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Development Hell/Vaporware CAT Thu 22/02/2024 6:26:57 PM 1 year ago No. 2342
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itt: we share, discuss, and track projects in development hell
>Development hell, also known as development purgatory or development limbo, is media and software industry jargon for a project, concept, or idea that remains in a stage of early development for a long time because of legal, technical, or artistic challenges (Wikipedia). The term Vaporware may alternatively be used for software and video games.
Here's 3 projects that I check in on every now and then:
Anime written by Chiaki J. Konaka with designs from Yoshitoshi ABe, the duo that brought you Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain. First announced in 2009. Despera was to be directed by Ryutaro Nakamura, also of Serial Experiments Lain, before his death in 2013. Konaka is still invested in the project, giving brief updates on Twitter every couple years. The most recent piece of info I could find is from March 2021, just saying the project was delayed for a year due to the pandemic but has never been abandoned. The protagonist of Despera is Ain, a young girl in Taisho-era Tokyo one year prior to the Great Kanto Earthquake. She is an inventor of some description, who miraculously builds devices with no prior technical knowledge. It seems she'll be very similar to a certain other technophile protagonist. The setting seems very interesting. It is very well researched and historically dense. There's an art book out containing illustrations and a short story written in period accurate Japanese:
Art Book Scan:
Story Translation:
>At the Mountains of Madness
A film adaptation of the best (don't try and deny it) Lovecraft story by Guillermo del Toro that he's been trying to get going since 2006. His main battle has been getting a studio to pick it up. He's been through Warner Brothers and Universal. Del Toro wanted a weird, horrifying film true to the Lovecraft novella, studios kept trying to shoot the idea down for being too scary and R Rated and not having a typical hollywood love story and not having a happy ending and other such bullshit. A brief VFX test and screenplay script from 2013 were recently dropped, but since then Guillermo del Toro has retooled into making a shorter/weirder film with Netflix and having it be in stop motion, both fantastic decisions in my book.
VFX test: [Play]
>The Bob and Larry Movie
This one treads the line between development hell and lost media. A VeggieTales origin movie that's been struggling since 2003. It covered it all; where the talking vegetables came from, how they influenced world events. It would have had humans in it, and veggie-human interaction. It would have revealed how Bob and Larry met, and what they did before they got their jobs on the VeggieTales show. All the deep lore, finally out in the open. Unfortunately this piece of cinematic history was strangled in the cradle. Big Idea's 2003 bankruptcy following the HiT suit, the abject failure of Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie and the In the House series, the acquisition by Universal and subsequent firing of all 10 members of the VT creative team. But, wouldn't that just make this film a failed endeavor? That's not development hell! What am I trying to pull here? Well, let me tell you: the film is out there. The series creator, Phil Vischer, claims to have a copy of the film stowed on his laptop. Furthermore, he is willing to share it with the hungry public. The only obstacle is Universal and Dreamworks' claims to the IP. These are difficult times, but we must be patient. The day will come.
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Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 2:44:13 AM 3 months ago No. 3859
Is 2015 old enough? 10 years might be the bare minimum tbdesu, but the final(?) Puella Magi Madoka Magica movie has been in the works since then. It's called Walpurgisnacht Rising. Three trailers have been released in the past year:
1: [Play]
2: [Play]
3 [Play]
There's no exact release date yet but all signs point to release in 2025.
If you haven't seen the OG Madoka series and the Rebellion movie, go do so. It's brilliant on all fronts. Walpurgisnacht Rising is the only thing I'm looking forward to in 2025.
Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 3:35:29 AM 3 months ago No. 3861
I made the mistake of reading the manga adaption so i switched over to the actual anime, and it's really good.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:53:43 AM 2 months ago No. 3965
So they are releasing a larryboy movie in 2026, so the question is, will they use that as a means of finally releasing the bob and larry movie?
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 10:52:27 PM 2 months ago No. 3986
The TF2 comics concluded. They started in 2013 and the penultimate comic dropped in late 2017 so almost 8 year gap lmao
Anonymous Thu 16/01/2025 5:12:23 PM 2 months ago No. 4062
So around 2016 the bionicle brand was revived, but to little fanfare, mainly because although most of the figures was decent the storytelling was not like the original and lacked substance. Also, the original lore was long as fuck and ONGOING and that's not friendly to a new audience, and the original audience was around their late 20's, to the IP was bound to fail. (Me being me, i bought all the fucking figures anyhow lol) There are many more problems as to how bionocle fell, one of which is how far the plastic parts strayed from the "system" and the amount of new parts created, which costs money to contantly create new molds. I can come up with several ways that they could have avoided failure and revived bionicle without a hitch but i'll post that elsewhere, for now, here's the main deal why i'm posting this.
As i mentioned, brand flopped hardcore, pulled off of shelves, fans got pissed, the end. Around 2019, one of the concept artist for bionicle made an esoteric post on instagayram titled "biovival 2020" which had the fanboys going nuts over a potential revival of bionicle, and had me thinking, maybe he'll leak his secrets, or make a ongoing bionicle comic, or story serials continuing the lore?
Here's what actually happened.
Christan faber was hired to help revive bionicle but after a major fight which was very fucking major and painful for him, had stepped down in the most part and they took some of his ideas but abandoned the others.
Biovival was christian getting the OK from lego's legal team for him to leak all of his secrets and ideas for gen 2.
Here is christian faber's youtube
Now, here is the actual meat of the matter, [Play]
musings and background [Play] [Play]
a little taste of gen 2 [Play]
and the actual esoterica behind everything gen 2 was supposed to be lego metaphysics, and how all lego IPs are interconnected.

Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 8:51:50 AM 1 year ago No. 928
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How much do you know about theology?
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Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 9:30:10 PM 1 year ago No. 934
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In the pursuit of not following the footsteps of the other goofball retards in this thread, I'm gonna talk about Theology.
I don't really consider myself a "Theologist" in any way, and most of my knowledge of the subject is just gained through osmosis from topics I'm interested in that often brush shoulders with it, such as philosophy. I haven't read any religious texts and in general I'm not very learned in the subject.
However, I do have my theories upon the nature of God. I'm a believer in the "we are God experiencing itself" brand of 'religion'. If you break the world down into the tiniest of things, we are all made of basically the same stuff-- atoms and matter. Everything is made of matter. Despite that fact, we as sentient beings also seem to be "divine" in some manner. We haven't figured out which parts of the brain are actually responsible for consciousness, so it reasons that our sentience comes from somewhere outside of our material realm, I.E the soul or something similar.
I believe that this "soul" that is responsible for us being... well, us, is God. That God is us, and we are God. We are also matter, and "of the world". God is everything, and we are OF everything, therefore we must also be God. We are divine in the sense that we can experience the reality that is ultimately the same as us, yet different.
What the implications of that are I haven't quite figured out, but it's what I believe.
What do you believe, anons?
Anonymous Wed 17/05/2023 2:11:29 PM 1 year ago No. 939
There is a special place in Hell for faggots and OP you are being one. You remind me of 1 Corinthians 6 9-10. Don't try to play God as well as 22chan with poor OP.
Anon Wed 06/11/2024 12:37:34 AM 4 months ago No. 3666
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If you're really serious about theology, how about starting with the basics?
- The Bible was originally written without columns, like a normal book for the time of writing (clay tablets then papyrus/other material scrolls). So why not format it like a normal book?

Pic is of a church in Georgia, with a double walled defence from the musket days.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 6:38:03 PM 2 months ago No. 4061
If you want to have a laugh then go check out "the message" bible, it's written with contemporary english and slang. I actually own the audiobook and the actual run time is a week long, it took me a whole day of ripping the discs to my computer.

>10 Jesus’ refusal was curt: “Beat it, Satan!” [Play]
Anonymous Wed 29/01/2025 3:04:02 PM 2 months ago No. 4127
I'm not a religious person, and I'm sorry for intruding on this thread, but I'd like to tell you anons of an amusing encounter I had recently. I was approached by two asians (koreans I think) at my university, shortly before an exam. Feeling curious, and having a few minutes to spare, I decided to hear them out.

