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RNG Albums Anonymous Fri 01/03/2024 7:36:02 AM 11 months ago No. 241
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Recreating one of the more popular threads from a previous incarnation of 22chan. The idea is to create art for an album using three randomly generated elements:
>artist/group name
>album title
(use the first words from the first quote)
These may not be the same links from the first thread, if you find something that works better please share. Some tips:
>Album art usually has a 1:1 ratio (square)
>give yourself enough room to work, at least 600x600 is probably ideal. 800x800 and over is peak.
>embrace limitations of the medium
>Let your creativity run wild, there are no rules (aside from no porn and stuff lol)
>go out on a limb and describe what the albums in this thread might sound like or be known for
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Synthetic Music Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 4:18:13 AM 1 year ago No. 186
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The thread title is vague, So let me explain myself. Post music that is primarily synthetic and is of decent quality with little to no blemishes. It can be of any type, From moving electronics To EDM, Even AI! Vocaloids, it doesn't matter at all.
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Anonymous Mon 18/09/2023 1:00:29 AM 1 year ago No. 187 [Play]
Who knew you could make music with floppy drives?
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 8:09:39 PM 12 months ago No. 238
RPM+ by Colloboh [Play]
It's neat, I love how it pumps you up without being overbearingly loud or percussive. This song gives me a unique feeling.

2000's thread Anonymous Thu 26/10/2023 9:14:45 PM 1 year ago No. 204
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Post songs you could consider "2000s-core"
Shit like Linkin Park, Hoobstabank, The Fray, Evanesence, any edgy old things you can find, Or remember.
This is a continuation of an old 22 thread. I will also be re-posting old links from the old thread in this new thread.
How far should 2000's core go? Till the year 2012? [Play] [Play] [Play]
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Anonymous Tue 14/11/2023 9:08:32 AM 1 year ago No. 206
Completely agree. I also hate 80s popular music myself (if not all of it). The 60s, 70s and 90s had some great popular acts on the other hand.
The 00s do have many great niche works IMO, actually I was surprised when I realized how many of the albums I like are from that period:
>Black Moth Super Rainbow - Dandelion gum
>Sweet trip - Velocity : Design : Comfort
>Royksopp - Melody A. M.
>Opeth - Damnation
>Mother Mother - O My Heart
>Luke Vibert - Lover's acid
>Justice - Cross
>Brand new - Daisy
>Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
>J Dilla - donuts
>Unwound - leaves turn inside you
These are albums I really enjoyed and come back to occasionally, but I'm afraid they're not "2000s-core" in the sense OP intended, except maybe melody a.m. and cross.
The 10s on the other hand are interesting. Worthless pop, but now there's an infinity of independent music to explore on sites such as bandcamp. Could be worth a thread actually
Anonymous Tue 14/11/2023 5:40:23 PM 1 year ago No. 207
>Opeth - Damnation
That is the one Opeth album I like all the way through. Although I haven't been a big fan of Opeth's prior works, Damnation was an interesting album in its own right. I like the way that they are doing something different, and it is coming from a real place.
>I also hate 80s popular music myself
What about it do you dislike? I bet you hate music that lazily copies the 80s style.
Anonymous Wed 15/11/2023 3:32:11 PM 1 year ago No. 208
>What about it do you dislike?
TL;DR It feels like music took a step back and became more of a shallow commercial product designed for mass appeal.

Maybe overexposure to its cliches ruined it for me as you say. Maybe it's just fundamentally incompatible with my personality and esthetic taste. Be it as it may, what little 80s pop I've heard I mostly strongly dislike. For example, I feel like rick astley sucks dick, eurobeat is absolute garbage, and bon jovi is dogshit vomit. "Final countdown" is a terrible song, "I want to break free" is forgettable, "africa" by toto is boring. Sweet dreams is tolerable, billie jean is ok.

My overall impression is that the music was severely dumbed down compared to before. The 70s had prog rock, jazz fusion, funk... Funk was about making the music as groovy as possible to make it hard not to dance when you hear it. That made it interesting to listen to. All of the dance music of the 80s dumbed it down, made the drum patters simple and straight, the rhythm more tame and put a greater focus on worthless cheesy lyrics. As a result I find it unlistenable.

The 60s, the 70s and the 90s all had something going for them. Original, distinctive pop (60s); creative songwriting (70s); unique atmosphere and vibe, lots of energy (90s).

I can't come up with something that I really like about the 80s however. They did have pioneering electronic music (which was mogged by 90s electronic music IMO), metal and new wave. I haven't listened much to the latter two. Maybe I've just not explored 80s music enough and there's actually something great I've yet to discover. But it's not like I've been intentionally avoiding it; it just kind of happened that very little music I like is form that era.

And it's not like I believe that all music should be complicated and intricate and deal with "deep" human emotions. But I think music should have something to make in interesting, something creative, something to give it character and set it aside from everything else. Otherwise there's no point in listening to it.
Anonymous Fri 17/11/2023 5:55:52 AM 1 year ago No. 210
When the mainstream stuff is trash, the underground stuff you discover stands out even more. That is how I feel about the 90s onward for music. Also, I agree stuff like metal in the 80s was the best stuff to come out of that decade musically. I feel similarly when it comes to 2000s music especially the mainstream rock that it is dumbed down.
Anonymous Wed 22/11/2023 5:29:57 AM 1 year ago No. 212
Here a few 2000s albums worth checking out.
>Alice Cooper-Brutal Planet
>Angel Dust-Enlighten the Darkness
>Vektor-Black Future
>In Flames-Clayman
>Gamma Ray-No World Order
>Eternal Tears of Sorrow-A Virgin and a whore
>Kalmah-They Will Return
>Helloween-Dark Ride
>Symphony X-Paradise Lost
>Children of Bodom-Follow the Reaper
There are more to come, but this is good start in my opinion.

