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Did most of the threads on old 22 survive the purge? Anonymous Mon 27/03/2023 1:38:41 PM 1 year ago No. 114
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As is written in the title...
Did some part of the old website survive in internet archive ,or even, in a personal backup of some anon?
I swear some of the old threads were a very good source of personal growth for me, if not that at least they were fun to see!
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Anonymous Wed 14/06/2023 8:39:37 AM 1 year ago No. 196
Greetings, anon I'd like to clear a few things up for you and any future newcomers. The best way to have a better understanding of 22chan is to lurk on the site more, please.
>Is this the same admin running the site from before?
Sadly, our previous administrator shut down 22chan last year after growing distance from it. There are mixed feelings about this from the user base and a unified sentiment from our current administration team. 22chan's current administrators decided not to let one person decide the future of the site. 22chan means something to enough people to the point it was worth reviving the site when Twoot was done with 22chan. To avoid another sudden shutdown, we delegated multiple trusted people to watch over 22chan as Twoot did in the past. Twoot has no affiliation with the current 22chan due to personal disagreements.
>Also what happened to the userbase? Did they all leave?
What do you mean by that? The questions need to be clarified before a good answer can be given.
Anonymous Wed 14/06/2023 3:08:22 PM 1 year ago No. 197
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the userbase was lost after being in the livechan for 9 months. I'm still here, but I can't think of a good way to determine how many others moved on.
You could access detailed traffic stats on the old site and the last time I checked there was an average of around 100 unique visitors per day. I wonder how we compare to that now.
Anonymous Thu 15/06/2023 5:40:01 PM 1 year ago No. 198
I wouldn't either, though fortunately it looks like a lot of people made it through the transition. I don't know how many oldfags there are though-- or how many people heard about this place within the last year or two.
I'm not particularly worried about our population; as long as it's committed and dedicated to regularly making high quality posts, I think we'll be fine. That's the catch though; dedication. It's easy to get on the site, see there's been three posts in the same usual spots, and then immediately leave because there's nothing really happening.
Pic related
Anonymous Thu 15/06/2023 5:41:05 PM 1 year ago No. 199
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For some reason the picture didn't post. I got a 500 Server Error so maybe that's the reason.
Here's attempt number 2
Anonymous Thu 15/06/2023 6:26:28 PM 1 year ago No. 200
Yeah, most people who did leave left as soon as Twoot announced he was shutting down 22chan. The problem with Altchans is that it is a Game of Thrones of succession, and there are constantly random people thinking they can be the next 4chan. Randoms constantly accuse every Altchan of trying to be the next 4chan even when they aren't (22chan isn't trying to be 4chan). My point is that there are a lot of fairweather people who are only here when things are going well. I remember complaining about 4chan being active, probably because of these fairweather people who probably have Stockholm syndrome.

null Anonymous Mon 20/03/2023 4:53:13 PM 1 year ago No. 99
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What happened to the last dream post on /yu/? It's missing and I don't think it broke any rules did it? There aren't any reports in the report thread either, so what happened to warrant its removal?
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Anonymous Mon 20/03/2023 8:12:33 PM 1 year ago No. 100
Here's some transparency: The post was removed without the other moderator/janitors input first. I assume it was removed for normal-faggotry but unless it's some actual shit post I think it should be reported in the moderation thread first for it's wrong doing and giving the poster an actual chance to respond. There is currently no ruleset for janitors/moderators, so basically, a free for all. I'll try and talk this through with the current team and see what we can do to prevent this in the future. I will reinstate your post just repost the picture you used for the post in this thread.
Anonymous Mon 20/03/2023 9:39:18 PM 1 year ago No. 101
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Sorry for the delay. It was this one, I was using it as an example for an expression I made in the dream

null Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 8:07:38 PM 1 year ago No. 82
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Did the webm thread on /b/ get deleted? If so, why?
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Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 10:50:51 PM 1 year ago No. 89
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Why do you assume the thread is low quality just because it revolves around posting videos? Maybe I post an interesting video that sparks a discussion? Maybe someone posts a webm from a different country and anons discuss what it's like to live there? Maybe anon has already been there and can share stories? Maybe anon posts a webm and wants to know others opinions on said webm? A thread like this could literally be a goldmine for all kinds of discussion. And what makes you think a thread like this would take priority over other threads? Since we're so focused on qualityposting, wouldn't they be evenly matched? There's already a thread on /b/ that revolves around posting Youtube links, how is that thread any different? It's the same gimmick, just links instead of webm files.

