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Banner Submissions Anonymous Thu 04/05/2023 10:49:44 PM 1 year ago No. 159
(45.97 KB 300x100 )
Board banners make a comeback and with them the submission thread also returns. Requirements for a banner:

General Banners (300:100)
1. Be related to 22chan
2. Be in a 300:100 ratio (for example: 300px wide, 100px tall)

Board related banners (470:100)
1. Be related to one of 22chan's boards
2. Be in a 470:100 ratio (for example: 470px wide, 100px tall)
3. Have the name and/or uri (/b/ or Random) in the banner

Not every banner will be considered suitable for implementation. Please pay mind to quality and relevancy to the board.
20 replies (and 9 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
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Anonymous Wed 24/04/2024 6:33:37 AM 11 months ago No. 297
i love it
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 11:44:00 AM 5 months ago No. 372
(374.22 KB 1800x600 )
General Banner
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 1:12:01 PM 5 months ago No. 374
Gimme a have some?
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 6:56:16 PM 5 months ago No. 376
what's the story behind this lol
Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 2:32:48 PM 5 months ago No. 383
Perfect dude.

Bug Reports for 22chan Anonymous Sun 27/10/2024 12:20:15 AM 5 months ago No. 379
(128.72 KB 823x625 )
Found a bug on 22chan? Report it here.

                                  ゛ (⌒) ヽ
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    ____)       ・'゚。.::。.::・'・'゚。.::。.::・'・'゚。.::。.::・' λ_∧ ∩ 
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\  \|     .|    プシューッ
  \_ )   .|
     |.     |
     |     .|   
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22chan Layout on Different Devices Anonymous Sat 26/10/2024 11:50:09 PM 5 months ago
(edited 0x)
No. 377
(301.90 KB 1918x920 )
Share screenshots of how 22chan appears on your device
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22Chan Town Hall Anonymous Tue 14/11/2023 4:35:47 AM 1 year ago No. 259
(231.53 KB )
>"What is this?"
22Chan Town Hall was suggested in 2019, but was ignored. In 2020 it was mentioned again but nothing was done about it. 2021 came along and a thread was made but nothing came of it, And later the site shut down. This time, We are actually doing it.
Now back to the main question. Moot had a regular townhall where everyone on 4chan would gather on IRC to have a semi-meta roundtable discussion with all of the userbase, And later it moved to the /q/ board and the format changed to a single thread, We plan on doing the latter. The discussion in the thread can be serious and candid, or just general discussion. (good place for newcomers to get a QRD on 22chan and to know the staff better.)
This thread is to better refine the idea, Suggestions on what to do, Add, Or change, and even polls to decide stuff.
Here are the previous poll results.

What time should 22Chan Town Hall take place?
I.E When are you available? The time zone is in Central European Time.
First place: 9:00 PM
Second place: Staff should decide

How long should 22Chan Town hall last?
First place: 30 Minutes
Second place: For the whole day

When should 22Chan Town Hall occur?
First place: Staff should decide
Second place: Once weekly

Dispite the old results, I plan on setting up new polls. But i have a question. how long should voting last? How many days? Or months even?
00 HRS
00 MIN
00 SEC
The first 22chan Townhall is scheduled to take place on December 25th, at 10:00 PM UTC.

This thread will remain stickied on /all/ until the Town Hall event takes place.
13 replies omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Anonymous Wed 28/02/2024 10:22:06 PM 1 year ago No. 288
00 HRS
00 MIN
00 SEC
Anonymous Thu 29/02/2024 2:15:16 PM 1 year ago No. 289
Although there's not that much time left if you have any questions to ask the staff it wouldn't be a bad idea to prepare them before hand.
Anonymous Thu 29/02/2024 10:00:01 PM 1 year ago No. 290
Join the townhall here:
Anonymous Fri 01/03/2024 3:23:36 AM 1 year ago No. 291
Thanks for coming everyone the townhall has concluded for today. You can view the archive at that link.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 3:48:57 PM 5 months ago No. 375
It has been more than half a year since the last townhall... I wonder when the next one is going to be.

22chan Missing Features CAT Wed 28/12/2022 3:13:58 PM 2 years ago No. 1
(461.34 KB 636x470 )
Let's discuss all of the features that 22chan is missing right now.
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Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 8:54:19 AM 1 year ago No. 215
Oracle and Dice roll are still missing
Anonymous Tue 25/07/2023 5:08:27 AM 1 year ago No. 221
it was useful for conveying emotions although it depends on if it would be useful or not. Would saging even be of use? Is saging even a name worthy if use in a western imageboard or should the name get changed if we did get that feature back?
I for one can live without it.
Anonymous Thu 17/08/2023 4:03:58 PM 1 year ago No. 234
>missing feature
Not being a faggot
Anonymous Thu 17/08/2023 4:47:39 PM 1 year ago No. 235
Can you elaborate?
Anonymous Fri 16/08/2024 2:17:29 PM 7 months ago No. 340
Seconding this.

