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22chan Memories Thread Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 1:00:22 AM 1 year ago No. 393
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I'm unsure whether this post would fit /meta/ or not so I'm doing it here.

This is the thread where people can post memories and stories of 22chan pre- Twoot Abandonment. Fun times, interesting interactions or major events should be catalogued here. We want any newfags to be able to find and read our history so perhaps the people that come after us won't lose sight of our roots as a community.
Anything 22chan related like images, comics, or memes of Niniba can also be posted and shared.

The story that comes to mind for me is when Spacechan and its offshoots died due to autism and then we got a bunch of refugees. There was that guy who posted those Richter pictures and a few other anons who asked if they would be allowed to take refuge in our community. I don't know if those same anons are around now or what happened to the rest of their community but it was a strange time. 22 nearly got pulled into some shit that nobody wanted to be a part of.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 1:01:15 AM 1 year ago No. 405
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Looking back, 22's relationship with Spacechan was one hell of a close call. I'm glad we've been able to stay a bit more removed from cross-IB drama.
I was remembering when anarchists tried to aggressively astroturf the old /pol/ with forced memes and they got bullied away in just a few hours. I remember a post I liked that called out their hypocrisy, that if they were true anarchists they would just stick around here and discuss their ideas instead of being weird, insulative, and confrontational.
/sewer/ gang wars
Flash Fahrenheit
The old OWOT. I miss the complexity. Its own history is like a foggy little mirror of 22chan's. The rise of the colorfags, boom of handmade ASCII art, proliferation of various discrete forms of vandalism (the snacs, turning everything into baby talk, adding -desu to everything), widespread destruction following the discovery of huge copypasted ASCII porn which was then destroyed by even bigger copypasted DESU, the fall into complete irrelevance. I hope new OWOT will one day be as sprawling, the fact that it's resistant to copypaste and has less of the discord element is very comfy. The old OWOT was here and gone in a week, if memory serves. We have a slower burn now, which is very valuable.
I'm really glad that certain namefags have been either absent or laying low on nova22. I hope we've learned our lesson.
It'd be great to see a graphic of the many eras of 22, like pic related. My memory isn't completely straight, or else I'd make one myself. Maybe as this thread develops the strings will become clearer.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 5:27:48 AM 1 year ago No. 406
Hopefully more people will be able to share stuff we don't remember/ know about and one day we'll be able to make a complete timeline. 22chan doesn't have the craziest history though, because this place is really drama-avoidant and most "community timelines" consist mostly of drama
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 5:47:55 AM 1 year ago No. 407
>We want any newfags to be able to find and read our history
this is just my opinion here, but some things are better left forgotten. we have the opportunity to move forward and move on with a blank(ish) slate. there is always that aspect of people using our history against us, which is why stuff like say, making a 22chan wiki is a bad idea. our community is obvious, and our history should be what we make of it and our past should never define us. and we do have so sparce a culture, and little memes that require more discussions of media, contributions and other stuff to flesh things out some more. i also like new things and change. the new 22chan flag is better then the old one.
>nearly got pulled into some shit that nobody wanted to be a part of.
understatement of the month. the amount of time we've been taken advantage of by outsiders and discordniggers is way too long to list.
>stick around here and discuss their ideas instead of being weird, insulative, and confrontational.
just like the natsis that showed up and caused pol to be deleted.
>/sewer/ gang wars
underaged child who was a discordfag and attempted to insert his own culture into the community.
to be frank he should have been nuked without even saying a word and it was of poor taste to just jet him act out and sewers pay for it but what's done is done.
(i'm talking about carpgang not spidergang.)
>Flash Fahrenheit
retard tried to shill his AreReallyGay, caught him in the act and he was nuked several times for doing it. good riddance.
>I hope we've learned our lesson.
here's how:
1, everyone understands and sticks tight to the rules
2, userbase is intolerant and resistant to outsiders mental retardation, and namefags
3, userbase ignores bait
4, mods nuke lolcow the second they pop up thus cucking drama like the cancer it is instead of milking the lolcow and drawing unnecessary attention to us.
problem = solved.
personally l like catanon, i like spider and gator tan and it sucks they are underutilized. (i do like regular spider and gator gang though.) also in the future oracle would be great as a fleshed out character.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 9:03:25 AM 1 year ago No. 416
I remember how somebody posted the Minus webcomic by ryan armand, and I enjoyed it much, to the point of reading all the other comics by the author.
I remember a few fun oc threads we had, most have already been reposted on the new chan though. I do remember drawing cards with a namefag who left a long time ago.
I remember how all of the 22chan quests failed miserably.
But mostly I remember how posts were decent and I could always browse 22chan without the feeling of a brain tumor developing in my head. The new chan is very much following those footprints, and I have to say the new threads are quite good
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 9:18:36 PM 1 year ago No. 422
remember that guy who made the chocolate egg? lol that was a funny thread.
Anonymous Fri 03/02/2023 6:05:39 PM 1 year ago No. 429
Lmao I wish I'd saved the picture, it looked so bad
Anonymous Sat 04/02/2023 4:51:24 AM 1 year ago No. 431
Reposting old 22 /yu/ thread in full form. I had saved it in my notepad because i thought it was a cool story and i didn't know how to properly archive a thread and i doubt anyone took a screencap or archived it.

