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万座高原ホテルの幽霊事件 Anonymous Thu 07/11/2024 10:34:47 AM 2 months ago No. 3674
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Anonymous Thu 07/11/2024 2:25:51 PM 2 months ago No. 3675
>>3674 Not sure what this thread is supposed to be but here's an automated translation...

>The Ghost Incident at Manza Kogen Hotel

>The Manza Kogen Hotel, located near Kusatsu-Shirane Mountain and built over ancient hot springs, holds a strange history that is said to linger even today. This land was once part of a small, isolated village where people revered the mountain as sacred and worshipped the hot springs as if they were gods. According to local legend, when the mountain showed signs of unrest, the villagers would perform rituals near the hot springs to try to calm its powers.

>One particularly well-known tale speaks of a young woman who was taken to the hot springs in the dead of winter and sacrificed to pacify the volcanic activity. After that night, misfortune befell the village: the mountain erupted violently, toxic smoke spread over the land, and the villagers were forced to abandon their home and flee.

>Years later, when the hotel was constructed, some workers reported strange occurrences, such as tools mysteriously disappearing or eerie sounds. However, these incidents were often attributed to the harsh natural environment. Yet over the years, some hotel guests have reported feeling a chilling presence around the hot springs at night, and a few have even claimed to see a young girl with long black hair standing by the water’s edge.

>The hotel remains a popular destination, though locals continue to pass down these old stories. Visitors are sometimes advised to show respect for the legends and to avoid approaching the hot springs after dark.
Anonymous Thu 07/11/2024 3:19:14 PM 2 months ago No. 3677
I hope it's not a botpost because it sounds cool as fuck. I wonder if they still encounter paranormal incidents there to this day?

[Discussion] Owacon, it's time for you to finally speak up! [Terrible Management] CAT Thu 15/02/2024 12:39:57 AM 11 months ago No. 2296
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I wanted to revive the 4chan discussion thread for a while now, but I kind of didn't know what a good OP would be to attract attention to the thread and generate interesting discussion. So I took and translated this video by OwataP, about Owacons, who encapsulates all of the rage he had for Nico Nico Douga's management ever since Dwango partnered together with KADOKAWA in 2010 and then acquired in 2014 when the site's management slowly started to become a corporate hell making one terrible decision after another starting really with Nico Nico Douga Zero "Return to Origin" a large-scale update that fundamentally changes the system for the worst (read:ニコニコ動画%3Azero) So this actually transitions pretty well into this topic since Hiroyuki the current administrator of 4chan used to be a director at Niwango which was created by Dwango to mainly manage Nico Nico Douga, until he left in 2013.

