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/yu/ - Feelings
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/yu/ - Feelings Anonymous Tue 04/06/2024 1:43:33 AM 6 months ago No. 629
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Welcome to /yu/, a space designed for you to vent about matters that you find difficult to discuss with those close to you in real life.
However, it is not a place for discussing routine aspects of your daily life that could possibly be traced back to you.
Before posting on this board please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Understand the Difference Between Whining and Venting.
Whining focuses on expressing complaints without seeking solutions, while venting involves expressing frustrations as a way to release stress and potentially find resolutions. Whining will not be tolerated on this board. Learn more about the distinction here: https://blog.swilliams.me/2018/11/13/whining-vs-venting/
2. No /pol/-like Discussions.
This board is not a place for discussions in a /pol/ manner, including moralfagging about modern social issues such as religion, sex, pedophilia, etc. Keep the focus on personal feelings and experiences rather than contentious societal debates.
Also see the attached images for direct examples of what to not post on /yu/.

We are making this stickied post to clarify our stance on where /yu/ stands, due to recent reports of the board gradually turning into /pol/-like discussions.
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Venting Thread and Discussion Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 2:43:41 PM 4 months ago No. 703
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Of the peaceful kind.
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Anonymous Mon 16/12/2024 2:09:43 AM 5 days ago No. 852
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Made. I posted it in 4chan since it is apart of 4chan's old culture, but I'm getting Snack-tan into L4D2. Just need to finish getting Moot into L4D2 as well + /V/-tan and I'll try to post everything in /cre8/.
Full time hobby. It's why I'm a NEET for about a year now. Wanna get every personal ideas I want to do out of the way before I get a job.
>>850 >>851
Many thanks anons.
For the anons that want to know more about the Snacks model, I've created it in 2021 for a group of anon friends in VRC as a joke, but of course, my passion for the design got to me. Idk if I could post links, but it's up on /ic/ and /3/ if you want to get the model yourself there first before I repost it here.
Anonymous Tue 17/12/2024 5:44:44 PM 3 days ago No. 857
On one hand there is absolutely nothing to look forward to in terms of entertainment next year (at least American, maybe)...
Dont really know what else to say, it doesn't seem to stop, even if that's simply how the world spins, I guess.
Anonymous Wed 18/12/2024 3:17:28 AM 3 days ago No. 858
Haven't we been saying this for years? I don't doubt this, but hasn't been in the gutters for years?
Anonymous Thu 19/12/2024 6:51:40 PM 1 day ago No. 859
I guess. It just really hurts me that I knew the reaction to a trailer I had no intention of watching would be more entertaining than the trailer itself..
Anonymous Sat 21/12/2024 10:56:35 AM 1 hour ago No. 862
I have finished another animation.
Or, more accurately, rushed an amateur one just for the joy of animating..
it all really went downhill the first time he was elected, didn't it? =_=

