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[Discussion] Owacon, it's time for you to finally speak up! [Terrible Management] CAT Thu 15/02/2024 12:39:57 AM 8 months ago No. 2296
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I wanted to revive the 4chan discussion thread for a while now, but I kind of didn't know what a good OP would be to attract attention to the thread and generate interesting discussion. So I took and translated this video by OwataP, about Owacons, who encapsulates all of the rage he had for Nico Nico Douga's management ever since Dwango partnered together with KADOKAWA in 2010 and then acquired in 2014 when the site's management slowly started to become a corporate hell making one terrible decision after another starting really with Nico Nico Douga Zero "Return to Origin" a large-scale update that fundamentally changes the system for the worst (read: https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/ニコニコ動画%3Azero) So this actually transitions pretty well into this topic since Hiroyuki the current administrator of 4chan used to be a director at Niwango which was created by Dwango to mainly manage Nico Nico Douga, until he left in 2013.

I want this thread to encapsulate discussion about 4chan and other discussion forums in general that have shit management and treat its userbase like complete utter trash (such as collecting as much data as possible and then selling it whether its to advertisement companies or three-letter agencies like just imagine the folder structures on 4chan for example regarding everyone's data that's on there used to try and identify you.)
The questions I really wanted to ask in this thread are:
What was so excruciatingly bad about these places that made you want to leave and seek out a place like 22chan or other alternative imageboards/textboards?
Although very unlikely to happen, are you worried that if 22chan ever took off that the same problems that arose in those other places you left start appearing here, and do you think there are ways to prevent this from happening?
Anonymous Tue 27/02/2024 6:37:45 AM 7 months ago No. 2379
this is a retarded question to ask but what about you OP? did you use some retarded site before you found this place?
Anonymous Tue 27/02/2024 11:48:27 AM 7 months ago No. 2383
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over the years, the only place I really tried to use was 4chan's /jp/. My aim was sometimes to create but mostly to bump posts exploring internet otaku culture, starting from 2channel AA characters, then moving on to the culture of Nijiura boards on Futaba☆Channel (2chan), and finally to Nico Nico Douga culture from 2007-2014. I failed miserably because your typical sexually aroused /jp/ user seemed fixated on generating countless low-quality Touhou threads, where they endlessly discussed worshipping their favorite waifu's feet while labeling it as "Otaku culture." I had to watch these threads 24/7 to prevent them from being bumped to the last page on a moments notice and die which has pretty much been the case since the beginning. Early internet culture threads were mostly ignored, leading to no interesting discussions. No one attempted to explore this stuff in depth; instead, it was just a bunch of stupid niggers expressing astonishment at the "craziness" of Japanese netizens with low quality responses. All the people who wanted to have meaningful discussions about this left a long time ago which left me with little to do there. I can't believe how far up their ass these people are as I recall when Vtubers started gaining popularity a few years back and regular users on /jp/ tried to exclude them but couldn't articulate how their threads differed from those they criticized.
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 7:21:30 AM 7 months ago No. 2392
to be honest i was having some trouble with the long ass post i wanted to make so i decided to do something unconventional and post some links to chew on before you read, if you care or you can just ignore 'em, although they are related to my post in general. go and use the "find on page" feature on your browser and search for
"i had a picture of" and read forward till you reach the sentence "outside my world"
seach for "yeah but the thing about the internet" and read forward till you reach "and it sticks with you forever"
https://the-last-podcast-on-the-left.fandom.com/wiki/Episode_16:_Creepypasta/Transcript with my next link, after reading it, just replace "Old World Blues" with "Old Internet Blues" and sit on that for a minute. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Old_World_Blues_(term)
now, before i go and answer the two questions the OP asked, i'll elaborate some background information. you see, i wasn't given free and total access to the internet nor did i really bother dicking around with the search engine as a kid. i was a good boy and i just played whatever shitty flash game or whatever online game and later used it to do homework or read some article or whatever. i had no real clue about things in general and it was hard as fuck to make friends because everyone was into internet bullshit besides me and strangely enough even though i watched same cartoons and played vidya (nothing above pg-13 ofc) i was pretty much isolated. i guess as an example when i walked into hot topic at the mall in 2010 when i was 10 years old i was kinda confused with all the meme shirts like trollface and whatever bullshit. actually i found the other kids who where into that shit to be really fucking annoying and this was kind of funny because in a way it was my first experience with normalniggers but in my retarded lingo i always called these people "internidiots" yeah i know, i guess it was my way of coping with lonelyness because fuck these people always acted predatory because like "you dont know about memes" and my reaction was basically to ignore these people and isolate myself further to my own little bubble. hating them was a way of coping i guess although i wasn't a dick to them at all and i do mean that. i just was real quiet i guess.
