[Chart] We had 7370 unique visitors this October.

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/meta/ - Meta
22chan 3.0 Anonymous Mon 24/04/2023 8:20:28 PM 1 year ago No. 142
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It has come to our attention that the site may appear somewhat neglected as of late, and we wish to assure you that there is a valid reason for this.
Our staff has been occupied with the development of a new imageboard software based on the Django framework.
We are excited to present an early preview of our work, which you can access at https://alpha.22chan.org/.
We cordially invite you to participate in our alpha test and appreciate any feedback you might have regarding the site.
Anonymous Tue 25/04/2023 11:41:21 AM 1 year ago No. 143
I will attempt to clarify the list of new features currently available on the new software:

Users can select up to 4 files with a 100MB limit per post.
Support for various file types, including JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, MP4, WEBM, MP3, FLAC, OGG; .wav files are converted to .mp3 files.
Custom thumbnail selection for audio files; default thumbnail is used if none is selected.
Single-file posts expand upon clicking, while multi-file posts open in a modal for display.
Styling support includes Bold, Strike, Spoiler, and Mona.
Video embedding available for YouTube and Nico Nico Douga links.
Catalog view without needing to refresh the site.
Crossboard quoting with >>>/(board)/(thread) syntax and post-highlighting for quoted posts.
Clicking on a post number will copy and paste it into the comment field.
Thread-sticky feature.
File uploads allow users to select spoiler or NSFW images.
Post reporting and an upcoming feature to delete posts using a password.
General and board-specific banners.
(Currently disabled) Hex feature that displays a hash to identify users.
Revamped rules page.
Numerous moderation tools.

While this list covers the current features, there are additional plans for future implementation.
Anonymous Wed 26/04/2023 10:55:33 AM 1 year ago No. 144
So this new one is no longer based on hayden?
Will it be open sourced?
Anonymous Wed 26/04/2023 10:56:22 AM 1 year ago No. 145
Also are you planning to migrate threads from this one to the new one?
Anonymous Fri 28/04/2023 1:50:18 AM 1 year ago No. 151
I noticed there is a gap in the styling thing so if i add "cat" in it would look like
cat instead of cat
Anonymous Fri 28/04/2023 1:54:24 AM 1 year ago No. 152
The SJIS art i posted did not work
Anonymous Fri 28/04/2023 1:32:21 PM 1 year ago No. 153
I will try to fix that issue and answer your questions later today.
Anonymous Sat 29/04/2023 2:30:33 AM 1 year ago No. 154
Correct! This is not based on Hayden as it's developed directly from scrap using Django. I am planning on making it open source eventually but I can't answer the question of when that will happen.
That is the current plan, yes. We will have to figure out how to do that first so it might take sometime.
Anonymous Sat 29/04/2023 3:08:37 AM 1 year ago No. 155
Anonymous Wed 03/05/2023 9:19:33 PM 1 year ago No. 156
Quick update: We have managed to import all of the posts from 22chan.org and implement a few new features. Again we can't promise anything but the site should be up and running shortly.
Anonymous Fri 05/05/2023 2:30:32 AM 1 year ago No. 164
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22chan 3.0 was ported over to 22chan.org with all of the posts imported.
I'll try to continue the current list of features that were implemented.

Users can now create a password for their posts and delete it within a 2 hours time span if they wish to do so.
You can now crossboard quote to a specific reply that will highlight that reply like so >>>/b/70#77
Made the quotes function more fancy with a animation on the homepage with a typewriter setting.
Now it will show you how many replies and files were omitted in a thread if there are more than 3 replies.

