guys how do you think, is this design stolen somehow?5 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
shit thread
trash thread
melon addict thread
Melon addicts stole it and gave it to me!
The windmills pope says:
Give back your stolen windmills.
hey guys look after my chiyo while I'm gone7 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
your mother
I will be looking after your mom.
this is good, for the penguin had consumed chiyo and if yukari didn't defend herself she would have been next.
I am back-
CLEARLY south park is an anime, Quick! Someone make a thread on /a/! The mods won't ban you, And why would i lie? After all, ANIME in JAPAN is called ANIMATION!!! ФωФ The filthy gajins lied again and ALTERED the TRUTH from you! The japanese dub is the TRUE and HONEST version and the only REAL way to EXPERIENCE south park!13 replies (and 3 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
It captures the typical American life very well. I find season 3 episode 13 very relatable.
holy shit i think your right. its all making sense now.
Cats deserve to run the world and live long healthy lives.
BEHOLD, A MAN4 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
oh god please don't kick my ass
Oh shit, awesome. I'm so proud of being a human. Fuck yeah!!!!
You are still sub FEATHERLESS BIPED
Is it just me or shadow people are more present these days?12 replies (and 2 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Dude what's your obsession with watermelon addicts, do you secretly want their large hadron collider? Seek help
Yeah I see them the other day trying to steal the shadow of my ass, to make an ass buffet (box nood in their language).
They also steal various shadow of items for seasoning.
Hopefully box nood happens once a year so they should be quiet soon.
Happy box nood shadow people!
I think you really need to read 'Alien Intrusion', 2nd edition, by Gary Bates (you really need the last chapter in the second edition). Have you noticed that with the explosion in the number of people carrying cameras there isn't an explosion in the number of 'sightings'?
Think of it as a massive psy-ops. In short, think deception.
but what if he whispers sweet secrets in my ears?
That doesn't happen. It's always deception. The most common statements are attempts to change our view of history, to enable some group to do to us what they want. There are no 'sweet secrets'.
Of course, you could be just having a nice dream.
Would you pay the fee line?36 replies (and 3 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
my damned cabbages keep going rotted
It tastes good. Thank you for the nourishment!
well damn niggers i guess i'm veitnam then
As soon as he said "There's no need to blame yourself" I knew who he was...
Make up some misheard lyrics for this and then it's complete キタ───────(゚∀゚)───────!!
just wan 2 snake my head
can u pray the hot gator
i just wanna stop my fate
can you beat the fat doves
i just want to hate my ship
can you praise the fat base
i just wanna grab my heads
can u sing a new song fur me
One two
One two RE-TARD
I just wanna shake baguette
Can you bring the hot ketchup
I just wanna stuff my face
Can you piss down pajamas
I just wanna shake my kid
Can you press the fami disks
I just wanna grab my house
Can you see Gavin Newsom for me
Loser otaku open the door and saddened
Nande o pantsu ga shinjiru