i didnt have a socal media account and certian websites like youtube was off limits and i didn't even watch the fucking news, i was pretty much limited to like cartoon network, nicktoons, whatever other kid stuff and like educational programs. and the usuall shit like vhs tapes and dvds.
when i was 13 or so i had to do a fuck ton of work and my dad gave me a shitty android phone, (i also want to mention i had some minor interactions with youtube at this point and binged listened to creepypastas without really realising how they where connected to 4chan) and he showed me an app i could use called "tune-in radio" and it had some cool internet radio stations and there was one that played like old time radio plays 24-7. anyhow, i had a real lust for horror related shit and supernatural paranormal just you know the hidden side of reality.
i found a podcast called "last podcast on the left" and i pretty much listened to all the episodes released up to that point, they mentioned this site called "4chan" for which i remembered because my parents told me a few years back that it was some "hacker site" where hackers go and break websites and leak information. anyhow yes the podcast is for shit, the people are retards and a good chunk of the information is either biased or incorrect. just wanted to mention that because fuck them lol. anyhow i kept this so called "4chan" website on the back of my mind.
around 2014 i browsed 4chan for the first time. i dont know the reason or logic, but i just did. beforehand i read a fuck ton of wikipedia articles about it, read the news relating to it, and started off with the home page and read the FAQ, and the rules. i stayed away from NSFW boards lol untill like 2016. i never really posted at all and i wasn't connected too much, maybe i was fucked up by the constant stream of information? i guess that how it started for me. now to bitch more about normalniggers. my worst experience with those people is when i joined this group which was kinda like ROTC but for police officers, everyone had facebook and especially this shitty meme app called "ifunny". if you didn't have ifunny or facebook then you where a subhuman animal and you became prime subject on peoples shit list. i mean come fucking on i was homeschooled but its like everyone was a manchild "YOU DONT KNOW THE THING LOL" or "ANON IS A CHILD BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT LE INTERNET CULTURE" like fuck they where the lowest rated program because they did nothing but dick around all day like there was officer training shit like pit-stops and like how to detain a suspect and those fucks did nothing but watch vines and shouted meme qoutes and yet i'm the bitch when i ask for help from someone who's supposed to be a mentor of sorts and i bothered him because i couldn't figure out shit by myself and like, he was busy talking about how wojacks are fucking rage comics 2.0. after a year or so of trying to be a jr cop or whatever the fuck (i mean that was the option and the'd even pay for fuckin collage) i quit.
needless to say i really developed a raging hatred for normalniggers and redditors. i would like to mention like a year after i quit 4chan and before i found 22chan i had a lot of unaswered questions. i guess its like a lovecraftian protagonist who experienced a fuck ton of bullshit he couldn't begin to understand and started reading the necronomicon. i read every fucking article on knowyourmeme, (including shifting through every articles image galleries) (also fuck knowyourmeme) every article on encyclopedia dramatica, (which is how i found 22chan) bibanon , youtube, lurkmoarwiki and thousands of other shit including archives like yuki.la (rip it was the best) then as a bonus i followed up my travels by exploring 2chan and other jap imageboards and studied the fuck out of it (to be honest i am pissed off that i lost a bunch of shit that could have been reposted here like i found a site that had THOUSANDS of super fucking old japanese flashes some of which was from 2channel i think)
i first found 22chan from ED, i wanted to find a place like 4chan but without the shit i hated, and after browsing a list they had with altchans and reading the articles related to them, i found a nifty site with a glowing review of 22chan and i figured "fuck it, why not?" and with that i can answer the first question by OP.
