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Lord of the Rings MAD... (;° w °)Wait what!? Anonymous Mon 23/10/2023 3:16:26 PM 1 year ago No. 1676
You probably didn't think someone would pull this number, did you...
A not so serious thread about the small amount of MADs available on Nico Nico Douga about LOTR, and If it does get stale and I run out of videos I might just use this thread to post MADs of some other western movies available on NND. [Play]
So a bit of history behind the first video. The MMD creator kiyoP discovered the video by Moymoy Palaboy mimicking BACKSTREET BOYS Everybody (Backstreet's Back) MV with facial expressions and decided to create a MMD animation for the 7th MMD CUP out of it and actually released the animation files to be used by other users. [Play] I thought about going for humor, but it strangely became more manly. I might have made it a bit shorter because I lacked the energy and time.
It's specialized for models, so adjusting might be a bit troublesome, but if you still want to use it, please go ahead.

The funny thing with this LOTR MMD is that this video was just made a week and half after he released the animation files and submitted it for the same competition I guess... [Play]
The second video with Boromir is another awesome entry into the アッーウッウッイネイネ(0゚・∀・)tag which can be translated as "Aaa-uu-uu, i-ne i-ne" which is basically a misheard phrase found in the song Under My Skin: [Play] and you probably know it as Paffendorf where Momoko Kuzuryuu from "Sumomomo Momomo" dances in sync with the song.アッーウッウッイネイネ%280゚・∀・%29
I was the first to attach this emoticon 「+(0゚・∀・)++」 to アッーウッウッイネイネ. The base of this emoticon is '+(0゚・∀・) + ワクテカ +' (In this context ワクテカ = wakuwaku tekateka = exciting, shiny) and I wanted to express the twinkling of the character's eyes with '++' and the shiny overall picture with ”0゚”. However, at some point '++' was removed and it became just (0゚・∀・)
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Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 8:36:08 PM 4 months ago No. 3713
I was curious [Play] 02:16 lol
Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 8:50:24 PM 4 months ago No. 3714
(201.88 KB 1024x1025 )
-> This thrill, followed by that refreshing sensation!
-> Looks like he’s got a face and head like a Nurarihyon.
-> The part from the head down is totally Cunningham’s face.
-> Gofer from Gradius 3.
-> It’s like a rubber man locked in a basement playing alone.
-> Just making a BMX guy wear something weird on his head and dance in his underwear, and it’s this creepy.
-> What is this, a game? WWWWWWWWWWWWWW
-> Just looks like a MAD created with something blasphemous.
-> Johnny is so coooool!!
-> Suddenly it gets all rhythmic lolol
-> Cunningham also did Björk’s music videos.
-> The music is good though…
-> What even is this kind of person?
-> My eyes are flickering out here lololol
-> Too much of a weirdo lol
-> Starting to look kinda cool lol
-> Can’t comprehend it lolol
-> Wonder what retards calling this stupid or just spamming "草" (lol) usually listen to.
-> When two perverts get together, they make something epic.
-> There’s no way I can admit to anyone that I love this video.
-> Kawaii
-> Since when did Richard start trolling?
-> Finally starting to feel some affection for this.
-> You can see something like a lantern here.
-> Super Gomu-Gomu Time
-> It’s too fast, I can’t tell what’s going on.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 4:59:32 AM 2 months ago No. 3969
(11.50 MB 1280x720 00:00:45)
Thumbnail [Play] from Léon The Professional (1994)
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 5:24:42 AM 2 months ago No. 3970
if you have not seen the FMJ MADs from nico nico then you've been certainly missing out. [Play] F.M.J. Was the Smiling Fat Guy His Limit? Ultimate Demonic Drill Instructor, Sergeant Hartman Sergeant Hartman's Perfect Fucking Classroom [Play] [FMJ] Full Meta Full Meta [Mayim Mayim] (the BGM is a traditional Israeli folk dance song that means "Water, Water" which is extremely popular in Japan.) [Play] [MAD] Soldiers Are the Sergeant’s Slaves [Nyarko-san WOP × Sergeant Hartman]
there's a bunch of misheard lines in this as well like
1234 Marine Corps -> 1 2 3 4 片栗粉!!!(1 2 3 4 Potato Starch!)
Mama and papa were laying in bed -> ファミコンウォーズがでーるぞー (NES Wars is coming out!)
Eskimo Pussy is mighty cold -> 駅のバスケへさあ行こう (Come on, let's go to the station basketball)
here's a nintendo commercial making fun of it [Play] and a 音MAD of kill me baby using it [Play]
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 5:59:09 AM 2 months ago No. 3971
(39.44 MB 854x480 00:03:12)
I forgot but I really like this one despite it being very rough [Play] Hartman Breaker

/ic/ thread Wed 15/02/2023 7:32:11 PM 2 years ago No. 510
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Post any pictures or drawings you make. If you paint, do pixel art, or just draw normally then share your work and see what other anons have to say about it.