I want this thread to encapsulate discussion about 4chan and other discussion forums in general that have shit management and treat its userbase like complete utter trash (such as collecting as much data as possible and then selling it whether its to advertisement companies or three-letter agencies like just imagine the folder structures on 4chan for example regarding everyone's data that's on there used to try and identify you.)
The questions I really wanted to ask in this thread are:
What was so excruciatingly bad about these places that made you want to leave and seek out a place like 22chan or other alternative imageboards/textboards?
Although very unlikely to happen, are you worried that if 22chan ever took off that the same problems that arose in those other places you left start appearing here, and do you think there are ways to prevent this from happening?
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Anonymous Fri 01/03/2024 3:52:59 PM 10 months ago No. 2420
Something i was thinking is, Why not view imageboards as a blank slate? Especially if you are new to imageboards in general. Yes imageboards in the past themselves has history and in a way why does it matter? If i where an entry level newfag/normalnigger i wouldn't necessarily have to study lore or really anything to understand the format. Instead i would have to know two things. 1: Lurk Moar before posting. Read the rules, Then the Threads, And finally the post therein. After that: Ask Questions! Then, post. 2: Do not post outsider content (such as normalnigger memes) unless specified otherwise. Everything else such as fandoms and groups and formats such as flashes is no more then asking and slowly learning but although that is a personal choice to make.
Anonymous Tue 05/11/2024 6:48:07 AM 2 months ago No. 3651
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Maybe I'm freaking out over nothing and it's really stupid but I came across this image on /pol/ and the thing that I don't understand is why in the fuck is Jim Watkins a moderator of 4chan...? Is this public knowledge or something and I just didn't know and if so why in the fuck is Jim Watkins moderating 4chan under the alias of RapeApe when he was publicly accused of stealing 2channel by Hiroyuki who then came in ownership of 4chan >>>
I was lurking the imageboard happenings thread on 4chan a while ago where RapeApe was mentioned to be GrapeApe but some users said that it was pure coincidence and that he confirmed in IRC that it was not him but then I bring your attention to this 2nd image of the supposed "Meet your 4chan moderators" that made its rounds on /pol/ years ago and take a look at the first name... "GrapeApe" Maybe some of you remember this post on the 2channel spelunking thread >>>/sewers/626/#1153 where it says that on 2channel Jim Watkins went under the alias of "Grape Ape ★"
Am I going crazy? What the fuck is going on?
Honestly though maybe I am confusing RapeApe with someone else or that guy is trolling by using this name knowing it's Jim Watkins.
Anonymous Tue 05/11/2024 3:54:17 PM 2 months ago
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from Desuarchive. Mind you the person mentions how Jim Watkins has a handle name of Grape Ape and that a similar mod is named RapeApe BUT NOT that RapeName also goes under another handle called GrapeApe. Also the last screenshot is just the WIRED article that talked about the scandal of the buffalo shooting and the involved with 4chan: What are the chances that Hiroyuki enlists a guy named RapeApe as his head moderator who also goes under the same handle name of GrapeApe that Jim Watkins went under...?
Anonymous Tue 05/11/2024 3:58:12 PM 2 months ago No. 3656
the backstory of these things spook me because of how all these people associate with eachother and all of the shady background things they do. jim watkins involvment with Qanon, (also 2chans relation to 8chan) hell i even remember a pic of jim, hotwheels, and mark the /v/ moderator doing coke with some strippers nearby and its just like, i thought this was like a small little website now they are making cash money, how are they getting shit and what are they doing to the imageboard sphere, and user IPs? i mean rapeape is trolling, i think he's canadian (and something about his original name being narutomod) but you never really know with these people. it's all so sad because imageboards have gotten so much shit for a place to be anonymous and talk about hobbies.

Long hair on summer Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 4:25:44 PM 1 year ago No. 900
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I've been letting my hair grow for the first time in my life recently. It was great on winter and early spring but now it's getting hot as hell over here and my hair gets damp with sweat very easily. Does anyone here know what to do about this? Cutting it isn't an option
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Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 11:17:56 PM 1 year ago No. 904
Put it in a ponytail. When I had long hair, that was always my go to. Depending on your face and phenotype, a ponytail can look badass on a dude. Other than that, you're sort of out of options
Anonymous Sat 27/05/2023 12:35:08 PM 1 year ago No. 966
Depending on how thick your hair is, sweat can either drip down or linger in your hair. It doesn't matter how long your hair is; you will still sweat a lot if you are active. My best advice is if there is any way to concentrate your hair in one area, do that so that only one area sweats and gives yourself time to relax.
Anonymous Sun 28/05/2023 11:41:28 PM 1 year ago No. 973
Growing my hair out as a teenager is one of my fondest memories. I'm going to do it again soon, once I get my own place. I like tying a handkerchief around my forehead, it kept the hair back and soaked up sweat pretty good.
Anonymous Fri 02/06/2023 2:23:56 PM 1 year ago No. 979
Long hair is nice. Wear a cotton Bandana?
Anon Mon 04/11/2024 6:14:01 AM 2 months ago No. 3640
Hair grows faster in warm weather.

