some alien angel that came to earth to help a unlucky boy who then creates more accidents, and I'm unsure if you can even find any subtitles for the episodes anywhere. The opening song as you might have noticed is hinting at something dirty, and believe it or not it was aired at 6 PM slot on Sunday when kids were watching the show:

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the entire song revolves around the chorus.
Clearly singing about a certain body part, right?
The most important issue is that "Hanasaka Tenshi Tenten-kun" aired on Saturday evenings at 6 o'clock.
As Shonen Jump has many child readers, Shueisha probably took that into account and scheduled the broadcast for the evening. However, the lyrics clearly pick a fight with the PTA.
Originally, this dirty joke-filled song...
originated when Tenten-kun, amidst classmates worrying about the other protagonist Hideyuki, suggested, "Let's sing together to cheer ourselves up."
His classmates immediately retorted, "Can we sing lyrics like these?" which left many readers bursting into laughter. It was a scene that no one would have imagined a few months later becoming the theme song of the anime adaptation.
During the broadcast, the Bla Bla Bla Boozes, who were performing the theme song on a variety show that handled Fuji TV anime, appeared in bizarre attire. (Even Shonen Jump's magazine commented, "Who are these guys?")
When the program's host, Koji Imada, asked, "You were clearly saying 'that,' right?" regarding the lyrics:
"I'm just talking about being stiff," was the reply.
During the chorus, even the female backup singers seem to take a step back from the microphone.
No matter how ambiguously expressed, it sounds nothing but obscene...
Moreover, this program aired during prime time.
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Anonymous Tue 24/09/2024 11:42:39 PM 5 months ago
(edited 0x)
No. 471
The ebichu videos sometimes carried the 運営のお気に入り (Favorites of the Management) tag, implying that despite clearly violating the rules, they were never taken down by Nico Nico’s staff. This comes from the idea that "they aren’t deleted because they’re favorites of the management," especially in the context of copyright violations and prohibited lewd content.

I've included the original clip for context. Also I'm pretty sure you could watch the entire show on youtube which included entire explanations at the start of the video for each joke made throughout the episode: [Play] (some of them were sadly removed) [Play] 【MANCOdechu☆】MancoManco【Mayim Mayim】⇦ This has more than 600,000 views and made it into many medley PVs there also even a few try to sing videos of it. [Play] 【Oruchuban Ebichu】Manco Canyon [Play] 【Mario RPG】 vs. slightly erotic MANCO battle 【Oruchuban Ebichu】
Anonymous Thu 26/09/2024 12:04:13 AM 5 months ago No. 472
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I might translate a few more of these since I really love Ichigo Mashimaro. I must have re-watched it about every year ever since I found about it.
Also I can't believe I managed to actually get the 「質実剛健笹塚盛大諸行無常立てろ」joke translated since I couldn't really tell what he was saying there and so I had to look through every single episode where the teacher appeared and piece the words together one by one. [Play] Sasazuka was made to stand in the terrible hallway 【Ichigo Mashimaro × Marisa MAD】
Anonymous Fri 27/09/2024 12:04:36 AM 5 months ago No. 473
(16.97 MB 512x384 00:05:37)
Thumbnail [Play] - K.A. Kawaii is Justice? Last Brutal British Ana ・ Bone Cave [Ichigo Mashimaro Sound MAD]

If you're wondering what the "no seat for you" line is about, it's a famous line from the final episode of a Japanese drama called "Life" where a former bully in the last episode is facing their own downfall and is told this line in a moment of role reversal. You can read about it here, but I'm unsure if the series is even available in English sub:おめーの席ねぇから%21おめーの席ねぇから%21 [Play]