Today I drew this. It doesn't really mean anything but I think it looks pretty cool. I like using sacred geometry like the Golden Ratio as a basis for my work. It gives it a certain vibe that I like.
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Anonymous Thu 02/01/2025 3:26:49 AM 2 months ago No. 3950
majoras mask moon, but cheeto sun
Anonymous Thu 02/01/2025 5:02:24 AM 2 months ago No. 3951
I'll try to take that as good sign. Cheeto son please watch over me this year!
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 2:11:07 AM 2 months ago No. 3958
It's not that complicated, it's Doug Walker conducting three smaller versions of himself like the Chipmunks. The real enigma is what the C on the main Dougmunk's shirt stands for.
Reminds me of King Crimson
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:42:11 AM 2 months ago No. 3962
C stands for cat, clearly.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 4:05:28 AM 2 months ago No. 3966
(12.14 MB 1280x720 00:00:48)
frustrating to think that there are people in these spaces who don't know about avgn or nostalgia critic

New year thread Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 6:32:35 PM 2 years ago No. 78
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Did you do anything notable this year? Do you have any plans for 2023? I haven't really done anything and don't have many plans for next year beyond playing more games, watching more anime and reading more manga
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Anonymous Fri 03/01/2025 5:45:11 AM 2 months ago No. 3953
It is midway through the decade and it feels like nothing notable or good has happened.
Anonymous Fri 03/01/2025 2:50:18 PM 2 months ago No. 3954
You're being unfair. Chatgpt and other AI generation stuff is pretty notable. As for good, I mean, good things are probably more subtle and gradual at happening than bad things
Anonymous Sat 04/01/2025 2:48:57 PM 2 months ago No. 3955
How is that unfair? When I say things are not great, it is mainly referencing how things have done nothing to change in the average person's life. Subtle things that help out the elite are fine, I guess, but when the decline is more noticeable, there is an issue. When things are getting worse, the unequal positives are just a bandaid to a bigger wound.
Anonymous Sat 04/01/2025 9:48:33 PM 2 months ago No. 3957
You said "notable". A computer speaking like a human is notable. As for the rest, I wasn't trying to argue
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:44:26 AM 2 months ago No. 3963
I think the recent news with the tesla truck and the military man shooting himself in it is weird as fuck, infact there's a hell of a lot of fucking strange news going on this year.