Nico Nico Douga JP 歌ってみた (I tried to sing) Videos [Nostalgic] Anonymous Mon 04/12/2023 12:59:15 PM 1 year ago No. 1879
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This thread will feature videos from the 歌ってみた (I tried to sing) tag from Nico Nico Douga:歌ってみた歌ってみた
The tag is attached to videos where users on Nico Nico Douga record themselves singing and is one of the much more popular tags on there. The tag includes videos in various forms like singing over karaoke tracks, adding vocals to instrumental music, preparing your accompaniment, and creating completely original songs.

I want to start off this thread with one of Hyadain's I tried to sing videos. [Play] I found it initially while working for working on another project for the Medley thread. This is basically a remix of BATTLE2 from Romancing SaGa. This is actually his 44th work as mentioned in the description and it features a guest singer RIKO-san who sings the part of Sif.
I'll be honest I never played any of the Romancing SaGa games, but man... While translating this and listening to the song over and over again I actually began feeling something for the characters due to the seriously well composed lyrics. I think the part that got me the most was Sif's mention of throwing away her dreams as bridal life and throwing an axe instead of a banquet. Fucking amazing. I will follow up this thread later with another entry into Romancing SaGa that I found.

If you don't know about Hyadain (Kenichi Maeyamada) early on he used to mainly sing songs of old game BGMs where he would rearrange them and make up his own lyrics. He is known for an outstanding arrangement sense, the humor he incorporated into his works, being able to change of his voice (the female parts are usually all sung by him) and for a extraordinarily high pace of releasing new songs. He is probably the most popular I tried to sing singers on Nico Nico Douga who is also partly responsible for Nico Nico Douga's growth as a community.
He revelead back in 2010 on his blog that his real name was actually Kenichi Maeyamada who is responsible for composing J-POP and anime songs. His major debut... well... you probably know the anime Nichijou, right? He made the opening theme Hyadain no Kakakata☆Kataomoi-C: [Play] and [Play]
Isn't it fascinating to contemplate the hidden contributors behind the growth of the Nico Nico Douga community? Like I think it's quite amusing to imagine some prominent individuals like this secretly crafting anonymous accounts and creating MAD videos for tags like Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling... LOL
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Anonymous Mon 04/12/2023 1:02:01 PM 1 year ago No. 1880
I also want to bring up something even more intriguing: back then, when Nico Nico Douga wasn't a corporate shit hole and cared about its userbase, when the "I tried to sing" tag exploded on Nico Nico Douga, it led to the realization of a unique concept: gathering several more prominent singers from Nico Nico Douga to produce a "歌ってみた" CD available for purchase. This project was directed by Shigeru Saito who was associated with Lantis, he is known for handling music production for popular anime series like "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya," "Lucky☆Star," "D.C.Ⅱ," character songs, and radio programs. Interestingly, Saito was also a fan of Nico Nico Douga. Despite all of the copyright infringements of the song selections, they managed to release it. Initially, though, it was criticized for its poor song selection, but the evaluation improved over time.
The CDs released are as follows:
Lantis Kumikyoku feat. Nico Nico Artists, released on March 5, 2008: [Play]
Lantis's Canned Food by Nico Nico Artists, released on April 9, 2008: [Play]
Behind the Scenes for Lantis Kumikyoku: [Play]
Behind the Scenes for Lantis Kumikyoku Canned Food: [Play]
MV for Lantis Kumikyoku: [Play]
You can go look up the Lantis Kumikyoku and Lantis Kumikyoku Canned Food tags for even more information.
Anonymous Tue 12/12/2023 1:55:46 PM 1 year ago No. 1916
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From the original CD release of the album (FLAC):

Includes the original song and its off vocal/instrumental in FLAC format, and scans taken from the physical case.
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 2:36:29 PM 3 months ago No. 3493
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Thumbnail [Play] Introducing singers who deserve more recognition but weren't invited to Nico Nico Chokaigi

I’m not sure if the video title is being serious, but it’s kinda extremely funny to think about how much talent Nico Nico actually started, with people who made what were often seen as joke videos going on to become professional singers, musicians, etc.

