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Happy Thread :) Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 2:12:29 AM 2 years ago No. 1
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When things make you happy, post them! Then the thread will be happy :)
I have eaten well lately. I had a great pizza, steak, and even some cornbread. I drank good beer, too. My cat makes me happy when she has fun with her cat toys. What's making you happy?
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Anonymous Tue 29/10/2024 4:09:57 AM 5 months ago No. 787
Have you thought of what color cat do you want? Some kinds of cats are more talkative than the others.
Anonymous Tue 29/10/2024 4:13:28 AM 5 months ago No. 788
Calicos are cute but i met a very kind tabby recently. There are too many choices.
Anonymous Fri 08/11/2024 10:20:35 AM 4 months ago No. 796
balck cats are alot better then orgnae
Anonymous Fri 08/11/2024 5:13:20 PM 4 months ago No. 797
is it because black cats are calmer?
Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 4:21:15 AM 1 month ago No. 916
I like vocal cats who at least feign interest in the owner. The benefit of having a pet is having someone who cares about you and someone you care for in my opinion.

/yu/ - Feelings Anonymous Tue 04/06/2024 1:43:33 AM 9 months ago No. 629
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Welcome to /yu/, a space designed for you to vent about matters that you find difficult to discuss with those close to you in real life.
However, it is not a place for discussing routine aspects of your daily life that could possibly be traced back to you.
Before posting on this board please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Understand the Difference Between Whining and Venting.
Whining focuses on expressing complaints without seeking solutions, while venting involves expressing frustrations as a way to release stress and potentially find resolutions. Whining will not be tolerated on this board. Learn more about the distinction here:
2. No /pol/-like Discussions.
This board is not a place for discussions in a /pol/ manner, including moralfagging about modern social issues such as religion, sex, pedophilia, etc. Keep the focus on personal feelings and experiences rather than contentious societal debates.
Also see the attached images for direct examples of what to not post on /yu/.

We are making this stickied post to clarify our stance on where /yu/ stands, due to recent reports of the board gradually turning into /pol/-like discussions.
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Venting Thread and Discussion Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 2:43:41 PM 7 months ago No. 703
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Of the peaceful kind.
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Anonymous Thu 06/03/2025 4:44:43 AM 23 days ago No. 948
Thank you. I guess I tried taking someone's advice from a decade ago: drawing smut is fine so long as I dont show it off.
It's just not that easy.
I dunno, it's more of a case where I fear I may enjoy the movie before it ambushes/ruins it with a scene of radically subjective taste.
That's the prime reason why I've run away from 90% of all entertainment now. =/
Anonymous Sat 08/03/2025 5:31:01 AM 21 days ago No. 950
It has to something that you can live with. I am glad you made the correct decision for yourself. Being true to yourself is the most important thing.
Anonymous Sat 08/03/2025 8:27:22 PM 20 days ago No. 951
Definitely. Thanks again.
Anonymous Mon 24/03/2025 4:14:36 AM 5 days ago No. 955
Recently my energy levels have been low. I realize this must be because I am dehydrated. It just sucks because my energy is so low doing a lot activities is a struggle due to low energy.
Anonymous Mon 24/03/2025 8:29:21 AM 5 days ago No. 956
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Thumbnail [Play]