There's still a few things to fix up but I guess welcome to 22chan 3.0
Anonymous Fri 05/05/2023 8:18:41 AM 1 year ago No. 165
/all/ was implemented which turned out to be a really easy thing to implement.
Anonymous Sat 06/05/2023 1:50:42 AM 1 year ago No. 166
That's pretty unlucky my SSD with the imageboard software and everything else just got corrupted once I went to sleep yesterday. Not much to worry about since I have the backup that's on the actual webserver although I did make a few changes for implementation of the /flash/ board. I will try to go ahead and recover the files if possible.
Anonymous Sat 06/05/2023 7:08:45 AM 1 year ago No. 167
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I managed to find a software that lets you repair your drive and recover any files from it: https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download
It's free and functions a lot better than the paid garbage Recuva, EaseUS, etc. which was not able to recognize or load when the driver was plugged in. I'm currently recovering the files from my folder where everything was located inside of and it preserves the folder structure and file names.
Anonymous Sun 07/05/2023 6:14:43 AM 1 year ago No. 168
/f/ - Flash has been added.
Anonymous Wed 10/05/2023 10:34:19 AM 1 year ago No. 174
If some of you are wondering why sometimes you get a problem with Cloudflare or any other error when accessing 22chan it's because of frequent updates being pushed to the server. I also must have screwed something up with the Ngnix configuration when modifying the cache so that now it isn't serving up to date static files. So I'm sorry if I'm interrupting some of your browsing experiences right now.
Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 6:02:03 AM 1 year ago No. 176
There should be now a new feature on the top right of the navigation bar that lets you change the timestamp of all posts to your preferred time zone.
Anonymous Mon 15/05/2023 9:52:00 AM 1 year ago No. 180
I really like the new software. One feature I'd like would be the tooltip that tells how much time has passed when hovering over the post time
Anonymous Tue 16/05/2023 12:06:50 AM 1 year ago No. 181
Anonymous Tue 16/05/2023 1:39:38 AM 1 year ago No. 182
Sweet, thanks. That was fast
Anonymous Sat 20/05/2023 4:37:41 AM 1 year ago No. 184
What other styling options do you guys want?
Anonymous Sun 21/05/2023 1:44:54 AM 1 year ago No. 187
note from author
<title>Page Title</title>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>


Failed to create thread because OP is a faggot
Anonymous Mon 22/05/2023 11:42:47 AM 1 year ago No. 191
You can access this using "[.piano]" without the dot. Although there's probably not many cases where this will be needed maybe some piano thread on /mu/ I wouldn't know.
Click on the red button and it will allow you to play the piano using the following keyboard layout:
'a': 'c',
'w': 'c-sharp',
's': 'd',
'e': 'd-sharp',
'd': 'e',
'f': 'f',
't': 'f-sharp',
'g': 'g',
'y': 'g-sharp',
'h': 'a',
'u': 'a-sharp',
'j': 'b'
Anonymous Fri 02/06/2023 4:17:29 PM 1 year ago No. 192
I will try to list the recent changes just by memory, but man I accidentally overwrote and placed the migrations for the imageboard app yesterday with the ones on my drive and migrated the changes since I was confused as to why the server wasn't starting and why it was telling me I have migrations that need to be made without checking first what might have been the problem.
This caused a database error with a bunch of duplicated migrations that were doing the same thing and conflicting with each other and trying to manually fix it didn't seem to work out so I just had to delete all the migration files and make a completely new migration from the ground up.
I checked around the DB but it doesn't seem like any damage was caused to it at all, although this means I won't be able to roll back to a previous migration if needed.
I'll try and see about approaching this more carefully in the future, and actually start backing up the migration files.

Anyways regarding the recent changes:

Inspired by 4-ch and 4taba A new sidebar was implemented with a image of Spider-tan on which you can click to open the currently available settings for 22chan. You can if you want hide this sidebar and revert to the previous look with the "[⇠ Hide Menu]" button.
As requested by >>>/meta/1#183 the ability to post replies that can have files attached to them was implemented.
Now when you select a custom thumbnail for audio files it will show you whether you have selected a thumbnail or not.
The quote feature on the homepage was slightly modified in terms of how it looks.
A new search form was added to /all/ which allows you to search posts on 22chan similar to find.4chan.org
The styling for /f/ has been slightly modified and everything has been labeled.
Link embedding was added for vocaroo, dailymotion, and shortened youtube urls and playlists.
Anonymous Thu 22/06/2023 3:25:38 AM 1 year ago No. 211
Trying to think of the new changes that were which I don't think were that much.