Lack of Activity from New Posters Anonymous Wed 16/10/2024 5:19:17 PM 5 months ago No. 3531
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Ever since that german guy stuck his knife into the old 22chan, this new version has been live for over a year now. But during all this time, even with regular posters and frequent site updates, we just haven’t been able to attract any new people who stick around.
So I have to ask: Why is this happening? What’s driving off new posters so quickly? Is it something about the name "22chan" that makes it unappealing, or maybe some lingering baggage from the past? Every time I see discussions about 22chan outside of here, it seems like no one has even heard of us. Are we just an invisible presence on the internet or is it because imageboards are a dead medium?
What can we do to as a community to get us out of this situation?
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Anonymous Sun 08/12/2024 5:33:36 PM 3 months ago
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No. 3854
just to clarify the reason it specifically state "in any form" instead of no "lgbt topics" or "person" because in my eyes it appears easy to fudge the rules. keep in mind my examples are doghshit but it is what comes to mind. with "no lgbt people" you can argue a song is not a person or a tumblr cartoon like helavaboss is not a gay person, with "no lgbt topics", define topics, is a meme a topic? what if i want to celebrate Lili Elbe's art, the artist is trans, sure and you can ban that but actually not really because the artist paints landscapes and its not like anyone will google the artists name to crosscheck. you can't extrapolate anything from "in any form". let's say theres a problem, like an anon contacts the staff via email, or /meta/ or whatever, about how he wants to discuss the game catherine, but there is a trans character named erika, and he doesn't want to be banned for discussing the game. well as long as he doesn't discuss the character at all then where's the problem? if "in any form" is hard to understand there is nothing banworthy or wrong with actually asking the staff or community. i just see it as a means of reducing headaches of people bickering the specifics or weaseling there way in. no, means no. in any form, mean in any form it comes in.
>This is a more complete reflection of 22chan's historical position
any attempt to change or alter the anti-lgbt rule will remove the historical implication. the previous admin was worried of the "slippery slope" that if you make one change or excuse, then more will come untill 22chan becomes something that it never was. any changes or excuses will make newcomers think that 22chan doesn't "want lgbt that isn't annoying" or something of the sort instead of downright banning it. back in the day the rule was added partially because a group of people who enjoyed furfags, trannies, ect, was makimg threads of that type on 22chan and also because it was a suggestion of the users, thread 96 being one example of a user based suggestion.
i'm slightly paraphrasing here but the previous admin went as far as to state that he didn't want "no gay ass niggas" posting on his site, and that this means "memes, people, the movement" and if anyone had a problem they could "go back to 4chan"
no gay funposting, no shitposting, no ironically gayposting. not the people, none of it. i can understand if a certain rule can be clarified and re explained in a way to be more clear, without losing the original intention, but some of them cannot be altered in my opinion.
>>3849 if there are posts in this thread that actually breaks the rules of 22chan, or any board specified rules, you should report it using the email or something.
there is a thread on /meta/ for moderation requests.
if it doesn't break the rules, you can make a thread on /meta/ about something you dislike. making a post asking for something to be deleted that cannot be moderated as if the 22chan staff are personal watchdogs is retarded.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 5:45:00 AM 3 months ago No. 3856
There are many who have designs upon this world and dream of wild and vast reformations. I have heard them talking in their sleep of elegant mutations and cunning annihilations. I have heard them whispering in the corners of crooked houses and in the alleys and narrow back streets of this crooked creaking universe which they, with their new designs, would make straight and sound. But each of these new and ill-conceived designs is deranged in its heart, for they see this world as if it were alone and original, and not as only one of countless others whose nightmares all proceed like a hideous garden grown from a single seed.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 10:30:20 PM 3 months ago No. 3858
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>i just see it as a means of reducing headaches of people bickering the specifics or weaseling there way in
Fair enough, I can see where you're coming from, it is a difficult thing to regulate. Doesn't that reveal an issue with the presentation of the rule? The example in >>3850 eliminates the question of "how far removed can something be from a lgbt person before it's safe for discussion" by pinpointing the area of concern. This is easier for moderation ("this post clearly discusses a user's love life, ban them") and for users ("am I violating a rule by talking about this piece of media, even if I'm not specifically talking about the lgbt part?")
Maybe the concern isn't exactly discussion of romance/sex, but I still think there's value in finding a rewording that more precisely locates the issue. Seems like a win-win.
Fuck, I know nothing of this guy or his special plan
Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 3:04:46 AM 3 months ago No. 3860
Apparently its taken from this [Play]
Anonymous Sun 15/12/2024 8:58:39 AM 3 months ago No. 3880
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We decided to change it based on this discussion.

Anonymous Tue 27/12/2022 9:15:44 AM 2 years ago No. 31
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I like coffee but i dont like that i need to take massive shits in the morning after i had it, do you guys know any way to stop this?
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Anonymous Sun 27/08/2023 8:12:16 PM 1 year ago No. 1391
French pressed coffee, Makes coffee tastes wonderful and not bitter at all.
Anonymous Sat 09/11/2024 9:52:46 AM 4 months ago
(edited 0x)
No. 3690
I drink every day up to two cappuccinos with shots of stevia yet I really fucking hate regular coffee and I don't get the appeal at all apart from the flavor. I should probably consider switching over to decaf as I don't see the benefits of using regular coffee in the slightest as a shower is really all I need to stay awake throughout the day, and if anything, I started to feel very stressed with caffeine in my system and couldn't get any work done at all so I am constantly trying to drink herbal tea to try and mitigate the effects which usually helps.
Do any anons here think that maybe coffee is a huge factor in contributing to the stress throughout your day?
         … ………… 
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Anonymous Sat 09/11/2024 12:26:09 PM 4 months ago No. 3691
to me, it helps because i usually have to wake up early and sleep late. especially around 2 pm is when i end up crashing so instead of coffee i switch to black tea.
Anonymous Mon 02/12/2024 4:38:29 AM 3 months ago No. 3798
I've been drinking chai tea, and it's been comfy. I like the strong spices and a very minor hint of sweetness and some milk.
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 5:36:11 AM 3 months ago No. 3855
I tried drinking this natural wake up brew of various herbs and fruits and it didn't feel very energising. one ingrediant that comes to mind was african maté. allegedly it's caffinated although i doubt it.

22chan Memories Thread Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 1:00:22 AM 2 years ago No. 393
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I'm unsure whether this post would fit /meta/ or not so I'm doing it here.

This is the thread where people can post memories and stories of 22chan pre- Twoot Abandonment. Fun times, interesting interactions or major events should be catalogued here. We want any newfags to be able to find and read our history so perhaps the people that come after us won't lose sight of our roots as a community.
Anything 22chan related like images, comics, or memes of Niniba can also be posted and shared.