Wagecuck Musings Thread Anonymous Tue 03/10/2023 2:15:57 AM 1 year ago No. 374
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In this thread, we will discuss the woes of wagecucking. What I mean by a wagecuck job is a dead-end job where there is little potential for advancement in the job, accumulating wealth, or in one's life. I might get out of the crappy job I am in and you'll know that when the thread dies off. After that, it will be for any anon who can relate to the state I am in right now. What I have to say about wagecucking now is management is getting really entitled and it is getting on my nerves. My direct superior on certain days wants me to work an extra hour and I told him directly I couldn't do that. What I am trying to do with this thread is inspire myself and others to find a better job than what they currently have.
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Anonymous Wed 29/01/2025 4:33:21 AM 1 month ago No. 911
One positive development with my job is I am getting more knowledgeable about my position, and I am proving my worth. I am also proud of how I was able to complete a backlog of work that my former coworker left me. Last week, I didn't know if I would be able to finish it, but now I am glad to have the situation under control.
Anonymous Wed 12/02/2025 4:55:27 AM 1 month ago No. 924
Today's work didn't drag, and that made me hopeful I'd make more daylight time when I got home. Once I got settled from work, it was pitch black outside and cold. That bummed me out because it made me feel like I don't have as much free time as I do on paper. I ended up spending some time outside, but it just wasn't the same as when I spent time outside during the day this weekend. The night, for some reason, made me feel trapped.
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 6:14:58 AM 1 month ago No. 937
Today I had a call with a coworker, and in the middle of the call, I had a bloody nose. I was shidding bricks while that happened because it was embarrassing even if I had the camera off and I was in the middle of something important for my job. Hopefully, that doesn't happen again during a crucial part of the day.
Anonymous Sun 09/03/2025 5:21:37 AM 20 days ago No. 952
I had a mishap at the office this week. My regular car was in the shop and that meant I was missing my ID. I realized that this might be a problem when getting into the hotel. I tried to go up to another floor hoping that it wouldn't need an ID but this was to no avail. I had to verify my ID to the security guard and in response, the guard threatened to fine me if I forgot my ID again. This is the second time I forgot my ID. This was a case of the security guard being a power-tripping normalfag. It annoyed me because this is part of his job description and he was acting like I was such a burden. This is likely a nothing burger but people annoy me sometimes.
Anonymous Fri 14/03/2025 3:16:39 AM 15 days ago No. 954
Work has been making me feel more tired than usual. I think it is all the communications I have to do. Normalfags make me sleepy.

Autism stories CAT Fri 17/05/2024 3:33:34 AM 10 months ago No. 596
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ITT : Recount and discuss autistic stuff you, Or other people did recently or in the past.
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Anonymous Mon 20/01/2025 4:09:07 PM 2 months ago No. 893
but then you can peel off the glue without ruining the container or the desk? sounds like your teacher is retarded.
Anonymous Wed 22/01/2025 4:49:55 AM 2 months ago No. 894
My teacher must of felt the need to clean up the mess and stop me from using up the glue.
Anonymous Fri 24/01/2025 5:35:26 AM 2 months ago No. 898
I just remembered something that happened recently, was christmas shopping when a bunch of people my age was screwing around in the store. This sounds fine but they where recording tik toks of themselves and actually doing retarded shit. One of the guys ripped off a display baby carrage off of the shelf and threw the fucker hard against a wall and it left a dent. (one of them asked the other why they did it, and the reponse was "there could have been a baby in it" One of the workers called security, and they kept going at it, one of those people falcon punched a tv screen, another ripped up books, it was actual chaos.
Besides the lady who phoned the cops there was a guy who was also a worker who tried to put a stop to things but he was bitch slapped and he just walked away after that.
I think it was good that lady got results instead of some singular faggot security officer who'd like, wave his hands and say no and do nothing. The guy who punched the TV got tased (because he was about to do something and he was super agressive) and was cuffed and the others just got escorted out of the store. It wasn't the last time shit went down because i went to another store and these kids who where probably dropped off by negligent parents and the kids where ripping toys out of the boxes and they got escorted out pretty fast. A few days later i was at a diffrent target and a few edgelords shouted nigger pretty loud and just kinda talked about stupid shit loudly got escorted out by security. I guess hectic shit happends during the holiday but i never expected to see it IRL, instead of on stupid internet videos.
Anonymous Wed 19/02/2025 5:13:11 AM 1 month ago No. 936
I remember being the one caught for something others were guilty of. So I was on a camping trip where we would repel down the mountain. There was a rule where you could not throw rocks down the mountain. The other kids were chucking rocks on the top of the mountain, and one kid even pee'd off the cliff. I didn't throw a rock at this point. When we got to the bottom of the mountain, I started tossing rocks down the hill because by logic no one was in the wood, unlike how people were throwing rocks in the walking trail. I eventually got caught, and the adult leader never forgave me for it. What I learned was if you are going to do something risky like throwing rocks, don't get caught.
Anonymous Wed 12/03/2025 3:38:22 AM 17 days ago No. 953
Today at work, I was paranoid I'd be ticketed because I left my parking pass in another car. I worried I'd get ticketed, and coincidentally, I got a tax asking for payment for parking. Before I opened the link, I decided to check if the link was safe. While I was waiting, I was panicking thinking my mistake was going to cost me. When I got home, the site ended up being for something that doesn't operate in my area. I was relieved.