When making a thread or reply you can now utilize the IME Pad to create any kinds of AA art and look for special symbols it will later be expanded upon more to make it even more organized.
You can now use colored text you can replace the 6 available numbers in [color#000000] with any hex code.
On /all/ now you can expand the amount of number of flash threads.

Currently thinking of creating a tagging system for threads similar to the one on Nico Nico Douga which will allow anyone not just the thread owner to put tags on any thread which would serve as a way of finding similar threads and just another fun way of interacting I guess. I probably will have to think of a max amount of tags allowed, a cooldown period, and whether approved tags should allow to link to other websites. Any thoughts on this?
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 6:06:59 AM 1 year ago No. 212
>allow to link to other websites
what do you mean by this?
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 6:19:44 AM 1 year ago No. 213
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Basically kind of like on nico nico douga that when you create a wiki article for a tag the "NicoDicIcon is-available" symbol appears on that tag on which you can click on and it will redirect you to that tag's wiki article I kind of want to do something similar although it doesn't necessarily have to be a wiki article or something.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 6:22:53 AM 1 year ago No. 214
Yeah, avoid a 22chan wiki at all costs.
Anonymous Sat 24/06/2023 10:03:34 PM 1 year ago No. 216
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Enjoy the new audio player.
I tried going for a more old Soundcloud look here.
Anonymous Sun 25/06/2023 6:43:40 AM 1 year ago No. 217
I think its neat.
Anonymous Wed 09/08/2023 8:36:57 AM 1 year ago No. 225
Oracle, Fortune, Diceroll, and italics were added and a backend function. As prevously Oracle and Fortune are only available on /sewers/ and Diceroll on /b/
Anonymous Wed 09/08/2023 8:45:24 AM 1 year ago No. 226
Oh and I forgot now you can sage threads if you think that's a bad thing you can discuss it here
Anonymous Sun 13/08/2023 10:14:18 PM 1 year ago No. 227
What about pages for all?
Anonymous Sun 13/08/2023 10:27:42 PM 1 year ago No. 228
pages for all? what do you mean by this?
Anonymous Mon 14/08/2023 6:45:05 PM 1 year ago No. 229
Once I scroll to the end of that page, I'd like to be able to see more posts somehow
Anonymous Mon 14/08/2023 10:14:48 PM 1 year ago No. 230
What are you on about? You can already do this for months now.
Anonymous Tue 15/08/2023 1:17:28 AM 1 year ago No. 231
the posts appear automatically as you keep scrolling down
Anonymous Tue 15/08/2023 1:21:05 PM 1 year ago No. 232
They don't for me. Must be a problem on my end I guess
Anonymous Tue 15/08/2023 11:01:05 PM 1 year ago No. 233
Disregard that I suck cocks I was phoneposting. It works fine on computer.
Anonymous Thu 24/08/2023 9:35:18 PM 1 year ago No. 236
Seems like there are a bunch of posts just saging for apparently no reason at all.
I am just wondering, what's the point of not having these appear at the top of the bump order, especially the last one? It feels like it's just a single poster who is being too shy (lol).
Anonymous Sun 01/10/2023 6:43:49 AM 1 year ago No. 240
On 2channel it was more or less expected etiquette to employ "sage" within threads. Essentially, when you used "sage," you were signaling that you didn't want the current thread to ascend to the top because there were higher-quality threads and posts deserving of that prime position.
In a lot of cases this was done for posts, for example, in advertising threads, troll threads, off-topic, or complaint threads where there was nothing particularly noteworthy to contribute that would warrant the top of the bump order over the other posts and if you did not sage such a post, well, you would receive insults like「半年ROMってろ」(stay in the archive for six months.)
With "age" which is also something you would input into the email field that would indicate that you bumped the thread to the top of the bump order on purpose. Now, this was perfectly fine if your post was genuinely valuable. However, if it wasn't, you'd hear comments like「ageるなカス」(don't age, you trash)
Now regarding the posts that were linked like 260, 261, 263, 1336 I guess this is understandable and the correct usage of sage but the other two posts don't really warrant a sage.
Anonymous Sun 01/10/2023 4:38:28 PM 1 year ago No. 241
this the correct usage of sage whithin the japanese imageboard sphere.