I for one thought that retarded cat video was very interesting. The editing and pace of the video felt like an assault on the senses, it was so strange. The song felt stupid but I found myself humming it hours later. I loved the low budget animation style. I thought it was a very weird video and I thought anon might get a kick out of it.

I know qualityposting is our whole thing (and I love that about 22chan) but I swear, sometimes you guys feel like one of those helicopter parents who put massive effort into keeping their kid sheltered and safe but end up hurting the kid in the long term. I did not intend for that thread to be a dump site. I intended it as a thread where anons could share cool, miscellaneous videos and have a good time.
Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 11:51:36 PM 1 year ago No. 91
Then maybe put some effort into the OP to indicate it isn't just a dump thread. That couldn't be so hard could it? The Youtube thread you mentioned does not just have just "Post Youtube videos." as its post content but actually tells people to elaborate on them because every random who finds 22chan just assumes it's a dump thread and will dump his shitty webm folder on there.
Anonymous Fri 24/02/2023 12:00:14 AM 1 year ago No. 92
The questions you mention in your post is absolutely what I would love to see in a thread like that but why is it that you think everyone just assumes the same as you do without you elaborating first? Why is it so hard to make a OP that isn't just a single sentence. You have all the time in the world to create your thread and to destroy any misconceptions that people might have about it.
Anonymous Fri 24/02/2023 7:48:23 AM 1 year ago No. 93
Do you also need someone to tell you what to post because otherwise you'd just smash the keyboard? Fucking retard
Anonymous Fri 24/02/2023 3:30:56 PM 1 year ago No. 94
Since we're all about quality here I assumed anons would get the message and not post mindlessly but you make a good point.

I lol'd but let's not devolve into name calling.

What is a High Quality Thread/Post Anonymous Sat 07/01/2023 3:52:01 AM 2 years ago No. 27
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I noticed a growing problem of lower-quality threads being made and I would like to clear up some misconceptions. We define quality as well thought out, Well informed and legible posts, images and content. Threads matter to us. Threads on 4chan lose value and get easily abandoned with ease. They are disposable. 4chan is a faster community and people post as many threads as possible to get themselves out there.
On 22chan, Threads last for years (unless locked, filled, deleted, or bumped off the board) Most threads on old 22 were at least 2 or so years old. We want our threads to be special, We want them to mean something and to make a lasting impact than just a means to an end. Yes, it doesn't need to be perfect, You don't need to be a writer nor does it have to be over-detailed, But we do expect you to apply yourself otherwise it will be deleted or in an extreme case, banned. Yes, sewers exist buts that's no excuse for making a shit post. Sewers are made for fun posting and despite being random and lowish quality posts even content there has to matter. IF you love Rozen Maiden, don't just say "post maidens" Apply yourself and help discussions flourish. Why do you care? Why do you like it? What do you know about the series and which character do you enjoy the most? By applying yourself you are actively breathing life into 22chan and keeping us afloat for one moar year. By showing that you care, you are proving that we aren't some bullshit run-of-mill copy-paste 4chan community. Don't just dump images or post links, Discuss what you posted. Imagedumping is gay because it outshines quality threads and makes decent posts hard to find. You can post relevant images and discuss the content contained in them (that's why we only allow one image per post). Linkdumping retards posts since it causes the person to skip the links because of disinterest, whereas a discussion of the link might generate interest in the topic.
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