Stupid Things Normalfag Say Anonymous Sat 02/03/2024 5:48:30 AM 9 months ago No. 529
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It is an unfortunate fact of life that you talk with normalfags. Normalfags like to see us as incorrect on every occasion. This thread will document the stupid things they say. You can provide contexts where needed. I'll start with one stupid thing a normalfag said.
"it is all about your mindset"
I found that stupid because the guy was bullying the coworker to whom he said it. If you are going to say a platitude, be consistent.
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Anonymous Tue 05/03/2024 3:53:36 AM 9 months ago No. 536
"I know a guy..."
"who hurt you?"
Anonymous Wed 17/04/2024 1:35:18 AM 8 months ago No. 574
>Jesus fucking christ /yu/ attracts the worst fucking normal nigger crowd all whiny and bitchy about their shitty problems in Life
It is almost like that is the point of the feelings board. We can't talk about our problems IRL without normalfaggots like you gaslighting us so imageboards provide shelter from you normalfags.
Anonymous Wed 17/04/2024 2:45:08 AM 8 months ago No. 575
You just might be completely missing the point of that statement. How would you like it if you browsed an imageboard, which let's say you primarily browse for all other topics like anime, video games, and just fun things in general to escape from reality, and the moment you open the website and go to /all/, you see a flood of negative posts from /yu/ talking about how fucking shit their day was? A minority of the threads on the website completely dominate the front page most of the time, and you're not even allowed to hide their posts because hiding posts here is something that the staff don't like as it creates future problems. There are so many places like this on the internet, specifically imageboards, which are primarily dedicated to the discussion of /yu/. You can't even differentiate one from another, where people revel in their depression with each other, which are almost never happy feelings. The reason /yu/ does attract the worst normal-nigger crowd is that the topic at hand allows everyone from around the worldwide web to participate in it, even non-imageboard users like that evangelical street preacher who came out of nowhere and just couldn't stop spreading to everyone the name of God to deal with their problems.
I don’t know whether I’d ever agree with actually removing the /yu/ board because I do understand that there might be some value to it not found in any other place, and for some, these /yu/ conversations are the only reason they come here in the first place so maybe removing them would lower the activity here even more or maybe even cause an opposite effect who knows... However, I will say that a lot of anons here dedicate a great deal of time and effort to creating very interesting fun threads that could foster meaningful discussions. Now imagine being one of them, seeing all this creativity and energy get drowned out by a constant barrage of negativity to the /yu/ threads while their thread flies off of the bump order. Think about it, if even a chunk of that time spent moaning about daily bullshit was shifted to participating in these more constructive threads, we could actually make something worthwhile happen around here.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 5:22:55 AM 2 months ago No. 778
"Bro did X"
It is an annoying Generation Z phrase that is really low iq. No one wants to hear your bland narration of what is happening.
Anonymous Fri 20/12/2024 4:47:28 AM 1 day ago No. 861
This thread makes me angry

Feelings and the holidays Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 2:22:05 PM 1 year ago No. 5
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How do you anons handle the holidays? Any stories or memories you care to share? As for me, I aim for an extra comfy day every time a holiday comes because if I achieve this I will remember the day forever. Many things can be stressful, so I try not to stress myself out. Last year, I remember getting off work early for work and then being sick on new years eve and new years day.
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Anonymous Sat 07/12/2024 4:15:08 AM 14 days ago No. 827
Seeing the Rockettes as a child was a memorable experience for me. Although I wouldn't enjoy it alone, my family always enjoyed it. We had a good time together as a family. I hope this gets you in the Christmas spirit!
Anonymous Mon 16/12/2024 11:03:12 PM 4 days ago No. 854
At the moment I am on a Chrims trip and my siblings are sick. The proximity does not make me feel super comfortable in my current situation. The worst part is that my parents siblings knew full well of this issue. I'm not particularly thrilled to be on the trip because I don't have the choice to pick the activities of the trip. I hope I at least stay healthy.
Anonymous Tue 17/12/2024 3:57:04 AM 4 days ago No. 855
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It's been wet and warm and windy. Snow will come, but for now I'm enjoying puddles and rain on the rooftop. I have been drinking tea and cocoa. This year's tree is one I planted probably around 2005. Got too big, it's pushing against other trees and kinda blocks an electrical box. It's twice the height of my ceiling, so I cut it in half. The bottom half goes right up to the ceiling and pushes against it. I put the top half right up against it to help fill out. It's a big sloppy mess, but might be my favorite christmas tree ever.
Fucken nice! I saw it a few nights ago. My city luckily has a really good historic theatre that keeps ticket prices down to keep events accessible to the public. Lots of great music, hope you enjoy
Ew. Stay healthy, and if you can't stay healthy, stay comfy
Anonymous Tue 17/12/2024 4:49:23 AM 4 days ago No. 856
Yeah it was really high quality stuff, even the child dancers really gave it their all. So many cool special effects too like when the nutcracker fought the rat king, sparks flew off of the blade.
Anonymous Fri 20/12/2024 2:51:47 AM 1 day ago No. 860
What type of tree did you plant?