Thread title: Flaxen
Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 22:49:16 No.1569
I haven’t told anyone about this. I just feel like the people I know wouldn’t care for this kind of stuff. So /yu/ guys, I tried my best to remember stuff and write it down. Tried to make it less boring; filled in some gaps.

>be me
>go to private elementary school
>it's beginning of 2nd or 3rd grade
>pretty small school, so obvious when new people are here
>few new kids
>red hair freckles boy
>tall boy the teacher's family adopted from western Africa
>shorter girl with flaxen hair
>school begins
>new uniform policy, have to wear our dress uniforms on Monday
>usually just wear normal school uniform with a red or white shirt and pants
>but it Monday
>this means boys need to wear black slacks, belt, button up shirt, vest, and a tie
>girls just have to wear a little tie on top of their regular red or white collared shirts and dresses
>no basketballs or soccer balls anything so we just go out the big grass field
>usually race or tag, but for some reason we looked for four-leaved clovers
>searching massive field with friends
>flaxen hair latched onto some white haired girl with wireframe glasses
>they're looking for the rare purplish clover flowers among the white clover flowers in the field
>I’m complaining about the uniforms but flaxen can hear it
>flaxen hair walks up asks why
>still annoyed, I retort something dumb like “you get to be lazy when you have to wear your uniform”
>she cries
>I get in trouble when recess ends
>parents not happy I'm getting in trouble in the first week of school
>don't get to go to sushi restaurant Friday like we usually would
Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 22:51:44 No.1570

(cont pt 2)

>next month or week they actually start making us doing stuff
>have to memorize Bible verses and poems because it's a Christian school
>teacher reading her Bible in morning
>somehow brought up disease when we were reading about Kings or Ruth
>friend named Eli asked about cancer because he heard his grandpa had it
>teacher explains that it's one of the curses of our fall
>raise hand
>"Does cancer hurt so bad people want to die?”
>completely out of nowhere
>at the time I had no idea what that really meant
>but the teacher knew
>teacher is the only one in room that knows
>teacher starts to tear up slightly
>vividly remember she looked up and sniffled and shakily said that "Anon, sometimes the pain is too much"
>I think I heard her mother had died from cancer in the summer
>sorry, Mrs. R

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 22:55:26 No.1571

(cont pt 3)

>it’s fall now
>we had a spelling bee against other Christian schools
>not important
>most things are easy, it’s a private school
>except recitations
>memorise and recite
>pumping out the Bible verses
>pumping out the poems
>pumping out the catechisms
>whenever the school has an open house, we all recite a certain verse or whatever to impress (intimidate) the guests
>I’m guessing it sounded like a cult when we all would chant
>apparently the school really prides itself on this recitation thing
>so school holds big recitation contest
>don’t really care, like the math contest better
>the “qualifiers” are in our individual classes
>go up, spit out some Psalms, don’t care
>then flaxen hair gets up
>actually pretty good at it
>like even good compared to the teacher
>next week she wins
>she recites in front of the whole school

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 22:56:52 No.1572

(cont pt 4)