Tag Feature Discussion Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 10:18:08 PM 1 year ago No. 252
(854.03 KB 720x760 )
I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread where we could discuss the tagging feature on 22chan focusing specifically on the optimal utilization of various tags. The feature itself is currently only in its infant state given how such a feature was not present anywhere outside of NND for decades. Therefore, its usage is still very much open to interpretation and development. I encourage you to share any ideas you may have regarding potential improvements to this feature. Additionally, please feel free to use this thread as a space to report instances of tag misusage, as well as to request the locking of specific tags to a particular thread.
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Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 4:37:45 AM 1 year ago No. 253
I was thinking of labeling threads in a way to make threads based on interests easier to find. For an example, i'd label threads that have the theme of horror, paranormal and so on with something like /x/ So like if i'm a newfag and i want some spooky shit, the dead space thread, the paranormal thread, the evil within thread might be shit i'm interested in. If there are threads based on hobbies, and DIY, Anything that can be put into a group. I think its fine for tags to be abused on /sewers/ since thats the nature of the board although i did label some gatorgang threads as gatorgang.
Anonymous Mon 23/10/2023 3:26:38 AM 1 year ago No. 254
I was thinking of labeling every flash like how it was on the old site, like if a flash is an animation or a flash loop or a game.
Anonymous Wed 22/11/2023 8:39:40 PM 1 year ago No. 261
(4.38 KB 567x73 )
This would be great
Anonymous Fri 24/11/2023 1:56:56 PM 1 year ago No. 262
Original like [G] or in full like Flash game?

Community Made Stylesheets 2.0 Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 8:45:38 AM 1 year ago No. 256
(26.56 KB 492x528 )
I decided to simplify the stylesheets because there were no submission last time which I imagine is because of how messy it all looked like and you didn't really understand which attributes were affected in the first place.

Here is how the new format looks like:
/* Background, Posts, Sidebar, Navbar, etc.*/
--background-color-one: ;
--background-color-two: ;
--sidebar-favicon-color: ;
--page-background-image: url('');
--page-background-image-repeat: ;
--page-background-image-position: ;
--page-background-image-attachment: ;
--text: ;
--font-size: 10pt;
--font-family: 'Tahoma';
--link: ;
--link-hover: ;
--subject-and-timestamp-hover: ;
--name: ;
--metadata: ;
--main-border: ;
--main: ;
--informational: ;
--warning: ;
--warning-hover: ;
/* Home, Rules, News */
--informational-color: ;
--informational-border-color: ;
/* 22chan Features */
--reply-counter: ;
--search-highlighter: ;
--audio-player: ;
--audio-player-volume-slider: ;
--tags: ;
--sage: ;
/* 22chan Styling */
--backquote-highlighter: ;
--quote: ;
--code: ;
--note: ;

If you want to use a image for the background you can insert a url if not leave it empty.
If you don't want the image to repeat insert "no-repeat"
The positioning of the image for example if you want it to be shown on the left insert "top left" or if you want it to be shown on the right side of the screen insert "top right"
If you want the image to be scrollable leave it empty but if you want it to stay fixed on the screen insert "fixed"

To see how your stylesheet looks like open the dev console by pressing F12 and proceeding to the "Inspector" tab on FireFox or "Element" tab on Chrome and modify the current active stylesheet to your liking and then submit here with the name of the stylesheet.
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Did most of the threads on old 22 survive the purge? Anonymous Mon 27/03/2023 1:38:41 PM 2 years ago No. 114
(148.86 KB 750x741 )
As is written in the title...
Did some part of the old website survive in internet archive ,or even, in a personal backup of some anon?
I swear some of the old threads were a very good source of personal growth for me, if not that at least they were fun to see!
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Anonymous Wed 14/06/2023 8:39:37 AM 1 year ago No. 196
Greetings, anon I'd like to clear a few things up for you and any future newcomers. The best way to have a better understanding of 22chan is to lurk on the site more, please.
>Is this the same admin running the site from before?
Sadly, our previous administrator shut down 22chan last year after growing distance from it. There are mixed feelings about this from the user base and a unified sentiment from our current administration team. 22chan's current administrators decided not to let one person decide the future of the site. 22chan means something to enough people to the point it was worth reviving the site when Twoot was done with 22chan. To avoid another sudden shutdown, we delegated multiple trusted people to watch over 22chan as Twoot did in the past. Twoot has no affiliation with the current 22chan due to personal disagreements.
>Also what happened to the userbase? Did they all leave?
What do you mean by that? The questions need to be clarified before a good answer can be given.
Anonymous Wed 14/06/2023 3:08:22 PM 1 year ago No. 197
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the userbase was lost after being in the livechan for 9 months. I'm still here, but I can't think of a good way to determine how many others moved on.
You could access detailed traffic stats on the old site and the last time I checked there was an average of around 100 unique visitors per day. I wonder how we compare to that now.
Anonymous Thu 15/06/2023 5:40:01 PM 1 year ago No. 198
I wouldn't either, though fortunately it looks like a lot of people made it through the transition. I don't know how many oldfags there are though-- or how many people heard about this place within the last year or two.
I'm not particularly worried about our population; as long as it's committed and dedicated to regularly making high quality posts, I think we'll be fine. That's the catch though; dedication. It's easy to get on the site, see there's been three posts in the same usual spots, and then immediately leave because there's nothing really happening.
Pic related
Anonymous Thu 15/06/2023 5:41:05 PM 1 year ago No. 199
(343.98 KB )
For some reason the picture didn't post. I got a 500 Server Error so maybe that's the reason.
Here's attempt number 2
Anonymous Thu 15/06/2023 6:26:28 PM 1 year ago No. 200
Yeah, most people who did leave left as soon as Twoot announced he was shutting down 22chan. The problem with Altchans is that it is a Game of Thrones of succession, and there are constantly random people thinking they can be the next 4chan. Randoms constantly accuse every Altchan of trying to be the next 4chan even when they aren't (22chan isn't trying to be 4chan). My point is that there are a lot of fairweather people who are only here when things are going well. I remember complaining about 4chan being active, probably because of these fairweather people who probably have Stockholm syndrome.