If you’re wondering what Nico Nico Chokaigi is:ニコニコ超会議 It's basically a real life event held by Nico Nico where the community comes together to recreate Nico Nico Douga in the real world: [Play].
That being said, you have to ask why the management decided to dump so many resources into these large-scale events like Nico Nico Chokaigi and Nico Nico Taikai, while the site itself was barely functioning, even for premium users...ニコニコ大惨事 (Nico Nico Disaster)
Going through the comments on this trainwreck is just brutal because it's obvious they were intentionally cutting costs to make Nico Nico barely profitable at the expense of a functional website. All while pushing these events (and even planning overseas expansions) without even securing a solid footing in Japan.
2011/02/28 (Mon) 20:14:27 ID: dRZYlmTgEd
The "Spirit of the Engineers" who power Nico Nico Douga at Dwango.
It sounds like they're looking for highly skilled engineers based on this article created on 2011/02/24, but after reading this article from 2011/02/18, I'm left speechless.

Takeshi Natsuno’s next strategy for Nico Nico Douga:
"But we are not resting on our laurels. We're aiming for the future. We have two directions: one is entertainment. We're moving beyond video towards live entertainment like concerts and musicals. We already have a world where 10,000 people will pay 2,000 yen just to watch an artist's live show on the internet."
"The second direction is overseas expansion. We’re not necessarily imagining physically expanding abroad since we can easily cross borders online in today’s world. We’re developing a business model that doesn't rely solely on Japan or cater only to Japanese users."

The "disaster" article mainly talks about what happened on February 5, 2011, during the the final event of the Nico Nico Taikai when a major issue hit Nico Nico Douga and both free and premium members couldn’t watch videos. It was probably one of the first big signs of Nico Nico starting to lose its userbase because of poor management decisions. I went through some of the 1500+ comments posted a few months after that, and honestly, it’s insane how much regular and premium users suffered because of their greed...
When Hiroyuki was still there, he famously said during the disaster:
"Did you know that, even though this is Nico Nico Douga, a video site, people can’t watch videos today due to a problem? I think it’s wrong to ignore our core business and do events like this."

Anyways I think it's almost impossible not to rant about the management in every post if you have to explain the things that make up nico nico so please enjoy that video lol.
Anonymous Mon 28/10/2024 11:35:51 AM 2 months ago
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Thumbnail [Play] 【Because I wanted to try it】 I sang 5-Way Mami-san 【Tried It】
There is sadly only one upload by this ID but god her voice for Kyubey is so good
Anonymous Wed 30/10/2024 7:22:06 AM 2 months ago No. 3608
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Thumbnail [Play] I tried singing Seven-Colored Tapioca Douga
The original left and right pan sounded a bit weird to my ears so I put it on one channel and added some recomp and reaeq to the guy singing. You can clearly tell this guy does not live in an apartment complex and mom and dad were out that day m9(^Д^)プギャー

Let's Talk About NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) Anonymous Sat 27/01/2024 7:38:44 AM 11 months ago No. 2188
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Are you a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
What led you to become a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
How do you feel about being a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
What are your daily activities as a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
Do you think you are a burden to your parents as a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
Any plans to change your NEET status?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
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Anonymous Mon 05/02/2024 9:37:24 PM 11 months ago No. 2245
That's certainly a way to look at it. When you go NEET, if you didn't make it with crypto or possess a large inheritance then you're at the mercy of welfare/your parents and you'll only be able to live like that as long as your parents can put up with you or your NEETbux don't get removed for any reason. However, you can also look at it as achieving complete control over every small thing in your life along with completely controlling of managing your day, hygiene, appearance and such. This seems like something basic to most but others simply lack the incentive to do stuff like this without external pressure.
Almost everything you do in this state will be your very own responsibility, so if you just rot away day by day doing nothing you'll have no one to blame but yourself and this can make you feel and get even worse. Pursuing a "constructive" hobby of your preference can be a way to not feel like you're just rotting away doing the same mundane things every day and it can even serve as a way to get money if you get good enough at it. This works for terminal wagies too because I'm sure they need anything to keep their minds off their shitty job and in most cases dim future, but in their case they lack much more free time than a NEET so if it goes wrong they'll probably drop it due to stress.

