I made 22chan creature. I hope you all are fond of it4 replies omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
That is cute
What is 22channie's hobby and skillset?
being comfy and effortposting respectively
cultivating watermelon and smoking jenkum repectively
It has been a while since the last Gunsync thread so I thought I should remake it on the new 22chan with an entire guide to follow in order to make your own Gunsync videos.
https://rentry.org/BeginnersGunSyncGuide (1.0) (DAW: Reaper)
The guide has been crafted with care and an entire pack that you can use from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare that includes all of the gun sounds and gameplay footage of every mission that I recorded specifically to be used for Gunsync.
You can contribute to this thread by posting what you create using this guide or ask questions about stuff you might not understand in the guide or need help with.
Any feedback on the guide or the pack would also be appreciated.
I'm going to also include a bunch of videos in this thread that you can use as inspirations for making your own Gunsync videos starting with the best Gunsync ever made in my opinion: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8269592 [Play]9 replies (and 4 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
well if he painted his AK red he would have fired THREE TIMES as fast
Some pretty old unfinished project I managed to find for "What do you mean" utilizing Counter Strike: Source as the source material. I wanted to share it since it has some really decent Gunsync mixing and I'm providing the reaper project file as well as a kind of extension of the guide so you'll know how it was made and maybe learn from it: https://gofile.io/d/vU7HFQ I remember wanting to make a SFM animation with the terrorist of the second time FPS Doug appears.
The lyrics went something like this:
I'm in trouble. I got your back. Too many. Time is running out.
Okay count and wait suddenly report him down. I'm in position. Rock'n go go go. Stick together team. Alright, let's get our enemy. Follow me. You take the point. Team fall back. Taking fire. Cover me
My thoughts being troubled next to me is
A endless splash screen initializing on a local solution
Zeroing a scope with shamefully misaligned shots
I've just started on the next puzzle
Excitement, drawn with a difficult equation
The machine called human cries out
Thanks for the OP video, after seeing a really terrible Rapid Ensemble collaboration by non-Japanese creators that premiered less than an hour ago, I really needed this.
What was it?
doodle request thread because I need some stuff to draw6 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Now this is hard core, i like how he looks whimsical.
The cat looks like he needs to be petted. Good job anon!
draw an otter eating a watermelon
Could you draw a platypus
I drew this (○ ∀ ○)♩♬4 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
laughed because the cat reminded me of pic related
>>77 hehe I will draw 22chan Neko in this box next. I need a name for 22chan Neko though
Maybe taking a closer look and thinking about things might help, i don't know though but i will try just to see if i help with anything.
The neko was based after moot from 4chan 4evar, and the kitty from the box on the home page right? We don't have a moot or a representation of the admins,or mods,
22chan has six seperate injokes about nekos.
There is a (white) kitty on the 404 page
The oracle is a calico
Cats are well loved on 22chan.
CAT was a concept to discribe oldfags of 22chan, people who knew of the secret initials of CAT where the oldfags.
There was an injoke of a cat riding a bike dragging melon addicts and annoying posters to /sewers/
and finally,
㇇ ㇇
This AA character is "my son" aka Bad CATtitude
The emotion conveyed can be seen as "frisky" or "edgy" like Oh yeah? like "what if i hit you then?" or like "what if we prank that guy?"
I am not sure if any of those is 22chan neko, maybe she is something new and original like
Lets say shes like mona from persona 5 where he can transform into a car because people think about the catbus from totoro
So what if she is the cognition formed from our love of cats? Just an idea though, And likely a poor one due to the lack of an actual name suggested by myself.
I just remembered a post on sewers where it was pointed out that "arigato" aka thank you, remove ari then you get "gato" or cat in spanish and i think of those sad people wearing mascot costumes waving signs in front of buildings to convince people to shop there, like "thank you for checking out 22chan"
My co-worker and I are making a language, so I decided to make a flag for it. Perhaps one day, we'll even have our own micronation.