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 7:24:53 AM 7 months ago No. 2393
my brain is fried,
"after browsing the list my eyes caught a nifty site called 22chan and i clicked the section leading me to the article, which was a positive, and glowing review which was weird but anyhow i figured "fuck it, why not?"
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 8:33:19 AM 7 months ago No. 2395
>What was so excruciatingly bad about these places that made you want to leave and seek out a place like 22chan or other alternative imageboards/textboards?

keep in mind all of this shit i'm typing out is my perspective, and just an opinion. also clearly as expressed i'm a newfag.
4chan wasn't perfect and i'm sure it was a massive undertaking and the admin wasn't aware of the consequences of his decision to make the site.
i was at the tail end of 4chan and i guess i hated how there was no real cohesive-ness as a community anymore in the sense that there was this growing feeling of irony like how everything is an ironic joke or like "why does insert thing here matters anymore" its hard to explain bit theres more, like this general hatred of everything like if i made a thread about cats people would spam cat gore because "FUCK YOU THIS IS HOW 4CHAN IS" and in some cases there wasn't really a feeling of being in a community like if you made a thread about an anime its like "who cares lol" its not like you'd have a serious conversation like it was fucking rare and you'd have to be on 24-7 to find that one thread or to make a thread at the right fucking time to have a magical experience but even then you can still get royally fucked because of some lolcow or some rude nigger. i guess as an example on old /i/ (from a large handfull of old threads i read) there was this strong feeling of collaboration and like working together to make something cool and like helping out your fellow anon. like yeah it wasn't like being apart of an anonymous brotherhood mattered
one problem that really pissed me off to no one where people who wanted to be "internet personalities" i guess as an example was this faggot called j-kid who, well, did what i did and read a fuck ton of shit about old 4chan, i guess he wanted to expose old 4chan culture to the whole fucking world and he also wanted to just "take back old 4chan culture" and he made a shitty wiki and an altchan called the "yotsuba society". 4chan was his fetish and when people called him out for his mental retardation he sperged out and eventually fucked off and later i guess developed fucking bibanon.
the point i'm trying to make is this:
the past belongs in the past. some things just needs to be left go and to artifically revive shit is to ruin it and lead to a corruption of everything you hold dear. some things can and should be preserved and upheld and you can also use the past and your knoledge of previous history as a means of making something new and great from the ashes of the old.
you can't call yourself an oldfag and you shouldn't be posting shit from the past because you where not there, at that specific time to actually post it, its like living in the 1960s in new york and using the slang and lingo vs using the slang and lingo nowadays because "you think it looks cool" but instead you sound like a fucking jackass and now you made old movies look fucking disgusting so thank you for pissing in my cheerios sir.
i think you know of altchans where people are like, hardcore old internet larping and like otaku larping and they look fucking retarded. to be honest making articles and wikis WAS a mistake because newfags and normalniggers read it and assume shit. assumption is the enemy, look at the people that shit up our site with qoutes like "/B/ IS SUPPOSED TO BE ANARCHY WHERE IS THE PORN THREADS AND THE SHITPOSTING"
the moderation was for shit at 4chan, i mean /v/ was a perfect example with gamergate getting out of hand (not that it was bad but to be honest the focus of the board is videogames not discussions of niggers ruining it, they could have found another board to post that shit on) and then just pornspam and ragebait and general non vidya shit. feels threads where the worst and its just like instead of having a board for emotional venting you shit up a board like /po/ with a thread like ">folding paper airplane, >tfw i realise i have no gf"
you also had the shit on r9k which was allegedly was supposed to be a better /b/ but instead was nothing but CHADSTACYBETAVIRGINTFWNOGFTENDIESFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTNIGGER
general threads are a fucking cancer what pretty much can be summed up to discord teir bullshit low quality responses and just the death of board culture by a seperate group that existed in the one thread but just kinda spread out throughout the board.
