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22FolkLore Part 2, Eletric Boogaloo Anonymous Tue 05/09/2023 5:53:21 AM 1 year ago No. 658
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Gathered friends, listen again to our Legend of the 22CHANNEL.
Aye, Indeed. The bard often tells tales which often get forgotten, But as you know others take their tales to heart and recount them orally. Do you remember? The lore of /sewers/?

>It's was once that tye primordial gator roamed the surface, freely hunting 4 lulz and calling each other a fag, until they were cast from their homeland by masked heathens and left to wander a land changing too much for them to survive. After an endless pilgramige the gators met a wise cat who gave onto them a home, the wonderous sprawling sewers, with the condition that they slaughter all otter and carp who occupy the land.

Ideal isn't it? 'Tis no more then a tale to keep the hatchlings at peace, In a world filled with hope and dreams but as you know, Some stories are hidden, waiting in the deepest sewers to be found. But was it meant to be? Should the truth be known? What risk would it be to know how far the sewers reach? What is hiding in the deepest depths?
Do you remember, the 21st night of september? Thus was a day of pain and horror beyond imagining. Sewers, was once a proud community filled with Gators, known for funposting. And the Watermelon tribe, Famed farmers of melons.
Already persequted by invaders, Both civilisations attempted to barricade outsiders from the board. The wise cat betrayed them, For he had tasted the melon, He had become infected with AIDs and closed the pools of 22chan as a whole for good. (such is a story for another time) But you question his motive? Why? It has been fortold, by the ages and in song such as depeche modes "Barrel of a gun" (which is why one must remember to do a barrel roll) And the cursed ones whos names end with "oot" who partake in the taboo of faggotry and melon addiction. It has been fortold, And we did not listen. With sewers weakened, Infection spread. And then they came. Melon addicts, countless in numbers, Like an inferno. It could not be stopped, The gators have been weakened by invading carps, Previous waves of invading melon addicts, and sadily otters themselves. They had no strength to defend themselves or the board. Only few there where to fight. Others scattered to the winds, some hid and most died. With no ruler of 22, there was no hope. The farmers had to do it. They had sacrificed the holy of holies. The GigaMelon. Of girth and size one cannot fathom without partaking in madness. It was launched, and dropped resulting in the death of all farmers. All that is remembered of the farmers is the death song of the last melon farmer he hummed before the light fled from his eyes. He wanted us to remember this tragedy, who had caused it, and who had died so that sewers as a whole could live. [Play]
Perhaps there are more farmers out there, in the deepest depths, One can only hope but remember the 21st night of september. Melon addicts.
And there it is, in this desolated landscape, I tell you tales of fame and fortune, Of betrayal and hope. This is why we are here now, lad. This is how the CAT ★ STAR. This is how the 'Don clawed his way to the top of the wreckage. This is how the cube returned, and how rigasaurus rex challanged him to death. One cannot know how this tragity affected the other boards, I am affluent of sewers alone. Perhaps that is my weakness.
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Anonymous Sat 04/11/2023 11:06:45 PM 1 year ago No. 808
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Anonymous Sun 05/11/2023 7:11:50 AM 1 year ago No. 810
ill slap ur melons
Anonymous Wed 15/11/2023 7:16:54 PM 1 year ago No. 817
Anonymous Thu 16/11/2023 5:15:21 AM 1 year ago No. 819
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Anonymous Fri 17/11/2023 2:34:31 AM 1 year ago No. 820
>Wonder if they've got real life friends
fuck I forgot about that part

Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 9:53:21 PM 1 year ago No. 802
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beep beep make way for the ghost car
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Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 9:55:12 PM 1 year ago No. 803
of a ghost car?
Anonymous Wed 01/11/2023 6:30:20 AM 1 year ago No. 804
Shit thread, all i see is a moving street.
Anonymous Wed 01/11/2023 12:45:19 PM 1 year ago No. 806
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Anonymous Wed 01/11/2023 3:11:45 PM 1 year ago No. 807
Still don't see a "ghost car" Why re-upload the same image twice? With nothing in it?
Anonymous Sun 05/11/2023 1:22:42 AM 1 year ago No. 809
Exactly I need a first-hand witness.

Anonymous Fri 29/09/2023 5:33:45 AM 1 year ago No. 721
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Oracle says: Yes
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Anonymous Thu 05/10/2023 3:23:07 AM 1 year ago No. 730
What is gatormans goal?
Anonymous Thu 05/10/2023 4:28:41 AM 1 year ago No. 732
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Watch out, Gatorman! The hero of Spidergang is on his way! Ready to kick some Gator butts!
Anonymous Fri 06/10/2023 3:42:04 PM 1 year ago No. 733
The gators eat webs like they are chicken nuggets.
Anonymous Fri 06/10/2023 9:48:19 PM 1 year ago No. 735
The keyword in that statement is webs, not spiders. We Spiderchads always come back. We never give up. Eat all our webs all you want, we can make more, and at the end of the war you will be mummies forgotten at the bottom of our stomachs.
Anonymous Mon 23/10/2023 3:23:38 PM 1 year ago No. 789
he's a real gatorman
living in his gatorland
making all his gatorplans, for gators

doesn't have a fish to chew
knows not what's for dinner too
isn't he a little bit like you and me?