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          ノ∧ | \    丶ニニ/   //l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|   There's no seat for you!
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Anonymous Sun 17/11/2024 6:36:09 PM 3 months ago No. 514
>many of them choose not to do so because they recognize that Anime MADs, from an analytical standpoint, have actually helped them achieve many more sales than they could have otherwise
That reminds me of how many of the MADs I watched on YouTube basically persuaded me to watch anime series I never would have considered otherwise, like the Galaxy Angel videos uploaded by kenw3m. [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play]
Also here's one I watched recently of Aho Girl: [Play] (Can't forget this legendary one as well: [Play])
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 10:51:20 PM 1 month ago No. 588
I should have probably mentioned this a bit sooner but there are a bunch of English translated MADs on nico nico by a guy who used to upload them to Youtube but his channel was terminated a long time ago. You can find the nico nico reuploads of them here: where you see 「英訳版」in the title. And also here as well:英訳版?ref=nicotop_search I previously uploaded a few to the political history M@D thread.
There's also a translator's comment that was included under those videos: [Play]
>There are just way too many jokes… Foreign viewers might not understand them unless I provide explanations in addition to the subtitles, so it takes an incredible amount of time to complete this. By the way, 85% of the translation is taken from fansubs. [Play]
>This was reuploaded on YouTube, and a foreigner was desperately asking for subtitles, so I added them. I've never watched Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, so it was tough to identify the scenes and extract lines from the YouTube subtitles. The key point is that the original anime lines are used as they are. For the parts I couldn't identify, I used my own translation. [Play]
>I tried converting auxiliary verbs from the Heian period into Old English from the same era. Even native speakers will not understand this, seriously. English and Old English are practically different languages. By the way, the goal here is just to give a rough idea, not to provide an accurate translation or anything. That would be impossible. Parentheses () and brackets [] indicate parts that are incorrect. Also, on YouTube, there is quite a lot of explanatory text included. [Play]
>I usually do not translate well-known videos, but I made an exception for this one because I wanted people to see the synchronization between the song and the visuals. I think it can probably be sung in English as well. Apparently, the 'Yahoo' at the end is not just a chant but also has a meaning related to beastmen. [Play]
>I generally do not like translating well-known videos, but I could not resist this time because I wanted to let foreigners know about the 'I feel awfully interested in innards of Happousai' part at the end. [Play]

Anime Girls: A Study Anonymous Fri 01/11/2024 4:10:00 AM 4 months ago No. 507
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When I see an anime girl or woman it is not like I am seeing a human girl or woman.
If I saw an anime girl in front of me there wouldn't be any contradiction in it. It would not be very unexpected. I've seen these things depicted incredibly often, so it makes sense. There would be no doubt or speculation of insanity. I would not flinch from the hand of an anime girl near my face.
When I see an anime girl I want to grab a potato peeler and run it all over her. I imagine it would reveal something like a mannequin beneath. Without the skin it would be cold, motionless, without character. I would peel the skin from her face, I would peel off her eyes, but beneath there would be no socket. Only a smoothness. If I held in my hand the scrap of skin that held her eye I might see it blinking. This is the sense that I have, my intuition into the nature of a physical anime girl.
Anime women, do they speak? Or are they simply understood? They are heard in, at all times, at least/most two voices. At least two when they are known, at most two when they are beloved. This is another impression of mine, except this time I call it conviction.
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Anonymous Fri 01/11/2024 4:11:23 AM 4 months ago No. 509
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If I were to pull an anime girl from the heavens with my own hand, would I feel anything towards it? Could I crumple it up and place it in a bin? If I did, could I be confident it would stay there? Years later, would I remember that moonless night, the feeling of walking unseen through damp air, and would I hear beyond hearing that rustling by my side? Open questions.
Is an anime girl capable of Evil with a capital E? Instinct tells me no. Deduction also tells me no: angelic beings and things that can be interchanged with them are not capable of Evil with a capital E. Rocks aren't capable of Evil with a capital E either, nor is the cosmic vacuum. Nor is humankind, despite what it may on occasion wish. This means anime girls, if not solely angelic beings, may be constituted entirely or partially by stone, vacuum, human, or a combination of some or all of these.
Is an anime girl capable of Good with a capital G?
Can they be blamed for anything? Open question.
Anonymous Sun 03/11/2024 5:05:27 AM 4 months ago No. 510
Uncanny valley would be an understatement, to discribe the visual genre. I also find the pairing of realism and cartooning very interesting. Like the borders of reality are breaking down and what's left is an indescribable blur. Large eyes tend to give a psychological reaction of "cute" usually done so that instead of getting killed, the predator would actually protect the prey. Now tie that with a fictional cartoon but give a decently realistic but still cel shaded body with a realistic backdrop and sometimes realistic clothing and what do you get? certianly not something of this world. I think it really gives psychological horror manga/anime a nice boost
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 9:42:33 PM 2 months ago No. 557
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Uncanny valley, yes. They're presented most typically as an abstraction of the human form, yet they look nothing like a human or anything else that exists. In the beginning of anime, I'm thinking Osamu Tezuka (Astroboy, Kimba) or even earlier with influences like Disney, large eyes link to neoteny or prey. That is only how it started, or maybe just when it started to be recognized. Is that still why these things have large eyes, small noses, smoothness, and symmetry?
I've the impression that an anime girl is something that emerged, not something that was born. Put your ear to its bosom. Turn your ear to something like a heartbeat. It's an echo. Of what? Open question. This is its coveted deception, and the most apparent thing about it. Obvious, like daylight.
What comes next? Open question. Can anime woman come from anime woman? Not without considerable help. Can an anime girl develop from one state into another? Yes, but under what influence? The latter question reopens the former.
I would not call an anime girl shallow or hollow. To the contrary, there is an obscurity about it that perseveres against all dissection. There is also a fractal quality to its organism that ensnares the observer. This is the warp, and this is the weft, and there is the shimmering weave of simulacrum I find so undeniable.
How does this apply across time? Is there any future for anime women? An end? Was there a past for them? A beginning? Can they be used to store memory? Open questions, all. Yet, I've my suspicions.
If the body of an anime girl was made to move, I would hear the faintest sound. It would be the tearing of silk. If you've ever separated the skin of a bird to place spices underneath, you'll know what I mean. That tearing around your fingers is the motion of an anime girl's body.
Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 5:43:08 PM 2 months ago No. 558
i hope this isn't too off topic [Play] [Play]
but i was watching these the other day, and when i heard "disney" i thought maybe they where just making false connections or something bug i guess now you mention it the influences are undeniable.

