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Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow? Anonymous Tue 18/02/2025 12:02:33 AM 1 month ago No. 4189
(18.58 KB 255x191 )
Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow?

Hopefylly 4chan will offer this feature at some point, but in the mean time I created a webapp that lets you play 4chan videos one after another. Try it out here:

Simply add 4chan thread URLs (e.g., /gif) – as many as you want. The web app will automatically play all the MP4 videos it finds in a seamless slideshow.
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Anonymous Tue 18/02/2025 4:08:13 AM 1 month ago No. 4190
I never thought of this, sounds like a good idea.
Anonymous Tue 18/02/2025 2:17:34 PM 1 month ago No. 4193
yeah I've always thought it was crazy having to click on every video! this is needed

white whale Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 5:03:39 PM 2 months ago No. 4014
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What are your white whales?
For the longest time since i was a child it was the videogame metal gear solid, and the x files. both of them my parents literally turned into bedtime stories about snake and agent mulder kicking ass and since then it was a major obsession to find those at yard sales. To be honest i knew we had a copy of metal gear solid in my parents storage but getting there would mean literally dumping out a ton of trash that would take ages to sort through, (we're talking about hardcore hoarders here) so it wasn't really an option and to make matters worse it probably would have been for nothing because they might have sold the damn thing without telling me. I was lucky to stumble into a flea market recently and they had nine seasons of x-files just fucking laying there, as for metal gear, i bought the metal gear solid collection and that had the game. My recent obsession is finding the original resident evil, and most importantly silent hill. I would personally like to find a vinyl copy of trench by twenty one pilots. It's a good album, dark as fuck with a pinch of zoroastrianism. The album leaned more heavily into the ongoing story that was barely hinted at in vessel and blurryface. It's a popular album i think and i don't understand why they don't sell that shit in stores.
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Anonymous Sun 02/02/2025 3:41:45 PM 1 month ago No. 4135
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I tried bringing something like that up on wizchan in 2019 all it did was picrel..
Anonymous Mon 03/02/2025 2:58:31 AM 1 month ago No. 4137
Yeah, it means you own them forever and you can dowload them any time, discs are forever.
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 2:29:14 AM 1 month ago No. 4139
I'm looking for a vhs copy of the digimon movie. It's getting harder and harder to find because the vhs stock in my area has been slowly drying up over time, or they've been increasingly shrinking their real estate. It' not like they're being destroyed, I feel like they're just being devalued by the shops. The search will continue for as long as I have hope.
Anonymous Wed 05/02/2025 1:44:06 AM 1 month ago No. 4143
Try yard sales and flea markets
Anonymous Wed 05/02/2025 5:28:43 AM 1 month ago No. 4144
That and you can search the internet regular for the item you need.

Cooking & Baking Thread Anonymous Sun 12/03/2023 7:12:55 AM 2 years ago No. 633
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We share recipes and cooking tips and tricks of all kinds itt.

Cooking is fun. I want to encourage everyone to learn how to make tasty, simple and nutritious meals.

Feel free to post pictures too. :3
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Anonymous Tue 17/09/2024 8:06:40 AM 6 months ago
(edited 0x)
No. 3412 [Play] I saw this video on Mille-feuille by Gordon Ramsay and I must say that I have never seen a more pathetic looking Mille-feuille than this. I can't imagine how bad it tastes either...
Anonymous Tue 17/09/2024 6:57:43 PM 6 months ago No. 3414
would you yell at him like he used to yell at people on hells kitchen if you had the chance?
Anonymous Sat 30/11/2024 12:29:52 AM 4 months ago No. 3791
What foods do you guys eat for thanksgiving?
Me? The regular stuff, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatos, cornbread cranberry sauce, pumkin pie, corn on the cob, and ham.
Anonymous Sun 02/02/2025 1:32:47 PM 1 month ago No. 4134
(2.00 MB 640x360 00:00:30)
First time cooking a Bone-In Ribeye Roast.
>Bake at 450° for 30 minutes and then turn the heat down to 325° and cook for 80-90 minutes
>Bake at 450° for 30 minutes
>450° for 30 minutes
I put in the thermometer after 30 minutes at 450°F and 40 minutes at 325°F and you know what it said? 160°F.
And you know what it should have said according to the recipe? 110° – 115° and then another 45 minutes with the potatoes.
Apparently you can't even trust the most reviewed recipes you find on Google.
Anonymous Sun 02/02/2025 4:08:15 PM 1 month ago No. 4136
Just wanted to point out that this is a damn good recipie for mayo. Easy as fuck to make, maybe 3 minutes to whip up. I use a hand blender.

Comic books and Graphic novels Anonymous Tue 18/07/2023 5:24:38 AM 1 year ago No. 1159
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This thread is for Comic books and graphic novels. I The genre doesn't matter, and The discussion doesn't have to be just about superhero comics. (Although tainted nowadays I don't think that particular genre is over). Also, Anime and manga belong on /a/.
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Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 10:37:33 PM 2 months ago No. 3985
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The final tf2 comic was released last month. It's a fantastic conclusion to a storyline that's been going since 2013, maybe earlier if you count update comics. Many people were saying the last comic would never come so it's a great Smissmass present. These comics are phenomenal and the conclusion is PERFECT and so damn cathartic. You don't need to have played tf2 to appreciate but watch Meet the Team if for some horrible reason you haven't yet. Great sense of humour but still hits all the emotional notes.
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 3:20:19 PM 2 months ago No. 3991
Why was there such a gap in release of the comics? Also why quit now?
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 6:01:46 AM 2 months ago No. 4070
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Dammit after finding this i was a fool not to post it when i saw it the first time. This was the third time kitty pride in the xmen comics called someone a nigger no joke it's totally canon and funny as fuck.
Anonymous Tue 28/01/2025 4:32:22 PM 2 months ago No. 4122
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I read the Steve Lichman comic. It goes downhill into the bitter ravings of a nerd that never got over getting bullied in high school for taking his Gundams to school but the first ones have soul and I screenshotted this panel in case some day a retard walks up to me talking about how 4chan is actually good now
Anonymous Tue 28/01/2025 4:45:11 PM 2 months ago No. 4123
>unless you can unfuck that girl, its over god dammit

I will now read this webcomic, first issue was funny.