optimism Anonymous Mon 13/11/2023 2:43:36 AM 1 year ago No. 445
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I saw this quote: "happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions". It's a
very simple statement, yet it resonated with me all the same. What is being happy? It's possible to be perfectly stable in life but still not be happy and I want to explore that. I know there's mindless happiness, stuff that's enjoyable on a basic instinctual level, (e.g. eating good food or watching your favorite show) but anything besides that has become a challenge to achieve. It really got me thinking when I realized that others whom you can say "happiness comes easy to" may not be that way just because of their attitude, but that their circumstances, what they spend their time on, can be a factor as well. I thought about how you can have a lifestyle that actively reinforces your happiness, and one where being happy can feel like a chore, where people, too exhausted to try, would rather lay in bed than do something, anything, enjoyable; Therefore, you can say that achieving happiness, by requiring more concentrated effort, is more of a challenge to some than for others regardless of their character.
I've personally felt this. Lately I've been caught up in trying to do things that give me some kind of sense of accomplishment, but in doing so I've been getting more stressed when I'm being lazy, essentially becoming unable to relax. Like when a meticulously planned idea just doesn't go through, I'm spending a lot of time now fretting about trying to be happy.

Having an optimistic attitude is another thing I'd like to touch on, because I've tried for as long as I can remember to have one, but it still falters occasionally.
What I'd like to ask you all is: How do you feel about your own happiness? Do you ever try to force it or does it come easy to you? and how do you rationalize it if at all? What can we do to find meaningful happiness in a life where the longer you go on the less you want to try?
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Anonymous Sun 10/11/2024 5:21:03 AM 1 month ago No. 798
I've had a bit of an epiphany. To sum it up in a sentence, It feels much better, and is healthier to set many short term goals instead of focusing wholly on a single long term one. If you feel steadily accomplished, that momentum will carry you and your willpower over a lot of mental hurdles. So much of it is your state of mind; you just have to remember to keep it under control.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 5:45:45 AM 12 days ago No. 831
i got volunteered to do a job, help run a stand at a farmers market, although i might actually get payed, for it. i was HOPING to study for a specific job but i guess it'll do, at least its not wagecucking and i'm not working for some corperation. i think it'll be nice.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 5:59:35 AM 12 days ago No. 832
I hope you get what you deserve anon! The thing about wagecucking is you are not satisfied with the money you earn because you are always exhausted. When you are enjoying your job the time you spent is being used optimally.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 4:33:05 PM 11 days ago No. 833
even if i don't get shekels, i can use the experience because i want to sell stuff at the local flea market so it's kind of a win-win situation.
Anonymous Wed 11/12/2024 4:49:48 AM 10 days ago No. 838
Tell me how it goes anon!

Wagecuck Musings Thread Anonymous Tue 03/10/2023 2:15:57 AM 1 year ago No. 374
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In this thread, we will discuss the woes of wagecucking. What I mean by a wagecuck job is a dead-end job where there is little potential for advancement in the job, accumulating wealth, or in one's life. I might get out of the crappy job I am in and you'll know that when the thread dies off. After that, it will be for any anon who can relate to the state I am in right now. What I have to say about wagecucking now is management is getting really entitled and it is getting on my nerves. My direct superior on certain days wants me to work an extra hour and I told him directly I couldn't do that. What I am trying to do with this thread is inspire myself and others to find a better job than what they currently have.
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Anonymous Wed 04/12/2024 11:14:13 PM 16 days ago No. 825
you should look into it but there are lightbulbs and lamps that can mimic sunlight
Anonymous Sat 07/12/2024 4:20:09 AM 14 days ago No. 828
I've been taking vitamin supplements, but I am not noticing a huge difference.
Anonymous Sun 08/12/2024 5:43:23 AM 13 days ago No. 829
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I found a reason why my former retail manager had a chip on his shoulder when I worked my retail job. The store manager talked to me, and I said something to the effect my direct manager was working me harder than others. This got my manager in trouble, and instead of treating me equally, he decided to pick on me whenever a perceived error was made. Normalfags truly lack morals and will blame you for any shortcomings they have. This isn't impactful to my current life, but it just confirms some normalfags will go out of their way to pick on you for one bad thing you did once.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 5:30:05 AM 12 days ago No. 830
was he overworking you though, or did it just feel like it?
Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 5:10:25 AM 11 days ago No. 837
He was working me harder than other people without a doubt. I saw with my own eyes coworkers just sit down at times. Whenever I hesitated to get up quick enough for my managers liking I would be guilt trip about how we need to get everything done. I also never got a 15 minute breaks I was legally deserved.