another thing that may be offtopic is a subgenre of (what i would consider to be) art, anime women in real locations, rundown or otherwise, pic related.
Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 2:18:11 PM 1 month ago No. 587
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I've a whole folder of these of Lain (101 images). It's from a torrent of assorted Lain content but it's been a few years. Now I can't remember where I got it from. The name of the folder is "d1nzys Lainspotting."

Cyberpunk Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 2:36:04 PM 3 months ago No. 522
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I'm fine with anyone splintering off into a new thread about a specific anime/manga that gets discussed in thread.
If it isn't obvious this thread is for the discussion of everything cyberpunk, even loosely classified kind of technophiliac stuff like Serial Experiments Lain is fine.
Cyber City Oedo 808 was incredible. Everything was kind of morally dubious so you couldn't exactly trust anyone but at the same time you had to really feel sorry for the protagonists and circumstances they got caught up in, i mean you KNOW they'll never be freed. I dig how they played with several genres, especially horror. The visuals are fucking incredible, it has a washed out feel and then all of the blaring neon in your face with the lights and then the way thd lights sometimes gets smeared with movement, really neat stuff.
A cyberpunk manga i read a while back was Blame! and what was cool is no exposition dump, you are totally thrown into a world even the main characters have no real clue about. There's hardly much dialoge at all and a ton of movement and action and it really worked because there's this deep mystery that's begging to be solved and as you read puzzle pieces are slowly assembled to explaim the hg giger teir apocalyptic world the characters are running around in.
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Anonymous Thu 30/01/2025 5:51:48 AM 1 month ago No. 584
After finishing stand alone complex i had the urge to read the original manga again, and a few others. Protip, appleseed is out fucking standing holy shit and i've heard it over and over and i just ignored the damn thing. The original ghost in the shell manga is nice but i feel it was focused on the concepts, and as the manga goes on to the sequel it actually peters out.
The original manga is nice although the authors laziness and directors comments is apparant. I thought it was gay that The major had a boyfriend who was no more then a side character that never got mentioned again.
1.5 is nice because you also have other characters who where only barely used in the story, well in 1.5 they really get to shine. It was also pretty neat how SAC used bits and pieces from the manga. Maybe it's just me but i kind how the major behaved the anime, she was more reserved where in the manga she was kind of a bratty teenager, it made no sense for the role she had in section nine, atleast in my eyes. Still like the manga though. I'm curious about the original anime adaption though, i think it had a darker, more artistic tone and i"m curious to see how it handles the source material.

So about appleseed, Every flaw you might see in the ghost in the shell franchise is absent from the appleseed story. Decent character development, perfect amount of exposition, it's all there. Favorite character? Briareos, Appreciate the detail where he's warning Deunan that olympia is a CA, I also like how on the leasure time he's wearing like jeans and a shirt dispite being a large, bulky android, the contrast is really something, like dispite his disfigurment his humanity is still there.