>for the last week before Christmas break the school does “festivities”
>last day before break
>teacher has some people bring in crafts
>teacher brings in some plastic tinsel and tape for us to decorate
>flaxen’s mom comes in and teaches us how to make some incense with orange peel shavings, cinnamon and thyme which would go on a candle
>Asian girl brought a lot of cane strips for us to weave baskets
>school let us little kids have a little Christmas banquet in our classes
>teachers turned the lights off and brought candles
>desks are arranged so it looks like a long table when they put a tablecloth over them
>class ate some fruit and vegetables plates, ham and cookies
>lets us do whatever for the rest of the day
>argued with flaxen and Eli about the best Christmas carol
>it’s snowing outside
>clouds make the sky dark
>it’s warm from the candles but there’s a slight breeze blowing since the glass of the windows are so cold
>flaxen started monologuing about how she was allergic to peanuts
>the windowsill is being covered with coats of soft but heavy snow
>room smells warm from the incense

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 22:58:48 No.1573

(cont pt 5)

>after break, it was still pretty wintery
>school resumes
>people are getting the flu and cold, of course
>since our class is relatively small, it gets to the point where there were only like ten healthy people
>slowly, as it gets slightly warmer, everyone comes back
>flaxen and white hair don’t come back for a little longer
>white hair comes back
>few weeks go
>still no flaxen
>don’t really notice
>we were waking clay face sculptures in art
>art is the period when we have second recess
>usually stay with a few people to do our clay things and mess around
>getting late so ask to go wash hands
>walk down hallway
>cross the atrium with its glass ceilings and windows
>clear winter sun comes through the glass, reflects off the glossy tile floor and illuminates the faintly yellow colored drywall
>near one of the entrances to another hallway is flaxen and her mom
>flaxen isn’t in school uniform
>holding mom’s hand
>mom is talking to a teacher
>I keep walking to bathroom
>wash hands and scrape clay residue with paper towels
>walk back
>flaxen and mom are heading towards the main entrance
>they’re pretty far ahead
>flaxen is basically at the front office and entrance
>I’m still walking towards my art class
>I look at the front of the building
>she’s looking at me
>her eyes just say she’s tired
>the yellow light reflected from the sun, the walls and the marble floor covers face
>her hair shimmers
>she blinked
>looked down
>turned her head back to mom
>walked out of building
>don’t see her for the rest of the year
>don’t think of it too much

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:00:51 No.1574

(cont pt 6)

>in that summer my mom wanted me to experience more competition at school
>she thought private school wasn’t enough
>so my parents got me into the public school
>seems exciting
>forget about old school
>newschool focus
>good grades
>will stick with this
>decade later

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:03:04 No.1575

(cont pt 7)

>be me
>last Thursday, awake in bed
>think about the old old days
>window cracked open (I like it cold when I sleep)
>can almost hear the interstate and the distinct sound of the tractor trailers passing through
>phone buzz
>check phone
>maybe I’m not alone
>it’s the data company saying my recharge payment is expiring next month since I don’t use unlimited which is obviously just a scam since I don’t need to have unlimited when I just want a few gigabytes and I just want to do pay-as-you-go please oh please shut up I don’t want to be paying you every month just because of my phone activity
>listen to the highway and the occasional cricket
>think about getting a pet dog
>no, too sad when it dies… how bout a fish… or dolphin… dolphins are smart right? I like dolphins...
>thoughts start getting muddy
>drift into sleep
>wake up from dream
>go to use the bathroom
>foot lands on a package I was going to return on Sunday
>don’t want to screw it up so I shift my weight
>had an unfolded newspaper under the package to wrap it up later
>paper begins slipping under my foot
>lose balance and fall
>just sit against the wall for a good minute
>stand up
>reach for the light switches and turn them on
>go to bathroom and turn off the lights
>go to bed, but still very awake from the accident
>try think about something random
>no use
>then I think about my dream

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:05:04 No.1576

(cont pt 8)

>I seriously saw flaxen
>it was clearly her, her eyes, her face looked the same
>don’t know why someone I haven’t thought in years just popped up in my head
>start thinking about things from elementary school
>sit up
>turn on lights and laptop
>start googling old classmates’ names I haven’t forgotten
>see results
>browse around
>google flaxen
>google flaxen and the private school’s website
>spend at least an hour looking for anything about her
>finally tired
>go back to sleep

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:08:11 No.1577
(cont pt 9)