game thread, shit like ylyl made by lazy amd apathetic niggers and it just spread out per board but i guess did really kick /b/ in the balls to where every thread is some type of game thread i mean sure /b/ was always shit but fuck.
one of the problem with /x/ was screencap threads which led to youtubeniggers making videos from 4chan and the spreading out of creepypastas and it lead people making like clearly fake ass threads for attention and fame and newfags fucking flooding the board. look at what happened to SCP its so fucking shit and gay but i guess it was format posting so of course normalniggers lapped it up and formstposting is kind of gay.
greentexting in general was one of the thing that kicked 4chan in the balls because newfags posted that shit on their facebook or whatever accounts and normalniggers picked it up and circled back to 4chan and just ruined shit.
i mean even now people are greentexting on twitter you cannot tell me that shit isn't compromised.
they really should have killed of shit memes instead of letting it run for so fucking long like pepe and wojack i mean it was fucking everywhere and even if your brain is rotted and you think that shit is good or funny keep in mind its now a normalnigger thing and fuckign celebs and singers like nicki minaj posting that shit and it came from fucking 4chan like holy shit memes and formats are a mistake and you cannot tell me otherwise, they are one of the main reasons 4chan got so exposed. if gatorgang is dead then let it die, dont revive it. and if gatorgang is not dead and still alive and normalniggers are spamming that shit on twitter or something i dont give a fuck nuke it all, fucking ban it and delete it and re-write history as if it doesn't exist. i get that it sucks to lose something like that but in the end its better to let things die so that the community could survive. sorry for that tangent and its off topic for the first question but i just gotta say it.
all of it is bad, fucking all of it. maybe a single thread may pop up which had cool shit in it but its few and far between.
i do feel nostalgic for something that doesn't exist, i mean the 4chan i didn't grow up with had a culture and a generally unitied userbase by anonimity and by the otaku culture. the threads i found in archives and screencaps, the zone videos, 4chan 4 eva, shit like 4chan city, it punched me in the gut.
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 9:20:27 AM 7 months ago No. 2396
>Although very unlikely to happen, are you worried that if 22chan ever took off that the same problems that arose in those other places you left start appearing here, and do you think there are ways to prevent this from happening?

if a shit movie came out of a good book, then stick to the fucking book and fuck the movie. lets say as an example, ytps are an artform with edited cartoons and shit and normalniggers are shitting up the format because of some gay porn star or like re-using the same jokes or something then like now is the time to protect it and to cut the retarded stuff out. i dont know what an otaku is and i havent bothered with /jp/ but clearly just be the best otaku out there, preserve the genre or whatever the fuck and hold the fucking line, post information to help interest people to climb up to your level and like dont let larping niggers or whatever shit up the things you enjoy, dont just let it crumble and die because everyone else is retarded. even if like your the only autistic retard who gives a damn or if it feels like it it still seems gay to like give up.
witch hunting is for fags
fucking talk, express yourself be candid and dont sit on your hands
if i am breaking the rules report me and if i am not braking the rules but being a bitch then make a fuckin meta thread or something and screencap my ass and talk about how i'm a bitch. sitting on your hands is a mistake. being nice for the sake of being nice is also a mistake and there is a time and place for everything. i dont know if its really possible to prevent stuff from happening but i think its possible to just like prevent more damage from being done like if i saw a 22chan reddit server or whatever the fuck its called i'd report the shit out of it and get it taken down, thats the type of thing that would kill the community and direct action has to be taken in that instance
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 10:16:43 AM 7 months ago No. 2402
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>i do feel nostalgic for something that doesn't exist, i mean the 4chan i didn't grow up with had a culture and a generally unitied userbase by anonimity and by the otaku culture. the threads i found in archives and screencaps, the zone videos, 4chan 4 eva, shit like 4chan city, it punched me in the gut.