Harmonica thread Anonymous Fri 10/02/2023 3:01:16 PM 2 years ago No. 91
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Anyone else here starting with playing harmonica/already a avid player? How's your progress so far and what resources helped you the most?
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Anonymous Sat 11/02/2023 10:33:24 PM 2 years ago No. 94
When I think of harmonica I think of Stevie Wonder. I love the harmonica on Isn't She Lovely and Boogie on Reggae Woman. [Play] [Play]
Anonymous Sat 14/10/2023 4:11:43 AM 1 year ago No. 195
I play harmonica. I used to be pretty good but it's been a while. In the morning I'll whip it out and see if I've still got it then I'll let you know if playing harmonica is like riding a bike. If I don't post within the next 18 hours, please call me a faggot.
Anonymous Sat 14/10/2023 4:15:47 AM 1 year ago No. 196
Anonymous Sat 14/10/2023 4:30:43 PM 1 year ago No. 197
195 has roughly 6 hours left. [Play]
Anonymous Sat 14/10/2023 6:33:27 PM 1 year ago No. 198
Reporting back. I can still play, but I've definitely lost endurance. Just a few draws left me out of breath in a way that I don't remember having trouble with. It's like trying to play guitar after losing your calluses.

Music with this feeling Anonymous Fri 09/06/2023 9:07:35 PM 1 year ago No. 144
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Thumbnail [Play] [Play]
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Anonymous Sun 11/06/2023 1:10:45 PM 1 year ago No. 145
In terms of OSTs, songs like this have a lot more emotion because they have more time to build up. [Play]
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 2:50:58 AM 1 year ago No. 173
I appreciate ballads when they are sung with gravity. Here are some ballads that have feelings in my opinion. [Play] [Play]

Nightcore Anonymous Wed 15/02/2023 1:00:37 AM 2 years ago No. 102
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A thread to post and discuss everything about Nightcore.

A bit of a rant to start off but I personally do not like listening to music that takes a song not separating the vocals and instruments and pitch shifts it up by 4 semitones and then calls itself Nightcore when they could also be putting their own imagination to work and change the song dramatically to reflect the theme.
I think a good example to start off with is this Linkin Park - Numb Nightcore [Play]
At first you think it's the same old quack but as the song progresses you can tell that the author really pulled through and put his own spin on things.
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Anonymous Wed 15/02/2023 3:36:11 AM 2 years ago No. 103
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Thumbnail [Play] Here's my own take on Nightcore Rockerfeller Street which I hope doesn't sound too shabby because it's my first time touching a DAW for actual music making purposes. [Play] The original for comparison.
I used the resources available in Techno Trance Essentials pack which is what most people used to make their songs for beatmania.
I also used to separate the vocals and instruments.
Anonymous Fri 18/08/2023 1:16:06 PM 1 year ago No. 171
I like Psychedelic Slayer's uploads on Youtube. My favorites are his remixes of the Terminator Theme [Play]
and Through the Fire and Flames [Play]

>No download link, but if you message me with your email I can send it to you.
I really hope the original files are shared somewhere because I hate ripping Youtube videos for songs.

Guilhem Desq and the Hurdy Gurdy Thu 06/04/2023 9:23:51 AM 1 year ago No. 118
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I think the Hurdy Gurdy is a really interesting instrument. I don't know much about its history but for supposedly being a beggars instrument it's massively complicated. Some of the contemporary compositions that musicians like Guilhem Desq are putting together are just wonderful. Its nature means that you can do a lot of wacky shit with it if you get creative, it's so versatile. Like a medieval synthesizer or something [Play] [Play] [Play]

I would also like to point out musicians like Andrey Vinogradov who do spectacular, but more traditional and simple arrangements. [Play]
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Anonymous Thu 06/04/2023 11:38:34 PM 1 year ago No. 119
Thanks for the songs, they are neat. I'll give that album a spin for sure
>Like a medieval synthesizer or something
I think you're slightly fooling yourself; the examples you posted are heavily layered/processed, that's why they sound so cool and varied. This video that got recommended to me after yours is more accurate to my memory of a friend playing it: [Play]
You have the drone notes, the melody, and by spinning quicker you get a buzzing effect which gets used almost as percussion. It's pretty cool
Anonymous Fri 19/05/2023 9:24:20 AM 1 year ago No. 133
Aw man i love hurdy gurdy's. They're like bagpipes that sound actually good

classical general Anonymous Sun 22/01/2023 12:32:04 PM 2 years ago No. 48
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A thread for your favorite composers, conductors, musicians, etc

Im not good at making generals so ill just post some shit i like [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play] [Play]
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Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 4:18:32 PM 2 years ago No. 80
Listening to Chaconne now, and it sounds neat. I'll check these out, thanks
Anonymous Fri 03/02/2023 5:28:14 AM 2 years ago No. 83
Classical music is therapeutic to me. I actually had to use it in therapy for medical reasons and it always helps me focus and when I'm tired, it soothes me to sleep.
Anonymous Fri 03/02/2023 5:48:09 PM 2 years ago No. 85
More ravel goodness!
Anonymous Sun 09/04/2023 11:50:08 AM 1 year ago No. 120
Most classical music is rather intense, i dont know what you're listening to man.
Anonymous Fri 12/05/2023 3:44:03 AM 1 year ago No. 130
even intense music has relaxing qualities.