within the 22chan sphere it depends. this is also changed because saging is visible now where before you'd never know. on 22chan, threads stay up forever untill they are "bumped off" by more threads being made. all of the threads on 22chan are of quality so saging shit threads/posts are a nonexistant issue, shit threads get reported and deleted unless the userbase converts it to a decent thread. moving a thread that is shit to sewers is retarded because /sewers/ is for funposting, and is not /trash/. saying that you "saged" a thread are a ban worthy offence unless the rules are changed and is low quality responce anyhow, necrobumping doesn't exist and bumping a thread by typing "bump" is a shit thing to do and you'll just anger people.

japanese imageboards function diffrently where a post is stagnant in time and you have to type age to bump it up and sage to lower the thread.

on 22chan a thread/post is aged by default, and saging a thread is more like keeping it stagnant in time, also putting it at risk of being bumped off if more threads are made.
people here thend to sage for various reasons, sometimes they want to wait for their post to be seen for a very long time until someone lurks to find it, sometimes they are shy, Sometimes, they feel like their post is edgy or controvercial. another thing too is they migt be talking about something new that came out and is talking about the thing early before a good chunk of people saw it and you want to be quiet about it until time has past (ofc unless someone bumps the thread that post was made but then you have spoilers to aid with being quiet)
within 22chan it can be said that making a regular post is being "loud" and by saging it, you are being quiet. i say this because its kinda been that way for years and i've watched the way people post.
Anonymous Sun 01/10/2023 11:36:44 PM 1 year ago No. 244
>japanese imageboards function diffrently where a post is stagnant in time and you have to type age to bump it up and sage to lower the thread.
>on 22chan a thread/post is aged by default
No, I think you misread that part completely because again "age" is when you indicated that you bumped a thread on purpose where as if you didn't put anything into the email field it still would have bumped normally.
>all of the threads on 22chan are of quality so saging shit threads/posts are a nonexistant issue
It does not have to be a shit thread to get saged because it can even be a quality thread but the thread on the current bump order is a lot more quality than the one you are posting inside of especially when you are posting inside of a quality thread with a low quality response >>>/sewers/63#63.
Other than that I mostly agree.
Anonymous Mon 02/10/2023 4:03:17 AM 1 year ago No. 245
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I'm gonna try and recall all of the changes this time around.
The file limit for posts has been changed from 4 to 8.
You will now see 5 replies to a thread instead of 3 when browsing boards or /all/.
When you click on a file inside of a post that has multiple files now you can press the right and left arrows to switch between the files in that post. You can also switch the files using the A and D or Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys.
Many backend features for moderating purposes such as tools to prevent raids.
There is now an actual banned.html you will be redirected to stating for what you got banned for.
There is now a new tag feature similar to Nico Nico Douga which was mentioned in >>211 and >>213:

Pressing the + button on a thread you can now every 5 minutes add a new tag to a thread and delete any tag from a thread that isn't locked.
You can create up to 3 locked tags that cannot be removed by anyone else during the thread's first creation.
You can propose a edit to a tag in the new tag tab you will find on the sidebar's information section where you can request either the name or link field to be changed. (Links to tags can only be added this way) Do not bother linking to stuff like Wiki articles they will most likely not be approved, but you can still link to other posts on 22chan.
You can click on the tag's name to start a search for threads that contain the same tag (TO BE IMPLEMENTED JUST REGULAR SEARCH FOR NOW) and you can click on the link field of a tag if it has one to be redirected to an approved link.
Anonymous Mon 02/10/2023 4:45:48 AM 1 year ago No. 247
I'll lower the amount of time you have to wait to submit another tag to like 15 seconds for now since it's a new feature.
Anonymous Sat 07/10/2023 9:17:20 AM 1 year ago No. 248
The rumors of my cocksuckinig might have been greatly exaggerated. Here I am at my computer, scrolling at the bottom of the overboard, and no new posts are appearing. Could you add a "load more" button or something so if something goes wrong with the automatic loading I can click it? (It might be some weird shit on my end, I dunno)
Anonymous Fri 01/12/2023 4:59:02 AM 10 months ago No. 264
Updated the database to the newest version and a bunch of other backend stuff. (a few newer posts today were lost)
I updated the file uploading method and now when you post files that are together over 8MB a task will be assigned to them that will process the creation of thumbnails and calculating the details of those files whenever it is not processing other tasks so you don't get timed out whenever uploading a file anymore.
there is also a new feature you can call with [.clockUTC=y:2023,m:01,d:01,h:01,m:01,s:01] (without the dot) that will create a countdown timer in UTC for that date like so:
00 HRS
00 MIN
00 SEC