Japanese Imageboard Spelunking Anonymous Tue 15/08/2023 4:59:40 AM 1 year ago No. 3992
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Take a deep dive with me and find some hidden treasure. No context is necessary, and there are many ways to explore these boards: You can post screenshots of threads/posts and repost whatever content you find. You can use google translate, deeply and I heard some browsers automatically translate text. There are probably more options out there.
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Anonymous Wed 04/12/2024 6:56:17 PM 3 months ago No. 4009
Why would anyone post anything other than their 100% sincere and, more importantly, truthful opinions online? Irony is a poison.
Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 12:36:55 AM 3 months ago No. 4010
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Magnificent painting
Anonymous Sat 07/12/2024 3:48:52 PM 3 months ago No. 4011
Random Translation Notes: "Neomugicha" is the perpretator of the Nishitetsu Bus Hijacking Incident in 2000 and >>1396's post has Hiroyuki's quote on his first media appearance regarding the incident:ネオむぎ茶.
Terminology and AA characters:
ROM (Read Only Member - Lurker)
DOM (Download Only Member) a user who only downloads files but never contributes by uploading or sharing.
オマエモナーお前もな (Mona was created to reply with a literal "You too."モナー)
Also the original flash file name was "tokyo.sfw" but I looked through all possible search engines and can't find a single working link or archive:

Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!
Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!
Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!
Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!

Hikikomori cries out expressing their inner voices through text: I'm so depressed, I should just die!
-> "What about you?" "What about you?"
People like them gather in this quiet corner and pretend to be friends.
-> "You too, you too!" "You too, you too!"
Misfits unable to blend into society, hididing behind anonymity to talk big.
-> "They sure do! They sure do!"
They’re just bystanders who keep tossing out petty complaints, unbearably annoying anonymous nobodies, shouting.
-> "Check it out yo!" "Check it out yo!"

Ultra ultra ultra, super excellent. Ultra ultra ultra ultra, super excellent.
Ultra ultra ultra, super excellent. Ultra ultra ultra ultra, super excellent.
Ultra ultra ultra, super trash threads. Ultra ultra ultra ultra, super trash threads.
Ultra ultra ultra, super trash threads. Ultra ultra ultra ultra, super trash threads.

age, sage, yes men (or samefags (・∀・) (?)), and Namefags, you can go die!
Zonu (ぞぬ) Giko (ギコ) Neomugicha (ネオ麦茶) trolls and agitators, you can go die!
Lurkers, download only members, spoon fed types, and insistent crazies, you can go die!
Right wingers, left wingers, reckless biker gangs, and DQN, you can go die!


Engaging in samefagging to promote yourself, but when caught, you pretend to know nothing.
-> "What about you?" "What about you?"
Without a proper proxy, your IP will get exposed and linked for the whole world to see!
-> "To the world, GO! To the world, GO!"
Repeatedly copy and pasting spam, ready for the browser to crash, acting all tough and posting your email.
-> "Reckless aren't you..."
Pretending to be a woman and persistently fishing for serious replies:
-> "You're so annoying!" "Are you just trolling?"

Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!
Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!
Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!
Tokyo Underground (LOL) Hey you!
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 5:20:10 AM 2 months ago No. 4012
Looking at some of these videos I am constantly reminded of how a lot of stuff that people thought originated on 4chan came originally from futaba-channel but then lost its context over the way to 4chan.
Anonymous Sat 25/01/2025 11:58:00 AM 2 months ago No. 4107
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Password Anonymous Sat 25/01/2025 7:55:06 AM 2 months ago No. 4106
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How can I find a leaked Hotmail password on tor?
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Travel Anonymous Thu 23/01/2025 4:01:01 PM 2 months ago No. 4099
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How far have you traveled? Any cool places you found or discoveries you made?
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Anonymous Fri 24/01/2025 4:12:18 AM 2 months ago No. 4101
The furthest I've traveled was Canada. Canada was not particularly interested because Canada just seemed like America to me. I was not in Canada long enough to notice anything of note. Canada is still North America so there will be a lot of similarities.
Anonymous Fri 24/01/2025 5:00:47 AM 2 months ago No. 4102
Thats funny because i had the same problem for the most part
"well damn this is just like home"
To be honest though 90% of the traveling i do (which is only in state) is for serious reasons instead of fun. I think it would be diffrent if i found something cool to see of do.
Anonymous Sat 25/01/2025 5:55:25 AM 2 months ago No. 4104
I think visiting nature is more interesting than visiting urban areas because an awful lot of urban areas are similar with differences here and there. The scenic areas of a location show off the uniqueness of an area.

Caturday Thread Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 5:07:19 PM 2 years ago No. 70
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"i has risen"
Its caturday, post and discuss cats.
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Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:45:11 AM 2 months ago No. 3964
is he feeling ok now? did he shake off the trama?
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 2:55:53 AM 2 months ago No. 4075
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someone remake this thread tomorrow before I forget
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 3:06:58 AM 2 months ago No. 4077
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No, mew.
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 5:25:42 AM 2 months ago No. 4078
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Do it right meow anon!
Anonymous Sat 01/03/2025 4:00:46 PM 1 month ago No. 4247
Why does my cat run off when I notice him?

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