The story that comes to mind for me is when Spacechan and its offshoots died due to autism and then we got a bunch of refugees. There was that guy who posted those Richter pictures and a few other anons who asked if they would be allowed to take refuge in our community. I don't know if those same anons are around now or what happened to the rest of their community but it was a strange time. 22 nearly got pulled into some shit that nobody wanted to be a part of.
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Anonymous Fri 14/06/2024 7:28:01 PM 9 months ago No. 2974
does anyone have the screencap from the fzero anime thread, specifically dr. stewart saying "i believe in justice" in broken english? infact if anyone else has anime screencaps posted on the site i'd appreciate it. to me they consitute good memories.
Anonymous Mon 16/09/2024 7:13:45 AM 6 months ago No. 3404
That was my thred!!! my cat!! thank you for archiving it, i lost it. thankss
Anonymous Mon 16/09/2024 1:30:58 PM 6 months ago No. 3405
Do you have any plans for catanon content? I miss him.
Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 6:32:06 PM 3 months ago No. 3843
Remember that guy who did fortune telling? That was a fun thread.

Blogs Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 6:53:43 AM 3 months ago No. 3832
Blogs seem like a dying medium nowadays so share any interesting blogs you come across on the internet new or old.

I found this one by chance called "eli's japan blog" which is about detailing their life in Japan. The one thing interesting post I came across was this one called "Yotsuba&! Exhibition of Original Manga Drawings" and the interesting part about it is the interactive part where people were invited to draw their own version Yotsuba's face and then have it put on the wall for everyone to see which man I wish some of these were circulating around imageboards as reaction images or something.
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Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 2:34:27 PM 3 months ago No. 3838
I like how they show you the actual art tools used to produce the manga, and random objects used as inspiration. I think that might bd a nice place to visit one day.

Nico Nico All-Star (Nico Nico Douga Community) Anonymous Fri 29/11/2024 4:36:00 AM 4 months ago No. 3786
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This thread is for discussing and sharing videos that focus on Nico Nico Douga's community or the platform itself. Such videos typically feature tags like ニコニコオールスター (Nico Nico All-Star) which is a tag used for videos that prominently showcase popular characters, inside jokes, cultural references, and other elements iconic to Nico Nico Douga.ニコニコオールスターニコニコオールスター
To clarify, it's not just for videos found on the site, but for videos that reflect on the site itself, as well as videos purely about Nico Nico Douga as a platform or website.

[Hyadain - Me, Myself, and NicoNico Douga (ぼくとわたしとニコニコ動画)] I would heavily encourage to read the description of both the English translation uploaded to Youtube and the nico nico article. [Play]
When I read this part I burst out a bit in laughter.
At the Nico Nico Conference, the song was performed as the second-to-last piece, sung by all the live performers. It was Hyadain’s first appearance at the event and his first time singing in front of an audience in a while. He handled the rap and male vocal parts solo, energizing the climax of the live show. During this performance, Hyadain filled in the 「○○○○」 part of the lyrics with "Gachimuchi," confirming it was the correct intended lyric.
Anonymous Fri 29/11/2024 4:37:30 AM 4 months ago No. 3787
(90.69 MB 1280x720 00:05:43)
[BEAT-NICONICO-WORLD] (Yeah I know the author prohibits reproduction outside of nico nico.) [Play] (Need Japanese VPN to find.)
I'd say that this is probably one of the most important videos to nico nico as it was voted as the best Hesei Era 音MAD.
The results were calculated by combining the first-round votes using Nico Nico Douga’s Mylist system and the second-round votes conducted via Google Forms.
For deleted videos, their original video, reposted versions, and modified versions (e.g., for deletion countermeasures) were all consolidated and counted as a single vote.
The rank assigned to each video by voters was averaged (only when explicitly provided).
In cases where videos had the same total vote count, this average rank value was used to determine the order.
(If both the vote count and average rank were identical, the videos were ranked in ascending order by their “sm” number.)
Within this sheet, uploader names are, as a rule, taken from the account that originally posted the video.
Accounts that were deleted at the time of aggregation have been grayed out.
Nico Nico Chart was used to help identify uploader names.
The numbers for video titles, uploader names, views, comments, and Mylist counts are as of October 14, 2019, at around 7:00 PM.

I am planning on maybe translating this video some time soon although I can't imagine how much time it would take up.
Anonymous Wed 04/12/2024 3:30:20 AM 3 months ago No. 3812
Rewatching this I'm really glad that it was just in time when the niconico community was finished for, and all otaku media post 2019 being centered around being a shitty orbiter for virtual youtubers and such. I just wish the foreigners on platform were never acknowledged but other than that it truly is like watching one of the ends to what made the Japanese internet so good. If only there was more gate-keeping to prevent such a thing from happening but with the new generation, overseas influences, and cut ties to the BBS origins, all of it was lost anyways. Not to say it was flawless after the golden era, but it was something special nonetheless.

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