Do you feel in control of your life anon?
Yes, and it pains me because while I can do anything with my day, I can't stop myself from doing the same over and over, every small improvement quickly regressing to my usual status quo which I'm way too comfortable with despite knowing it will end horribly if I just keep going at it. I don't know if this is just a part of getting older, something relating to NEETdom or both but my perception of time is way too fast. An entire day feels like what an afternoon felt like before going NEET, which leads me to accomplish even less than I would because what I think is just "15 minute break before I do [thing]" rapidly turns into 3 hours and I think the classic "Well, I guess I'll do it tomorrow" despite the day having so much of it left.

Also, something that has always been a bit scary to me about being confined most of the time is "How you think the world works vs How it actually works". Having a warped perception of reality can be absolutely brutal, especially if you never have a chance to realize it. I don't really think I've suffered from this but I fear it might happen while I have no idea it has.

Only a punishment if you're prone to guilt, can't mentally handle large periods of solitude or prone to addictions. It's almost like a filter in a way
Anonymous Wed 14/02/2024 6:27:21 PM 11 months ago No. 2294
My Life as a NEET.

Being a NEET is mid. It's alright for me being a NEET. How did I become a NEET in the first place? I'm glad you asked, I decided to be in Hikikomori mode because I was struggling with societal pressures and family dynamics. I express a deep hatred, fear and distrust against society (Family, friends, etc), law and the government. That's why I prefer initiating a severe social withdrawal. I'm much of a doomer/Hikikomori/NEET kind of individual.
Anonymous Sat 23/03/2024 2:36:09 AM 10 months ago No. 2572
Do you see yourself ever wagecucking? This can go for anyone who is a neet.
Anonymous Mon 21/10/2024 6:00:23 AM 3 months ago No. 3558
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When I first heard this years ago, I thought he was just babbling nonsense. Yet it stuck with me and over time I came to understand just how entitled the boomer generation actually is so it probably isn't too far from the truth. NEET, do you think your parents might have a life insurance policy on you and are just waiting for you to croak?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
Anonymous Mon 21/10/2024 5:25:56 PM 3 months ago No. 3559
i hate his tone, although in a sense i understand what he is saying. (he's still a bitch though) instead of having a life insurance policy its medical insurance and i'm told its expensive as fuck and if the job i am training for doesn't work out then i'll have to work a retail job or go homeless

Why Do People Create IBs? Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 10:22:53 PM 3 months ago No. 3544
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Personally, I have been very interested in creating a small online community. I like 22chan, it's pretty comfy and everyone seems chill. Especially with the site design for October.

So I guess I'm wondering, why do people create IBs in the first place?
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Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 12:29:07 AM 3 months ago No. 3545
some people want a specific topic to discuss that you can't normally find on other sites. some people hate the state of "insert site here" and want to create an alternatve. some people want to know what it feels like to run 4chan (or insert site here). some people want to test their skills so they make an IB to test shit out, some are super fucking jewish so they make IBs to steal peoples data, to steal from other communities, give infomation to feds, or for shady reasons that can't be understood.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 1:59:48 AM 3 months ago No. 3546
>for shady reasons that can't be understood.
like what? people need to realize that just because you don't understand something doesn't mean they have bad intentions.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 4:27:16 AM 3 months ago No. 3548
imagine making an altchan to fuck with specific people, or better yet weird generic altchan out of bare bones code with genric run of the mill names with zero moderation that is then shilled on thousands of sites and altchans only for it to be deleted a day later.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 11:38:33 AM 3 months ago No. 3551
imagine not being a useful idiot.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 7:43:12 PM 3 months ago No. 3554
I've never really felt like I wanted to create an imageboard myself, but if I were to guess, I'd say it's probably gratifying when other people engage with something you've made/control. This is a very human feeling that also motivates artists (and many others too I bet). Additionally, creating a small community allows you to make it exactly how you like and to experiment with new ideas. I also suspect that some people enjoy the feeling of power and importance they get by being *the* site owner.