If I may say something here, a lot of people don't realize that much of what defined the old 4chan was either manufactured or a poor imitation of trends from the Japanese internet at the time. It was rarely something genuinely original. You wouldn't believe how many times something became popular on 2chan or 2channel, only for people to replicate it in a more Westernized style and then proceed to spam it on 4chan until it caught on. When it was something genuinely original, if you had the chance to browse with archives like yakui.moe while it was still around, you might have noticed how many genuine OC threads were completely ignored by the user base, which ultimately stifled the creation of OC which honestly also made me theorize that a good chunk of OC creators left to tumbrl for that very reason. So, although I'm not keen on pushing anyone, I feel compelled to highlight the importance of cherishing any type of OC, especially within a platform like 22chan. When contrasted with other alternative imageboards, it's difficult to overstate just how fortunate we are to have garnered such an abundance of OC posts in just a year and almost a half since this 2nd instance has been up.
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 9:52:23 PM 7 months ago No. 2406
>What was so excruciatingly bad about these places that made you want to leave and seek out a place like 22chan or other alternative imageboards/textboards?
I prefer a more positive outlook. I don't use 22chan because 4chan is lacking, it's just that 22chan is so darn enjoyable. In the days that I used 4chan, I saw things that I liked and so I followed the breadcrumbs to find more of the good. That brought me here. In short, it was because of the good in 4chan (however elusive) that I cared enough to find 22.
>Although very unlikely to happen, are you worried that if 22chan ever took off that the same problems that arose in those other places you left start appearing here, and do you think there are ways to prevent this from happening?
I'm not very worried about that happening. 4chan's management related shortcomings come from a clear desire to commodify the userbase while showing only the barest level of respect towards the community. The team seems fortified against this happening. I'm not against the idea of 22chan turning a profit for its owners and staff at some point if it doesn't already, fair's fair. Hosting and the time investment of development/moderation ain't cheap, and there are ways of getting the money that don't translate directly into grifting. Problems only start showing up when allegiance shifts from the userbase to advertisers, investors, and surveillance agencies. Seems the greatest way to discourage a sellout is for y'all to continue showing the community you care with development of the site (which has been going really fantastic) and outreach like town hall.
On that topic, I have felt for a while that it would be nice to see some more personal involvement. The creator and previous owner of 22chan used to drop in every now and then with joke bans and such on /sewers/, and that was fun. Everything in moderation, of course. As-is the staff seem a touch chilly. There's no idea of what the ownership is like, which has merit, but also makes it awkward to try and discuss this sort of thing. I feel like I'm trying to talk like a lawyer here, just referring to them. Is 22chan run by one guy and a few staff in traditional pyramid structure, is it a triumvirate or another way of shared responsibility, is it a hivemind? The 22chan shadow government is a very mysterious, to be sure. When town hall rolls around, answers will be had.
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 11:13:05 PM 7 months ago No. 2407
>it's just that 22chan is so darn enjoyable.
I guess I have been wondering about people's thoughts on this for a while, but what is it that people find so enjoyable about 22chan in the first place compared to everything else out there?
>On that topic, I have felt for a while that it would be nice to see some more personal involvement.
Well there was that juice thread on /sewers/ for example, and also that Biohazard logo picture in 22chan thoughts thread >>>/b/573/#2251 but correct me if I'm wrong I think those instances were like the only instances of the staff really interacting with a post?
Anonymous Fri 01/03/2024 3:52:59 PM 7 months ago No. 2420
Something i was thinking is, Why not view imageboards as a blank slate? Especially if you are new to imageboards in general. Yes imageboards in the past themselves has history and in a way why does it matter? If i where an entry level newfag/normalnigger i wouldn't necessarily have to study lore or really anything to understand the format. Instead i would have to know two things. 1: Lurk Moar before posting. Read the rules, Then the Threads, And finally the post therein. After that: Ask Questions! Then, post. 2: Do not post outsider content (such as normalnigger memes) unless specified otherwise. Everything else such as fandoms and groups and formats such as flashes is no more then asking and slowly learning but although that is a personal choice to make.
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