They opened a powerpoint on a tablet, and told me the following:
>In the bible, the word used for God is sometimes plural
>God created humans in his image, which includes both men and women
>It follows that there is actually both a male "father" God and a female "mother" God
After they finished, they looked at me expectantly. I said that I had to go.

Truth be told, I had already heard of the fact that God is referred to with a plural word in the bible ("Elohim") from a friend. Wikipedia [1] suggests that it could be the result of Judaism evolving from a polytheistic/monolatry religion to monotheism, or that the plural form actually means "Godhood" and not multiple Gods. My friend also suggested that perhaps the ancient polytheistic Gods were aliens that ruled over men for some time, but I assume that's a less popular scholarly theory.

Anyway, I'm posting this because I found it interesting to actually meet people who say stuff like that in person, not because I believe there's much merit to these ideas. Then again, I'm not very knowledgeable in theology.


Prepping and Survival Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:15:34 AM 2 months ago No. 3975
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whenever you hear the name "prepper" usually you think of edgy people acting all hardcore, maybe paranoids running around like headless chickens or yelling at you for "not being on their level" and many other negative associations. maybe its living in dirt huts, being scared all the time, and suffering, always wondering if "things will get back to normal".
i think thats stupid, if anything prepping should be comfy. i tend to think of moments like the book of eli, where the main character had an ipod to wind down to at the end of the day, or in school live, where the girls did what they could to live life normally, and they even had stuff like a portable CD player and when they made it to a collage, they played vidya.
i think it's rude to think that preppers are crazy or that it's stupid to be prepared, even if it isn't anywhere near an emergency scenario. also, it's a waste of money to just buy all those stupid kits that end up containing stuff that you wouldn't ending up using in the first place. MREs are fucking awful, ate them off and on from my childhood to like around 2017 when i had to deal with an actual emergency that lasted months, and its not too good to have in an emergency situation, the sodium content is way too high and that sucks because trust me, water is something your not always going to have access to, so your going to get fucked up. i don't know of it changed nowadays but it is something to be wary of.
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Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 6:15:04 AM 2 months ago No. 4017
Shortwave radios are fun, i threw my SWL antenna on top of a long tree and i'm pretty sure i got a signal from some japanese station. Another station i picked up on was "" which was some wild as fuck new age ecumenism shit. I guess in short if you want to get information from around the world, then it's good to have one. Also mine has the ability to "listen in" to ham radio frequencies which is great. Yes, there's alot of boring old people talking about useless stuff but in an emergency is when it becomes a total free for all and you can get information you really need.
Anonymous Mon 13/01/2025 7:05:09 AM 2 months ago No. 4052
Sometimes i'll go to an area, far away where i live and shout stupid stuff in my Handheld radio, one time it was the classic NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER, and another was CQ, CQ, CQ THIS IS PAPA ECHO NOVEMBER INDIA SIERRA CALLING IN, WE HAVE A CODE BLUE, OVER
so far the FCC hasn't got my ass, even after i stoped dicking around and talked normally. I was tuned into a repeater too and they asked who the fuck that guy was screaming in the mike, so i'm still home free.
In all seriousness something not talked about is the range and effectiveness of a handheld, especially if the repeaters are down. With repeaters, you can go real far especially on a hot day, you can talk cities away but in a situation where there are no repeaters, the range is super limited. I'll use my UV-5R+
With a good antenna, a counterpose, settings all clocked in, clear visual line of site, up high on a hot, cloudless day i could get maximum 4 miles, in reality i can only get roughly 2.5 miles if i'm lucky. Lets say i get a better model with higher wattage like 10 watts, then the "if i'm lucky" factor increases to roughly 10 miles max but at that point i'm dropping 90 bucks. (the regular ass uv-5r cost me 20, the antenna cost me 15) To be be clear, what you are buying is a glorified cell phone, and it's useful if you have a specific reason to use it, and if you lose cell signal its better then nothing. Although you can focus on buying high quality GRMS devices and you don't need to deal with the headache of getting a FCC ham radio operator licence, and if you have a family only one person needs a licence and the whole family can mooch off of yours, where if someone wanted to talk and uses your ham radio licence you'll get your ass handed to you.
I don't know too much about your regular ham radio and i'd like a real one, maybe a "shack in a box" so i can't say much more about the matter.
Anonymous Mon 13/01/2025 7:11:00 AM 2 months ago No. 4053
Forgot, it's General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) not GRMS. Also with handheld hams there's a secret tactical value because you can snoop in on GMRS, police bands and all kinds of fun stuff.