gatorman, please listen
all the otters have gone missing
gatorman, the world is on your plate

he's as hungry as he can be
tasty meals he wants to see
gatorman, please don't eat me!

gatorman, don't worry
take your time, don't hurry
leave it all 'till some tasty snack takes a bath

Anonymous Wed 18/10/2023 12:10:46 AM 1 year ago No. 770
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Be me
Be bee
My name? Doo bee doo
Go diving
Scuba bee
One day, While diving, Gets lost
Scuba Doo bee doo, Where are you?
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Anonymous Wed 18/10/2023 1:25:05 AM 1 year ago No. 771
Very spooky, very in season
Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 4:53:48 AM 1 year ago No. 774
You wa shock!
Anonymous Fri 20/10/2023 3:26:30 AM 1 year ago No. 781
Clearly more is going on then what is stated. Op changes the narritive from first person to third, He is an unreliable narrator. Why would he switch? What really happened to Doo be doo? This is masterful horror writing beyond that of the works of George romero. Is doo bee doo safe? How did he get lost? Did OP kill doo bee doo? I am scared.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 3:40:35 PM 1 year ago No. 787
I think OP's post is a self-reflection on metaphysics and the concept of identity.
>Be me
>Be bee
The fundamental premise of these lines lies in the wordplay, how "be" and "bee" sound similar. So, "Be bee" here stands for "be be", or in other words, be "being", that is something that is. OP is simply stating that he exists. Then he takes a humorous turn, making fun of names:
>My name? Doo bee doo
What he is trying to communicate with this clever scooby-do pun is how silly it is to try to divide reality and mark it with words such as names. This is a stance close to that of Parmenides, who believed that reality is whole and uniform, and still and perfect; and that any division within it is a lie. OP is stating that he feels like his separate identity is little more than an illusion.
>Go diving
>Scuba bee
>One day, While diving, Gets lost
>Scuba Doo bee doo, Where are you?
Here the post takes a dark turn. OP dove into the ocean of truth seeking an understanding of reality and himself, but instead he developed depersonalization: a sensation of detachment within the self. That's why he shifts from first person to third; he no longer feels like he is himself.
What do you think happens to a scuba diver that's lost underwater? He drowns. OP's "bee"ing, the sense of individual existence, drowned and was lost. So, where is OP now?
At the gay bar

Anonymous Mon 09/10/2023 10:47:48 PM 1 year ago No. 751
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beware, there do be gators in these sewers
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Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 3:12:39 PM 1 year ago No. 752
The gators have been forcibly starved, and now they are hungry.
Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 4:09:11 PM 1 year ago No. 753
Have we started the fire?
Anonymous Thu 12/10/2023 12:59:36 PM 1 year ago No. 754
No, that is pure slander.
Anonymous Thu 12/10/2023 5:56:34 PM 1 year ago No. 755
Never the less, The fire rises.

"look me in the eyes" Wed 12/04/2023 9:38:12 AM 1 year ago No. 375
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How am i supposed to do that? Do i look at the base of their nose inbetween their eyes? Do i look at one eye? I cant look at 2 things at once, do others can? What do people mean when they say this
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Anonymous Wed 12/04/2023 11:39:26 AM 1 year ago No. 376
Hello "look me in the eyes",

It seems you have mistaken the name field as the subject field. Maybe next time when someone tells you to look into their eyes you take a look at field names located inside of the thread creation form.

Thank you,
Anonymous Fri 14/04/2023 5:12:17 PM 1 year ago No. 379
No you see what you have to do is slightly cross your eyes so that the two eyes you're looking at get superimposed (like those 3d image illusions). At that point the person in front of you will look like a cyclope, but you'll gain the ability to instinctively understand what they're thinking and feeling. That's how most people communicate and get along easily, while those unfamiliar with the trick are stuck with reading ambiguous face expressions and trying to understand vague words such as small talk
Anonymous Fri 14/04/2023 6:41:31 PM 1 year ago No. 380
You see, normalfags want you to actually look at their eyes, as in use both of your eyes to focus on one at a time and change between them until conversation is over. If that's too tiring, you can just look in the general direction of their face (if they are as tall/taller than you be sure to look slightly upwards) and bam, they won't be bitching about the retarded eyes thing
Anonymous Tue 05/09/2023 2:13:10 PM 1 year ago No. 662
Do not blink, look between the eyes. Stand closer to the point where your eyeballs touches the eyes of the person you are looking at. Do not blink, or break eye contact.
Anonymous Mon 09/10/2023 9:13:03 PM 1 year ago No. 750
Do not look a Melon Addict in the eyes, It enrages them. You can spot a Melon Addict easily, They have enlarged pupils, and a viscous grin. At the worse stage of Melon addiction they tend to mutter gibberish which if you already heard, It means your too close and probably doomed.

Hello /sewers/ people Anonymous Mon 09/10/2023 2:06:05 AM 1 year ago No. 749
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Count with me:


Random Anonymous User #1 Sun 08/10/2023 9:27:34 AM 1 year ago No. 744
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Anonymous Sun 08/10/2023 8:05:50 PM 1 year ago No. 745
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Anonymous Sun 08/10/2023 9:04:48 PM 1 year ago No. 746
5 dolar