It has a fairly standard 2:3 aspect ratio, features my co-worker's favorite color, the letter ⟨o⟩ from our alphabet, and the inverted logo of our workplace.
The overall design has connotations of a cassette tape, an envelope, and the Duolingo / Glossika owls.
Please, forgive the terrible stitching. I have nearly no experience with hand-sewing.
Is there strange sound in your life? Do you want share! HEre is YPOUR chance!?
ITT: we gather a library of sounds that can be used in 22chan related projects. The idea is to eventually gather enough for use in audio-focused creativables. This could mean direct sampling, creation of an instrument bank, or as the base for processes like granular synthesis. Here's how it works:
If during your day you find a cool or interesting sound, record it. Don't worry about equipment, it is certain that your Nokia or whatever is cool enough for the job. Cleanup can be done later at any stage and by anyone. Some good songs to collect:
>field recordings (just record stuf in from the wooods and fields and grocery market, crickets and brids and strangers and stuff man)
>spoken word
>weird shit you make on your computer
Any and all will be welcome. There is use for both long and short recordings.
>howtf do I UPLOAD THIz??!
The preferred method would be direct upload to 22chan. Check supported file types below posting form to see what audio you can post directly. Note that lossless formats will be converted to .mp3 at high quality. If 22chan won't fly for any reason, catbox is good. If you've got something truly massive, MEGA is the old reliable.
I'd advise against vocaroo, their links seem to go bad early in the average life expectancy of 22chan threads. OC has been lost to this before.
This is cool. I offer up my audio I took of bees, a cherished resource.
From the idea of >>>/meta/359, we'll take random posts from 22chan and turn them into drawings, whether they're full illustrations or just simple sketches. These could be anything from single drawings to mini-comic strips, depending on what fits best.
This is from >>>/sewers/1294/#1302.
I'm sure we could come up with some name for this pervert...
sukebe =
This thread is an extension of >>>/b/1239/
A dedicated thread for sharing resources on how to draw. This could include digitally scanned books, YouTube videos, art blogs, reference images, drawing software, etc. The material does not necessarily have to be in English, but translations are always appreciated.
I highly recommend using https://www.pureref.com/ for working with references.
Personally, I copy and paste any digitally scanned books I download into PureRef as well and browse through them while drawing. I believe many professionals in the industry use it as well as I found out about it through a 3D modeling course.
For a good starting point go to the 'how to' tag on ex/e-hentai: https://e-hentai.org/tag/other:how+to and you can use something like https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader to download the full gallery.
My personal favorites for anime-style drawing:
https://e-hentai.org/g/3012733/adfe3ceea5/ (Takuya Kakikata English tutorials) https://e-hentai.org/g/3026421/525d0167aa/ (This one is untranslated but has a lot more)
https://e-hentai.org/g/1509008/e358d76aaf/ (Draw with Digital Tools! How to Draw Hair that Expresses Character, Japanese)
https://e-hentai.org/g/2405605/9ddd3d2ce5/ (Space Drawing Perspective, English)
https://e-hentai.org/g/1487888/df0ef8777e/ (Anime Effects, Japanese)
https://e-hentai.org/g/2176347/32c50f8ce3/ (How to draw a picture that is not complicated, Japanese)
https://e-hentai.org/g/2356901/910b0e951f/ (How to draw manga animals, Japanese)
https://e-hentai.org/?f_search=Hitomi+Kaki-kata (Drawing eyes, Japanese)
As promised, I've attached some useful notes on perspective. (These are lower res versions than I was previously trying to upload, but they still seem legible.)
I also highly recommend How To Draw and How To Render by Scott Robertson, available here:
These books go into technical detail on how perspective and light work, so you can draw with great accuracy using this knowledge. Applying the techniques rigorously does take a long time, but even if you don't intend to do that, it's still helpful to understand these principles.