Describe your meal today Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 10:38:12 PM 2 months ago No. 4025
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Describe what you had for breakfast, lunch, or dinner today.
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Anonymous Sat 11/01/2025 5:14:54 AM 2 months ago No. 4033
It snowed today, so I decided to have some chicken noodle soup to warm my body after I just went inside.
Anonymous Sat 11/01/2025 5:31:34 AM 2 months ago No. 4037
is it just chicken and noodle or was there extra?
Anonymous Sat 11/01/2025 1:38:18 PM 2 months ago No. 4039
I placed pretzel crisps in the soup to give the soup more flavor but other than that no.
Anonymous Sun 12/01/2025 5:03:49 AM 2 months ago No. 4042
I had a supreme pizza tonight for dinner. Supreme pizza never let's me down and it is always great!
Anonymous Sun 12/01/2025 5:09:22 AM 2 months ago No. 4043
I had some pasta for dinner tonight. It was onions, lamb, balsamic vinegar, white wine, premade pasta tomato sauce and some grated parmesan cheese. 〔・ω・〕 It was extremely good.

Share Your Smoothie Ingredients Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 10:58:26 PM 2 months ago No. 4028
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Share a list of ingredients for a smoothie for others to try. If you use someone's suggestion, reply with your results.
Anonymous Sat 11/01/2025 5:23:30 AM 2 months ago No. 4035
cottage cheese, i can say it's not gross at all.
Anonymous Sat 11/01/2025 5:26:34 AM 2 months ago No. 4036
i forgot to add the others: raw milk, almonds, mixed berries which are, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, peaches, small amounts of leafy greens, some cranberries, you have to find the balance between sweet, sour, bitter. also keifer or yoghurt.

