Some people go senile, But what about the people that go penile?
My grandfather went penile as he got older. It was really hard on my grandma. She even called him a pain in the ass once!
They get stuck in the Nile river and have to go pee in the nile hence penile.
yeah but you forgot about peter nile, p. nile for short. where does he fit in?
he loves me... he loves me not... he loves me and loves me not... he loves not me nor loves me not...
Yes, your father rigasaurus loves you he is watching you now!
So does he love you or does he love food?
No PROpane no pro gain!
Ego pro panem ita.
What is everyone so afraid of?? Ghosts are not even real.10 replies (and 2 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
i wish u were fucking dead lol
What are your goals?
why would you ask? we where told not to use the "w" word, lest something happens.
Aw fuck you man
Everyone knows that every irish person is secretly super rich basically. If you catch one you can make them give up their gold, or they can use their horrid proto-Iberian shaman powers to grant wishes. Fewer know that if you do neither their powers --including the gold-- are drained and they become vulnerable. Their blasphemous thaumaturgy returns to the earth and bolsters the Transient Order of Occulted Thatcherism and other powers of righteousness. The gold also returns to the local economy where it turns into good posts. That's why I did all of this. He's stopped smelling like Guinensses and pastrami so his powers are probably used up. Too bad I'm dead now and can't finish him off. Thanks for that you goddamn assholes.
I am not afraid I have gatorgang protecting me.
Wait are you a leprechaun?
If you question remains unheard; Would you whisper to the Worms?
the terms are long, the price is steep. would it be worth the secrets they keep?
And should they start to writhe and twist, would you search for their Eucharist?
Some things are too good for the worms. What is in it for me OP?
this chimken11 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Because OP is physicist
Chicken was in the breadpan, picking out dough.
sphere is holy, spehere is good. do not talk of cubes for they are forbidden.
chicken needs slim down for summer.
do not speak of such blasphemy, he must be round for it is ordained
Paul clenched his left hand into a fist as the burning sensation increased in the other hand. It mounted slowly: heat upon heat upon heat ... upon heat. He felt the fingernails of his free hand biting the palm. He tried to flex the fingers of the burning hand, but couldn't move them. "It burns," he whispered. "Silence!" Pain throbbed up his arm. Sweat stood out on his forehead. Every fiber cried out to withdraw the hand from that burning pit ... but ... the gom jabbar. Without turning his head, he tried to move his eyes to see that terrible needle poised beside his neck. He sensed that he was breathing in gasps, tried to slow his breaths and couldn't. Pain! His world emptied of everything except that hand immersed in agony, the ancient face inches away staring at him. His lips were so dry he had difficulty separating them. The burning! The burning! He thought he could feel skin curling black on that agonized hand, the flesh crisping and dropping away until only charred bones remained. It stopped! As though a switch had been turned off, the pain stopped. Paul felt his right arm trembling, felt sweat bathing his body.
the gator of truth, for he bites the hand of liars. for how is one to detect melon addicts? an investi-gator? wrong. they are only good for investing finances.