Personally, I've fantasized about making a website where people can spontaneously collaborate on projects. Like for example, someone records a guitar riff and uploads it, then another user adds a bass line, and then someone else adds drums or sings on top, until the song is complete. I've seen stuff like this happen on 4chan, but having a website specifically dedicated to this would be pretty cool. But I don't think I'll ever bother with it.
>I have been very interested in creating a small online community
Looks like you could answer your on question, OP, let us hear it

Weird Habit Thread Anonymous Thu 06/07/2023 2:22:58 PM 1 year ago No. 1114
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In this thread, we will discuss our habits people would find weird. These habits are stuff that people won't call you a freak for doing but will still shake their heads at the actions. Just because the thread is for weird habits doesn't mean it'll excuse breaking the site rules. don't bother discussing anything that's rulebreaking. I'll start off this thread.
> Crushing aluminum cans with tires
I sell the aluminum can for the money I can get for them. Selling empty cans are more satisfying to me than throwing the cans away. Full-sized can't be stacked for long until they become a mess. To make things less cluttered, I crush the cans. Empty cans are not exactly stable when you try to stand on them. The most efficient way I've found is to crush the cans with my tires. First, I flatten the middle section of the can with my hands, and then I place them sideways under the wheels. Whenever I go out, I get four flat cans that are easier to store. Thankfully cans are not sharp enough to puncture tires.
>Spending time with cats
I like to hold my cats to show my cats I love them. My cats like to run around and are generally active, so sometimes it is hard just to be with them. Sometimes I hold my cat and meow at them. The cats don't understand why I meow at them, but I find it funny and hope they understand my affection for them. I try to let them go when they want to go, and it hurts sometimes.
When I communicate with people I am not close with sometimes I don't want an immediate response. Forced communication with professors or people I don't know makes me not want to look at my devices. I shouldn't overthink a simple email but I have at times.
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Anonymous Mon 24/06/2024 3:33:12 PM 7 months ago No. 3027
been talking to cats by attempting to imitate their voices
Anonymous Tue 25/06/2024 4:05:45 AM 6 months ago No. 3033
I do that, but when I do my cats look like they are judging me.
Anonymous Sun 13/10/2024 4:55:09 PM 3 months ago No. 3518
I like hitting excess Ice in a freezer with a hammer and feeding plants the ice shards.
Anonymous Tue 15/10/2024 12:06:31 PM 3 months ago No. 3523
I fap nearly every day but haven't watched porn in years. Just think about women that I know instead. In todays world, not watching porn when you fap is probably a bizarre habit.

I stopped watching porn years ago when it occurred to me one day: when you watch porn and fap at the same time, you're basically getting cucked right? Even though you're separated by both time and space, you're still fapping while watching another dude have sex with a girl that you're not having sex with. That means you're getting cucked.
Anonymous Tue 15/10/2024 6:02:55 PM 3 months ago No. 3525
but its also faggotry if you think about it further. your a man, who is grabbing your own penis to pleasure yourself, if grabbing the penis of and pleasuring another man is homosexual, then the same also applies to a singular man, pleasuring himself.

Anonymous Sat 12/10/2024 7:21:46 AM 3 months ago No. 3517
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Sooo...why is it why i try to write code involving angles, degrees, conditionals, or even keyboard vk keys, i am completely agitated? i just got into programming like, in months, (or years but with massive vacoom of learning inbetween because it's confusing) and i just found out i am,what, code intolerant? i dont even like * or < >

so strange. i cant work now because alot of things uses those.
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