Anonymous Mon 25/12/2023 4:58:47 PM 1 year ago No. 2003
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This thread can be for both ideas you may have for anything, And ideas for stories. Keep in mind that if you post something some nigger might steal it because this is the internet.
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Anonymous Fri 24/05/2024 4:31:17 PM 10 months ago No. 2840
Good shit anon. Gonna use it as inspiration for my own creative works.
Anonymous Fri 24/05/2024 7:19:06 PM 10 months ago No. 2841
>The beastie is not something that exists in the physical sense. It has no body, no ears, it does not give chase. Rather, it is a virus of conception.
part of my problem is like with dead space and alien, is after you know of the threat, it stops becoming scary.
what you dont know and dont understand and arent even shown is more terrifying then any monster in any movie.
the usage of the supernatural can only affect those who believe or those who are religious, this is where cosmicism anx cosmic horror comes in because honestly you can read whatever book and still would not reach any sort of understanding of the threat since it is beyond the written word. one may see similarities between what they know (as am example one might conclude cosmic horror beastie is similar to a demon) but even then it is still beyond their woldview.
also, it is much more tolerable and in a way can unite people, i knew a hardcore christian who hated thd exorsist movie but was addicted to the books "the hound of tindalos" and "the king in yellow"
in a way it can also be used to critique religions, and to also support positive aspects of them.
Anonymous Sat 07/12/2024 5:36:22 AM 3 months ago No. 3846
I have an idea for a story based on a dream i had.
The story takes place on a simulated reality on a generational ship, the story takes place on the simulated reality, the characters living in it, but none of the characters are totally aware of it whatsoever.
About the generational ship, what had happened is that a major catastrophe went down on earth, because of this the people on the ship has a insect like, conformist, hive mind society where you have no individuality, or free will. you work like a dog untill you die, everything you do is for the survival and continuation of the ship, any fuck ups can actually lead to the death of everyone. this sucks especially if you have no real will to live or reason to keep going, you can say "we'll land on a new planet eventually" but there's no proof of that, only empty words. you can convince people that the ship itself is the actual world with nothing outside but void but people will eventually figure out. having a simulated reality is something else, they get actual PROOF of a world outside, a reason to fight, so that the next generation (or maybe even their generation) can reach a new planet.
the problem is, you can't really live on the simulated reality forever, after all there's a ship to run and if everyone is hooked up, bad things could happen. "but what about AI?" yeah well i'm totally sure no fuck ups can happen and totally everything will go fine.... yeah right. you also have the potential problem of too many people connected to the simulated reality at the same time? what if something like maybe the machine overloading? well either way the way shit worked is that you have a lifetime debt that you have to work off in order to access it, you start one time as a kid, you work hard as fuck and you eventually maybe earn enough to access the simulated reality when you are in your 40's and if your fucking lucky maybe you'll tune in before you die.
What is the simulated reality specifically? How does it work? How does one tune in?
The reality isn't exactly simulated, it's kind of digital but it's a reality down to the marrow, to the microbe, to the DNA. there's no rendering like "oh if i turn away the seagulls will dissapear" like a videogame. everything is in real time. it was built using quantum AI or fucking whatever, it basically got all information, religious, supernatural, historical data, fucking everything with the intention of "lets make a reality" everything ever is real, and fake at the same time. the information that's proven is kept, information that cannot possibly exist is discarded and the middle information of what cannot be proven but also disproven is in a state of flux. can't prove or disprove that reality was made by god in 7 days? well fuck the reality just exists then. Anyhow fuck knows how much time passed and time in our reality passes weirdly in that one, as an example i could hook in and experience an entire life time in 5 seconds in this one. You cannot stay hooked in for too long though, at maximum a day, not for any other reason then "your turn is over now get back to work, see you in 50 years faggot." The way you hook in, is via a bed like machine that connects to your brainstem directly, to sync up to your neurons. Your put into a dream like state, you wake up in a pre existing body with the same exact neurological pattern and DNA, either a person who was in a coma or perhaps a baby, whatever works without fucking with the host. The problem is like a dream you very well might not remember your experience, and vice versa if you wake up in the other reality. You wake up after your turn ends in sheer pleasure with your body in peak physical condition, although if you die in the reality you very well could die abruptly in your reality if it was a violent death, or if you where disconnected at the wrong time.
Part of the problem here is that, your not exactly going to be the best person in the world by living on a generational ship so how do you expect those connected people to behave in the other reality?
Anyhow like i mentioned people actually living in the other reality have no god damn clue that their world is a simulation because in a sense it isn't, and no matter how hard they tried they have no way to prove otherwise. They have no specific way to tell if another person is one of those generational ship people, maybe your wife is one? or a close friend? or a serial killer?
The protagonist of the story is a mentally disturbed teenager, a girl to be specific. She very well could be mentally stunted but really it also could be because of her circumstances and isolation. she has a handler and a very strict life and schedule, with no real personal freedoms besides a bunch of shitty books and pg-13 VHS tapes, nothing to disturb her mentality. her parents died and she has no family to look after her. (she is not one of those generational ship people, shes a person in the other reality) eventually she is able to actually go to a high school filled with real people her age. her goal is to eventually be free and have a life, but that might never happen. "they" might not let her. Anyhow this isn't some dark and edgy story, in a way you can look at it like a visual novel of your slice of life school bullshit. part of the problem at hand though is that the generational ship was at its last legs after everyone fucking died, because to be frank generational ships are a terrible idea, its like incest, you can't inbreed, you need biodiversity, the ship needs to take pitstops and maybe get more food or fuel or whatever not just fly in the void for ages. part of the problem was humanity, some of the people on the ship tried scamming the system and others like the uber rich was connected for ages to the reality with no breaks unlike those poor saps having to work for decades to get access. you get infighting and death. with no one to manage the ship everything falls apart and even the simulation will come to an end, but thats the thing, time in the reality is weird so when in our reality the machine just shut off, in the reality that could actually mean days or even years. also obvious problems like trippy or paranormal shit due to the reality braking down.
Because of her mental state, if the girl saw crazy shit, who would believe her? Might be in big trouble if she talked how terrified she was after seeing a man fused to a building, still kicking and screaming in pain only to dissapear seconds later.
The way the story ended in my head was one of those crappy shojo manga ends where the girl finds the perfect husband and a new friend group who accept her for who she is, she's free from the system and finally happy, as she leans in for a kiss the entire reality falls apart.
I've been thinking about it and i feel like it's fun. I don't think anyone used it yet besides the matrix movie but even then, not like this.
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 12:36:21 AM 2 months ago No. 3987
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Compelling, I like it. Is the girl a child of the simulation, or does she have a meatbag in a pod somewhere in the ship? Also everybody on the ship fucking dying would be a hell of a twist lol. Being the last bit of consciousness in an eternal void, and not even knowing until the power starts to flicker... lots of ways to take it.
Imagine if the generational ship is actually in this spot because things went terribly wrong. The ship was well furnished for its trip, but folks deviated from the itinerary because they ended up forming a cult around the simulation. The ship ends up in the void longer than was ever intended, resources run low, everyone dies out all because this weird cult came to power and trashed the navigation. It's fun to think of a cultural regression in this situation. The Earth (or wherever the ship is sailing from) fades into myth and eventually a religious abstraction. If enough generations go by it wouldn't really matter how many textbooks are kept around, they'd start seeming too fantastic to be real. A sort of solipsistic fever ensnares the population. There's a Ray Bradbury story, "No Particular Night or Morning," that showcases the madness I'm imagining. Imagine how much worse it would be for someone who's never been to earth, whose grandparents had never been to earth. Someone who only knew the ship, the absolute vacuum outside of it, and the simulation. They'd have to talk everything on faith, and faith can be fixed on the strangest things. "The ship is all, the destination is a demonic illusion. Paradise rests here, with us, in the computer banks." Utter collapse. And there's our girl, living her life as well as she can know.
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 2:49:36 PM 2 months ago No. 3989
At least in my head she what born in the simulation but it's pretty funny in a tragic type of way to sleep in a good dream, convinced that was reality your whole life only to wake up in a dead world that you had little chance to understand before it's too late.