>Friday night I open up my laptop again
>I go through so many results that I begin to only get articles about a 46 year old woman with flaxen’s name being extradited to German court for some fraud charge
>definitely not her
>so I search for results around my home city
>narrow down search results with the custom date tag
>still nothing of use
>start feeling like I’m being a creep or something
>is following this nostalgia worth getting a criminal record?
>I sit back
>why would flaxen have come to my private school?
>on the first day we introduced ourselves in a little circle on a carpet
>she said she moved here
>so why would she have moved to my hometown?
>parents’ jobs?
>look up major companies which were in the area when we were in elementary school
>okay results, but not lots of information and I don’t know what to do next
>she’s probably just as successful as everyone else
>then find it
>children’s hospital
>look at website
>”One of the Top Ten in America!”
>I knew someone from highschool who moved from San Francisco to my home city for better treatment for some autoimmune disease at that hospital
>could it be
>begin to get paranoid
>search through website
>then I remember

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:09:48 No.1578

(cont pt 10)

>flaxen said something about her heart
>fall, still warm though
>we were in P.E, in the field again
>gym teacher gave us kickballs to play pass
>threw it to flaxen
>it aligned with the sun behind it
>it hit her face
>she said it’s fine
>she asked if her nose was okay
>said how she broke her nose once when she was in Austria
>told her about how my sister dislocated her elbow on the carseat when we went to Hawaii and we had to go the hospital where they just did an X-ray and made us wait for three hours before they got the doctor to just pop it back
>start talking about doctors
>then flaxen told me she was going to the children’s hospital every month for her allergies and her heart
>said they had to do tests because she had something wrong with her heart when she was a baby

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:11:19 No.1579

(cont pt 11)

>exit the hospital webpage
>slump against the back of my chair
>sit back up and hover fingers above the keys
>search up “flaxen obituaries children’s hospital”
>a few results, click first link
>second link
>local newspaper’s website saved all obituaries since 2006
>find the search bar in the website
>type in flaxen’s name
>pulls obituaries up
>the description under the name shows the date of death and birth
>most of them were born in the 40’s and 50’s
>sort the results by reverse age
>fourth down
>same year of death as when I swapped schools
>same birth year as me
>seems correct
>click on the link without thinking too much
>my leg kicked
>and it was Flaxen’s obituary
>I was genuinely confused
>had a family picture
>that was her mom
>and that was her
>I slowly read the page

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:16:20 No.1580

(cont pt 12)

>Julia’s family had listed a few accomplishments she made
>included her winning the school’s poem contest
>stated she passed from complications surrounding something-cardiotis
>I think I kept staring at the same page until around 10:50
>I knew people who had died, but I just felt so empty
>no sorrow
>just an empty feeling
>maybe it’s because for some reason I expected to be able to say hey
>but she wasn’t there to say hi back

Anonymous 03/06/20 (Fri) 23:21:32 No.1581

(cont pt 13 [final])

>I remember a few words her poem had and I searched it up:

Foreign Lands, Robert Louis Stevenson
1st verse

”Up into the cherry tree,
who should climb but little me?
I grabbed the trunk with both my hands,
and looked abroad in foreign lands…”

>poem girl, clover hunter, snow lover and so much I won’t know
>hope you had a good time
>was cut short but pray it was a nice ride for you
>if only I knew

>Thanks “Flaxen”
>I won’t be forgetting anymore

Anonymous 03/07/20 (Sat) 00:36:47 No.1582
Tbh, I pretty much want to cry for the teacher, Flaxen, and you. This is pretty much a sad story to get me to talk more here.

Anonymous 03/07/20 (Sat) 01:03:43 No.1583
Thank you for sharing this personal story. Tbh reading it, it almost had this surreal feel, like it didn’t take place in the same reality. Maybe that’s just me.
But yeah that’s pretty sad
I’m still confused on Flaxen. Was that her real name, a nickname, a placeholder for this story?

Anonymous 03/07/20 (Sat) 01:34:21 No.1584

OP here

Julia had wavy flaxen (blonde-brown) hair

She wore it in a ponytail a lot with a little hairtie/ribbon from the school's shop

Temp placeholder was "flaxen"

idk why I stuck with it

Her mom was pretty tall and had straight brown hair. I never saw her dad though. I'm pretty sure she didn't have siblings...