Also if you noticed as to why sometimes hcaptcha is disabled and then re-enabled later it's not a problem with the server it's being done on purpose when there's no recent occurrence of spam. You might also notice that there are a few bugs like not being able to scroll down on /all/ now it will be momentarily fixed as we're encountering a few issues with the server.
There will also be a few more small updates after this in theme of the next month (December).
Anonymous Sat 23/12/2023 12:15:16 PM 9 months ago No. 271
On the townhall date, I'll see about listing all the new features, but for now, I added a new board called 'Server.' This is for threads focused on organizing 22chan community activities on different platforms. The name is just a placeholder for now, so if anyone can think of a better name, what would it be?
Anonymous Sat 23/12/2023 8:10:44 PM 9 months ago No. 272
Projects & Activities?
Anonymous Fri 29/12/2023 8:59:22 AM 9 months ago No. 275
Is it possible to access the sourcecode for 22chan's custom software?? I fucking love it
Anonymous Fri 29/12/2023 6:50:46 PM 9 months ago No. 276
would it ever be possible to get some of the site working with older browsers? i still use internet explorer (best browser), but none of the thumbnails work, nor does uploading files.
blease developer brothers, dont leave me behind...
Anonymous Sat 30/12/2023 12:41:11 AM 9 months ago No. 277
We'll think about it. It's just written in python (django) which might not be everyone's cup of tea when it comes to stuff like performance.
I feel like there's a lot of stuff to take into account here like which internet explorer version you are on and which features are currently not working with that version. I opened up my version of internet explorer and I can't even see the custom stylesheet it's like I am on TOR with javascript completely disabled. Are you maybe talking about internet explorer mode on Microsoft edge?
Anonymous Mon 01/01/2024 9:13:10 PM 9 months ago No. 279

True but a lot of people know Python (compared to vichan's PHP) so it would be pretty cool imo!
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 12:27:58 PM 7 months ago No. 284
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Kind of a huge update to the site. Tried pushing myself over the limit trying to get this out on 2/22, but basically here are the new features:

・ When creating a post there was usually a error when trying to attach locked tags now you can attach up to 3 and it won't error anymore.
・ Now in post creation you can preview how your post is going to look. The data is sent back to the server to render your post back with the regex features applied. (missing features for audio preview and so on, but it is especially good for AA art)
・ from https://github.com/desuwa/tegaki?tab=readme-ov-file You can now create drawings using the Tegaki feature: simply click the "Tegaki" button, draw your image, DO NOT FORGET TO EXPORT YOUR DRAWING TO YOUR HARD DRIVE FIRST, then click Finish and it will be automatically applied to your post. The limit is 1 right now, and you can always continue editing your image by pressing the "Tegaki" button again.
・ The search feature has been expanded. You can now search by keyword which will bring up all posts that have that keyword inside of them including their tags, and you can now search by tag which will only look for posts that have that tag applied to them.
・ The backquote feature has been completely rewritten and now you can hover over backquotes which will send a ajax request to retrieve data to populate the form. (a bit buggy right now, missing features)
・ You can now delete a post that is up to 24 hours old.
・ There is now a "Console" feature, let me explain. I don't really feel like rendering out a error message on the screen individually everywhere is a good idea so any errors or logs in general get sent to it which will be stored in your local browser storage. (Up to 200 messages, still a bit buggy, and you can also click the "CLEAR CONSOLE" button to delete all messages.)
・ Now when Captcha is disabled there will be a message displaying it is disabled on purpose.