Walk/Nightwalk Anonymous Tue 25/02/2025 2:50:33 PM 1 month ago No. 941
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I'm sure walking to some people is nothing but a useless fad but actually it's pretty nice, easy to get lost with introspective thoughts, meet cool animals and find places you haven't been to before. What do you listen to while going to walks? See anything neat? Have any interesting thoughts while walking? Any pictures you want to share?
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Anonymous Thu 27/02/2025 4:47:07 AM 1 month ago No. 942
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Summer nightwalks are pretty awesome because of how peaceful it feels in comparison to the winter. One time I got a cool moon picture.
Anonymous Fri 28/02/2025 12:58:06 AM 29 days ago No. 943
I once snuck out of my parents house in the night, 12 AM and went for a walk.
I had a few episodes of this podcast called anything ghost and it was epic, after i ran out of episodes i had downloaded the walk continued in silence with nothing but the noise of nature and cars. I didn't get hurt and it wasn't spooky at all, dispite being night the moon was bright. Had a few deep emotional thoughts about my life at that moment and when i arrived back it turns out i walked for 3 hours. I didn't get caught and it was one of the best memories in my life overall, sure it might seem boring to some but it was a very meditative experience to me. Too bad i was too much of a bitch to try again. There's something magical about the night. During the day it's not so bad, i wish i could have told my parents "fuck you" when they told me "going for walks isn't safe anymore" because my walking time is actually nice and quiet, sometimes i'd listen to music (depeche mode/pink floyd/soft cell on a loop) or audiobooks, or a podcast like hardcore history but really i like the quiet and nature sounds.
Meeting stray cats and cool animals, finding hidden places, and noticing details i haven't seen about my local area, all while thinking deep thought, it's nice.
Anonymous Sat 01/03/2025 5:01:31 AM 28 days ago No. 944
I get to spooked to listen to music on my nightwalks. It is just a nice feeling to observe nature in the dark. The peace you feel is priceless. I wish I wasn't too dead tired to do a long nightwalk.
Anonymous Wed 05/03/2025 5:27:24 PM 23 days ago No. 947
I'm kind of worried because i was going for a walk and i spotted a small kitten, there's hawks in my area so i was thinking of grabbing him but he ran off into a bush.
Will he be fine? Maybe the mother cat is around to look after him?
Anonymous Fri 07/03/2025 4:26:55 AM 22 days ago No. 949
I hope the cat is safe. I feel like as long as the cat can keep the kittens in her sight they should be ok.

Neutral Thread Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 6:32:59 PM 2 years ago No. 124
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Neutral feelings are not talked about often in image boards. I think neutral feelings have the potential to become either bad or good. It highly depends on what surrounds the experience. If everything surrounding the neutral experience is good, the experience will start to have the aura of a positive experience. Neutral feelings can be something interesting to talk about if you let it to. I'll share some of my neutral feelings.
Sometime back, my family was celebrating my brother's birthday, and we did a Nintendo quiz. I got about half of the questions right. It was fun and embarrassing at the same time, so overall, it was a neutral experience. The experience could have been better if I got a few more questions right.
Most workdays are neutral experiences when they are not bad experiences. Working has never been fun, but it is something I have to do. Having a better day at work evens out with how much I have to work. To make my day at work a good day, I need to get paid.
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Anonymous Sat 10/08/2024 3:04:33 AM 7 months ago No. 695
Today, I was very sleepy for no reason. I don't know why I was so tired because I slept normally. I wish I was able to do stuff since it is the end of the work week, but I am sure this is just not my day.
Anonymous Sat 10/08/2024 3:51:03 AM 7 months ago No. 696
Are you maybe caffeine addicted and missed out on a cup of coffee that day? It can happen. Or did you maybe wake up in the middle of the night that might also affect it.
Anonymous Thu 30/01/2025 5:35:50 AM 1 month ago No. 912
One feeling I can't shake off is that something or someone is watching me at night. In the dark, it always seems like something is beside me, but in the end, I never see anything. To me, I feel like it isn't harmful because it is better to be safe than sorry. All my glances to the side are brief and reassuring. I guess it is just a weird quirk of mine.
Anonymous Sun 23/02/2025 5:14:54 AM 1 month ago No. 939
Today I was tired all day for no apparent reason. I had quality sleep the prior night but I felt sluggish today. Is it the previous week catching up to me? I doubt this is anything serious but it does feel weird.
Anonymous Mon 24/02/2025 5:31:32 AM 1 month ago No. 940
I'm starting to get concerned because the sluggish state has continued into today. It is important that it doesn't affect the activities for this week. I'll just do my best.