Dream Thread Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 12:51:35 AM 1 year ago No. 15
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Let's retell our dreams and discuss them together. Maybe they mean things, maybe not.
I don't have any recent ones that I can recall, but a few years ago, I had a dream where I was looking around for Andy Capp's Hot Fries on my college campus. I could find vending machines all over the place, but none of them had the hot fries. I think I had that dream because the same thing had happened to me that day, but in the dream, there were many more vending machines, and the building I searched was large, labyrinthine, poorly lit, and deserted.
That one was a bit uneventful, so I'm not sure why it stuck with me. Sorry I don't have more to share; I just wanted to bring this thread over because the dream thread on the old board was quite active and interesting. Please, take it away if you've got any good ones.
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Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 4:22:04 AM 2 months ago No. 768
What happened to the demon after?
Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 6:13:25 PM 2 months ago No. 769
maybe they got married! \(〞▽〝)/
Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 4:38:30 AM 2 months ago No. 774
But will the couple be married till death do us part?
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 4:12:00 PM 25 days ago No. 818
I had a dream that they made a desert punk game. The level design design reminded me of metal gear 3, and the visuals where really cool, like a direct adaption of the manga, all black and white with no colors with the illusion of being flat and stuff.
Anonymous Tue 26/11/2024 4:20:44 AM 25 days ago No. 819
I also had a dream/hallucination that the Desert Punk anime went further than it did. My mind that night was unimaginative, so the extra content I imagine just ended up thinking about filler.

how to stop being annpoying retard? Anonymous Sun 17/11/2024 1:55:38 PM 1 month ago No. 808
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even with zoloft (doctors kept increasing dose every time i would do something drastic, went from 50mg to 100mg in a a week) numbing me to the point that i dont care about anything and never feel good or bad i still feel that constant insatiable emptiness that nothing could ever cure no drugs or person or whatever i try distract myself with can fill that hole in me its constantly borrowing deeper in2 me and im wasting time not killing myself already kekekkek no matter how much i think i get better. it all comes back twice as intense and leaves me in the despair i keep thinking i escape. recently ive been content, numbed to completely i couldnt care about anything at all, so apathetic towards everything and everyone and i am still this way but now instead im apathetic and just as horrible feeling as before no contentment. all i want is to die but i know i wont people care about me and they dont realise im always fleeting they care but its never enough so i will never care
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Anonymous Sun 17/11/2024 2:26:43 PM 1 month ago No. 810
stopping it so suddenly makes it alot worse so im working on lowering it to 75mg at first, but it still wont make anything much better
Anonymous Mon 18/11/2024 4:36:47 AM 1 month ago No. 812
What are your hobbies anon? Sometimes the only thing I can do is distract myself with hobbies.
Anonymous Mon 18/11/2024 9:43:29 AM 1 month ago No. 813
i make music its a good outlet i think but distractions dont really do much anymore
Anonymous Sun 24/11/2024 2:50:00 AM 27 days ago No. 814
Natural supplements are the way anon.
Anonymous Sun 24/11/2024 3:43:26 PM 26 days ago No. 815
what specific supplements?

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