I wonder if it's even possible to clear everyone's cache anyways if you don't see the new features CTRL + F5.
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 12:53:21 PM 7 months ago No. 285
Oh, and I almost forgot. Happy birthday Niniba!
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 3:58:35 PM 7 months ago No. 286
happy birthday niniba!
Anonymous Fri 14/06/2024 3:37:01 AM 4 months ago No. 318
File Deleted
Added a counter at the top that counts how many unique visitors we have per month.
Now you can scroll in on image files using your middle mouse wheel, and also drag them around if there are more than 2 files in a post. (If you don't think it's a good feature and would like to see it removed please let us know.)
Replaced the loop button in the audio player with something more decent.
Now when files get deleted by staff it will display a "file not found" image.
Anonymous Fri 14/06/2024 3:51:05 AM 4 months ago No. 319
Already liking the scroll zoom, these are neat
Anonymous Fri 14/06/2024 10:35:54 PM 4 months ago No. 320
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>counter at the top that counts how many unique visitors we have per month.
Anonymous Sun 16/06/2024 3:56:52 AM 4 months ago No. 321
I like the idea of the scroll zoom but I worry it'd mess with the experience too much. I like to be able to click on an image and then scroll down when I'm done looking at it without moving my mouse at all, and there have been times where I've intended to scroll down but accidentally zoomed in an image. It feels kind of clunky but I want to keep the feature. Maybe make it a control function, so you can hold ctrl + scroll to do it? I think that would make the experience much smoother
Anonymous Sun 16/06/2024 10:34:36 PM 4 months ago No. 322
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Anonymous Mon 17/06/2024 12:29:23 AM 4 months ago No. 323
lmao 322
Anonymous Mon 24/06/2024 5:25:44 AM 3 months ago No. 326
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Now when making a new post you have to check the "Generate Token" checkbox located in the Verification method this is primarily due to when captcha was disabled you could make multiple submissions of the same post. If you request too many of these tokens in a short time span (60 per hour) your ip-address will be blocked for around a few hours from generating the token again. Also now when clicking the "Submit" button to prevent it from being clicked twice it will be disabled after the first click.
The tags and tag edit pages have been reworked and now include guidelines to follow. You can now also request a description to be added to a tag which will serve as a method identify what threads the tag should be attached to. Simply hover over a tag attached to a thread and it will display a description of that tag if it was added.
By the request of >>321 you now have to hold shift key to scroll into an image.
Added a new uploads page https://22chan.org/up/ that displays all user uploaded media on the website with search functionality (if you find anything breaking the rules use the moderation thread to notify the staff about this >>>/meta/42/)
Anonymous Fri 28/06/2024 2:11:21 AM 3 months ago No. 330
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Just wanted to point out that the visitor counter does not count the IP addresses of recurring visitors to the website as it only counts unique ones that don't yet exist in the database. (I can assure you they are hashed before being stored.)
So, if you see on the chart '300' unique visitors today on the website, that number does not include people accessing from the same IP address already stored in the database.
Anonymous Mon 01/07/2024 6:42:25 PM 3 months ago No. 332
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Either the counter hasn't reset, or we've had a large influx of users.
Anonymous Mon 01/07/2024 7:20:26 PM 3 months ago No. 333
what if you are a product of my hallucinations and 22chan is just me talking to myself?
Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 3:54:03 AM 2 months ago No. 335
Not sure if this is right place to ask, but is there a possibility to perhaps update the metadata on the post to reflect the new file size on whenever a high quality audio format (WAV, FLAC, etc) is converted to MP3?
The reason I asked is because the file size on this post here: >>>/mu/29#285 does not reflect the file size of the high quality MP3 conversion.
Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 3:57:35 AM 2 months ago No. 336
Seems like the convert method doesn't update the file size to the new one. I'll get right to fixing it.
Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 4:00:34 AM 2 months ago No. 337
Please do, I'll wait in the meantime since I have more I want to share, but I don't want to scare users in downloading extremely bloated MP3 files.
Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 6:03:14 AM 2 months ago No. 339