I don't know if we bought a yearbook from the school that year. Parents don't recall either.

To be honest I wrote down everything I really remember here and don't have anything left for myself. But that feels better than having no one else know.

Anonymous 03/07/20 (Sat) 01:35:49 No.1585
Man, this from a Christian School, what some weird fate.

Anonymous 03/07/20 (Sat) 04:26:34 No.1586
OHH man first time we got OC in a long while

Anonymous 03/07/20 (Sat) 11:53:38 No.1587
thats alot of plebbit spacing, not to accuse you of being a plebbitor.
But try to not do that man.

Anonymous 03/07/20 (Sat) 13:07:49 No.1588
Yeah sorry. It's a bad habit but thanks for telling me

Anonymous 03/08/20 (Sun) 15:19:39 No.1595

Oh man that hit hard.
Life was never meant to be fair, but man. These old memories... they just have this ethereal feeling to them. Glad you told us.

Anonymous 03/08/20 (Sun) 15:32:09 No.1596
shit, man, that's pretty heavy. rip to her, only the good die young.

Anonymous 03/11/20 (Wed) 14:49:23 No.1603
oh holy fuck this is actually OC
minimal correction/nitpick think OP accidentally typed "waking" instead of "making". Still man, thanks for sharing with us. 22chan is the right place for this kind of stuff.

Anonymous 05/17/20 (Sun) 22:29:46 No.1740
What feels a bit sad to me is that OP is telling a really emotional story, while you anons are bitching about spacing or jerking about it being an OC. I don't know if op is still here, but damn, this story really hits right in the feels.

Anonymous 09/28/20 (Mon) 06:40:56 No.2054
Fucking heart wrenching story
rip flaxen
Anonymous Sat 04/02/2023 9:38:52 AM 1 year ago No. 435
Thanks for reposting it, I don't remember it so I assume I didn't bother to read it since it was so long. A shame
Anonymous Sun 05/02/2023 5:03:20 AM 1 year ago No. 443
We're gonna have to do something about the post length cap at some point, huh? Lmao. It's good to have this around, thanks anon
CAT Mon 06/02/2023 9:01:28 AM 1 year ago No. 449
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I still have some pics, like this one (not mine).
CAT Mon 06/02/2023 10:32:14 AM 1 year ago No. 450
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First try of op "draw catanon thread"
CAT Mon 06/02/2023 10:34:28 AM 1 year ago No. 451
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Another one from that thread (my favorite).
CAT Mon 06/02/2023 10:44:17 AM 1 year ago No. 452
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The rules of the old 22chan. There were a lot of namefags back then.
Anonymous Mon 06/02/2023 1:09:48 PM 1 year ago No. 453
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Oh I totally forgot about this. I remember the thread where everybody pitched in and made their own rules. I remember writing 33!
This is an old Niniba banner I think was posted not too long ago. It's the only banner I have right now either way.
Anonymous Mon 06/02/2023 9:46:22 PM 1 year ago No. 460
>the large hadron collider
Not sure how I missed that before
Anonymous Wed 08/02/2023 1:47:58 PM 1 year ago No. 476
lol i remember that post from old 22when an anon was complaining about his coworkers picking on him and an anon told him to assert himself and another anon linked to that clip if plankton saying ASSERTIVE, NOT INSERTIVE
it was perfect timing.
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 6:07:05 AM 1 year ago No. 1276
there was this one paranoid guy in a old 22 thread who fukin flew out of state because he was convinced his parents would kill him
last thing i heard of him is that he joined a BBS.
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 6:19:39 AM 1 year ago No. 1280
Those types of people always make for entertaining threads because they go out in a blaze of glory. I love people who keep life interesting.
Anonymous Wed 16/08/2023 3:58:33 AM 1 year ago No. 1303
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This is the only picture I saved from the fake album cover thread, one of my favorites on the old site. to make one you would get the title of a random wikipedia article, a portion of a random quote on wikiquote, and a random pic from wikimedia commons for the band name, album title and art respectively. i didn't even save my own, and i made a few... so kudos to this anon
Anonymous Wed 16/08/2023 6:06:10 AM 1 year ago No. 1304
that was a good thread.
Anonymous Wed 16/08/2023 5:00:29 PM 1 year ago No. 1305
Someone needs to remake it. It is someone non music people can laugh at.
Anonymous Fri 01/03/2024 6:50:51 AM 7 months ago No. 2417
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Found a handful of 2019 screencaps
CAT Wed 15/05/2024 3:31:01 AM 5 months ago No. 2798
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That was the fake version ASK put out to confuse the masses. This is the TRUE version
Anonymous Wed 15/05/2024 3:43:43 AM 5 months ago No. 2799
Needless to say our past is now our future.
Also, christmas niniba.
CAT Thu 16/05/2024 5:05:37 PM 5 months ago No. 2809
I expect this post to be deleted after a long while since spoonfeeding is retarded.