Nekojiru Anonymous Sun 15/12/2024 7:25:36 AM 2 months ago No. 562
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Does anyone read Nekojiru? It's literally one of my favorite manga series ever and highly recommend it!! (◉ω◉)つ☆
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Anonymous Sun 15/12/2024 5:59:28 PM 2 months ago No. 563
Did anyone watch the TV show that aired in japan? It was somewhat lighter then the movie and the manga but still pretty funny.
Anonymous Mon 23/12/2024 5:30:08 AM 2 months ago No. 565
The anime is crude and irreverent, but honestly, the OVA, as a metaphorical grieving of the author's suicide, is truly notable in that regard.
It'd be kind of hard to acknowledge the series as a whole without bringing it up. The series seemed short-lived anyways... It's all just really unfortunate and depressing so I can't watch any nekojiru stuff without that being in the back of my mind.

Mobile Suit Gundam/Universal Century Anonymous Sat 28/09/2024 7:11:10 PM 5 months ago No. 474
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This thread is for the discussion for Mobile Suit Gundam, and other content that exists inside the Universal Century timeline. I would also include any gundam novels by Yoshiyuki Tomino as an example and other stuff like the Origins manga series as "alt takes" of the gundam series. Also stuff by other authors like Harutoshi Fuku's Gundam unicorn novel which for what i understand was "made canon" by sunrise.
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Anonymous Sun 29/09/2024 5:57:56 PM 5 months ago No. 478
go ahead and laugh at me since i haven't watched the anime in ages and i might get things wrong. also i'm personally going to watch stuff soon in chronological order, its a bucket list thing. also i missed out on watching zz and zeta gundam with you guys and i have been itching to watch them ever since.
now i will talk about the trilogy movies. on one hand an effort was made to have it conform to the real robot genre, which is great. no more g-part upgrade nonsense which was personally fucking tiresome to watch. on the other hand things got cut which in my opinion is retarded like why remove the black tri-stars? why cut doans island? if the quality was so fucking bad why not cut all the other sequences that sometimes had more low quality then the two abformentioned episodes? i could be wrong with this but also it felt like it was a freak of the week situation wih zeon's mobile suit, that they came up with stuff to combat the rx-78-2 instead of being pre existing weapons of war, most of them don't make a second appearance. only later in other shows they show previously introduced mobile suits in battle. also something that came to mind recently lol was the similarities of gundam and battlestar galactica. both are kind of survival stories of a rag tag group vs an oppresive force, they both have space magic by the evolution of mankind in space leading to psionic powers, also there is a civilian class in thd lower decks who are taking refuge and are a pain in the ass. commander cains outfit reminds me of chars uniform, but the similarities stop there.
Anonymous Mon 21/10/2024 5:54:09 PM 4 months ago No. 502
requim for vengance is offputting as fuck. i don't understand the perspective of the writers and bandai amd what their intentions and design choices. one of the characters is a straight up tumblr art hoe alt-girl, tatted up with peircings and i wasn't exactly expecting to see that in a japanese production. the visuals are weird, like they wanted to go realistic where you can see pores on skin but at the same time have graphics similar to halo 3 /2008 dead space. (also like the fucking fox engine if you know what i mean) i dont know if they used mocap or whatever animation but its off as fuck, like if they didn't bother even syncing the mouths and motion to the audio
the story allegedly takes place in 0079 early on but i thought amuros gundam was the first and only prototype and they couldnt even mass produce that shit (even shit like the guncannon) till the end of the war and yet the gundam EX is another prototype thats unstoppable.
the story is fine i guess and the protag is also fine i guess and she's not a mary sue dispite being a newtype. its the same newtype fuckery amuro had early on that made him look like he was insane instead of being like space magic. mech fights are cool i guess and the gundam EX is potrayed as a monster/serial killer and i fucking love that perspective.
Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 5:02:33 PM 3 months ago No. 550
I take it back, actual hot garbage and not worth watching.
Anonymous Tue 31/12/2024 4:46:11 AM 2 months ago No. 567
I was thinking recently on if amuro should have saved the circut his dad made him. I get he was brain damaged but at the same time you have to wonder if it actually could have been something important or useful. Atleast i'm wondering what would have happened if amuro kept it, like if he would have tossed it away on the ship and someone either realised it was junk, but got in inspiration from it or realised outwardly it was junk but in reality it was some next level shit from a retarded genius.
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 2:55:58 PM 1 month ago No. 577
From what i heard they wanted to get Timothée Chalamet in the live action gundam show and honestly i hope not because it sounds retarded as fuck.
I think we're reaching the point where they are really taking the piss with the gundam franchise and i think thats really the last thing they need to do lol.

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