Dream Thread Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 12:51:35 AM 2 years ago No. 15
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Let's retell our dreams and discuss them together. Maybe they mean things, maybe not.
I don't have any recent ones that I can recall, but a few years ago, I had a dream where I was looking around for Andy Capp's Hot Fries on my college campus. I could find vending machines all over the place, but none of them had the hot fries. I think I had that dream because the same thing had happened to me that day, but in the dream, there were many more vending machines, and the building I searched was large, labyrinthine, poorly lit, and deserted.
That one was a bit uneventful, so I'm not sure why it stuck with me. Sorry I don't have more to share; I just wanted to bring this thread over because the dream thread on the old board was quite active and interesting. Please, take it away if you've got any good ones.
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Anonymous Fri 24/01/2025 5:59:20 AM 2 months ago No. 899
It's weird because now i don't remember anything from my dreams. Also does anyone know how to lucid dream? I heard apple juice does the trick but it actually did nothing when i tried it the other day. (drank 2 large cups of juice and ate two apples)
Anonymous Sat 25/01/2025 5:52:06 AM 2 months ago No. 902
The guy survived up until now, but at what cost? I assume that dude walked off a cliff or something so congrats anon on, winning.
Anonymous Thu 13/02/2025 4:57:48 PM 1 month ago No. 925
I don't understand what i'm dreaming about, at first it was getting a free husky at one of those pet shelters but then it was about owning a new pet rabbit and for whatever reason i was trying to convince the rabbit to fuck the local wild rabbits. Then something happened where i was at an office space out of nowhere but i don't know what happened there.
Anonymous Fri 14/02/2025 12:55:26 AM 1 month ago No. 926
I think you wanted to play pokemon IRL and you are currently looking for an office job.
Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 3:05:49 PM 1 month ago No. 938
Dream 1
I was a kid again, it was the middle of the night. I pull out my laptop dispite not having allowed non supervised access, This is gay since all i really wanted to do was play a game or watch some harmless video, but i forgot i was being recorded. There's a camera next to me and it has nightvision but the way it records isn't a direct stream, it's kind of like a deer hunting camera. So i fiddle with it to access the memory and delete the recording of me getting the laptop, but as i was doing so i get a bad feeling, coming through my window. It turns out there's a guy decked out in a totally black outfit, wearing a balaclava on his face, and holding a camera in his hands. He was recording or taking pictures of me, My instant thoughs at that time was "pedophile?" and i called my parents to investigate or call the police and they took their sweet time even doing anything.
Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep.
Dream 2
I was sick as fuck and i had to take medicine, I think my parents wanted to talk to a few people about something important, but they had to stop at costco first. The usual bullshit goes down but i have to go back to the car to get medicine since i took jack shit, As i made it to the car an older asian lady asked what model the car was, and the features and such was on it, she wanted to buy a car like it. I took a pill of the medicine and stuffed the rest in my pocket. I showed her the features like the usual stuff, like "this stuff folds downwards" and she oooed and awwed like a young child would after seeing something new.
My parents returned by that time and we left to the meeting place. Can't remember the subject matter but apparantly it was serious shit, like climate change and population control, a costco worker was there and the asian lady who was asking me about the features. The meeting place was like a waffle house, but knockoff. All of a sudden, security officers, police officers, and a few doctors and nurses arrived, not to eat or something, they asked what was going on and have us a drug test pill and shit, they asked if we where planning terrorist actions and if we where causing a disturbance. Pissed me the hell off, the nurse amd cops where laughing, although my parents and other people in the room besides the authorities where oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. I talked to a nurse as to why she was laughing and she got flustered and then pretty much told me that, this was on purpose and i'm supposed to be arrested because clearly on drugs, that i have drugs on me and the drug testing pill is making me sleepy and agressive because of it working and it even colored my tongue blue as a side affect, and besides the drug usage everyones going to get arrested for terrorist actions amd disturbing the peace. I was pissed off so i ratted to some guy who was chilling, eating a burger and he basically said AW HELL NAW and talked to a few other people who then confronted the police about me getting set up.
I then woke up right now, kind of angry for some reason.

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