What is CAT?
you have seen posters with the name CAT on 22chan, in every board. CAT was created as a name for 22chan's oldfag and other people who was aware of it's creation on old 22chan, pre twoot adandonment. the person who created it was one of 22chans oldfag who was reminded of a post on old 4chan which inspired him to have a contest. the name CAT is an acronym of three words that have a significant meaning, that an anon came up with. the original post was deleted after remaining for a bit to preserve the substance of the CAT. Think of VIPPers but all over 22chan instead of isolated to a board.

Speaking of isolated to a board, The gatorgang was the discription of those loyal to the /sewers/ who dedicate themselves to making quality funposts. unlike CAT, they remain unnamed and anonymous.
gators are the pillar of /sewers/ and without them /sewers/ would be no more then a /s4s/ clone. In a way they are more like VIPPers but without names. Have they dissapeared? perhaps, the creation of fake gangs by outsiders to astroturf 22chan has made gators decline atleast in my understanding but it does not mean that it is impossible to revive the ability for a special community to exist again in the /sewers/. Spidergang was a seperate creation by the userbase to worship spiders although there was mutual animosity between the two groups of posters untill outsiders raised cain and both groups decided to come to a truce to fend melon addicts off.
CAT Thu 16/05/2024 5:28:29 PM 5 months ago No. 2811
I also dont like the idea of a 22Chan wiki, (it would lead to inorganic postings and astroturfing by outsiders) i am COMPELLED to discuss 22Chans history though and i will continue.

What is the /sewers/?
it was called /sheit/, originally devised as a "containment board" to keep shitposting off of /b/ it was then renamed to /sewers/ by a request from the userbase. at first it was content you would see on typical imageboards and discord servers, the creation of the gators led to it becoming something special. someone discribed it as "a group of well educated collage aged people creating funposts via in-jokes only they can understand" which for me, hits near the mark. the point of /sewers/ is to make no logical sense so content posted which contains normal conversations are taboo. in many cases users treat seriously jokes that was created in thin air and even if they don't exactly understand it the other person would act like if they understood and continue the joke.
the term "melon addict" was used to discribe people who "didnt understand" the sewers and could also discribe normalfags and low effort posters.
Anonymous Sun 02/06/2024 12:48:06 PM 4 months ago No. 2906
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Anonymous Mon 03/06/2024 2:30:15 AM 4 months ago No. 2909
Let's see if I've got this straight. The guy descends from the tower, leaving a very important looking treasure chest. He then presumably starts scaling the tower from the outside, while a purple being saws through the perfectly functioning trapdoor. The purple being and guy lock eyes, the purple guy threatens to blow up a propane tank because he doesn't want to share the rooftop. But then his head spontaneously explodes instead. The guy climbs back down the outside of the tower, comes back up through the hole in the trapdoor, and mourns the purple being. The contents or significance of the treasure chest are never explored.
Anonymous Wed 05/06/2024 5:42:56 AM 4 months ago No. 2922
Yes, we were some very creative cats back then.
Anonymous Fri 14/06/2024 7:28:01 PM 4 months ago No. 2974
does anyone have the screencap from the fzero anime thread, specifically dr. stewart saying "i believe in justice" in broken english? infact if anyone else has anime screencaps posted on the site i'd appreciate it. to me they consitute good memories.
Anonymous Mon 16/09/2024 7:13:45 AM 1 month ago No. 3404
That was my thred!!! my cat!! thank you for archiving it, i lost it. thankss
Anonymous Mon 16/09/2024 1:30:58 PM 29 days ago No. 3405
Do you have any plans for catanon content? I miss him.
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