I've updated the system to correctly calculate the new file size after conversion although there is a bit of a caching issue so there will be a few minute delay before it shows the real size. Additionally, since WAV, FLAC, AIFF, and AIF files are typically large and would exceed the 100 MB limit before being converted to .mp3, I've adjusted the logic so that these specific audio files can now together reach up to 300 MB separate from other files. Still be cautious as the long upload times due to the high file size might still cause a timeout, especially if large thumbnails are also selected.
Anonymous Sun 08/09/2024 1:48:08 PM 1 month ago No. 352
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https://22chan.org/up/ now has now something akin to like a light booru viewer for uploaded files (video files have a blue border meanwhile audio files a yellow one) and you can switch between the default and booru viewers without reloading the page which shouldn't really affect the performance also I don't remember the other stuff anymore but I guess it was mostly bug fixes like hovering over files shouldn't look weird anymore and it correctly fetches the cached files.
Anonymous Fri 13/09/2024 7:26:24 AM 1 month ago
(edited 1x)
  • Sept. 13, 2024, 7:28 a.m.
  • No. 355
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    Reimplemented a single rate limiting logic for a lot of GET and POST requests and I think now in most cases it will tell you how long you have to wait if you exceed the rate limit.
    Fixed another bug when hovering over files and the file wouldn't load unless you keep moving your mouse over the thumbnail.
    Now a huge new feature that was added is being able to edit your posts with the password you generated when creating the post. Threads can be edited indefinitely, while replies can be edited for 24 hours; however, I can also change this to allow indefinite editing for replies if desired. When someone edits their post, a label reading '(edited)' will appear, allowing users to view the original version of the post before the edit (check it out on this post), BUT if you don't want users to see that you can check the "Hide edit from dropdown" checkbox inside of the form. Additionally, when you generate a password, it will now appear in the console to help prevent losing it, adding more functionality to the console. However, I still recommend saving it separately with a clear label indicating its purpose, just in case.
    This is pretty much to encourage the idea that threads on 22chan can live on forever and that "thread maintenance" is an actual thing which will be probably the main focus with the upcoming updates.
    Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 2:08:02 PM 10 days ago No. 363
    Deleted spam threads appear in search and so are apparently not fully deleted
    I've searched for the word "privacy" on the https://22chan.org/search/ page and this thread showed up: https://22chan.org/b/3301/
    Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 2:10:01 PM 10 days ago No. 364
    Thank you for reporting this. This will be fixed in the next upcoming update to the website.
    Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 3:42:05 PM 6 days ago No. 367
    (3.30 MB 00:01:56)
    On the moderation end, there is now a new warning system that allows staff to issue warnings instead of immediately banning users for rule violations. If you receive a warning and try to post, you'll be redirected to https://22chan.org/warnings/, where the warning will be displayed.
    22chan now tracks posters by their IP addresses (hashed and salted for privacy). Although if you stop posting for a while, your IP data will be pretty much deleted apart from the Ngnix access logs, allowing you to essentially disappear from the site. This feature is designed to limit access to certain features for non-posters.
    Replaced the need for Select2 in selecting tags for threads with a custom, lightweight implementation which is way better looking. When creating a thread, you can now click on the tag input container, which brings up a paginated list of all available tags (25 per page). As before, you can also search for tags by typing in the input field.
    (・ェ・) Completely rebuilt the IME PAD and made it non-expandable to hopefully encourage more usage. If you'd like to see any additional characters added for creating better AA, feel free to let us know.
    You can now select text in the comment area and apply styling with the buttons, which will automatically wrap the selected text. Also, added the option to underline text which was for some reason missing before.
    Most of the .html on the pages has been reworked (some of it might be a bit buggy), and the CATalog received a complete overhaul, which was long overdue.
    The Spider theme in the dropdown has been updated with an image of Spider-tan and will be the default for this October.
    Backquotes have been extensively revamped (still not perfect). They now automatically load when you scroll them into view and are cached for faster access. The same applies to file uploads under 750 KB. If this feels excessive, let us know, and we'll add an option to toggle it in the settings.
    >>363 Fixed.
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