Train thread Anonymous Fri 03/03/2023 3:22:29 PM 2 years ago No. 587
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Discuss anything about train here!
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Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 9:41:51 PM 7 months ago No. 3257
and if an EMP or something goes off, guess what will happen? steam powered trains will keep on kicking!
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 4:17:07 AM 2 months ago No. 3967
I wish i could travel on trains like they do in the old days, it's too bad there isn't any near me.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 4:43:52 AM 2 months ago No. 3973
That reminds me weirdly about the time my brother and sister's school bus got hit by a train. It was only the back, and somehow they were all ok with no injuries. It is just crazy how bad that could have been. I probably am misremembering what happened.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:19:01 AM 2 months ago No. 3976
damn franky got hit by a train and he had to remake himself into a cyborg, i wonder how he avoided injury, just a guess but maybe there was something that had to do with the airflow that cushioned the blow?
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 5:00:06 AM 2 months ago No. 3981
I assumed the hit was minor and like you said the airflow protected them. This memory can also be a figment of my imagination.

22chan Thoughts Thread Anonymous Tue 28/02/2023 6:06:55 AM 2 years ago No. 573
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This is a thread for when you want to make a post but it doesn't deserve its own thread! This is to continue the tradition held on from the previous iteration of 22chan.
Share your thoughts, ideas, or opinions that don't fit anywhere else on the site here
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Anonymous Wed 25/12/2024 3:51:15 AM 3 months ago No. 3922
I wish mew a meowy catmas and a catty mew years
Anonymous Sat 28/12/2024 10:46:52 PM 3 months ago No. 3944
i was such a fucking idiot a.d sold my copy of megaman zero collection for the ds and by the skin of my fucking teeth i bought a copy from some old man who didn't know better for 4 bucks.
maybe i thought i'd make a lot of money off of it, but once you sell something you can't buy it back and if you try, sometimes the price will be too much. lesson learned.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 4:48:00 AM 2 months ago No. 3968
It's nice to have a portable verson of the arcade game. the music selection is nice too although at the moment it's limited because i have to earn more bt playing. persona 5 music was a nice touch.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 7:05:20 AM 2 months ago No. 3972
Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 10:25:10 PM 2 months ago No. 4015
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